SAE J 1746-1999 ISP-Vehicle Location Referencing Standard《ISP-车辆定位参考标准》.pdf

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1、SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirelyvoluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefro

2、m, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS http:/www.s

3、ae.orgCopyright 1999 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.SURFACEVEHICLE400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001STANDARDSubmitted for recognition as an American National StandardJ1746ISSUEDDEC1999Issued 1999-12ISP-Vehicle Location Referencing Standard1.

4、 ScopeThis SAE Standard is intended to be used for the communication of spatial data references betweencentral sites and mobile vehicles on roads. References can be communicated from central site to vehicles, orfrom vehicles to central sites. The document may also be used where appropriate by other

5、ITS applicationsrequiring location references between data sets.2. References2.1 Applicable PublicationsThe following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specifiedherein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest version of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1 SAE PUBLICATIONSAva

6、ilable from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J2374Location Referencing Message Specification2.1.2 ISO PUBLICATIONSAvailable from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.ISO 8824-1:1995Information technologyAbstract syntax notation one (ASN.1): Specification of ba

7、sicnotationISO8824-2:1995Information technologyAbstract syntax notation one (ASN.1): Information objectspecification2.2 Related PublicationsThe following publications are provided for information purposes only and are not arequired part of this document.2.2.1 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AN

8、D TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS (AASHTO) PUBLICATIONSAvailable from AASHTO, Suite 225, 444 N. Capital St. NW, Washington, DC 20001.GIS-T 95 Reinterpreting the Location Referencing Problem: A Protocol ApproachProceedings,Geographic Information Systems for Transportation Symposium (GIS-T)Reno, NV, April 3-

9、5, 1995,Goodwin, C., S. Gordon, and D. Siegel.SAE J1746 Issued DEC1999-2-2.2.2 FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION DOCUMENTSAvailable from U.S. DOT, FHWA, Office of Safety andTraffic Operations, ITS Research Division, HSR 10, 6300 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101.Task A: Spatial Data Interoperability Pr

10、otocol For ITS ProjectLocation Reference ProtocolRequirements, December 29, 1995, Goodwin, C., Siegel, D., and Gordon, S.Task B: Spatial Data Interoperability Protocol For ITS Project Location Reference Message ProtocolPreliminary Specification, February 29, 1996, Goodwin, C., Siegel, D., and Gordon

11、, S.Task B: Spatial Data Interoperability Protocol For ITS Project Location Reference MessageSpecification: Final Design, June 28, 1996, Goodwin, C., Siegel, D., and Gordon, S.Task B: Spatial Data Interoperability Protocol for ITS Project Location Reference Message Specification:Revision A, Septembe

12、r 18, 1996, Goodwin, C., Siegel, D., and Gordon, S.Task B: Spatial Data Interoperability Protocol for ITS Project Location Reference Message Specification:Revision B (MDI), May 22, 1997, Goodwin, C., Siegel, D., and Gordon, S.Task C: Spatial Data Interoperability Protocol For ITS Project The ITS Dat

13、um Preliminary Data Structureand Content, February 25, 1996, Siegel, D., Goodwin, C., and Gordon, S.Task C: Spatial Data Interoperability Protocol For ITS Project ITS Data Final Design Report, June 28,1996, Siegel, D., Goodwin, C., and Gordon, S.Task A3: Nationwide Map Database and Location Referenc

14、ing System Project Functional Requirementsfor National Map Databases for ITS, December 31, 1994, Goodwin, C., Xiong, D., and Gordon, S.Task B3: Nationwide Map Database and Location Referencing System Project Technical Requirementsfor National Map Databases for ITS, July 31, 1995, Goodwin, C., and Go

15、rdon, S.Task F1: Nationwide Map Database and Location Referencing System Project Recommendation forLocation Referencing for ITS, December 31, 1994, Goodwin, C., Gordon, S., and Xiong, D. 2.2.3 INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS (IEEE) DOCUMENTSAvailable from IEEE CustomerService, 445

16、Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331.1489:1999Standard for Data Dictionaries for Intelligent Transportation Systems2.2.4 INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SOCIETY (ITS) OF AMERICA DOCUMENTSAvailable from ITS America, 400Virginia Avenue, SW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20024-2730.Standard Locatio

17、n (SLR) System: Road Name ID Scheme Proceedings of the ITS America AnnualMeeting, 1994, Ramakrishnan, R., C. Collier, and D. BehrU.S. National Architecture Program documents on world-wide web - http:/ NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (NIST) DOCUMEN

18、TAvailable from NIST, FIPS PUB 173,U.S. Government Printing Office, National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Commerce,Springfield VA 22161.FIPS PUB 173 Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS), 19922.2.6 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY DOCUMENTSAvailable from Oak Ridge National Laborator

19、y, Center forTransportation Analysis, Oak Ridge, TN 37831.Location Referencing for ITS White Paper prepared for Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the NationalITS Architecture Program, Goodwin, C.The Location Reference Message Protocol for ITS Applications White Paper Prepared for NationwideMap Datab

20、ase and Location Referencing System Project, Goodwin, C., and Xiong, D.SAE J1746 Issued DEC1999-3-2.2.7 TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD PUBLICATIONAvailable from Transportation Research Board, 2101Constitution Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20418.Transportation Research Circular 412 Primer on Intelligent Veh

21、icle Highway Systems, 19932.2.8 UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PUBLICATIONAvailable from US Geological Survey, U.S. GovernmentPrinting Office, Washington, DC 20402.U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1048 An Enhanced Digital Line Graph Design, 19892.2.9 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ORGANIZATIONMembers of th

22、e ISO maintain registers of currently valid ISO/IECInternational Standards. For the USA, the member of ISO is the American National Standards Institute(ANSI), which may be contacted at 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, New York 10036.ISO 8825-1:1995Information technologyASN.1 Encoding rules

23、: Specification of basic encoding rules(BER), canonical encoding rules (CER) and distinguished encoding rules (DER)ISO 8825-2:1995Information technologyASN.1 Encoding rules: Specification of packed encodingrules (PER)ISO/IEC 6709Standard representation of latitude longitude and altitude for geograph

24、ic points2.2.10 U.S.NATIONAL IMAGERY AND MAPPING AGENCY, WASHINGTON, D.C., WORLD GEODETIC SYSTEM 84 (WGS84)3. Definitions3.1 AltitudeElevation above or below a reference datum, as defined in FIPSPUB 70-1 (NIST, 1992); the z-valuein a spatial address. 3.2 CoordinatesPairs of numbers expressing horizo

25、ntal distances along orthogonal axes; alternatively, tripletsof numbers measuring horizontal and vertical distances. (NIST, 1992)3.3 DatumA set of parameters and control points used to accurately define the three-dimensional shape of theEarth (e.g., as an ellipsoid). The corresponding datum is the b

26、asis for a planar coordinate system. (MnDOT1993)3.4 Geodetic DatumA mathematical model of the Earths shape. (Krzanowski et al, 1993) A geometric set offive quantities which serves as a locational reference or base for other quantities. The five quantities are thelatitude and longitude of an initial

27、point, the azimuth of a line from this point and two constants necessary todefine the terrestrial spheroid. (MnDOT 1993)3.5 Information Service Provider (ISP)In the context of the LRMS, a public or private entity which may beresponsible for gathering, fusing, analyzing, and/or reporting transportati

28、on related information to users,including vehicles and non-mobile users.3.6 JunctionA collection of more than one node that represents a logical feature, such as a complexintersection. (Shuman, 1993)3.7 LinkA topological connection between two nodes. A link may contain additional intermediate coordi

29、nates(shape points) to better represent the shape of curved features (Shuman, 1993). A link may be directed byordering its nodes.3.8 Link Identifiers (or Link-ID)An identifier assigned to a link. Link-IDs may be arbitrary, or may be assignedby convention to assure that multiple occurrences of the sa

30、me ID will not occur within one network or within theuniverse of similar networks or databases.SAE J1746 Issued DEC1999-4-3.9 Location Referencing SystemSystem of determining the position of an entity relative to other entities or tosome external frame of reference. 3.10 Measured DistanceCumulative

31、distance measured along a road centerline from a reference node. 3.11 NAD (North American Datum)The official reference ellipsoid used for the primary geodetic network inNorth America. (MnDOT 1993) 3.12 NAD27 (North American Datum 1927)Geodetic datum defined by the geographic position of triangulatio

32、nstation Meades Ranch and the azimuth from that station to station Waldo on the Clarke spheroid of 1866.(MnDOT 1993)3.13 NAD83 (North American Datum 1983)Geodetic datum defining an Earth-fitting ellipsoid and for relatingexisting coordinate systems to the Earths center of mass. It is based on both s

33、atellite and terrestrial data usedin developing the Geodetic Reference System of 1980 and later the World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS-84). This improved Earth-centered model slightly changes the latitude and longitude of almost every point inNorth America with respect to the earlier NAD27 datum. (M

34、nDOT 1993) 3.14 Node (0-cell)A topologically significant point, such as a simple intersection of roadways or other linearfeatures, or an endpoint of such a feature. (Shuman, 1993) 3.15 Node Identifier (or Node-ID)An identifier assigned to a node. Node-IDs may be arbitrary, or may beassigned by conve

35、ntion to assure that multiple occurrences of the same ID will not occur within one network orwithin the universe of similar networks or databases.3.16 Reference EllipsoidThe mathematical model of the Earth used in geodetic computations. (Krzanowski etal, 1993)3.17 Reference NodeA node with respect t

36、o which distance measurements are made. In the ISP-Vehicle profile,Reference Nodes are simple intersection or endpoint nodes. 3.18 TopologyThe logical relationships among map features in a digital base map. It can be used to characterizespatial relationships such as connectivity and adjacency. 3.19

37、World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS-84)An earth-centered global reference frame, including an earthmodel, based on satellite and terrestrial data. It contains primary parameters that define the shape, angularvelocity, and the earth mass of an earth ellipsoid, and secondary parameters that define a gr

38、avity model of theearth. Primary parameters are used to derive latitude-longitude coordinates (horizontal datum). Secondaryparameters are used for determining the orbits of GPS navigation satellites and define a coarse vertical datum;therefore WGS-84 is a complete geodetic system. EGM-96 is a refine

39、d model established in 1996.4. The Cross-Streets Method of Location Referencing4.1 The Cross-Streets ProfileThe Cross-Streets method of Location Referencing is based on the Cross-Streets Profile in the Location Referencing Message Specification Information Report, SAE J2374. The Cross-Streets Profil

40、e uses intersecting (crossing) streets to identify nodes and is illustrated in Figure 1. Up to threestreet names may be used, called the on name, the from name, and the to name. Offsets from theintersection of on and from streets are used to identify point and segment locations on the link defined b

41、yon, from, and to. Inclusion of two streets is required to identify an intersection. Adding a third street (i.e.,two intersections along the same road) identifies the specific road segment and extent of a position along aroad. SAE J1746 Issued DEC1999-5-FIGURE 1THE CROSS-STREETS REFERENCING METHOD4.

42、2 The Standard ISP-Vehicle Location Referencing FormatThe Standard Location Referencing Formatemphasizes coordinates of the intersections, rather than street names. A standard location reference passescoordinates of the centerline intersection of streets, supplemented by street names when available

43、to resolvecoordinate ambiguities. The format applies to simple street centerline intersections only; complex intersectionscan be built up from a set of such simple references but are not specified in this Standard. The StandardLocation Referencing Format is given in Table 1. A non-normative ASN.1 re

44、presentation is provided inAppendix A , and examples of encoding are provided in Appendix B.4.3 The Standard Location Referencing Format Data Elements4.3.1 ON STREET BYTE COUNTThe number of ASCII characters that will be used to convey the on street namein the reference. 4.3.2 FROM STREET BYTE COUNTT

45、he number of ASCII characters that will be used to convey the from streetname in the reference. 4.3.3 TO STREET BYTE COUNTThe number of ASCII characters that will be used to convey the to street name inthe reference. 4.3.4 ON STREET NAMEA stream of ASCII characters comprising the on street name, of

46、size On Street ByteCount. On Street Name is a free-form character expression of a street name, including any type, prefix, orsuffix information. It is expected that heuristics will be applied in software at the receiving side of a transferto interpret and compare street name information between data

47、sets. Consistent use of street namingconventions in data sets will reduce ambiguity in street name transfers. 4.3.5 FROM STREET NAMEA stream of ASCII characters comprising the from street name, of size From StreetByte Count. From Street Name is a free-form character expression of a street name, incl

48、uding any type,prefix, or suffix information. It is expected that heuristics will be applied in software at the receiving side of atransfer to interpret and compare street name information between datasets. Consistent use of streetnaming conventions in data sets will reduce ambiguity in street name

49、transfers. SAE J1746 Issued DEC1999-6-4.3.6 TO STREET NAMEA stream of ASCII characters comprising the to street name, of size To Street ByteCount. To Street Name is a free-form character expression of a street name, including any type, prefix, orsuffix information. It is expected that heuristics will be applied in software at the receiving side of a transferto interpret and compare street name information between datasets. Consistent use of street namingconventions in


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