1、SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirelyvoluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefro
2、m, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.Copyright 2002 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. No part of this
3、 publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (o
4、utside USA)Fax: 724-776-0790Email: custsvcsae.orgSAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/www.sae.orgSURFACEVEHICLERECOMMENDEDPRACTICEJ2711ISSUEDSEP2002Issued 2002-09Recommended Practice for Measuring Fuel Economy and Emissionsof Hybrid-Electric and Conventional Heavy-Duty VehiclesForewordMajor advancements in electr
5、ic drivetrain technology and system integration have led to increasedinterest in hybrid-electric drive systems for both light-duty and heavy-duty vehicle applications. Hybrid-electricvehicles (HEVs) combine powertrain elements of conventional vehicles and electric vehicles (EVs), offeringreduced fue
6、l consumption and lower exhaust emissions. A growing number of companies are developing andbeginning to supply commercial hybrid-electric drive products to the truck and bus markets. There are alreadysignificant numbers of heavy-duty HEVs in service, and deployment of heavy-duty hybrids will likely
7、growdramatically over the next few years.One challenge for the successful commercial introduction of heavy-duty HEVs is the absence of a broadlyapplicable and widely accepted procedure for measuring heavy-duty HEV exhaust emissions and fuel economy. The SAE Truck and Bus Hybrid and Electric Vehicle
8、Committee and the Northeast Advanced Vehicle Consortium(NAVC) Hybrid Transit Bus Certification Workgroup collaborated on development of a heavy-duty HEV chassistesting protocol, based on SAE J1711, the light duty HEV chassis protocol. The NAVC Workgroup was comprisedof transit operators, bus manufac
9、turers, hybrid system developers, engine manufacturers, environmentaladvocacy groups, industry associations, and federal and California regulators. This recommended practice drawsfrom a large body of test data collected by West Virginia University on its transportable chassis dynamometer onboth hybr
10、id and conventional heavy-duty vehicles. In addition, the Workgroup received input from the other majorchassis dynamometer testing laboratories in the U.S.This document should be viewed as a starting point for standardizing heavy-duty HEV testing. Heavy-duty HEVsare still a relatively new technology
11、. Over the next several years, hybrid-electric systems will be evolving, andmany new types of hybrid drive systems may become commercially available. It is likely, therefore, that thistesting protocol will need to be revisited and, possibly, revised, as the heavy-duty HEV industry matures.SAE J2711
12、Issued SEP2002-2-TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Scope22. References .33. Definitions and Terminology .44. State of Charge Charge-Sustaining Hybrid-Electric Vehicles 55. Driving Cycles and Routes .86. Test Preparations . 117. Test Procedure . 158. Charge-Depleting Hybrid-Electric Vehicles.20Appendix A Drive Cyc
13、les Data . 221. ScopeThis SAE Recommended Practice was established to provide an accurate, uniform and reproducibleprocedure for simulating use of heavy-duty hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs) and conventional vehicles ondynamometers for the purpose of measuring emissions and fuel economy. Although the
14、 recommendedpractice can be applied using any driving cycle, the practice recommends three cycles: the Manhattan cycle,representing low-speed transit bus operation; the Orange County Transit Cycle, representing intermediate-speed bus operation; and the Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS) cycle
15、 representing high-speedoperation for buses and tractor-trailers. This document does not specify which emissions constituents tomeasure (e.g., HC, CO, NOx, PM, CO2), as that decision will depend on the objectives of the tester. While therecommended practice was developed specifically to address the
16、issue of measuring fuel economy andemissions for hybrid-electric heavy-duty vehicles on a chassis dynamometer, the document can also beapplied to chassis testing of other heavy-duty vehicles.This document builds upon SAE J1711, the light-duty HEV chassis recommended practice. As in SAE J1711,this do
17、cument defines a hybrid vehicle as having both a rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) capableof releasing and capturing energy and an energy-generating device that converts consumable fuels intopropulsion energy. RESS specifically included in the recommended practice are batteries, capacitors a
18、ndflywheels, although other RESS can be evaluated utilizing the guidelines provided in the document. Further,the recommended practice provides a detailed description of state of charge (SOC) correction for charge-sustaining HEVs. This document also has a section which provides recommendations for ca
19、lculating fueleconomy and emissions for charge-depleting hybrid-electric vehicles. It should be noted that most heavy-dutyvehicles addressed in this document would be powered by engines that are certified separately for emissions.The engine certification procedure appears in the Code of Federal Regu
20、lations, Title 40.NOTE This document does not make specific provisions or recommendations for testing of bus and truckemissions with air conditioning deployed because the complexity of such tests is significant and isbeyond the scope of the original document. It is recognized that a future practice
21、that addresses airconditioning and other potentially large auxiliary loads is needed. SAE J2711 Issued SEP2002-3-1.1 Requirements Used to Develop the Recommended PracticeThis document was developed to allow forthe fair, representative, repeatable and accurate testing of heavy-duty vehicles so that d
22、irect comparisons canbe made between hybrid-electric and conventional vehicles. To meet this goal, the following guidelines havebeen followed:a. This document will provide a recommended practice to measure emissions and fuel economy of anytype of conventional and HEV design including charge depletin
23、g and charge sustaining. b. Where applicable, driver selectable modes may be evaluated (e.g., turning off regenerative brakingand evaluating air conditioning influences).c. The use of the existing chassis test cycles provided with this document is highly recommended, butthis document allows for the
24、creation or adjustment of test cycles to better represent the vehicles in-use application.d. Testing shall not require defeating or otherwise forcing a vehicles control system to perform differentlyfrom the way in which it would perform in use (potential exceptions include antilock brakes, tractionc
25、ontrol and other systems that may affect dynamometer testing). 2. References2.1 Applicable PublicationsThe following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specifiedherein. Unless otherwise specified, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1 SAE PUBLICATIONSAvaila
26、ble from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096, and on itswebsite (http:/www.sae.org):SAE J1634Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption and Range Test ProcedureSAE J1711Recommended Practice for Measuring the Exhaust Emissions and Fuel Economy of Hybrid-Electric VehiclesSAE J2263Road Load Meas
27、urement Using On-Board Anemometry And Coastdown TechniquesSAE J2264Chassis Dynamometer Simulation Of Road Load Using Coastdown TechniquesClark, N. N., Xie, W., Gautam, M., Lyons, D., Norton, P. and Balon, T., “Hybrid Diesel-Electric Heavy DutyBus Emissions: Benefits of Regeneration and Need for Stat
28、e of Charge Correction,” SAE Paper 2000-01-2955, 2000McKain, D.L., Clark, N.N., Balon, T.H., Moynihan, P.J., Lynch, S.A. and Webb, T.C., “Characterization ofEmissions from Hybrid and Conventional Transit Buses,” SAE Fuels Certification and Test Procedure2.1.3 ASTM P UBLICATIONSAvailable from ASTM, 1
29、00 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.ASTM D 240-02Standard Test Method for Heat of Combustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels by BombCalorimeterASTM D 4809-00Standard Test Method for Heat of Combustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels by BombCalorimeter (Precision Method)SAE J2711 Issued SE
30、P2002-4-3. Definitions3.1 BatteryA device that stores chemical energy and releases electrical energy.3.2 Battery C/3 Current RateThe constant current (Ampere-hours) at which the battery can be discharged fromits rated Ampere-hour capacity in three hours to its manufacturers recommended minimum. Batt
31、erymanufacturers typically provide ratings from C/1 to C/6. These ratings have no direct impact on thisrecommended practice.3.3 Battery Depth of Discharge (DOD)The percentage of rated capacity to which a cell/battery is discharged.State of charge (SOC) % + DOD% = 100%.3.4 Battery Rated Ampere-Hour C
32、apacityThe manufacturer-rated capacity of a battery in Ampere-hoursobtained from a battery discharged at the manufacturers recommended discharge rate (C/1 to C/6) such that aspecified minimum cut-off terminal voltage is reached.3.5 Battery State of Charge (SOC)Based on the actual measured energy con
33、tent of a battery and expressedas a percentage of the batterys maximum rated Ampere hour (Ah) capacity.3.6 CapacitorA device that stores energy electrostatically and releases electrical energy.3.7 Capacitor State of Charge (SOC)Based on the actual measured energy content of a capacitor andexpressed
34、as a percentage of the capacitors maximum rated voltage squared (V2).3.8 Charge-Depleting HEVA type of HEV that is designed to be recharged off-board under normal usage. 3.9 Charge-Sustaining HEVThe charge-sustaining HEV derives all of its energy from on board fuel undernormal usage. Over a short pe
35、riod of time charge-sustaining hybrid-electric vehicles may be either chargedepleting or charge increasing. The definition means that that in the long term (24 hours) a RESS charge issustained. The document includes provisions for calculating SOC corrections in the short term that reflectemissions f
36、rom the vehicle as if it was charge sustaining in the short term.3.10 Consumable FuelAny solid, liquid, or gaseous material that releases energy and is depleted as a result. 3.11 Electromechanical FlywheelA device that stores rotational kinetic energy and can release that kineticenergy to an electri
37、c motor-generator system, thereby producing electrical energy.3.12 Electromechanical Flywheel State of Charge (SOC)Based on the actual measured energy content of anelectromechanical flywheel and expressed as a percentage of the flywheels maximum-rated revolutions perminute squared (rpm2).3.13 Hybrid
38、-Electric Vehicle (HEV)A road vehicle that can draw propulsion energy from both of the following on-vehicle sources of stored energy: (a) one consumable fuel and (b) one RESS that is recharged by an on-boardelectric generating system and/or an off-board charging system or power supply.3.14 Net Energ
39、y Change (NEC)The net change in energy level of an RESS expressed in Joules (watt-seconds)3.15 Propulsion EnergyEnergy that is derived from the vehicles consumable fuel and/or rechargeable energystorage system to drive the wheels. If an energy source is supplying energy only to vehicle accessories (
40、e.g.,a 12 V battery on a conventional vehicle), it is not acting as a source of propulsion energy.3.16 Propulsion System A system that, when started, provides propulsion for the vehicle in an amountproportional to what the driver commands. SAE J2711 Issued SEP2002-5-3.17 Regenerative BrakingDecelera
41、tion of the vehicle caused by operating an electric motor-generator system,thereby returning energy to the vehicle propulsion system and providing charge to the RESS or to operate on-board auxiliaries.3.18 Rechargeable Energy Storage System (Ress)A component or system of components that stores energ
42、yand for which its supply of energy is rechargeable by an electric motor-generator system, an off-vehicle electricenergy source, or both. Examples of RESS for HEVs include batteries, capacitors, and electromechanicalflywheels.3.19 State of ChargeSee “Battery state of charge”.3.20 Total Fuel EnergyTh
43、e total energy content of the fuel in British Thermal Units (Btu) or kWh consumedduring a test as determined by carbon balance or other acceptable method and calculated based on the lowerheating value of the fuel.4. State of Charge Charge-Sustaining Hybrid-Electric VehiclesWhen a conventional vehicl
44、e completes achassis test, the energy provided by the combustion engine is equal to the total energy necessary to completethe cycle, and this value is consistent from test run to test run. There is no energy storage on board the vehicleother than consumable fuel, and no need for state of charge (SOC
45、) correction.In an HEV, however, a significant amount of motive energy is stored on board the vehicle within the RESS, andthe vehicle may remove or add energy to this energy reservoir during a relatively short period of time. In orderto compare the emission results of an HEV to a conventional vehicl
46、e, the data from the HEV must be correctedso that the net change in RESS energy is essentially zero (i.e., all of the energy and emissions are essentiallyprovided by the APU).This document does allow for some level of tolerance between the initial SOC and final SOC to avoidcorrecting data that is al
47、ready effectively at a net zero change in energy level. A determination of 1% or lessnet change in stored energy when compared to total cycle energy expended is within tolerance levels and doesnot require SOC correction calculations in determining fuel economy and emissions. If the percent change in
48、net energy change (NEC) is greater than 1% but less than 5%, this document allows for correction ofemissions and fuel economy calculations to account for the change in energy storage if a clear relationshipbetween NEC and emissions and fuel economy can be established. This procedure is outlined in 4
49、.4. If thevehicle has a NEC greater than 5%, the collected data may not be reliably corrected and the test should beconsidered invalid. Vehicles that consistently yield net energy values of 5% on a given test cycle may followthe steps for estimating emissions as outlined in the charge-depleting section of the document (see Section 8).4.1 SOC TerminologyThe SOC of a battery, capacitor and electromechanical flywheel is defined in Section 3and calculations are outlined in 4.2. The following terms are used to distinguish the two different va