SANS 10120-2 A-1986 Code of practice for use with standardized specifications for civil engineering construction and contract documents Part 2 Project specification Section A Gener.pdf

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1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA

2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any

3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. FARS 0120 : Part 2 Sect5011 A-1986 General PART 2 : PROJECT SPECIFICATlON SECTION A Clause CONTENTS ESSENTIAL PROJECT SPBCIICATIOIJ CI.AUSES 1 ESSENTIAL

4、DATA . 1 ADDITIONAL CLAUSES . 1 General 1 Normal Projects 1 estrictions on employee accommodation . 1 . survey beacons 7 . accomodatiorl of traffic or access to properties 2 Materials to be supplied by employer . 2 Existing structures on site 4 Precaut.ions and pollution 4 . laboratory 4 .

5、Special test methods 4 . statistical analysifi 4 Bankers guarantee in lieu of retention 4 Insuxance provided by employer . 4 Schedu1e.rat.e contracts 4 . Method-related charges 5 Documentation and design requirements S Prestige Projects 5 . subeconomic Projects 5 Labour-based Projects 5 Second Revis

6、ion March 1986 This section of the code supersedes SAW 0120 : Part 2 : Section A-1982 Approved by the COUNCIL OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN IWRFAU OF STANDARDS i SADS 1200 A : GENERAL SAlG P120 : Part i section A-1986 General NOTE a) Nunbcr PSA clauses ir the sequence in which the clausus to which they relat

7、e dppear in SAl?S 1200 A. b) The clause tlumlx?r(s) given at the beginninq or after the heading of a clause s/are, tmless otherwise stated, the number(8) of the relevant clause(s) of SARS 1200 A. ESSENTIAL PRO-IECT SPECXFJCATION CLAIJSES Set out suitable clauses ill xortion 2 of the project specj ri

8、c,lI ion to provJdc essent i.11 rkurmai ion as follows: a) (Subclause 3.1) If so required, state that materials are to bear the offical standardization mark. b) (Subclause 3.1) If necessary, state that samples are to be delivered to a drsignated laboratory or other pint instead of being delivered to

9、 the site. C) (Subclause 3.3) State whether the engineers approval of the manufacturers yublished irstructios is required. d) (Subclause 5.2) Except where a standardized specification covering earthworks is applicabl, specify the minimum requirements for physical barriers and for devices for warning

10、 the public of areas of the works that are dangerous (sec below). e) (Subclause 6.2) When appropriate, state the enqineers requirements in respect of degrees of accuracy for each clement of the work covered by the specification, if Degree of Accuracy 11 is not applicable. ESSENTIAL DATA The

11、availability of certain essential data may affect the prices tendered. Except where such data have been given in the schedule or on t.he tender drawings, set out suitable clauses covering items such as the following in Portion 2 of t.he project specification: a) (Subclause 8.1.1) If any measurement

12、is not done in accordance with Civil enqinccliny quantities 1) and this is not stated elsewhere (e.g. in Clause B of an applicable standardized specification or ir, the preamble to the schedule), include a clause to cover this requirement. b) (Subclause 8.5.1) State details of the work to be done by

13、 the cont.ractor. C) (Subclause 8.5.3) State t-he purpose of each provisional sum. d) (Subclause 8.6) State any activity required of the contract-or other than to; delivery, t.o handle and to transport e) (Subclailse 8.8.4(d) set out the details of the protection to be provided or, if a tendere

14、d sum is required, specify the requirements fully. ADDITIONAL CLAUSES GENERAL. Where it is necessary to amplify or otherwise to vary the terms of SARS 1200 A to rerider them suitable for use in projects to be carried out in particular locations or uhder particular circumstances, include in Portion 2

15、 of the project specificatjon clauses dealing with matters other than those covered by Clauses 1 and 2 above. (See also Subclause 1.3 of Section A of Part 3 of the code.) NORMAL PRWIETS NOTE: To meet requirements imposed by various norms of ecollomic development, projects are classified as normal, p

16、restige, subeconomic and labour-based prolects (see Clause 4 of the Introduction to Part 3 of the code) . Restrictions on Employee Accomnlodation. If it is expected that tenders will be received from cotitractors - who do not normally work in areas subject to labour rest-rictions (see Subclause 1.2.

17、1 of Section A of Part 3 of the code), include clauses such as the following: PSA 1. CotTHcTohs CNW (Subclause 4.2) PSA 1.1 Restrictions on Employee Accomnlodation. No housing is available for the Contractors employees, arid the Contractor shall make his own arrangements to house his employees and t

18、ransport them to the site. The Ebployer w13 pjace an area of grontl of size about 1 ha at the disposal of the Contractor to enable him tu erect h+s site offices, workshops, stores and any temporary housing the Contrdctor may wish to erect for his White and Coloured personnel. The temporary housing a

19、rrd ablution facilities shall comply with the requirements of the Municipality of . The Contractors attention is drawn to the restrictions on the housing of Black personnel as set out in PSA 1.2. 1) Published by the South African nstitution of Civil Engineers, Johannesburg. SABS 0120 : Part 2 Sectio

20、n A-1906 General 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 PSA 1.2 ite Fiicilitios Required for nlack Labour. 111 addition to complying with the requirements for accommodation given in SAW 1200 AB“) the Contractor shall provide aecommodatror for his Black personnel. 3, A certain nurnLcr of beds are dt prese

21、nt available In for use by the Contrac:tors nlack employees. Addit ional temporary accommodation that complies wit h the requirements of the Administration Board of the Department of CO-opeat ion and Uevclopmen t in (state name of town) may be erected by the Contractor on a slte or sites . allotted

22、by the Board provided that he has submitted (and received approval of) an applicaticm together with fully detailed plans and specifications in quintuplicate and has stated the number of Blacks who will be housed arid the duration of such housing. %he minimum ecceptahle standard of construction will

23、be steel prtal frames covered with asbestos cement. The time within which the Contractor has undertaken to complete the contract will be deemed to include the time that will elapse between the award of tile contract and the completion of compliance with this clause. The rate for item of the schedule

24、 shall cover the cost of, and the cost of delays xesulting from, compliance,with this clause. survey Beacon?. Where it. is known that the construction of the Works will necessitair? the romoval and resiting of certain survey beacons, consider the use of the following mbclause and the inclusiorl of t

25、he necessary item in the schedule, as given below: PSA 2. SERVITUDE BEACONS PSA 2.1. New Beacons (Subclauso 5.1.2). The Employer has made the necessary application to the Surveyor General, and, notwithstanding the provisions of Subclause 5.1.2 of SARS 1200 A, will meet the costs of the resurvey by a

26、 Land Surveyor of the servitude beacons in their hew psition. The Employer will accordingly indemnify the Contractor against all costs implied in Subclouse 5.1.2 of sABs l200 A. The Contractor shall construct new beacons in accordance with Drawing in pasitions to be indicated by the Engineer. PSA 2.

27、2 _Measurement and Payment for New Beacons. Supply and erect survey beacons as shown in Drawing Unit: No. The rate shall cover all costs of manufacture of the beacons, excavation, setting up of the beacons, backfilling and disposing of surplus material. Accommodation of Traffic or Access to Properti

28、es (Subclause 5.2). Where it is necessary *.hat the contractor carry out temporary works to maint.ain the normal flow of public and private vehicular and pedestrian traffic (by means of temporary bridging, pipes, deviations and the like) during the construction of the works or of particular parts of

29、 the works, state the details of such arrangements in a suitable subclause and include the necessary item in the schedule, as given below. PSA 3 ACCOIIMODATTON OF TRAFFIC PSA 3.1 Easuremert and Payment for Accommodation of TraiG. Provide and maintain temporary structures or alternative roads/pathway

30、s between and . during the construction of IJrlit: Sum The sum shall cover the cost of dealing with the problem to the reasonable satisfaction of the occupants of the affected properties and also of the Blgineer. Materials to be Supplied by Employer - Where the employer proposes to supply certain ma

31、terials for the contract.or to use on the works he may do so by way of a) a nominated subcontract in terms of thc conditions of contract, or b) direct supply in terms of a project specification clause. The engineer may deal with the supply of materials in terms of (a) or (b) by way of a part

32、icular specification (see NOTES (a) and (b) at the end of Subclause 4.1 of the Introduction), or by way of a project specification clause. In the latter case, as the wording of the applicable clause will vary according to the nature of the materials and the manner of their supply, bear in mind the f

33、ollowing points: a) Preferably all the materials should be available at the commencement of the contract, in which event the project speciiication must identify the point of delivery as in PSA 4.2 below. In these circumstances the provisions set out in PSA 4.4 - PSA 4.7 below will be applicable. b)

34、If the materials have been ordered for delivery at a predetermined rate, details of the arrariyements, including the point(r;) of delivery, must be st.ated in the project specification. In this event FSA 4.2 and PSA 4.4 (both suitably adapted), PSA 4.5, PSA 4.6 and PSA 4.7 below will be applicable.

35、C) The program of supply will be arranged, as far as is practicable, to suit the contractorfi cun- struction program. FSA 4.1 must therefore state the program of supply arranged by the employer, and this program will form the basis of the contract and will defino the contractors liahility in respect

36、 of the program for the works. PSA 4.2, PSA 4.3 and PSA 4.4 (all suitably adapted) and IISA 4.h ,SA 4.6 and PSA 4.7 below will also be applicable. - 2) Engineers office. 3) Amend the wording of this paragraph of the subclause if SABS 1200 AN does not form part of this contract. AHS 010 : $art 7 sect

37、 ion A-19U6 General PSA 4. SUPPLY OF BY EMPLOYER PSA 4.1 Details of Materials/Goods to be Supplied by Employer (Clause 3). Notwrtlistanding any provisions of the contract in terms of which the Contractor is required to provide all materials necessary for the construction of the Works, the Employer w

38、ill supply tile materia1r:;yoods lrsted hc.10. Consequently, the Contractors obliqations under the contract shall nclude taking dclvery, the construction, completion aud naintenance of the works and the provision of all labour, mdterials (other than those that are to be supplied by the Employer and

39、are listed below), plant, tempojary works, and everything, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, rquired in and for such construction, completion and malntenance, so far as the necesbity for providing the same is specified in or reasonably to Lie inferred from the contract. 1,ist of Mnterials/

40、Goods to be Slpgl.ied by Employer PSA 4.2 Source of Supply and Point of Delivery. The materials/goods listed in PSA 4.1 above will be supplied . a) from situated at or b) under separate contract and delivered to Railway Station, or c) under separate contract and delivered direct to the Contractors s

41、tore at the Site. PsA 4.3 Program of Supply. To assist. the Employer in arranging for t-he goods to be supplied to suit the Contractors construction program, the Contractor shall submit t.o the Engineer, at agreed intervals, lists of his requirements. These lists shall be submitted at least 6 weeks

42、(or such other approved period) in advance of the date by which the goods are required. The Engineer will ascertain in advance the actual dates of delivery of consignments and will advise t.he Contractor who shall. adjust his const-ruction program as necessary to minimize any disruption of his work.

43、 PSA 4.4 Delivery a) In the event of supply being effected as specified in PSA 4.2(b) or (c), the Contractor shall, provided that appropriate due notice of dispatch has been given, be responsible for takinq immediate delivery of such goods as they arrive at the stated point or points of delivery. In

44、 conjunction with the Engineer, he shall be responsible for checking the actual deliveries against delivery notes. The Contractor shall Irom the time of taking delivery be responsible for the handling, transportation and storage of the goods and he stiall at the same time accept the risk of damage t

45、o or loss of the goods. should any goods reach the pint (S) of delivery in a damaged or an apparently damaged condition the Contractor shalL report this fact to the Engineer, and he shall, before renlovmy the ywds from the transport vehicle to avoid demurrage or similar charges, afford the Engineer

46、reasonable opportunity to inspect such damaged goods. In the case of deliveries by rail and provided that the Contractor has been advised in good time of delivery dates, the Contractor shall bear the cost of all demurrage charges made by the South African Railways Administration. b) In the event of

47、goods being supplied by the Employer from his own store, such goods will tr issued when required for incorporation in the Works. The Contractor shall obtain the tngineers prior approval of his program for taking delivery of the goods and the Contrartor shall, from the time of taking delivery, he res

48、ponsible for the handling, transportation and storage of the goods and shall at the same time accept the risk of damage to or loss of the goods. PsA 4.5 Receiptinq. On receipt of the goods, the Contractor shall issue a receipt to the Employer in an approved form. The Contractor shall accept full res

49、ponsibility for checking deliveries and ensuring that the goods supplied to him are in sound condition. The Contractors receipt will be deemed to indicale that he has satisfied himself that the goods enumerated on it are in sound condition. Unless the Contractor at the time of receipt advises the Engineer that goods have been short delivered or are defective, and obtains the Engineers approval for the Contractors taking delivery (which approval will not Le unreasonably withheld), no subsequent. claim for short deliveries


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