SANS 10120-2 AB-1986 Code of practice for use with standardized specifications for civil engineering construction and contract documents Part 2 Project specification Section AB Eng.pdf

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SANS 10120-2 AB-1986 Code of practice for use with standardized specifications for civil engineering construction and contract documents Part 2 Project specification Section AB Eng.pdf_第1页
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1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA

2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any

3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. ESSENTIAI, PRWECT SP1:CIFICATION CIAIISES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l ESSUITIAI, DATA . 1 ADDITIONAL. CLAUSE!; .

4、3 General 1 Norloal Projects Nameboards for use oil a multi-professional project . I Nanebuardr; for use outside South Africa 1 Laboratory ., 1 Survey facilities 2 Housing for ellyineers staff . 2 L)ocumett;ltion and design requi1:ements 1 Prestige Projects . 2 Subeconvinic Projects 3 Labour-borjed

5、lrojects 3 Second Revi sion Ilarch 19% This si!ction of the code super!.;c:rle!r , SAlrS 0120 : Part 2 : Sectiun AII-17133 Approved by the COUNCIl OF IiIE SOUTll AFRICAN i3lJiillhU UF :iTAEllihI?DS NOTE a) Number PSAU clauses in Portion 2 of Phe project :;jx?cificatjcx in the sequrnce in wtiicki the

6、 cldllsc to which they relate appear in SABS 1200 An. b) The clause nuner(s) qjven at the beyininrj ox after the hc-oding of a clause is/ar:c:, uilcss citli6irwisv stated, t.k 11umbrr(s1 of the relevant clause(s) of SABS l200 AI?. ESSENTIAI IHOJECP S1I:CIPICATlON CLAUSES Set out suitable clatses in

7、Portiol 2 of the 1wo:jcct cpecifjcntion to 1,rrivj.dc er;:sitl;l iiloc-if;. i i r t irlqr; tc* suit the projecl-): a) One table havinfj a workilq surfacer of at. least I,O 111 x U;75 m bnii twc Irxkablr il1,crs with keys; b) a work bench of area at least 6 n? and width at lcirst 0,0 m, lmvirlq a zno

8、tfll tcip OL tirjcht 0,9 m, and a shelf at- an approved height, rigidly suyql tcd and fixed wterr? clirrct.e,l; c) one sink of minimum size O,G 111 x 0,4 111 x 0.3 m deep tcxjetlrer wit11 ,I hwter tap, c;,:;t.w piir d;rd the necessary water :;upply, which shall be either from mains or frcm a tank OL

9、 capacity at least 1 000 f! :,U fitted as t11 vive a stnt ic water pressure at I-he tap of at least 30 km; d) two chairs; e) light inq; f) a CJ3S supply wit-h three lu.ners for Ireating and dryltry soil saniples; g) toilet. facilities for Ialordtory staff. PSAB 2.2 !it-ory kmilditry cturiny tht? con

10、tract period. The Contractor slrdll nukc available to I he cnglnecr two sultal)ly educated 1.iborllcrs t r) wr5rk 111 t llr 1abc)ratr)ry at all rtwwnnble tinirs for tlir ciuraton of IIP contract. PSAB 2.3 Pleasurement and Payment Eor I.ol)oratory Provide fully cquibyml laboratory Ilriit: Sum The rat

11、 sltal l cover t lrr cllarge:; Lvr L he provihiori of the laboratory aid t S equlj niciF. . Elaintain and st dff latroratory ilrikt Sun1 - The rate sha1.l cover the charges for riiailt dining and cltatriny the lahoratnrp, .nil fur uriiplcyinq the lalourex S. Payment will be nid L) 1 enqiieers level

12、ancl level statl; c) 2 taclleomel er st,f fs graduated notrically; d) 1 steel tape of length 30 m. The tacheomcler may by arrilnrjcnierrt. be shiirecl between the Contractor and tile I:rrqineer:? l:vrrr?senf.- at-ive, but tln remaitliiq instrunicnl-s shall be providrd for the exclusive use of thr ):

13、iiqi.recxs itepreseutative. The Contractor shall keep the equipment cmtinuously insured agairrst any Itsc., darnayr or hreakaqe, and lie shall indemnify the khyineer and the Eniployer ayahst any claims in this regard. Upon compietiori of the whole uf t.he Works, tlle ownership of tle equipment shall

14、 rr!-ert to I he Contract or. The Contrdct or shall mdintain t le equipment rn good wol hr nq order and kvrgt rt rltvm l hroqhouL the contract parlod. Housing fnr F:ngiocrs Staff. WIiere t.he contractor is required to provide ho!.siily for tlio oiijirrecr: site, givr: details of tlie type ar

15、id size of accuiu;iodation and thf: types of 1nateria.l ancl btandards of construction required, and consider iircl.udinq tht. iollowiny riyuirenlent:;: a) Eacl house shall be provided with a cold wat et supply and a sewer cmncction (01- a FFYC I mk), a car prt and a fencc (NOTE: Give dcstail s of f

16、enciriq) . L) Ari alproved r;t.orage talik of capacity tt least- . )l and at an c:/evat ioll :,urh 11s 10 provide a static hear1 of tit least ni (i.e. pressure of: at least. klii) 811d.l l h: crfrt c?d tr il fwnt interrupt.ion of the water supply. Documcntatiotr and Iesign fieq;liernerrtr Compile pr

17、oject. speciiicot-ion clausca arid scliediil items, wliezr? - - applicable, in accurdariccz with the recornmenclat.jxrs of Subclause 1.3 arid Vlnusr. 2 ui :ctinri Ali of IZrrrt .3 of the code. PRESTIGF: PROJECTS. SABS 1200 AI is not appropriate fur presf-iye project S. SAHS 0120 : Iart 2 Sectior AB-

18、I W6 hnyirieer s office 3.4 SUBECONOMIC PRO.JECTS. Consider the extent to whlclr tire fol lowinq suiclauses vf SAHS 1200 AI are necessary tor the prolect and rnclude any clauses necessary to amend or nullify them: 3.2 Office Buildirq (S) 4.1 Telephone 5.2 Engineers Oifice (S) 5.4 Telephone 8.1 Schcclulcl l tcis U. 2.1 Fixed Charyes 3.5 1,ADOUR-BASED PRIME:CTS. State which clauses and suhclauses of SAUS l200 AD will nut be applicable Lo the contract, and jn:iert appropriate alt.ernntive claushs to covrr the in a rnarlller murc: suilrid to a labour-based projecl.


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