1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA
2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any
3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. SABS 0120 : Part 2 Sectiol G-1982 Concrete (structural) PART 2 : PROJECT SPECIIIlCATlON Clause . 1 . 2 . 3 . 3.2 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6
4、3.2.7 3.2.8 3.2.9 3.2.10 3.2.11 3.2.12 3.2.13 3.2.14 3.2.15 3.2.16 3.3 3.4 ESSENTIAL PROJECT SPLCIFTCATION CLAUSES . 1 ESSENTIAL EAT?, 1 DDTTlONAL CLAUSES . 2 General 2 Normal Prujects . 2 Expansive alkali-agyregdte reaction 2 Effect of local conditions on use of ccoient and aggreyatcs 2 . Design of
5、: tolmwork over pub1.i txahsport routes 3 . Forrnwork and finishes 3 Reroovol of iurrnwork . 4 . yuality uf cuncrete and reinforcement 4 Mortar intlusion cmcrete 4 Joints . 5 Adverse weather coritlitions 5 . Water-retaining structures 5 UriformeJ. concrete surfaces 6 Concrcie in wet ground 7 Pedesta
6、ls/foundatioris and liri boits for equipment . 7 Grouting to inachine:; aid structural bedplates . 7 Tolerances 9 . . Keinforcirq bars Pieasurernent. scheduling. and rates 9 Subecanornic Projects 9 Labuur-Based Projects . 9 Flrst ltevisiori August . 1982 This section of the code supersedes SADS 0120
7、 : Part 2 : Section G-1980 Apprnved by the CUUNCII. OF Tli r. SOUTH AFRiCAN HUHEAIJ OF STANlmWS 1 SABS 0120 : idrt 2 Section ti-1982 Concrete (structural) SAUS l2OQ G : CONCI?ETE (STkecify, for each section of the work, the degree of accuracy required iri the firished structure where Degree of Accur
8、acy 11 is not app.Licdl1.e. State tolerance requirements, if any, for permissible deviations for bow, camber, twist, and for slipform concrete and yrecast concrete. l) (Subclause 7.3) When relevant (see (g) above), advise whether the test results obtained by a ready- mix production facility as part
9、of its quality control system, dre acceptable for evaluation in terms oi Subclouse 7.3 of SABS 1200 G. m) (Subclause 0.5) Provide separate schedule items for each designated joint (see Subclause 2.4.3 oi SABS l200 G) for which costructiun details are given on drawings or in the project spcc.ificatio
10、n. 1) Ayqrcgotes frum tidtural sources. SABS OIL0 : Part 2 Section G-1982 Concrete (structural) GENRRAI Whore it is ltrccssary to aaplify or otlrerwist? t.o vu y the terms suitable for use in projects tr) bc carrit?tl out in particular :watioris or under particular ci rcumstoliros, include in Portio
11、n 2 of C.hc rojcct specification clauses dealing with matters other tliall those cow-red by Clauses l and 2. NORMAL PR(I.II:CTS N(Y.rE: To meer requizencnts imposed by various noxms of ecoilomii: development, projects arc classifird as normal, prestige, sulr.cororni.c, and labour-based project:; (se
12、e Ciause 4 of Section U of Part .I of the code) . Expdnslvr A1kkll=Aydrvate l?ca:%. Where the use of locll drrrrcrates lndy lead to an eupilrrblve alkall-aggrryate reaction, , xi the ContracCox iiousr: to usc Malmrsbury hornfels, he shdll comply wztfi the followlny requxcrrurits regardxrig the cCBrn
13、cnt: a) Before commricinq any particular sectinn of the stsuciure, the Contractor shall ensure ?hat he ha:, enough rrmelit that 1s not a high aXkal cement to cvmpLetc the section. b) Certifcates stdtiny Lhe dlkali content of eidi dellvt.y of cement to tlle 51tr shall be supllr4 by the contrdctor. Tl
14、lesc certificates shall be based !XI tr,sts carried out at a laboratory np rwcd by tlw Enqmecr. Tho cost of testmy, including snml%li:ly, transporting oi samples, and ssuiny of cerlltlcates, stall be br)rne by the Contractor. c) The Contractw sh,ill bc entitled to use an approved brlid of cement +ls
15、 a moans for ensurulq that the pcrnissiblc nlhali contrnt: is not exceeded. The Cwil ictor shall m,lkc allowdlice for Lhe Fiqhcr prce of such dpprd brand, if ire chooses to me thrs nicthod. d) illyh alkalr cemcrit deliveled to the Slte shall be rejt%Led, and the cost oi. its removal ancl replacement
16、 wth cement with ar acceptable alkall cdntenl shall be borne by the Contract-r. OR PSG 1.7 Al_kd!gyrejate rwction isubclnubes 3.2 and 3.5) . Ma lmeslury hornfels (shale) shall not be used 111 con-)unctlon wth a high alkall cement but tile irdd*ton of an approved polzolan or ground blast furndcr. sla
17、y to Lower the Na 0 cquivalcnt oL the cement to below O,h 9. may Le permitted. L Effect of Lcicill Condit.iol:s nn u!;e of Cement - Spcciiy tilt- prrmissihlc storage pr-rlods 111 cert ,iiu areas by ni.;lirs of a lause suh ds +he follownrj: ISb 1.3 eLnent storage (Subclause 3.2.3). Cement shall riot
18、he kept Arr storage for iunyer tlmi . . .X. . . without. the Cnijineer :i permission. For lugh humidty areas surh ds Diirbdii X = (1 weeks For the Cpr winter rainfdll area . . . . X = 10 weeks For dry areas such as Haflkenrj . . . . . . . x = i year In certain cdses, dt-ssya conslrleratlons may makr
19、 1L necessary to lnslst that aggregates used comjll wlth the reyulrements of SABS 1083) but, -l01 many structuxcs, pastculdriy In soldtcd areas, deviatlor,s are permissible AN tlir mterrsts of economy. Keep such devdlions strxtly within the llmlts ascertalcd by an dpprod ldbnra1i)ly (see L. l(b) ahv
20、ei. h) Should t br IikrJy that aggrryate from bcaclies dnd 1.1 lkc wlll he used, includc i clause sch si, the followiny : PSG 1.4 nggreggIte from CICCI: mc1 the 11kc (Subclause 3.4) . Aygregatps from beaclirs, or drcdgcd from the sea or from rjwr ei;tuarles, or from cretaceous dcpbits, may br used r
21、uvldecl that ?hp contcnt ot chloride ion In tile agyreyate does not exct-4 Lile dppropriate 11mlts speclilcd 111 ;lrid. ilt: thickness of this lnjrer shall be slightly less than half tlre averaye least dimension of the aggregate. When the glue has set, the liners shall be placed in the forms which a
22、re tire11 ci;r.ic.retctl. Care shall bc! Lake11 to protect the liners while the concrete is placed slid compactd. Liiiers slidll he stripped not less than 3 d after the concrcte has been placed and the adhesive and snltd covcrizij the aggregate rr?moved by ccrubbi ny and washing. PSG 2.4 Applit!d I-
23、iishes (Subclause 5.2 .l) PSG 2.4.1 General,. Surfaces on which applied finishes arc to be used shall be sound, clean, and free of mould oil. Defects shall first be made good. The finish provided in each position in the Works sl.iilP1 be as ind.icated on the drawings. PSG 2.4.2 Rrnc1cxcc.l fllir:hrs
24、. He:lderr?d Llii,shes require 4 rjoocl key. Uiless otherwise directed, this - - - - - may he provided by flicking onto the previously ilked and still moist surface a slurry cf l port cement to 2 parts of sharp s,.ind. Thir; shall be left untouched apart from curing. The render coat shal i consist o
25、f l part by volumr of pxtland cemcnt, 0,s part of slaked liw ciid 4,0 to 4,5 par+.s of sand ard the thirkriess should be nut less than 5 mm and not more thml lG rm. If, because of thc rrrcqulsrty of the concrcte, a second coat ss iequrecl, the surface of tilt. first coat shall be combed with unlform
26、 wavy llnes to provide d key aEtw it has begull to harden. “he second coat may he applied the next day. PSG 2.4.3 Rcndi,rcd scrqcd f znlqhes. If a rendered scraped f nlsh 5 ordered, the rcnderlnq #,ha1 J , after t has abtamcd a biscutllke crispness, be llghtly scraped with an old tenon saw blade or
27、sllnnldr mplrmtrit to achleve the deslrcd effect. It sidl theri br llyhtly brushed and washed to remove loose pdrtlrs. PSG 2.4.4 Paint-od finishes. Painted finishes of the type designated shall be applied strictl.:; in accordance wit!i the pint manufacturers iristructiona. Vt.ry smooth surfaces shal
28、l be acid-w.:;hud and lightly sand-blasted or rubbed with abrasive stones bcforc being painted. Removal of Formwork (bdbclouse 5.2.5) -p- C6.mcnts not covered I)y Table 2 of SAW5 1200 G. Where rqulrrd or where types of cement other than thosc. -p-7 - - covered by Table 2 of SABS l200 G will be accep
29、table to the engineer, state the minimum tines rrqurrtd before formwork may lt: retnoverl. EfFe:ct oL blrstfurnl_ccmcrt md slagvrrmes tor removal. lf necessary, RILCY that thc minimum - tunes given 111 Tiblo 2 of SABS 1200 G for rmoval of iolmwork from Luncretr corltaning blastfurntc cement apply al
30、so to toricrete memhcrs made from a bleid ot equal parts of ordinary portland cement and mllled grdnulated biastfurnace slaq. Other consideratioz. Urlconventonal structural forms may rtquirc ioriyer mlnlmurn tunes tor the removal - of formwork than those set out in Subclause 5.2.5 01 SABS 12110 G an
31、d such mirlunum tlmcs may bt* deyctrdent on the sequencc of tnstsuctson. State any seclal rcyulrcmr!lts concesnsrig time and sequence, Consistency (Suhclausc State the slump limits requjred if they are not as given in labl- 3 of SABS 1200 G. (See also Subclause 3.1.7 of Section G of Part 5
32、 of the code.) Chloride content of precast concrpte (Subclausta Whcke rch steam-cured co:lcrete 1s to be used, or where stray lectric currentb or gdlvanc effects ax possble, speclly lower values tor chloride cunLeriL than thosc s11uwri in Tdlile 4 of SABS 3200 G. Placing of concrcte (Subcl
33、ause 5.5.5). llclude a cldusr such as the following to cover the use of fixing blocks: PSG 3. REINFOilCEMENT PSG 3 .l rlxing blocks for rcinfoi-ccxieiit and ilxur m concrrefe (Subclauses 5.1.2 arid 5.3) . Fixrrq blocks for tile attachment of fxtures may be emhedded 111 conclete provided that the str
34、eryth or any othclr desirable feature (such as appearance of tlre member) is not, In the opinion of the Cnyineer, mpared Clrereby. Mortar Intrusion ConEfL.e_. Two patented processes are 111 use In the Rapubllc of South Africa for erectlng concrete structures by the method of mortar sntruslon2, In wh
35、ich the forms are flrst fillcd with coarse agyregate and grout 1s then pumped Into the volds. 2) tletails of the processes are set out in Concrete technology : a South African handbook, edited by F.S. PULlOtI, published by the 1ortlal-d Ccincnt. lnstitutx%, 1977. SAUS 0120 : Part. 2 Sectiou G-l982 C
36、oncrete (structural) Where such techniques are acceptable (as in repair work, underwater work, and underground work) include o clause such as the following: PSG 4. MORTAR INTRUSION CONCRETE (Subclause 5.5.5). The ayyregates for mortar lntruslo concrete shall be clean, and natural sand shall be used
37、ln the process. The grot pipes shall be spaced at intervals not exceeding 1,5 m, and they shall be withdiiw 111 such a way that a head oi at least 1 nl of yrout is mairtdincd above the yrout inlets. Joints (Subclause 5.5.7) Construction jolnts when con=$;e is older han 7 d. Where the use of epoxy ad
38、hesive will be permitted, include a clause such as the Eollowiny: PSG 5. JOINTS PSG 5.1 Wet-to-dry epoxy resin (Subclause 5.5.7). The use of approved wet-to-dry epoxy resin concrete adhesive, strictly in accordance with the manufacturers instructions, will be permitted in the formation of concrete j
39、oints at surfaces where the concrete is older than 7 d. Construction joints ;L-the bottom of walls. Include a clause such as the following where construction joints are to be made at the bottom of walls (see also Subclanse 2.1.6 of Section C; of Part 3 of the code) : PSG 5.2 Joints between floors an
40、d walls (Subclause 5.5.7) . Construction joints between tank bottoms, floors, or wall bases, and the walls standing on them, shall not be made flush with the supporting surface, but shall be made in the wall 150 mr; above the base. The 150 mm hiyh riser wall shall be cast as an integral part of the
41、bottom, floor, or base, i.e. the concrete in the riser shall be deposited at the same time as the concrete in the bottom, floor, or base adjacent to it Where there is a fillet at the bottom of a wall, the coustruction joint shall be made 150 mm above the fillet. Water stops. Check requirements for w
42、ater stops by reference to SABS 1200 8). Adverse Weather Colditions (Subclause 5 .5 .9) Conditions more severe than cold weather (Subclause Where low temperature conditions are - expected to persist during the placing of the concrete, i.e. the temperature of concrete materials is below 5 O
43、C or the yrourid or air temperature is below 2 OC, include iu the project specification a clause that requires the contractor to heat the aggregate stockpiles and mixing water, to defrost the formwork and reinforcement, to extend the minimurn periods which must elapse before formwork is removed, and
44、 to allow the concrete to attain the iiinimunl strength necessary before the top covers and vertical formwork to the sides of unloaded members are removed. (See also Sulrclause of Section G of Part 5 of the code. ) Ilot weather concretiug (Subclause As high mixing and placng tempe
45、ratures have been shown to reduce the ultrmate strength of concrete to a marked extent and to increase drying shrinkaye, specify the speclal precautions that should be taken when concreting operatiois are being carried out at ambient temperatures m excess of 32 C. (See also Subclause 3.2.20 of Secti
46、on G of Part 5 of the code.) Water-Retaininctructures (Subclause 5.5.11). Where water retaining structures form a part of the project, include clduses such as the following: PSG 6. WATUH-RETAINING STRUCTURES (Subclause 5.5.11) PS(; 6.1 General. The and will be regarrlcd as water-retaining structures
47、 and wll be subject to the requirements of PSG 6.2-6.4 inclusive. PSG 6.2 Deslgn of conrete-mx. The concrete mlx to be used in water-retalnmg structures shall have a water/cement ratio not exceedmg 0,5 and, to ensure workabllty, water-reduclny admlxturs of approved mdnufacturr shall be used In prete
48、rence to rncrcdslny ihe cement content (see also Subclause 3.5 of bAnS 1200 G). PSG 6.3 %_“sand conduits enbedded in concrete. Except with the written approval of the Engineer, no pipes other than those shown on the drawings shall be emhedded in concrete, and the approval of the Engineer for the pos
49、ition of all services to be embedded shall be obtained before concreting commences. The clear space between pipes of any kind embedded in reinforced concrete and the clear space between such pipes and reinforcement shall uot at any point be less than a) 40 mm or b) 5 nu1 plus the maximum size of coarse aggregate, whichever is the greater. PSG 6.4 Groutig of pipes/specials through well walls. Where entry holes Eor pipes/spe