1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA
2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any
3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. SABS 0120 : Part 2 Section H-1990 Structural steel work Clause PART 2 : PROJECT SPECIFICATION SECTION H CONTENTS Page Number ESSENTIAL PROJECT SPECIFICAT
4、ION CLAUSES 1 ESSENTIAL DATA . 1 . ADDITIONAL CLAUSES 2 General 2 Normal Projects 2 . Tubular steels 2 Welding 2 Joints in compression 2 . Erection 2 Tolerances . 2 Testing 2 Measurement and payment 3 Prestige Projects (such as Major Roaq Bridges, Railway Bridges and Portal Cranes) 3 General 3 Suppo
5、rting specification . 3 Grades of steel and maximum thickness 3 Radiographic and ultrasonic tests 3 Measurement and payment 4 Subeconomic Projects . 4 Labour-based Projects 4 TEXT REFERENCES . 4 Second Revision August 1990 This section of the code supersedes SABS 0120 : Part 2 : Section H-1983 Appro
6、ved by the COUNCIL OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN BUREAU OF STANDARDS SABS 0120 : Part 2 Section H-1990 Structural steel work SABS 1200 H : STRUCTURAL STEELWORK NOTE a) Number PSH clauses in Portion 2 of the project specification in the sequence in which the clauses to which they relate appear in SABS 1200 H.
7、 b) The clause number(s) given at the beginning or after the heading of a clause isfare, unless otherwise stated, the number(s) of the relevant clause(s) of SABS 1200 H. 1. ESSENTIAL PROJECT SPECIFICATION CLAUSES 1.1 Set out suitable clauses in Portion 2 of the project specification to provide the e
8、ssential information as follows: a) (Subclause 3.1) In the case of steel covered by SABS 143111, state the grade of steel required for various parts of the structure. b) (Subclause 3.2) tate any requirements regarding special steel S that are not S given in SABS 14311 . c) (Subclause 3.4) State if s
9、pecial steels are to be used. d) (Subclause 5.1) State whether the contractor or the engineer is to provide shop details. e) (Subclause 5.1.2) Where the contractor is to provide shop details, state the period within which the engineer will issue design drawings and calculations to the contractor. If
10、 1 week is not a reasonable period for the submission of drawings to the engineer before the start of fabrication and if 1 week for the return of the drawings by the engineer is not practical, state the periods that will apply. f) (Subclause 5.1.3) Where the engineer is to provide the shop detail dr
11、awings and materials lists in terms of Subclause 5.1.3 of SABS 1200 H, state the date by which (or the number of weeks after the award of the contract within which) he will deliver such data to the contractor. g) (Subclause 5.2.2) State whether it is necessary to be able to positively iden- tify the
12、 grade of each piece of structural steel at a1 l stages of fabrication. h) (Subclause 5.3.6) If the turn-of-the-nut method of tightening friction-grip bolts is not to be used, specify in detail the procedure to be adopted. i) (Subclause 5.6.1) If grouting is not to be carried out by others, set ou$
13、fully the requirements for grouting (see Subclau es 5.5.13 and 8.7 of SABS 1200 G 1, Subclause 3.2.13 and 3.2.14 of Section 02f of Part 2, Subclause 1.3 of 3 Section G ) of Part 3, and Subclauses 3.1.13 and 3.2.24 of S ction $3 of Part 5 of the code). A1 ternatively, see ubclause 3.2.3 of Section HA
14、37 of Part 2 and S Subclause 3.1.2 of Section HA of Part 5 of the code. j) (Subclause .7.1) Fully specify the required handrail ing (see Subclause 2.l(c) 5 of Section HA of Part 2 of the code). k) (Subclause 5.7.3) Give details o open grid floors, grating and stair treads f (see Subclause 3.2.2 of S
15、ection HA of Part 2 of the code). 2. ESSENTIAL DATA 2.1 The availability of certain essential data may affect the prices tendered. Except where such data have been given in the schedule or in the tender drawings, set out suitable clauses covering items such as the following in Portion 2 of the proje
16、ct specification: a) (Subclause 3.2) Wh re the contract necessitates the use of steel of types not covered by SABS 143117 , indicate the applicable specification or include in the project specification a clause giving the requirements. b) (Subcl ause 5.2.3) Where it is necessary to dress flame-cut p
17、1 ates by removing notches or otherwise to deal with the edges, state the requirements. c) (Subclause Where punching of holes is unacceptable, state which holes shal l be dri l led and not punched. d) (Subclause Where washers must be used, give full details e) (Subclause 6.2) Where
18、 the degree of accuracy and the tolerances stated for any part of the works are not acceptable, state the degree of accuracy applicable and SABS 0120 : Part 2 Section H-1990 Structural steelwork the tolerances that are required. If the project involves extensions to an existing structure, state that
19、 the contractor may obtain the engineers agreement to varying the to1 erance requirements where necessitated by errors in the existing strul:ture. ADDITIONAL CLAUSES GENERAL. Where it i S necessary to amp1 ify or otherwise to vary the terms of SABS 1200 H to render them suitable for use in projects
20、to be carried out in par- ticular locations or under particular circumstances, include in Portion 2 of the project specification clauses dealing with matters other than those covered by Clauses 1 and 2. NORMAL PROJECTS NOTE: To meet requirements imposed by various norms of economic development, pro-
21、 jects are classified as normal, prestige, subeconomic and labour-based projects (see Clause 4 of the Introduction to Part 3 of the code). Tubular Steels (Subclause 3.4). The following is an example of a clause covel-ing rbularK: PSH 1 MATERIALS PSH 1.1 Tubular steel. ubular steel shall comply with
22、the relevant rsquire- ments of B3 4848 : parr 24 T . NOTE: A1 ternatively, state these requirements in the schedule or give them on a drawing . We1 ding (Subcl ause 5.3.4) a) State whether welders must be coded welders. b) The following clause may be applicable in certain cases: PSH 2 FABRICATION PS
23、H 2.1 We1 ders (Subcl ause 5.3.4). The Contractor shal l provide evideice, acceptabl eTFEFi6 Engineer, that welding procedures a we1 ders have been 7 and SABS 044: Part 171, or AWS 1.18 . FP tested in accordance with the requir ents of BS 5135 , SABS 044: Part 1116) Joints -W- in Com resqjon (Subcla
24、use 5.2.5). Where the engineer can identify, in a SI ngleclauie %cation of, and the percentage of, the contact area required to transfer the loads in bearing wherever they occur in a structure, insert a clause based on the content of Subclause 2.5 of Section H of Part 3 of the code. Erection (Subcla
25、use 5.5). Where the structure is complex or slender, or the design includes special features, or where the activities of various specialist contrac- tors need to be co-ordinated, or where the engineer requires to know the contrac- tors erection sequence and procedure, set out the engineers requireme
26、nts in a suitable clause and state the date(s) by which data must be provided. To1 erances Steel ta es for measurin (Subclause 6.1.1). See Subclauses 1.3.5 and 4.3 of =on R of Part 3 and 8ubclause of Section H of Part 5 of the code. Testi ng Test certificates (Subclause 7.1). Where the engin
27、eer wishes to see test cer- E-ficates or cast analysis certificates (or both) pertaining to the steel to be used, set out the requirements in the project specification and, if required, state the laboratory where the testing i S to be carried out (see Subclause 1.3.23 of Section H of Part 3 of the c
28、ode). Mechanical testin of welds (Subclause 7.3). Refer to Subclause of SiZi6mF$3mlicode before including in the project specification any requirements for mechanical testing of we1 ds. Se arate scheduled items for non-destructive testin . State what facilities are to bePproiided by the cont
29、ractor for non-destructive tssting of welds and for checking the tension in bolts. Where a provisional sum is scheduled for independent testing, set out, in the pro- ject specification, the general nature of the testing that may be required and state that the relevant scheduled i tern may be deleted
30、 at the sole discretion of the engineer. SABS 0120 : Part 2 Section H-1990 Structural steelwork Measurement - and Payment (Clause 8) Subdivision of items. Where a project covers the fabrication and erection of a FaaXylarge number of identical units, such as roof trusses for a factory complex or elec
31、trification masts for Spoornet, the methods of calculation and measurement set out in Subclause 8.2 of SABS 1200 H are not appropriate. In such circumstances, include a suitable clause to describe the units and to cover measurement, by number where the mass per unit is scheduled, or by mass where th
32、e number of uni ts i S schedul ed. Embedded members (Subclause 5.6.4). Unless the information regarding embedded mem- bers is shown clearly on drawings, state clearly, in a project specification clause, the section and size of the frames and details of grillage sizes and centres and whether or not f
33、ixings and corrosion protection are required and are to be covered by the rate tendered. Holding-down bolts (Subclause 8.3.6). Unless detail S of the shape and other features are clear from the drawings, state in the project specification the details of anchor plates and how holding-down bolts are t
34、o be bent. Specify special bolts in full. Radio ra hic testin (Subcl ause 8.3.12(j). Radiographic testing may, because of delay:, Fesult in tie incurring of additional costs that cannot be recovered by the contractor as direct costs ttr-ou h the dayworks schedule. (See Subclause of Section H
35、 of Part 3 of the code.? Insert an appropriate clause to define and, as far as is practicable, to limit the risks of any such delays that are beyond the contractors contro (See Subclause and interpretation. ) Q, of Section H of Part 5 of the code and see also AWS 01.1 for quantities Contract
36、 rice adustment. Use the contents of Sub ause 8.2.2 of SABS 1200 AH) as 8 l he basisPfor a s:iXFsubclause if SABS 1200 AH does not form part of the contract. PRESTIGE PROJECTS (SUCH AS MAJOR ROAD BRIDGES, RAILWAY BRIDGES AND PORTAL CRANES) General. Although the scope of SABS 1200 H excludes its use
37、for road and rail ETd, this standardized specification may be adapted for use for such structures by the inclusion in the project specification of requirements that cover such of the matters set out in 3.3.2-3.3.4 below as are appropriate. Supporting Specification. By means of a clause such as the f
38、ollowing, amend Subclause 2.1 of SABS 1200 H to include a third supporting specification: Road brid es (Subclause 2.1). The recommendations given in BS 5400: F:Y?ddher with the requi rements of the local authority concerned shall apply. or PSH 4.2 Brid es to carr S oornet roll in stock over rivate s
39、idings .(Subclause 291). The rezoqendations of !he code of i&EEFEridge construction of Spoornet shall apply. Grades of Steel and Maximum Thickness (Subclause 3.1). Set out requirements for 3Zel of thicknesses exceeding those given for the relevant grades. Radio ra hic and Ultrasonic Tests (Subclause
40、 7.3). Set out a clause such as the ETl&$T5r these tests: PSH 5.1 Radiographic and ultrasonic tests (Subclause 7.3) a) Radio aphic tests shall be carried out in accordance with BS 260011) or BS 291014!, as appl icabl e. U1 trasonic tests shal l be carried out in accordance with BS 392313). The Contr
41、actor shall obtain the Engineers approval of each ultrasonic test operator. At least 5 X of the work of each ultrasonic test operator shall be checked by radiography at positions specified by the Eng i neer . b) Radiography and ultrasonic testing, where appl icabl e, shal l be carried out on steelwo
42、rk that i S in the stress-re1 ieved condition. c) Radiographic and ultrasonic examinations shall be made at least 72 h after the completion of we1 di ng. d) If the first site weld tested is satisfactory, further testing will be limited to ultrasonic tests, unless otherwise ordered. SABS 0120 : Part
43、2 Section H-1990 Structural steelwork 3.3.5 - Measurement and Pa ment (Clause 8). Set out special requirements, if any, covering measuremi -a- an payment. 3.4 SUBECONOMIC PROJECTS. Subject to thenature thedesigndetails of asteel struc- SABS 1200 H. 3 f ture for a subeconomic project, SABS 1200 HA ma
44、y be more suitable than 3.5 LABOUR-BASED PROJECTS. There is little scope fo increasing the labour content of a 5 structural steelwork contract. Use SABS 1200 HA ) (see 3.4 above) or SABS 1200 H for such a project and include suitable PSH clauses to ensure that use is made of any local skills and fac
45、ilities that exist. TEXT REFERENCES We1 dab1 e structural steel S. Concrete (structural ). Structural steel work (sundry i tems) . Hot-rolled structural steel sections Part 2: Hollow sections. Arc we1 di ng of carbon and carbon manganese steel S. Welding Part 111: The fusion welding of steel (Includ
46、ing stainless steel ): Tests for the approval of we1 ding procedures and production we1 ds. Welding Part IV: The fusion welding of steel (including stainless steel): Tests for the approval of we1 ders working to approved we1 di ng procedures. Structural we1 di ng code - Steel . General (structural 1. 10) Code of practice fok design of concrete bridges. 11 Radiographic examination of fusion welded butt joints in steel. 121 Methods for radiographic examination of fusion welded cl rcumferential butt jolntr in steel pipes. 13) Methods for ultrasonic examination of welds. sabs pta