SANS 10120-2 INTRO-1986 Code of practice for use with standardized specifications for civil engineering construction and contract documents Part 2 Project specification Introductio.pdf

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1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA

2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any

3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. SAS 0120 : Part 7 Jltxoduct ion - 1986 PART 2 : PROJECT SPECIFTCATION INTRODUCTION CONTENTS Clause Page Number SCOPE 1 DEFINITIONS . 1 STATUS OF PROJECT

4、SPECIFICATION . 1 PORTION 1 : THE WORKS . 1 PORTION 2 : VARIATIONS AND ADDITIONS 3 General . 3 Draftinqof Portion 2 3 Settirq-out and Contents of Portion 2 Clauses 4 ILLUSTRATlVE EXAMPLE . 4 Second I?evision March 1986 This section of Part 2 of the code supersedes SAnS 0120 : Part 2 : Section 0-1981


6、UCTION SCOPE This part of the code covers Che preparation under various circumstances of the two portions of a project specification, namely Portion 1, which covers the description of the woxks and includes general matters affecting the pro3ect (see Subclause 3.1 of Pdrt 1 of the code) and Portion 2

7、, whlch covers varlallons and additions to the standardized specifications that form part of a contract (see Subclause 3.2 of Part 1 of the code). This section of this part of the code covers a) a means of establishing the status of the project specification in relation to other specifications in a

8、contract document; b) the requirements that have to be stated in Portion I in order to identify and locate the works; and C) guidance on the preparation of Portion 2. The succeeding sections of this part oi the code cover details of essential, optional ald additional clauses that are (or may be) req

9、uired in respect of each applicable standardized specification. NOTE a) The number and tit-Le of the standardized specification covered by each succeeding section of this part. of the code are given at the heginning of the applicable section, the sect.ions being set out in alphabetical order, and th

10、e of the applicable standardized specification is given in the top outer corner of each succeeding page of t.he sect.ion. b) The clause/subclause number(s) given in brackets at the beginning or after the heading (see 6.1) of a clause or subclause in the succeeding sections is/are, unless oth

11、erwise stated, the number(s) of the relevant clause(s) or subclause(s) of the applicable specification. 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1 For the purposes of this part of the code the definitions given in Part l and in the relevant standard- ized specifications shall apply. 3. STATUS OF PROJECT SPECIFICATION 3.1 A

12、s it is necessary to ensure that no misunderstanding will arise about which requirements take precedence, preface tlie project specification with a statement such as that given under the heading STATUS in 6.1. 4. PORTION 1 : THE WORKS 4.1 Provide, in the sequence given, at least the following inforn

13、lation in Portion 1 of each project specification and use headings thar are appropriate to the details given. (See illustrative example in 6.1.) NOTE: Where items not relevant to the project specification are omitted, adjust the numbering accordingly. PS 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Give ill this clause

14、an overall picture of the purpose, nature and magnitude of the contract and, where applicable, provide comment on how the contract fits in with any other contracts or departmental work. PS 2. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND ACCESS. Give a description of the site and the location of the project (in addition

15、to an A4 size locality plan), define the boundaries of the site, describe present means of access, and give arrangements and restrict5ons applicable duriny construction and any action required on completion of the construction in regard to temporary accesses and roads and, when relevant, give inform

16、ation relating to rivers (hydraulic information, measured and ect-imated floods) and climatic conditions, and special requirements in regard to the preservation of the environment and vegetation. SABS 012C : Part 2 Introduction - 1986 PS 3. NATURE OF (XOIJND AND SLIBS031, CONDTTIONS. Indicate the na

17、ture of the ground, qeneral subsurface conditions, strata, and any waler table (statinq lime of year observed) vislble Jn test holes or disclosed by boxeholes or observed in local excavations (1.e. all indisputable fdcts about the nature of the ground and subsoil). State clearly that the provision o

18、f such datd does not relieve the rorrtractor of his responsiblllty in terms of the yeneral conditions of contract to satisfy himself roncerrllny all such matters ancl state also whether borehole cores are avalable for inspectmn. DO not give any interpretation of stated facts, or any predlction of th

19、e possible effects of such facts on areas not drilled or opened up, or any statement of risks, contingencies or other circumstances that may arise from those facts. Attach to the project specification as an addendum or bound separat.ely such borehole I.ogs or soil. test results as are available and

20、cross-reference them only under Clause PS 3. Similarly, where the relevant data are extensive, give in Clause PS 3 a reference only to the portion of the document. in which such dat.a are set out (e.g. in Appendix “X“ to t-he project. specification or in specification “X“). In order to reduce the ne

21、ed for the contractor to include additional rates to cove1 unknown rlsks, comnents should be incLuded on the apparent suitability of materials on site for controlled layers in roads, for enbankments, bedding and backfilliny, or for use in concrete aggregates, and (in remote areas) on the suitability

22、 of water. PS 4. DETAILS OF CONTRACT. State the main components of the works and the extent of the contract and, where applicable, define pints of connection to existing works or to works covered by other contracts. Schedule, In logical sequence, the major items of work to be carried out. Include al

23、so requirements regarding co-operation with other authorities and contractors. PS 5. CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM. Describe the nature of the required program (include bar charts, etc., if necessary) and the significance attached to the program for completion of the works within the time stated in the appen

24、dix to the tender. If the time for completion of the program of work is important, state the required completion period or date(s) including an intermediate period or date for each particular stage and dzaw the contractors attention to the intermediate and final periods ur dates (and to the applicab

25、le penalties stated in the appendix to the tender). State whether arxangements will be necessary to enahle the employer to take over parts oi the works in advance of completion of the whole and whether seasonal influences are to be taken into account and specific construction methods or temporary wo

26、rks are required or envisaged. PS 6. SITE FACILITIES AVAILABLE PS 6.1 Source of Water SuppA. Provide as much information as is available cm the water supply and define the contractors responsibility in the obtaining of water. PS 6.2 Source of Power Supply. State what power facilities (if any) are av

27、ailable, such as “Municipal suiply“ or “Escorn IIT only“ or “None“ and define the contractors responsibilities in the obtaining of power. PS 6.3 Location of Camp and Depot. State what facilities and areas are available for the contractors depot and camp and for the engineers office(s). PS 6.4 Rail F

28、acilities. Indicate the nearest goods-handling station. PS 7. SITE YACILITIES REQUIRED PS 7.1 Temporary Offices. State what offjces are required and what caravan types of accommodation will Le acceptahle to the engineer. Include requirements for lighting, heetinq, cooking and survey equipment. PS 7.

29、3 Sanj.l:,ary Facilities PS 7.4 Telephone Facilities 1 ) State, for each of the applicable items, ) what is available and (where relevant) , ) what is to be provided or arranged by the PS 7.5 Housing for the Enyincer and ) contractor. his St.nff 1 1 PS 7.6 Parking rarilities 1 PS 8. FEATURES RFQIJTR

30、ING SPECIAL ATTENTTON PS 8.1 Existiny Services PS 8.1.3 Care, damage and protect.ion. Provide whatever information is available about services that may be affected by the works. PS 8.1.2 Ueslgn criteria and requirements for temporary works. State special requirements and liabili- ties (if any) for t

31、emporary structures or falsework (or both) over public railways and roads. PS 8.2 Survey beacons. Givn details of arrangements to replace survey beacons where disturbance is a possibilit., however remote. SABS 0120 : Part 2 introduction - 1986 PS 9 PS 10 . Other particulars of the project. (if any).

32、 PS n. Applicable Standardized, Particular, In-house and Tailor-made Spcc.ifications. Select and llst (in a logical sequence), in the last PS clause of Portion l, the standardized specifications that are applicable and add such particular, in-house and tailor-made specifications as dre necessary to

33、cover those aspects of the project that are not covered by standardized specifications (see Subclause 4.1 of Part 1 of the code). An example of a clause setting out, under a heading such as that given above, t.he applicable standardized and particular specifications is given in 6.1. NOTE a) Wherever

34、 requirements for features of a contract covered by headings such as those for Clauses 3, 4, 5 and 8 of a standardized specification (see Subclause 4.2 of Part 1 of the code) are so extensive as to warrant a particular specificat.ion, give the necessary cross-reference under the relevant heading. b)

35、 IIse the letter P, followed by any other letter of the alphabet (except S), to designate a particular specification. (Except for its use to designate the project specification, the letter P has not been used for any class of work (see Annexure A of Part 1 of the code) covered by the standardized sp

36、ecifications, so that up to 25 letters are available to designate particular specifications in a contract document.) PORTION 2 : VARIATIONS AND ADDITIONS GENERAL Portion 2 of the prolect specification serves two purposes, the first being to complete the statement of requirements that are left open i

37、n the standardized specifications in order to facilitate their adaptation to suit a particular project, and the second being to set out additional requirements and other matters that may be included in contracts to be carried out in different parts of the country and under unusual circumstances. The

38、 succeeding sections of this part of the code cover the recommended or suggested adaptations of and additions to the standardized specifications referred to in 5.1.1, the designating letter(s) of each section being the letter(s) that appear in the number of the standardized specification to which th

39、e section refers. Before deciding which clauses of the relevant section of this part of the code are necessary in the tender/contract document to ensure complete coverage of the subject and to ensure equitable tendering, consult the relevant sections of Part 3 of the code. In addition, bear in mind

40、the prime purpose in the production of standardized specifications as set out in the preface to those specifications. Most works are covered adequately by one or more standardized specifications supported only by the essential PS clauses and essential data covering matters referred to in Clauses 1,

41、2 and 3 of the relevant section(s) of this part of the code. A quick perusal of the PS clauses referred to in 5.1.3 and relating to the standardized specifications listed in the last clause of Portion 1 of the project. specification (see 4.1) will enable the project engineer to decide what data he s

42、hould give on his drawings or include in the schedule of quantities and what clauses he should include in Portion 2 of the project specification. DRAFTING OF PORTION 2 To draft Portion 2, first prepare a rough set of PS sununary sheets relating to the relevant specifica- tions and made up as in the

43、following example: Specifications listed in PS n SABS 1200 A : General SABS 1200 D : Earthworks SABS l200 DB : Earthworks (pipe trenches) SABS 1200 L : Medium-pressure pipelines SABS 1200 LB : Bedding (pipes) Spec. PA : Roadworks Spec. PB : Fencing Alphabetical sections listed PS summary sheets PSA

44、PSD PSDB PSL PSLB PSP A PSPB Drawings Schedule On each summary sheet relating to a standardized specification make suitable notes of each matter that appears in Clauses 1 and 2 and, when necessary, Clause 3 of the relevant sections of t-his part of the code if the matter is applicable to the project

45、. Then sort the notes collected on each summary sheet into a logical order. From the notes write out the detailed requirements, allocate suitable clause numbers and, when necessary, give meaningful headings (see 5.3). Where necessary, insert after each heading the number of the clause or subclause o

46、f the standardized specification to which the PS clause refers. SABS 0120 : Part 2 Introduction - 1986 5.2.3 In the case of each particular (and other) specifcation that is to be included in the contract document, study each clause md make notes of any requirements that must be stated in the project

47、 specificatic)n to complement, vary or supersede any requirement in the particular (or other) specification. Then follow the procedure given in 5.2.2 for writing the requirements and numbering and heading the clauses. 5.2.4 Should there be ally other matter that is to be spccified but. does not warr

48、ant a separate specification, set out the requirements in suitable PS clauses at the end of Portion 2, 5.2.5 Complete the processing of the project specification arid ensurc that the notes made on thc sununary sheets covering drawings and the schedule are properly transferred onto the drawings and i

49、nto the schedule of quantities. NOTE a) Essential clauses and data. Clauses 1 and 2 of each succeedinq ectior. identify sub-jects that must be dealt with by means of the project specification and data that must be prcvided on the tender drawings or in the schedule of quantities. Attention is also directed to requirements that will (or may) affect the contractors price. b) Additional clauses. The clauses that may have to be included in Portion 2 of the project specifi- cation in order to amplify or otherwise to vary the terms of the relevant standardized specification(s) when


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