SANS 2788-2005 Documentation - Guidelines for the establishment and development of monolingual thesauri《文献 单语词表的建立及编制指南》.pdf

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1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA

2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any

3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. ICS 01.140.20 ISBN 0-626-17255-1 SANS 2788:2005Edition 1ISO 2788:1986Edition 2SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Documentation Guidelines for the establishm

4、ent and development of monolingual thesauri This national standard is the identical implementation of ISO 2788:1986 and is adopted with the permission of the International Organization for Standardization. Published by Standards South Africa 1 dr lategan road groenkloof private bag x191 pretoria 000

5、1 tel: 012 428 7911 fax: 012 344 1568 international code +27 12 Standards South Africa SANS 2788:2005 Edition 1 ISO 2788:1986 Edition 2 Table of changes Change No. Date Scope Abstract The recommendations are intended to ensure consistent practice within a single indexing agency, or

6、between different agencies (for example members of a network). The techniques described in this national standard are not limited to a particular method of indexing, whether post-coordinate or pre-coordinate, however certain restrictions apply, for example, it is generally based on the concept of “p

7、referred terms” (see 3.5). The recommendations relate to monolingual thesauri, without reference to the special requirements of multilingual thesauri. Keywords definitions, documentations, guidelines, information retrieval, library, library and information science, management, policy, preparation, r

8、ules, specification (approval), specifications, subject indexing, thesauri. National foreword This South African standard was approved by National Committee StanSA TC 46, Information and documentation, in accordance with procedures of Standards South Africa, in compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT

9、 agreement. iz CD 8 International Standard 2788 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDlZATlON.MEYHAPOLIHAR OPrAHM3ALlMfl IlO CTAHPTl43AVlWORGANlSATlON INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Documentation - Guidelines for the establishment and development of monolingual thesauri Documentation - Principes d

10、kecteurs pour l%tablrssement et le ddveloppement de thesaurus monofingues Second edition - 1986-11-15 UDC 025.48 Ref. No. IS0 27884986 (E) Descriptors : documentation, subject indexing, information retrieval, thesauri, monolingual thesauri, preparation, rules (instructions). I 88 b) selecting the te

11、rms which together summarize the sub- ject; c) indicating relationships between the concepts represented by these terms. 1) The first of these tasks is described separately in IS0 5963. The second and third tasks concern not only the indexer but also the user of the index. This International Standar

12、d deals with some aspects of term selection, since it contains recommended procedures for vocabulary control, but it is particularly con- cerned with means for establishing and displaying certain kinds of relationships between indexing terms. Two kinds of inter-term relationships can be distinguishe

13、d: a) syntactical or a posteriori relationships between the terms which together summarize the subject of a docu- ment. For example, an indexer dealing with a work on “Computers in banks in Amsterdam” may assign three terms, “Banks”, “Computers” and “Amsterdam”, to the document. In a post-coordinate

14、 system the relationship be- tween these terms is not explicitly indicated, and the docu- ment would be retrieved if any or all of these terms were used as retrieval keys. In a pre-coordinated index the rela- tionships between the terms may be conveyed in various ways, for example by symbols which e

15、xpress specific rela- tionships, the positions of terms within entries, their typography and/or their accompanying punctuation. The terms in this example are not normally associated according to common frames of reference, and their interrelationships can therefore be regarded as document-dependent;

16、 b) those a priori or thesaural relationships between terms assigned to documents and other terms which, because they form part of common and shared frames of reference, are present by implication. In the example above, “Banks” would imply a broader term such as “Financial institutions”; “Computers”

17、 is mentally associated with “Data processing”; and “Amsterdam” implies the wider location “Netherlands”. Any. of these mentally-associated terms might serve as a users approach to the subject index. These relationships are document-independent, since they are generally recognized and could be estab

18、lished through reference to standard works, such as dictionaries and encyclopaedias. The distinction between these two kinds of inter-term relation- ships can be displayed as follows: Netherlands Financial institutions Data processing B Amsterdam Banks Computers j 0 A = a posteriori relationships be

19、tween indexing terms assigned to a document 0 B = a priori relationships handled by the thesaurus This International Standard is especially concerned with those a priori relationships which can be displayed in a thesaurus, where they then, in effect, add a second dimension to an index- ing language,

20、 as shown above. 1 Scope and field of application 1 .l The recommendations set out in this International Stan- dard are intended to ensure consistent practice within a single indexing agency, or between different agencies (for example members of a network). They should not be regarded, however, as m

21、andatory instructions. Optional procedures are described in many cases, for example for the display of inter- term relationships, without indicating one of these approaches as the preferred technique. The choice of procedure will vary from one indexing agency to another, depending on manage- ment de

22、cisions that fall outside the scope of this International 1) For practical purposes, “term” and “concept” are sometimes used interchangeably. IS0 2788-1986 (El Standard. As far as possible the techniques described in this In- ternational Standard are based upon general principles which apply to any

23、subject field. It is recognized, however, that an in- dexer working within a limited subject field may sometimes need to depart from these general recommendations, and this is noted where appropriate. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 1.2

24、 As far as possible the techniques described in this Inter- national Standard are not limited to a particular method of in- dexing, whether post-coordinate or pre-coordinate. This lnter- national Standard is, however, subject to the following restric- tions : 3.1 document: Any item, printed or othew

25、ise, that is amenable to cataloguing and indexing. NOTE - This definition refers not only to written and printed materials in paper or microform versions (for example books, journals, diagrams, maps), but also to non-printed media (for example machine-readable records, films, sound recordings, etc.)

26、, and three-dimensional objects or realia used as specimens. a) it deals with the display and organization of terms that form a controlled subset of natural language. It does not suggest procedures for organizing and displaying mathematical and chemical formulae; 32 indexing language: A controlled s

27、et of terms selected frim natural language and used to represent, in summary form, the subjects of documents. b) it is generally based on the concept of “preferred terms” (see 3.5); 6) its application is limited to agencies in which human in- dexers are used to analyse documents and express their su

28、bjects in the terms of a controlled indexing language. It is not applicable to these agencies which apply entirely automatic indexing techniques, where terms occurring in texts are organized into sets according to criteria which can be established by a computer, for example their frequency of occurr

29、ence and/or adjacency in the text. It is considered, however, that a well-constructed monolingual thesaurus can serve as a useful aid when searching such a free-text system; d) it deals mainly with procedures for indexing collections of documents listed in catalogues or bibliographies. It is not con

30、cerned with the preparation of “back-of-the-book” in- dexes, although many of its recommended procedures may be useful for that purpose. 1.3 The recommendations contained in this International Standard relate to monolingual thesauri, without reference to the special requirements of multilingual thes

31、auri, i.e. those thesauri in which conceptual equivalences are expressed in terms selected from more than one natural language. The con- struction and maintenance of a multilingual thesaurus is dealt with separately in IS0 5964. Since the principles on which this International Standard is based can

32、be regarded as both language-independent and culture-independent, they have also been accepted as the basis for the multilingual standard. Con- sequently, general principles and procedures which apply equally to both kinds of thesauri are fully described only in this International Standard, i.e. the

33、y are not repeated in IS0 5964. 2 References IS0 5963, Documentation - Methods for examining documents, determining their subjects and selecting indexing terms. IS0 5964, Documentation - Guidelines for the establishment 2) the noun and development of multilingual thesauri. for children”. 3.3 thesaur

34、us: The vocabulary of a controlled indexing language (see 3.21, formally organized so that the a priori rela- tionships between concepts (for example as “broader” and “narrower”) are made explicit. 3.4 indexing term preferably in the form of The representation of a noun or noun phrase. a concept, NO

35、TE - An indexing term can consist of more than one word, and is then known as a compound term (see 3.7). In a controlled indexing vocabulary, a term is designated either as a preferred term or as a non- preferred term. 3.5 preferred term : A term used consistently when index- ing to represent a give

36、n concept; sometimes known as “descriptor”. 3.6 non-preferred term: The synonym or quasi-synonym of a preferred term. A non-preferred term is not assigned to documents, but is provided as an entry point in a thesaurus or alphabetical index, the user being directed by an instruction (for example USE

37、or SEE) to the appropriate preferred term; sometimes known as “non-descriptor”. 3.7 compound term : An indexing term (see 3.4) which can be factored morphologically into separate components, each of which could be expressed, or re-expressed, as a noun that is capable of serving independently as an i

38、ndexing term. NOTE - The parts of the distinguished as follows : a) the focus or head, i.e. the noun component which identifies the general class of concepts to which the term as a whole refers. Examples : 1) the noun component “printed indexes”. great majority of compound terms can be “indexes” in

39、the compound term “hospitals” in the prepositional phrase “hospitals IS0 2788-1986 (El b) The difference or modifier, i.e. one or more further com- ponents which serve to narrow the extension of the focus and so specify one of its subclasses. NT Narrower term; the term that follows the symbol refers

40、 to a concept with a more specific meaning NTG Narrower term (generic) Examples : NTP Narrower term (partitive) 1) the dexes”. adjective “printed” in the compound term “printed in- RT Related term; the term that follows the symbol is associated, but is not a synonym, a quasi-synonym, a broader term

41、or a narrower term 2) the preposition- plus-noun corn bination the compound term “hospitals for children” for children” in The focus and its difference(s) may be written as separate words, as in “dining rooms” and “soup spoons”, or they may be concatenated into single words, as in “bedrooms” and “te

42、aspoons”. 4.2 Abbreviations with equivalent thesauri in other languages. meanings also occur in Examples : 3.8 node label: A “dummy” term not assigned to documents when indexing, but inserted into the systematic section of some types of thesauri to indicate the logical basis on which a category has

43、been divided; sometimes known as a “facet indicator”. French NE Note explicative EM Employer Examples : EP Employ6 pour By occupation MV Nom de la classe la plus g a note attached to a term meaning withi n an indexing language to indicate its D Definition BS Benutzen USE The term that follows the sy

44、mbol is the preferred term when a choice between synonyms or quasi- synonyms exists BF Benutzt fur SB Spitzenbegriff UF Use for; the term that follows the symbol preferred synonym or quasi-synonym is a non- OB Oberbegriff 7-r Top term; the term that follows the symbol is the name of the broadest cla

45、ss to which the specific con- cept belongs; sometimes used in the alphabetical section of a thesaurus OA Oberbegriff (Abstraktionsrelation) SP Verbandsbegriff (Bestandsrelation) UB UnterbegrH UA Unterbegriff (Abstraktionsrelation) TP Teilbegriff (Bestandsrelation) VB Verwandter Begriff BT Broader te

46、rm; the term that follows the symbol represents a concept having a wider meaning BTG Broader term (generic) BTP Broader term (partitive) 3 IS0 27884986 (E) 4.3 The abbreviations listed in 4.1 and 4.2 have acquired status as generally recognized conventions, and they occur in many published thesauri.

47、 They have obvious mnemonic value, yet it is realized that they are also language-dependent. If this characteristic is regarded as sufficiently important to justify using a “neutral” system, an agency can adopt the language- independent symbols developed by IS0 and given in the annex. meanings which

48、 are recognized in natural language but which have been deliberately excluded for indexing pur- poses; b) when the same concept can be expressed by two or more synonyms, one of these terms is usually selected as the preferred term (see 3.5) which is then used consistently in indexing. Reference to t

49、he preferred term should be made from any synonym which might also function as a users ac- cess point. 4.4 The following conventions are throughout this International Standard also used in examples 5.2 Further means for achieving vocabulary control are reviewed in the following clauses. These deal with matters such as the choice of singular or plural forms, the selection of the preferred term when synonyms are encountered, and the ex- tent to which a compound term should either be retained in its pre-coordinated form or factored into separate components, each expressed as a n


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