SANS 3512-2006 Heavy-duty cranked-link transmission chains《大功能的曲柄传动链》.pdf

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1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA

2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any

3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. ICS 21.220.30; 53.040.20 ISBN 0-626-17935-1 SANS 3512:2006Edition 1ISO 3512:1992Edition 2SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Heavy-duty cranked-linked transm

4、ission chains This national standard is the identical implementation of ISO 3512:1992 and is adopted with the permission of the International Organization for Standardization Published by Standards South Africa 1 dr lategan road groenkloof private bag x191 pretoria 0001 tel: 012 428 7911 fax: 012 34

5、4 1568 international code + 27 12 Standards South Africa SANS 3512:2006 Edition 1 ISO 3512:1992 Edition 2 Table of changes Change No. Date Scope Abstract Specifies dimensions (in mm), tolerances, measuring forces and minimum tensile strengths, together with the tooth gap forms and r

6、im profiles of the associated chain wheels. Keywords chain links, chains, chain wheels, load chains, load transmission, power transmission systems, rotary chains, specifications, sprockets, sprocket wheels, transmission chains, transmission systems. National foreword This South African standard was

7、approved by National Committee StanSA SC 5120.09C, Mining equipment Chains and chain wheels for power transmission and conveyors, in accordance with procedures of Standards South Africa, in compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 3512 Second edition 1992-07-15 - - -

8、Heavy-duty cranked-link transmission chains Chafnes de transmission 21 maillons coud the figures do not define the actual form of the chain plates. The Symbols for chains are given in table 1 and are shown in frgure3. 2.2 Designation Heavy-duty cranked-Iink roller chains shall be des- ignated by the

9、 Standard ISO chain number given in table 1: the first two digits express the nominal pitch in eighths of an inch, while the second (last) two digits express the basic bearing pin diameter in sixteenths of an inch. 2.3 Dimensions Chains shall conform to the dimensions shown in figure 3 and given in

10、table 1. Maximum and minimum dimensions are specified to ensure interchangeabil- ity of links as produced by different makers of chain. They represent limits for interchangeability, but are not the manufacturing tolerantes. Pitch, p, is a theoretical reference dimension used in calculating Strand le

11、ngths and chain wheel di- mensions; it is not intended for inspection of indi- vidual links. 2.4 Tensile testi 2.4.1 The minimu m tensile strength is that value which shall be exceeded when a tensile forte is ap- plied to a Sample which is tested to destruction as defined in 2.4.2. This minimum tens

12、ile strength is not a working forte. lt is intended primarily as a com- parative figure between chains of various con- structions. For application information, the manufacturers or their published data should be consulted. ISO 3512:1992(E) 2.4.2 A tensile forte, not less than the tensile strength sp

13、ecified in table 1, shall be applied slowly to the ends of a chain length, containing at least three free pitches, by means of shackles permitting free movement on both sides of the chain centreline, in the normal plane of articulation. The length accuracy of chains which have to work in parallel sh

14、all be within the above limits but matched by agreement with the manufacturer. 2.6 Working clearances Failure shall be considered to have occurred at the first Point where increasing extension is no longer accompanied by increasing load; i.e. the summit of the forte extension diagram. The form of th

15、e line of cranking or offset, across the width of each link, may be curved or straight (see lower part of figure 3). Tests in which failures occur adjacent to the shackles shall be disregarded. 2.4.3 The tensile test shall be considered a de- structive test. Even though a chain may not visibly fail

16、when subjected to a forte equivalent to the minimum tensile strength, it will have been stressed beyond the yield Point and will be unfit for Service. 2.5 Length accuracy Finished chai ns sha II be measured either dry or af- ter only light lubrica tion. The Standard nominal length for measurement sh

17、all be that nearest 3 050 mm. If straight, the distance from the pitch Point shall be I, or 12. If curved, this distance shall be Z or b) ISO chain number quoted in table 1. ISO 3512:1992(E) Figure 1 - Cranked-link chain assembly Bearlng pln Figure 2 - Typical cranked-link components ISO 3512:1992(E

18、) -P-.-P- I - - 9 m *# ,+ I J J I 0 , 9 *v I 4 II ;lrl s f I 7 #- ,! - :, AI a l.-I. B 1 I -r + 8%. Sa / ) . 4 ,” - -i- - - -_- I 1 ! ,j _ . - I Offset constructlon IP stratght trank - I l-k- t kl _ * i :4 / 1 I ; : i I/ I 1 rvJL-+/ J * 11 , I! 1 I ! Y / l 1 i b 4” I _ !I I I I l Figure 3 - Symbols

19、for dimensians (see table 1) 4 Width between plates at inner end Bear ing pin body diameter 6, 21 nom. d2 max Bush bare Chain path depth Plate depth Crank clearance dimensionsl) Width over link at inner end Width between plates at outer end Width over pin fastening to centrel im d3 min. hl min. h2 f

20、l / I 12 b2 b3 b4 max min. min. max min. max I mm Width over pin Chain head to plate centreline thickness 2% / n,C,. 2010 63,5 31,75 38,1 15,9 :5,95 48,3 47,8 22,4 23,9 54,38 54,51 47,8 42!9 7,9 2512 77,9 41,28 39,s 19,08 19,13 61,l 60,s 26,9 29,5 59,13 2814 88,9 4445 38,l 22,25 22,33 61,l 60,s 31,8

21、 33,3 i4 max = 12 min I 2) Minimum width = 0.95bl. m ISO 3512:1992(E) 3 Chain wheels Root diameter, d, df=d-d, 3.1 Nomenclature The nomenclature for basic chain dimensions on which all the following wheel data are based is given in table 1. Chain wheel nomenclature is covered un- der the res

22、pective headings. subject to the tolerante limits given in tables 2 and 3. Table 2 - Machined teeth Dimensions in millimetres 3.2 Diametral dimensions of wheel rim 3.2.1 Nomenclature See figure 4. P - dR = = ; = df = MR - Even number of teeth Odd number of teeth Chorda1 pltch, equal ta chatn pltch m

23、easuring-pin dlame t er number of teeth pl t ch-cfrcle dlamet er root dtameter measurement over plns Figure 4 - Chain wheel diametral dimensions 3.2.2 Dimensions ikf R=dcosF-i-dR min. Pitch-circle diameter, d d P - - 180 sin 7 Annex A gives the pitch-circle diameter for unit pitch as a funct

24、ion of the number of teeth. 3,2.2.2 Measuring-pin diameter, 101 mm. Root diameter Tolerante df l 215 0 0,77 Table 3 - Non-machined teeth Dimensions in millimetres r Root diameter Tolerante I 508 914 0 6,35 I I J Measurement over pins For an even number of teeth: M R = d+ dR min. For an edd n

25、umber of teeth: The measurement over pins of wheels with an even number of teeth shall be carried out over pins in- serted in opposite tooth gaps. The measurement over pins of wheels with an edd number of teeth shall be carried out over pins in the tooth gaps most nearly opposite. During measurement

26、s, the pins shall always be in contact with the corresponding working faces of the respective teeth. The limits of tolerante for the measurement over pins are identical to those for the corresponding root diameters. ISO 3512:1992(E) 3.3 Wheel tooth gap forms 3.3.1 Nomenclature See figure 5. 3.3.2 Di

27、mensions The actual tooth gap form which is provided by cut- ting or by an equivalent method shall have tooth flanks of a form defined by the tooth flank (topping) radius, the working face length and roller seating curve, with a smooth blending from one portion to the next, taking into account the c

28、riteria set out in to Working face This is the functional part of the tooth form having a length equal to O,Olpz, unless reduced by the limi- tation imposed by having all lines perpendicular to the tooth form pass inside the adjacent pitch Point on the pitch circle. The work

29、ing face may be straight or convex. NOTE 2 The above relationship ailows for a chain pitch elongation of approximately 6 % where z c 40, progress- ively decreasing to under 2 O/o at z = 100. Pressure angle, 0 This is the angle between the pitch line of the chain link and the line perpendicul

30、ar to the working face at the Point of roller contact. The values sf 0 at any Point on the working face length vary according to the value of z, and are set out in annex A. Maximum clearance diameter, ds d 180” 9 = p cot z- - 1,05h, - 2r, (actual) where h, is the plate depth (see figure 3 an

31、d table 1). The circle defines the Iimit beyond which no Portion of the hubs, beads, lugs or fillets shall extend in the proximity of the chain plates. P = Chorda1 pltch, equal to chaln pltch 0 = pressure ang1.e d = pltch-clrcle dlameter ,/3 = tooth thlckness angle kee annex A) d, = roller diameter,

32、 maxlmum FQ = tooth flank (topping) radlus 5 = roller seotlng radlus dt - root dlameter S m pltch Lene clearance d, = chaln clearance dlameter (2 = number oF teeth Figure 5 - Tooth gap forms ISO 3512:1992(E) Pitch line clearance, s For wheels of non-machined form or in a dirty en- vironment:

33、 s = 0,lp For wheels of machined form or in a clean environ- ment: s = 0,003p Roller seating radius, q ri max. = - 2 Tooth flank (topping) radius, ye P re = - 2 3,4 Wheel rim Profile 3.4.1 Nomenclature See figure 6. bt = tooth wldth ba = i-ooth-slde rellef b, = tooth-slde relief dept

34、h dg = maxlmum tlearance dfameter ra - maxtmum shroud tlllet radfus Figure 6 - Wheel rim Profile 3.42 imensions bf max. = 0,9h, h a 75: 0,2bf h h N o,5d, 3.5 l?a.dial run-out The radial run-out, measured on one revolution, be- tween the bore and the root diameter shall not ex- ceed the values indica

35、ted below. For non-machined teeth: O,OOSd, or 1,5 mm. The Iarger of the two values shall be taken, but in no case shall the radial run-out exceed 10 mm. For machined teeth: 0,0014 or 0,2 mm. The larger of the two values shall be taken, but in no case shall the radial run-out exceed 5 mm. 3.6 Axial r

36、un-out Axial run-out, measured with reference to the bore and the flat part of the side face of the teeth, shall not exceed the value for total indicator reading as stipulated for radial run-out in 3.5. 3.7 Number of teeth This International Standard primarily applies to a number of teeth from 7 to

37、100 inclusive. 3.8 Marking Wheels shall be marked with the following: a) manufacturers name or trade mark; b) nunaber of teeth; c) chain designation (ISO chain number and/or manufacturers equivaient). ISO 3512:1992(E) Annex A (normative) Pitch-circle diameters Table A.l gives correct pitch-circle di

38、ameters for wheels to suit a chain of unit pitch. The pitch-circle pitch are directly proportional to the pitch of the chain. diameters for wheels to suit a chain of any other NOTE 3 The last digit is rounded down to avoid the risk of oversize root diameters. Table A.1 - Pitch-circle diameters Numbe

39、r of Pitch-circle teeth diameter Pressure angle 7: d for unit pitchi) mm 8 degrees -2“ Tooth thickness angle degrees 25 Number of Pitch-circle teeth diameter Pressure angle E d for unit pitchl) mm 0 degrees k2“ 7 2,304 10 25 54 17,198 - 27 8 2,613 11 26 55 17,516 27 9 2,923 12 28 56 17,834 27 10 3,2

40、36 13 30 57 18,152 27 11 3,549 14 31 58 18,471 27 12 3,863 15 33 59 18,789 27 13 4,178 16 35 60 19,107 27 14 4,494 17 36 61 19,425 27 15 4,809 18 38 62 19,743 27 16 5,125 19 40 63 20,061 27 17 5,442 20 42 64 20,380 27 18 5,758 20 42 65 20,698 27 19 6,075 21 44 66 21,016 27 20 6,392 21 44 67 21,334 2

41、7 21 6,709 22 46 68 21,652 27 22 7,026 22 46 69 21,971 27 23 7,343 22 46 70 22,289 27 24 7,661 23 47 71 22,607 28 25 7,978 23 47 72 22,925 28 26 8,296 23 47 73 23,243 28 27 8,613 23 47 74 23,562 28 28 8,93 1 24 49 75 23,880 28 29 9,249 24 49 76 24,198 28 30 9,566 24 49 77 24,516 28 31 9,884 24 49 78

42、 24,834 28 32 10,202 24 49 79 25,153 28 33 10,520 25 51 80 25,471 28 34 10,837 25 51 81 25,789 28 35 11,155 25 51 82 26,107 28 36 11,473 25 51 83 26,426 28 37 11,791 25 51 84 26,744 28 38 12,109 25 51 85 27,062 28 39 12,427 25 51 86 27,390 28 40 12,745 25 51 87 27,699 28 41 13,063 26 53 88 28,017 28

43、 42 13,381 26 53 89 28,335 28 43 13,699 26 53 90 28,653 28 44 14,017 26 53 91 28,97 1 28 45 14,335 26 53 92 29,290 28 46 14,653 26 53 93 29,608 28 47 14,971 26 53 94 29,926 28 48 15,289 26 53 95 30,244 28 49 15,607 26 53 96 30,563 28 50 15,926 26 53 97 30,881 29 51 16,244 26 53 98 31,199 29 52 16,56

44、2 26 53 99 31,519 29 53 16,880 27 55 100 31,836 29 - -w Toot h thickness angle degrees 73 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 58 58 58 58 1) This is sometimes referred to as “unit pitch-circle d ameter”. ISO

45、 3512:1992(E) Annex B (informative) Original values Table B.1 records for reference purposes the original dimensions, etc., from which the values of this Inter- national Standard have been derived. lt relates to table 1 of this International Standard. 10 Standards South AfricaThis s tandard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS .


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