SMPTE ST 303M-2002 Television - Color Reference Pattern.pdf

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1、1 ScopeThis standard defines the electrical and physical representation of a television color reference pattern. It alsospecifies colorimetry, geometry, and related parameters.2 Colorimetry2.1 Colorimetric data in tables 1, 2, and 3 represent the color reference pattern using white-pointdefinitions

2、for television (D65), studio lighting (3100 K), and film (D55). The data are based on a 2standard observer (CIE S002).2.2 The CIE tristimulus data specified in tables 1, 2, and 3 are aim-point specifications for each colorreference pattern sample.2.3 Common television practice is to set up the camer

3、a for the desired appearance on a D65 monitor,regardless of the original scene illumination. Therefore, tables 4, 5, 6, and 7 are based on D65, andvalues for 3100 K studio lighting are not included. The values in table 8, based on D55, should not beused for television.3 Geometry3.1 The color referen

4、ce pattern is made up of 24 sample colors whose colorimetric designations aredistributed throughout the color television gamut. These samples are square and arranged in four rowsof six samples per row. The first two rows consist of colors that are designed to simulate the colorappearance of natural

5、objects. The third row consists of colors that represent subtractive primaries(cyan, magenta, and yellow) as well as the binary combinations of these colors (red, green, and blue).The last row consists of a six-step neutral gray scale; the neutral numbers are Munsell values.3.2 Each color sample is

6、represented as a square 18% of picture height.3.3 The rows and columns of color samples are separated by black spaces around the color samples.The black spaces are 3% of picture height.3.4 The six columns of color samples are surrounded by a black border on the left and right. The leftand right bord

7、ers are 5% of picture height at 4:3 aspect ratio and 27.5% of picture height at 16:9aspect ratio.for Television Color Reference PatternSMPTE 303M-2002SMPTE STANDARDPage 1 of 13 pagesApprovedAugust 7, 2002Copyright 2002 by THE SOCIETY OF MOTION PICTURE AND TELEVISION ENGINEERS595 W. Hartsdale Ave., W

8、hite Plains, NY 10607(914) 761-1100The four rows of color samples are surrounded by a black border at the top and bottom of the chart. Thetop and bottom borders are defined to be 9.5% of picture height for both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios.Some existing charts have a 5% border and do not provide 4:3 a

9、spect ratio. These older charts should be framedto fill a 4:3 raster horizontally, giving overscan at the top and bottom of the chart. They should be overscannedboth vertically and horizontally in 16:9 applications to match best the geometric specifications of this standard(see figure 1).4 Video col

10、or representations4.1 All video signal levels are calculated using SMPTE RP 177, the standard television system D65white point, and each of the following standard television primary colorimetry definitions: ITU-R BT.709,SMPTE 170M / SMPTE 240M, PAL (EBU), and original NTSC (1953 FCC) (see table 9).

11、In addition, aset of video color representations is calculated using illuminant D55 for only the ITU-R BT.709primaries.4.2 The linear video signal levels in tables 4 through 8 are video voltages ranging between 0.0 V(black) and 1.0 V (white). The user must apply the appropriate gamma or transfer cha

12、racteristic.Because of the number of possible gamma or transfer curves which could be used, no gammacorrection is applied to any of the video representations listed in this standard.4.3 Any color sample having any video levels outside the 0.0 V to 1.0 V range cannot be reproducedusing the reference

13、primaries for that system. For example, the cyan sample 18 results in a negativered value with ITU-R BT.709, PAL, and SMPTE 240M primaries and a D65white point. Both yellowsample 16 and cyan sample 18 result in negative values with illuminant D55and ITU-R BT.709primaries (see figure 2).4.4 The video

14、 signal levels in tables 4 through 8 assume that 1.0 V corresponds to a perfect 100%white reflector.5 Considerations in using the color reference pattern5.1 The color reference pattern should be illuminated and the camera positioned as shown in figure3. The illuminator, camera, and reference pattern

15、 should be in the same horizontal plane. Theilluminator should be positioned to the side at 45 off camera axis. Two illuminators, one on each side,may make it easier to achieve uniform illumination.5.2 The camera should be properly set up using other appropriate test patterns. The gray samples onthi

16、s reference pattern are not intended to be used for setting camera color balance, white levels, orblack levels. The preferred white reference is a 100% reflecting white sample, such as halon or bariumsulfate. Alternately, gain may be set to match the white levels shown in tables 4-8. The preferred b

17、lacklevel reference is a capped lens or light trap.SMPTE 303M-2002 Page 2 of 13 pagesFigure 2 Color reference pattern geometry expressed in percentage of picture height1 2 4 5 6 7 1314 1516 17 18192021 22 23248 9 10 11123 Figure 1 Color reference pattern sample numbersSMPTE 303M-2002 Page 3 of 13 pa

18、gesColor ReferencePattern CameraIlluminator 45Figure 3 Measurement configurationSMPTE 303M-2002 Page 4 of 13 pagesSample number Color name CIE X CIE Y CIE Z1 Dark skin 10.97 9.70 6.062 Light skin 38.12 35.58 25.923 Blue sky 17.86 19.08 34.524 Foliage 10.10 12.98 6.695 Blue flower 25.83 24.38 45.326

19、Bluish green 31.27 42.73 44.697 Orange 36.46 29.32 5.898 Purplish blue 13.42 11.76 37.239 Moderate red 28.45 19.22 13.7510 Purple 8.68 6.52 14.6911 Yellow green 33.20 43.66 11.1912 Orange yellow 46.17 43.12 8.4013 Blue 8.40 6.22 30.0014 Green 14.50 23.58 9.5115 Red 20.17 11.82 5.2016 Yellow 56.05 59

20、.64 9.5617 Magenta 29.42 19.27 30.2918 Cyan 14.47 19.87 39.5219 White 83.98 88.76 92.3520 Neutral 8 55.88 58.87 62.8721 Neutral 6.5 33.67 35.51 38.1122 Neutral 5 18.30 19.30 20.8323 Neutral 3.5 7.96 8.40 9.0624 Black 2.83 2.95 3.22NOTE Assuming CIE illuminant D65relative to CIE 1931 (2) standard obs

21、erver:CIE D65white point: x = 0.3127; y = 0.3290Table 1 Colorimetric specifications with illuminant D65SMPTE 303M-2002 Page 5 of 13 pagesSample number Color name CIE X CIE Y CIE Z1 Dark skin 14.18 10.80 2.352 Light skin 48.32 38.29 10.283 Blue sky 17.23 17.77 13.074 Foliage 11.82 12.74 2.705 Blue fl

22、ower 27.21 23.81 17.126 Bluish green 32.16 39.10 17.907 Orange 49.53 35.09 2.358 Purplish blue 11.44 10.55 13.899 Moderate red 39.18 23.72 5.2110 Purple 9.62 6.88 5.3211 Yellow green 40.39 43.56 4.9912 Orange yellow 60.94 48.69 3.5113 Blue 6.01 5.23 11.1714 Green 15.83 21.84 4.0715 Red 30.23 15.92 1

23、.9916 Yellow 73.31 64.24 4.4517 Magenta 37.96 22.79 11.1418 Cyan 12.05 16.42 15.5919 White 95.41 88.97 35.7920 Neutral 8 63.16 58.94 24.2821 Neutral 6.5 37.98 35.53 14.7022 Neutral 5 20.61 19.30 8.0323 Neutral 3.5 8.95 8.40 3.4924 Black 3.20 2.96 1.24NOTE Assuming 3100 K illumination relative to CIE

24、 1931 (2) standard observer:3100 K (Planckian) white point: x = 0.4299; y = 0.4016Table 2 Colorimetric specifications with illuminant 3100 KSMPTE 303M-2002 Page 6 of 13 pagesSample number Color name CIE X CIE Y CIE Z1 Dark skin 11.38 9.87 5.132 Light skin 39.39 35.98 22.083 Blue sky 17.37 18.86 29.1

25、24 Foliage 10.30 12.97 5.715 Blue flower 25.51 24.24 38.216 Bluish green 31.00 42.19 38.167 Orange 38.36 30.22 5.018 Purplish blue 12.69 11.52 31.379 Moderate red 29.89 19.88 11.5910 Purple 8.62 6.56 12.2411 Yellow green 34.23 43.76 9.7312 Orange yellow 48.33 44.04 7.2113 Blue 7.71 6.02 25.3314 Gree

26、n 14.65 23.38 8.2115 Red 21.60 12.43 4.3916 Yellow 58.61 60.47 8.3717 Magenta 30.29 19.75 25.3718 Cyan 13.72 19.29 33.7119 White 84.73 88.79 78.3020 Neutral 8 56.30 58.87 53.2621 Neutral 6.5 33.91 35.52 32.2722 Neutral 5 18.42 19.30 17.6423 Neutral 3.5 8.01 8.40 7.6724 Black 2.85 2.95 2.73NOTE Assum

27、ing CIE illuminant D55relative to CIE 1931 (2) standard observer:CIE D55white point: x = 0.3324; y = 0.3474Table 3 Colorimetric specifications with illuminant D55SMPTE 303M-2002 Page 7 of 13 pagesSample number Color name R G B1 Dark skin 0.176192 0.078161 0.0503692 Light skin 0.559217 0.308765 0.222

28、5983 Blue sky 0.113384 0.199172 0.3358834 Foliage 0.094429 0.148387 0.0498545 Blue flower 0.236358 0.225838 0.4436596 Bluish green 0.133698 0.517089 0.4025977 Orange 0.701529 0.199095 0.0227328 Purplish blue 0.069851 0.106012 0.3769899 Moderate red 0.558012 0.090525 0.12195610 Purple 0.107833 0.0442

29、87 0.14679911 Yellow green 0.348986 0.501909 0.04768812 Orange yellow 0.791553 0.364908 0.02651513 Blue 0.027033 0.047735 0.30907714 Green 0.060008 0.305765 0.06048715 Red 0.446057 0.028404 0.04207316 Yellow 0.852001 0.579539 0.01057517 Magenta 0.506210 0.088935 0.29721718 Cyan 0.033561 0.248928 0.3

30、8523519 White 0.896718 0.889514 0.84178220 Neutral 8 0.592520 0.588894 0.57552321 Neutral 6.5 0.355289 0.355648 0.34911022 Neutral 5 0.192522 0.193346 0.19098023 Neutral 3.5 0.083667 0.084194 0.08305624 Black 0.030311 0.029250 0.029592NOTE The following conversion matrices are assumed:A = 0.412391 0

31、.357584 0.180481 0.212639 0.715169 0.072192 0.019331 0.119195 0.950532 A 1= 3.240970 1.537383 0.49861 0.969244 1.875968 0.041555 0.055630 0.203977 1.056972 Table 4 RGB values before gamma correctionbased on D65and ITU-R BT.709 primariesSMPTE 303M-2002 Page 8 of 13 pagesSample number Color name R G B

32、1 Dark skin 0.182879 0.076701 0.0506972 Light skin 0.576451 0.305289 0.2235283 Blue sky 0.106411 0.198569 0.3349174 Foliage 0.091884 0.151095 0.0503615 Blue flower 0.234872 0.221987 0.4423606 Bluish green 0.109775 0.526532 0.4026637 Orange 0.736137 0.192181 0.0246188 Purplish blue 0.063353 0.102215

33、0.3752899 Moderate red 0.588262 0.080821 0.12252910 Purple 0.110965 0.041324 0.14628311 Yellow green 0.343520 0.512510 0.05018412 Orange yellow 0.822823 0.362193 0.02925713 Blue 0.023072 0.043769 0.30746414 Green 0.046388 0.314693 0.06156815 Red 0.473226 0.019975 0.04267216 Yellow 0.875491 0.583708

34、0.01445917 Magenta 0.531413 0.077257 0.29663918 Cyan 0.053390 0.252193 0.38395019 White 0.897665 0.890171 0.84208120 Neutral 8 0.592890 0.589047 0.57560921 Neutral 6.5 0.355331 0.355765 0.34914922 Neutral 5 0.192492 0.193402 0.19099323 Neutral 3.5 0.083644 0.084224 0.08306224 Black 0.030377 0.029223

35、 0.029591NOTE The following conversion matrices are assumed:A = 0.393521 0.365258 0.191677 0.212376 0.701060 0.086564 0.018739 0.111934 0.958385 A 1= 3.506003 1.739791 0.544058 1.069048 1.977779 0.035171 0.056307 0.196976 1.049952 Table 5 RGB values before gamma correction basedon D65and ANSI/SMPTE

36、240M primariesSMPTE 303M-2002 Page 9 of 13 pagesSample number Color name R G B1 Dark skin 0.172057 0.078161 0.0500382 Light skin 0.548651 0.308765 0.2215703 Blue sky 0.117003 0.199172 0.3375154 Foliage 0.096705 0.148387 0.0486785 Blue flower 0.235914 0.225838 0.4462596 Bluish green 0.149872 0.517089

37、 0.4012317 Orange 0.680333 0.199095 0.0206288 Purplish blue 0.070091 0.106012 0.3802229 Moderate red 0.538291 0.090525 0.12233110 Purple 0.105152 0.044287 0.14802211 Yellow green 0.355437 0.501909 0.04226712 Orange yellow 0.773555 0.364908 0.02247713 Blue 0.027906 0.047735 0.31219614 Green 0.070375

38、0.305765 0.05756015 Red 0.428438 0.028404 0.04223616 Yellow 0.840507 0.579539 0.03785417 Magenta 0.488607 0.088935 0.29970218 Cyan 0.021644 0.248928 0.38686219 White 0.896414 0.889514 0.84121220 Neutral 8 0.592367 0.588894 0.57536421 Neutral 6.5 0.355304 0.355648 0.34903222 Neutral 5 0.192557 0.1933

39、46 0.19095223 Neutral 3.5 0.083689 0.084194 0.08304224 Black 0.030267 0.029250 0.029596NOTE The following conversion matrices are assumed:A = 0.430554 0.341550 0.178352 0.222004 0.706655 0.071341 0.020182 0.129553 0.939322 A 1= 3.063361 1.393390 0.475824 0.969244 1.875968 0.041555 0.067861 0.228799

40、1.069090 Table 6 RGB values before gamma correctionbased on D65and PAL primariesSMPTE 303M-2002 Page 10 of 13 pagesSample number Color name R G B1 Dark skin 0.144900 0.081539 0.0539132 Light skin 0.478764 0.318281 0.2326373 Blue sky 0.144518 0.189652 0.3254834 Foliage 0.107855 0.153175 0.0552965 Blu

41、e flower 0.240366 0.213305 0.4296996 Bluish green 0.248636 0.516911 0.4032327 Orange 0.540014 0.218391 0.0431008 Purplish blue 0.089166 0.089516 0.3587249 Moderate red 0.414254 0.097060 0.12820810 Purple 0.091569 0.039438 0.14126811 Yellow green 0.381202 0.525697 0.07447612 Orange yellow 0.648109 0.

42、392310 0.05606113 Blue 0.042164 0.032102 0.29173614 Green 0.127950 0.315689 0.07205715 Red 0.317143 0.035084 0.04859416 Yellow 0.748624 0.617645 0.05236117 Magenta 0.383905 0.084242 0.29109218 Cyan 0.058489 0.235909 0.37137119 White 0.892894 0.892430 0.84501020 Neutral 8 0.590951 0.589740 0.57645621

43、 Neutral 6.5 0.355182 0.356024 0.34952922 Neutral 5 0.192698 0.193469 0.19111923 Neutral 3.5 0.083792 0.084251 0.08312024 Black 0.029994 0.029249 0.029588NOTE The following conversion matrices are assumed:A = 0.588099 0.179133 0.183223 0.289661 0.605640 0.104699 0.000000 0.068241 1.020817 A 1= 1.971

44、026 0.549468 0.297418 0.953709 1.936318 0.027418 0.063755 0.129442 0.981441 Table 7 RGB values before gamma correctionbased on D65and NTSC 1953 primariesSMPTE 303M-2002 Page 11 of 13 pagesSample number Color name R G B1 Dark skin 0.1735 0.0780 0.04912 Light skin 0.5556 0.3064 0.22093 Blue sky 0.1158

45、 0.2002 0.33884 Foliage 0.0960 0.1478 0.04815 Blue flower 0.2387 0.2263 0.44766 Bluish green 0.1502 0.5136 0.40627 Orange 0.6826 0.1998 0.01548 Purplish blue 0.0704 0.1076 0.38279 Moderate red 0.5482 0.0892 0.119710 Purple 0.1064 0.0452 0.146711 Yellow green 0.3515 0.4998 0.039612 Orange yellow 0.77

46、29 0.3655 0.016113 Blue 0.0281 0.0494 0.315414 Green 0.0674 0.3040 0.057415 Red 0.4412 0.0260 0.040216 Yellow 0.8407 0.5774 0.0028 17 Magenta 0.4996 0.0886 0.297218 Cyan 0.0181 0.2461 0.394219 White 0.8972 0.8886 0.842320 Neutral 8 0.5924 0.5886 0.575821 Neutral 6.5 0.3551 0.3558 0.349122 Neutral 5

47、0.1923 0.1934 0.191123 Neutral 3.5 0.0835 0.0842 0.083124 Black 0.0303 0.0292 0.0297NOTE The following conversion matrices are assumed:A = 0.455311 0.352891 0.14862 0.23477 0.705782 0.059448 0.021343 0.11763 0.782731 A 1= 2.935457 1.39246 0.451609 0.982134 1.900917 0.042108 0.067556 0.247705 1.28356

48、4 Table 8 RGB values before gamma correctionbased on D55and ITU-R BT.709 primaries(not for television applications)SMPTE 303M-2002 Page 12 of 13 pagesAnnex A (informative)BibliographyANSI/ISO 5-4-1995, Photography Density Measurements Part 4: Geometric Conditions for Reflection DensitySMPTE 170M-1999, Television Composite Analog VideoSignal NTSC for Studio ApplicationsSMPTE 240M-1999, Television 1125-Line High-DefinitionP

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