SMPTE ST 321M-2002 Television - Data Stream Format for the Exchange of DV-Based Audio Data and Compressed Video Over a Serial Data Transport Interface.pdf

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1、SMPTE STANDARD SMPTE 321 M-2002 Revision of SMPTE 321 M-1999 for Television - Data Stream Format for the Exchange of DV-Based Audio, Data and Compressed Video over a Serial Data Transport Interface 1 Scope Page 1 of 24 pages 1.1 This standard defines the format of the data steam for the synchronous

2、exchange of DV-based audio, data, and compressed video (whose data structure is defined in SMPTE 314M and SMPTE 370M) over the interface defined in SMPTE 305M. It covers the transmission of audio, subcode data, and compressed video packets associated with DV-based 25- and 50-Mb/s data structures inc

3、luding faster-than-real-time transmission, and 100-Mb/s data structures for 525/60 SDTI and 625/50 SDTI systems. 1.2 This standard does not include the data stream of a DV-compressed structure as defined in SMPTE 322M. 1.3 Space within SMPTE 305M not used by a data stream conforming to this standard

4、 may be used for the transmission of data other than those representing DV-based audio, data, and compressed video. 1.4 In this standard, the 60-Hz system refers to the field frequency 59.94-Hz system and the 50-Hz system refers to the field frequency 50.0-Hz system. 2 Normative references The follo

5、wing standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the po

6、ssibility of applying the most recent edition of the standards indicated below. SMPTE 274M-1998, Television - 1920 x 1080 Scanning and Analog and Parallel Digital Interfaces for Multiple Picture Rates SMPTE 296M-2001, Television - 1280 x 720 Progressive Image Sample Structure - Analog and Digital Re

7、presentation and Analog Interface SMPTE 305.2M-2000, Television - Serial Data Transport Interface (SDTI) SMPTE 31 4M-1999, Television - Data Structure for DV-Based Audio, Data and Compressed Video - 25 and 50 Mb/s SMPTE 370M, Television - Data Structure for DV-Based Audio, Data and Compressed Video

8、at 100 Mb/s - 1080/60i, 1080/50i, 720/60p Copyight 8 2002 by THE SOCIETY OF MOTION PICTURE AND TELEVISION ENGINEERS 595 W. Hartsdale Ave., Wie Plains, NY 10607 (914) 761-1100 Approved March 28,2002 SMPTE 321M-2002 S V Fixed Space - Header Fixed Fixed Fixed E A Data V pace A block block block block s

9、 1 3 Identification within the serial data transport interface (SDTI) . 170 words 1 word -4 F SDTI data Stream block bPe (from SMPTE 305M, table 2) 3.1 SDTI header packet data The header packet data words of the serial data transport interface (SDTI) associated with this data stream format shall con

10、form to SMPTE 305M. When the SDTI interface is transporting a data stream conforming to this standard, the block type word within the SDTI header packet shall have the value 173h for transported data contained in fixed-size blocks when ECC (error correction code) is used and the value 233h when ECC

11、is not used. word 3.2 Payload O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 85 86 87 88 89 - 169 Reserved ST 7T data DIF DIF DIF DIF block block block block ECC ID data ID data I The payload is composed of consecutive fixed-size blocks (see figure 1). The SDTI data type word shall identify the data type of this payload wit

12、h the value 221h. (3 words) Ancillary data Payload (3 words) (77 words) (3 words) (77 words) (4 words) Figure 1 - Stream block format Page 2 of 24 pages SMPTE 321 M-2002 word4 4 Stream block format 1 I - EP EP FF DIF structure Rei DVF FSNF TRF : I D b , The stream block format is shown in figure 1.

13、The length of each stream block is 170 words, including a secondary header, two DIF (digital interface) block IDS, two DIF block data (of stream data), and an ECC block. The secondary header contains reserved data words, signal type words, and a transmission type word. The complete word structure of

14、 the stream block for a compressed video data stream is defined below: Reserved data: 3 words Signal type: 2 words Transmission type: 1 word DIF block ID: 3 words DIF block data: 77 words DIF block ID: 3 words DIF block data: 77 words ECC: 4 words 4.1 Reserved data words The reserved data words shal

15、l consist of 3 words and be positioned at the start of the stream block. The default value for the reserved data is 200h. 4.2 Signal type words The signal type word (ST) mapping is shown in figure 2. The signal type words shall consist of two words. The first word of ST (word 3) includes the specifi

16、c type of video frame ID (STVF ID). The second word of ST (word 4) includes the field/frame frequency flag (FF), the DIF structure format, the DIF valid flag (DVF), the frame sequence number flag (FSNF), the transmission rate flag (TRF), and reserved bits. B9 88 87 86 B5 84 83 82 B1 BO I I I I I I w

17、ord3 I EP I EP I Reserved I STVFID Figure 2 - Signal type (ST) word mapping Word 3 of ST The STVF ID shows information mainly related to pictures that have been 3:2 pull-down converted from 480 line/29.98 frame rate progressive pictures. In the case of the 25- and 50-Mb/s structure for the 525/60 SD

18、TI system, the following applies: Bits B7 through 83 are reserved bits and shall be set to OOOOb as default values. Bits B2 through BO indicate the specific type of video frame ID which shows the type of the converted picture with the following values: Page 3 of 24 pages SMPTE 321M-2002 o11 1 O0 1 o

19、1 110 111 NOTE -Odd line 52 51 BO Original Converted O O O : 480/29.97 -Nochange O O 1 : 480p / 29.97 - Segmented frame (see note) - 0- - -1-O-:-48Op-/ 23.98-7No field sequence-ID-(3:2 pull-down) : 480p / 23.98 - A frame (3:2 pull down) : 480p / 23.98 - B frame (3:2 pull down) : 480p / 23.98 - C fra

20、me (3:2 pull down) : 480p / 23.98 - D frame (3:2 pull down) : 480p / 23.98 - E frame (3:2 pull down) of 480p/29.97 are mapped to the first field and even lines of 480p/29.97 are mapped to the second field. In the case of the 1 OO-Mb/s structure for the 525/60 SDTI system and in the case of the 25, 5

21、0-, and 100-Mb/s structures for the 626/50 SDTI system, the following applies: All values of bits B7 through BO are set to OOh as default values. Bit B8 of word 3 is equal to the even panty of B7 through BO. Bit B9 of word 3 is equal to the complement of B8. Word 4 of ST Bit 57 indicates the field f

22、requency of the serial digital interface (SDTI) with the following values: 87 O : 60 Hz (59.94 Hz) 1 : 50Hz Bits B6 through B4 indicate the DIF structure with the following values: B6 B5 B4 O O O : Reserved O O 1 : Reserved O 1 O : Reserved O 1 1 : 25-Mb/s structure 1 O O : Reserved 1 O 1 : 50-Mb/ss

23、tructure 1 1 O : 100-Mb/s structure 1 1 1 : Reserved Bit B3 is the reserved bit and shall be set to Ob as the default value. Bit B2 is the DIF valid flag (DVF) and indicates the validb of the DIF data mapped into SDTI. B2 O : Invalid 1 : Valid Bit B1 is the frame sequence number flag (FSNF) and indi

24、cates the validity of the frame sequence number (see 4.3) with the following values: B1 O : Valid 1 : Invalid 4 4 Page 4 of 24 pages SMPTE 321 M-2002 Bit BO is the transmission rate flag (TRF) and indicates the validity of the transmission rate (see 4.3) with the following values: BO O : Valid 1 : I

25、nvalid Bit B8 is equal to the even parity of B7 through BO. Bit B9 is equal to the Complement of 88. 4.3 Transmission type word The transmission type word (rr) mapping is shown in figure 3. The ansmission type word shall consist of one word including the frame sequence number and the transmission ra

26、te. B9 B8 B7 B6 85 B4 B3 B2 B1 BO Figure 3 - Transmission type word mapping Bits B7 through B4 indicate the frame sequence number with the following values: The frame sequence number identifies frames multiplexed within an SDTI frame. Bits B3 through BO indicate the transmission rate with the follow

27、ing values: Oh : 1 x (normal transmission rate) (see note) lh : 2X 2h : 3X 3h 4X 4h : 5X 5h : 6 6h: 7X 7h: 8 8h - Eh : Reserved h :16x NOTE -The multiple of the normal transmission rate is represented by x. The normal transmission rate corresponding to normal reproduction of the television picture i

28、s 1 x. Bit B8 is equal to the even parity of 87 through BO. Bit B9 is equal to the complement of B8. Page 5 of 24 pages SMPTE 321M-2002 - EP1 EP2 EP3 - - a 4.4 DIF block ID words The DIF block ID (IDO-2) shall consist of three words contained in bits A23 through AO as shown in figure 4. The lower EP

29、2 is equal to the even parity of bits A15 through A8; EP3 is equal to the even panty of bits A23 through A16; and - - EP1 is equal to the complement of EPl ; - EP2 is equal to the complement of EP2; EP3 is equal to the complement of EP3. 4.5 DIF block data words The DIF block data shall consist of 7

30、7 words. The lower 8 bits of each DIF block word represent the DIF block data, as specified in SMPTE 314M and SMPTE mM; the higher 2 bits are parity data. Bits 67 through BO are DIF block data; Bit B8 is equal to the even parity of 87 through BO. Bit B9 is equal to the complement of B8. 4.6 Error co

31、rrection code (ECC) words Bits 67 through BO of the words within a stream block (including reserved data words, the ST word, the Ti word, and all words of the DIF block ID and DIF block data) are optionally protected by an error correction code (ECC). The ECC shall consist of four words and be inser

32、ted at the end of the stream block. The error correction code is a (170, 166) Reed-Solomon code in GF(256), whose field generator polynomial is shown as: P(x) = x8 + x4 + x3 + x2 + 1 where Xi are place-keeping variables in GF(2), the binary field. The generator polynomial of the code in GF(256) is:

33、G(x) = (x+)(x+)(x+)(x+o) where a is gben by 2h in GF(256). Page 6 of 24 pages SMPTE 321 M-2002 word 169 When the value of the blocktype in the SDTI header (see 3.1) is 173h, the Reed-Solomon code shall be contained in C31 through CO as shown in figure 5. When the value of the block type is 233h, the

34、 ECC shall have the fixed EP4 C31 C30 C29 C28 C27 C26 value 200h. B9 88 87 B6 85 84 83 82 word 166 EP1 1 C7 I C6 I C5 I C4 I C3 I C2 word 167 IKl EP2 I C15 I C14 I C13 I C12 I C11 I C10 word 168 IEP3( EP3 I C23 IC22 I C21 I C20 1 Ci9 I C18 Figure 5 - Mapping of ECC EP1 is equal to the even par of bi

35、ts C7 through CO; EP2 is equal to the even par of bits C15 through C8; EP3 is equal to the even parity of bits C23 through C16; EP4 is equal to the even panty of bits C31 through C24; B1 BO and - - EP1 is equal to the complement of EP1; - EP2 is equal to the Complement of EP2; - EP3 is equal to the

36、complement of EP3; EP4 is equal to the complement of EP4. 5 Transmission order The transmission order within one frame for 25-,50-, and 1 -Mb/s DV-based compression structures consisting of DIF blocks is shown in figures 6,7,8, and 9. In the lOO-Mb/s structure, one frame is carried in four channels,

37、 which are transmitted in sequence from the first channel to the fourth channel one after another. In the 50-Mb/s structure, each frame is carried in two channels, which are transmitted in sequence one after another. In the 25-Mb/s structure, only a single channel is used. Each channel consists of 1

38、0 DIF sequences in the 60-Hz system or 12 DIF sequences in the 50-Hz system. DIF sequences within a frame are transmitted in a DIF sequence order from O to n-1 . Each DIF sequence is composed of 150 DIF blocks. DIF blocks within a DIF sequence are transmitted sequentially from DIF block O to 149. Pa

39、ge 7 of 24 pages SMPTE 321M-2002 Data in one frame First channel Second channel Third channel Fourth channel .- i., - i. DIF channel number ks Structure of a DIF Header section Subcode section VAUX section Audio (L video sedion sequence ./. - ./. Transmission order - / , 2 t , DIF blocks HO,O SC0,O

40、sc1.0 VAO.0 VA1.0 VA2,O AO.0 V0,O 2. Byte position number Structure of a DIF block I ID I Data I Note n = 1 O for 60 Hz system n = 12 for 50 Hz system DIF channel number = O, 1,2,3 Figure 6 - Transmission order in one frame for the 100-Mb/s structure Page 8 of 24 pages SMPTE 321 M-2002 DIF sequence

41、0,O DIF %Uem 1,o DIFsequence n-1,l _. DIF sequence n-1 ,O DIF sequence 0,l DIF sequence 1,1 -. Header section Subcode section VAUX section Structure of a DIF Structure of a DIF block Audio in the 625/50 SDTI system, a channel unit occupies 113 lines in the 270-Mb/s interface or 82 lines in the 360-M

42、b/s interface. The remaining payload space within a channel unit should be filled with blocks with their value set to the invalid type number lOOh, as defined in SMPTE 305M. 6.2 Mapping rules The mapping rules are as follows: - Channel units consist of contiguous lines with no gaps and shall not use

43、 lines 10, 11 ,273, or 274 in the 525160 SDTI system, or lines 6,7,319, or 320 in the 625/50 SDTI system. - The start lines in which a channel unit can be mapped are shown in table 1. - A channel unit shall be completely contained within an SDI video field. - Multiple channel units shall not be mapp

44、ed into the same line and shall not be interleaved with each other. - For faster-than-real-time transmission, the mapping order of channel units shall be in time sequence. Page 12 of 24 pages SMPTE 321 M-2002 I I Invalid data o Line tine Channel r- 69 lines tine 5 Line 5 tine tine : tine I r %lines

45、1 Line Line Ancillary data spac m 52. 525 Payload (1440 words) 72 words o O I o O o I K=21,115,284,378 Note a) for 270 MWs system Ancillary data space Payload (1920 words) VP Y I II o m I O SDTl block / e 39 words II Note K=21, unit 90, 159, b) for 360 Mb/s system Figure 10 - Channel unit mapping fo

46、r the 25-Mb/s structure (525160 SDTI system) Page 13 of 24 pages SMPTE 321M-2002 Line 62. Line Line : I I Invalid data Channel unit o o o Note K= 23,105,187, Line I r Line 625 82 lines 1 336,418,500 Ancillary data space :e Payload (1440 words) I 72 word: m I o I I 1 Invalid data Channel unit Note K

47、= 23,136,336,449 a) for 270 Mb/s system Pavload (1920 words) b) for 360 Mb/s system Figure 11 - Channel unit mapping for the 25-Mb/s structure (625/50 SDTI system) Page 14 of 24 pages SMPTE 321 M-2002 525160 SDTI system Table 1 - Start lines of channel units 270-Mb/s interface 360-Mbls interface 21,

48、 1 15, 284,378 21, 90, 159,284, 353, 422 C 270-Mb/s interface 360-Mbls interface 23, 136, 336, 449 23, 105, 187. 336, 41 8, 500 625/50 SDTI system In the caseof synchronized multichannel unittransmission, the mapping of channel units shall be in fixed positions as shown in figures 12 and 13. One SDT

49、I frame shall contain 4hannei units with the 270-Mbls interface or 6-channel units with the 360-Mb/s interface. In the case of 50-Mb/s structure transmission, one frame shall use two adjacent channel units as shown in figures 14 and 15. The first part of one frame shall use the first channel unit and the second part of the frame shall use the second channel unit. in the 525/60 system, 1500 SDTI data blocks are mapped into 188 lines for the 270-Mb/s interface or into 138 lines for the 360-Mbls interface. In the 62560 system, 1800 SDTI data b


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