SMPTE ST 405M-2006 Television Material Exchange Format (MXF) - Elements and Individual Data Items for the MXF Generic Container System Scheme 1.pdf

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1、 1 Scope This standard specifies elements and individual data items that may be used in the MXF Generic Container System Scheme 1 (SMPTE 394M). This standard allows additional new elements to be added to those already defined in SMPTE 394M. This standard also defines lists of individual data items t

2、hat may be used in elements of the MXF Generic Container System Scheme 1. This standard also lists the element identifier values of elements compatible with SMPTE 394M, but defined in other documents. The MXF Generic Container is the native Essence Container of the Material Exchange Format (MXF) Fil

3、e Body. The MXF Generic Container is defined for the interchange of streamable audio-visual material. 2 Normative References The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated we

4、re valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the standards indicated below. SMPTE 330M-2004, Television Unique Material Identifier (UMID) SMPTE 331M-2004, Televis

5、ion Element and Metadata Definitions for the SDTI-CP SMPTE 377M-2004, Television Material Exchange Format (MXF) File Format Specification SMPTE 379M-2004, Television Material Exchange Format (MXF) MXF Generic Container SMPTE 394M-2006, Television Material Exchange Format (MXF) System Scheme 1 for th

6、e MXF Generic Container SMPTE RP 186-1995, Video Index Information Coding for 525- and 625-Line Television Systems SMPTE RP 210, Metadata Dictionary Registry of Metadata Element Descriptions 3 Glossary of Acronyms, Terms and Data Types The general glossary of acronyms, terms and data types used in t

7、he MXF specification is given in SMPTE 377M and is supplemented in SMPTE 379M. These are not repeated here to avoid any divergence of meaning. Page 1 of 7 pages SMPTE 405M-2006 Copyright 2006 by THE SOCIETY OF MOTION PICTURE AND TELEVISION ENGINEERS 3 Barker Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601 (914) 761-

8、1100 Approved July 7, 2006 SMPTE STANDARD for Television Material Exchange Format (MXF) Elements and Individual Data Items for the MXF Generic Container System Scheme 1 SMPTE 405M-2006 Page 2 of 7 pages 4 Introduction The MXF Generic Container is defined in SMPTE 379M. SMPTE 394M defines the System

9、Scheme 1 as a System Item for use in the MXF Generic Container. These standards provide for System Items that can carry metadata in “Frame Wrapping”, “Clip Wrapping” and other wrapping modes. This standard defines system elements and individual data items that are compatible with System Scheme 1. 5

10、Individual Data Definitions In the following tables, individual metadata items are assigned with the following local tag value ranges: 00.00h to 00.7Fh shall not be used. 00.80h to 00.FFh shall be reserved for individual metadata items defined in SMPTE 331M. 01.00h to 7F.FFh shall be reserved for in

11、dividual metadata items defined in this standard. 80.00h to FF.FFh are reserved for “dark” definitions defined elsewhere, either privately, or publicly. Such definitions are beyond the scope of this standard. 5.1 CP-Compatible Individual Data Definitions Table 1 defines the individual metadata or co

12、ntrol data items that are compatible with SMPTE 326M. The table defines a unique name, a data type, the length, the local tag value, the UL designator, the meaning and the standard upon which this individual data item depends. The full 16-byte SMPTE UL value defined in SMPTE RP 210 can be located fr

13、om the UL designator value. Table 1 Specification of SDTI-CP Compatible Individual Data Items Unique Name Type Length Local Tag UL Designator Meaning Standard SMPTE 331M Metadata Items Refer to SMPTE 331M Refer to SMPTE 331M 00.xxh (where xx is the “Type Value” defined in SMPTE 331MSee SMPTE 331M Se

14、e SMPTE 331M. The value of xxh is the 1-byte local tag defined in SMPTE 331M and ranges from 80h to a maximum of FFh. SMPTE 331M also defines the SMPTE UL designator where applicable. SMPTE 331M 5.2 GC System Scheme Individual Data Definitions Table 2 defines individual metadata or control data item

15、s that are compatible with the MXF generic container system schemes, but are not compatible with SMPTE 326M. The table defines a unique name, a data type, the length, the local tag value, the UL designator, the meaning and the standard upon which this individual data item depends (where applicable).

16、 The full 16-byte SMPTE UL value defined in SMPTE RP210 can be located from the UL designator value. Where required, fuller descriptions of each individual data item may be given in Table 3. SMPTE 405M-2006 Page 3 of 7 pages Table 2 Specification of Individual Data Items Unique Name Type Length Loca

17、l Tag UL Designator Meaning Standard Frame Count UInt32 4 01.01h The count of frames in either frame-wrapped or clip wrapped modes. In frame-wrapped mode, the value will be 1. Timecode Array T/C Array 8+8n 01.02h An ordered array of Time Codes with ind

18、ividual time code packets as specified in SMPTE 331M, section 8.2. SMPTE 331MClip ID Array UMID Array 8+32n 01.03h An ordered array of Basic UMIDs SMPTE 330MExtended Clip ID Array ExtUMID Array 8+64n 01.04h An ordered array of Extended UMIDs SMPTE 330M

19、VideoIndexArray VideoIndex Array 8+15n 01.05h An ordered array of Video Indexes. Each Video Index is a concatenation of classes 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1 and 2.2 as defined in SMPTE RP186 where each class is 3 bytes long. The CRCC bytes are not present in this data item SMPTE RP 186

20、 KLV Metadata Sequence KLVMetaSequence KLV*n 01.06h A sequence of KLV metadata packets which shall have one KLV packet per frame in the sequence. Each individual KLV packet is as defined in SMPTE 331M, section 8.9. Each individual packet may have a zero value where no metadat

21、a exists for the associated frame. SMPTE 331MSample Rate Rational 8 30.01h The field or frame rate of the Essence Container (not the essence pixel clock rate). See SMPTE 377M. SMPTE 377MEssence Track Number UInt32 4 48.04h Number used to link the Syste

22、m Item element to the essence track in the Content Package. See SMPTE 377M. SMPTE 377MEssence Track Number Batch TrackNumberBatch 8+4n 68.01h An unordered list of Track Numbers used to link the System Item element to the essence tracks in the Content Package. SMPTE 377MConten

23、t Package Index Array IndexArray 8+11n 68.03h An ordered array of index entries for each frame in this Content Package (see Table 3 below). SMPTE 377MNOTE Arrays and Batches are defined in SMPTE 337M, section 3.3. 5.3 Individual Data Item Descriptions Additional descriptions

24、and notes may be added to Table 3 as indicated by Table 2. SMPTE 405M-2006 Page 4 of 7 pages Table 3 Specification of Individual Data Item Descriptions Name Description Notes Content Package Index Array This item is used only for multi-frame essence wrappings, such as clip, custom or other specializ

25、ed essence wrappings. Each 11-byte value comprises the first four entries of the “NIE” as defined in SMPTE 377M, table 21 (Structure of Index Entry Array). The difference is that the first item in the array defines the offset of the key of the first essence element in this Content Package and not of

26、 the essence container as a whole. Informative Note 1: This item will be typically used in the Picture Item Descriptor and be associated with a single video track in the Content Package. Informative Note 2: This item can be used to build a full Index Table to the specification in SMPTE 377M. 5.4 Val

27、ues copied from other documents (informative) The values in Table 4 have been copied from other documents and are listed here to provide a single point where the elements compatible with System Item Scheme 1 can be referenced. Table 4 Compatible Elements for System Scheme 1 (Informative) Unique Name

28、 Type Length Element Identifier Value Meaning Standard Reverse Play Element UInt64 8 10h This value is KLV coded as a fixed pack that defines a System Element within System Scheme 1. The value defines the difference between the byte position of the first byte of the key of the first System Element i

29、n the current Content Package and the first byte of the Key of the first System Element in the previous Content Package. SMPTE 389M SMPTE 405M-2006 Page 5 of 7 pages Annex A (Informative) Guide to using individual data items This annex gives further guidance to the use of the individual data items d

30、efined in this standard. All individual data items specified in other documents such as SMPTE 331M and SMPTE 389M need no further explanation in this standard. A.1 Single Data Items All single-valued individual data items define a value that is consistent over the duration of the essence wrapping, w

31、hether frame, clip or custom. A.1.1 Frame Count This value can be used in both clip and custom wrappings to define the number of individual frames in the wrapping, The frame value is defined by the primary essence component in the Generic Container and the value is directly related to the SampleRate

32、 property of the associated Essence Descriptor as defined in SMPTE 377M. A.1.2 Sample Rate This value defines the sample rate of the Generic Container in which it resides. This has no purpose in a frame-wrapped Generic Container. In Clip or Custom wrapped Generic Containers, this value can be used t

33、o specify the underlying rate of the essence container and may be used to aid in-line signal operations within the byte-stream for those signal processors that cannot decode the Header Metadata. A.1.3 Essence Track Number This item provides a value that is identical to that used for linking the Head

34、er Metadata Track Number property to the essence track within the essence container. However, its scope is constrained to the Content Package and it has no relationship with the Track Number in the Header Metadata. The purpose of this value is to identify the essence track in the Content Package so

35、that subsequent metadata items in the same System Element can be linked to that specific essence track. If this data item is not present in any System Element, then all individual data items within the System Element refer to all essence elements in the named System Item type. Note that in cases whe

36、re the Essence Item comprises a single essence element, then this individual data item should not be used. A.2 Group Array Data Items Note that all group arrays are preceded with an 8-byte header that defines, respectively, the number of individual values and the length of each individual value. The

37、se arrays have the same data construct as “xxxArray” defined in SMPTE 377M. The sequence of individual data values is directly related to the sequence of essence samples and is, therefore, inherently an array. A.2.1 Time Code Array Each value in the array is of 8 bytes length and has the format and

38、byte order as defined in SMPTE 331M, section 8.2. A.2.2 Clip ID Array Each value in the array is a basic UMID of 32 bytes length and has the format and byte order as defined in SMPTE 330M. A.2.3 Extended clip ID array Each value in the array is an extended UMID of 64 bytes length and has the format

39、and byte order as defined in SMPTE 330M. SMPTE 405M-2006 Page 6 of 7 pages A.2.4 Video Index Array Each value in the array is of 15 bytes length and has the format and byte order as defined in Table 3 of this standard. Note that these 15 bytes are identical to the last section of the MPEG-2 picture

40、editing metadata defined in SMPTE 331M, section 8.5. A.2.5 Content Package Index Array Table 4 defines the format of each value in this array. This metadata is typically created along with the essence and may be created by streaming devices that are intended to provide essence for MXF files with min

41、imal latency. This metadata is specifically designed to allow for the rapid assimilation of full index tables for use in MXF files. A.3 Group Batch Certain individual metadata items are not related to the sequence of essence sample units and can be a batch of values. These batches have the same data

42、 construct as “xxxBatch” defined in SMPTE 377M. A.3.1 Essence Track Number Batch This batch allows a list of tracks to be identified for the purpose of relating the subsequent individual data items to more than one track. The application of this individual metadata item is typically in audio, where

43、it allows, for example, a group of audio track numbers in the Sound Item to be associated with a ClipID (UMID). A.4 Group Sequence A few individual metadata items are related to the sequence of essence sample units but have a variable length of metadata for each sample unit of the essence container.

44、 These items must define a separate mechanism to define the length of each value in the group. As with arrays, the order of each value in the sequence is directly linked to the order of sample units within the essence container. A.4.1 KLV Metadata Sequence This individual data item allows specialize

45、d KLV data that has been created in-line with the essence container to be closely coupled with the essence. This data is similar to the use of KLV metadata stored as VANC packets as defined by SMPTE 291M. SMPTE 405M-2006 Page 7 of 7 pages Annex B (informative) Bibliography ANSI/SMPTE 298M-1997, Tele

46、vision Universal Labels for Unique Identification of Digital Data SMPTE 291M-1998, Television Ancillary Data Packet and Space Formatting SMPTE 326M-2000, Television SDTI Content Package Format (SDTI-CP) SMPTE 389M-2005, Television Material Exchange Format (MXF) MXF Generic Container Reverse Play System Element SMPTE EG41-2004, Television Material Exchange Format (MXF) Engineering Guideline


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