SMPTE ST 428-12-2013 D-Cinema Distribution Master Common Audio Channels and Soundfield Groups.pdf

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1、 Copyright 2013 by THE SOCIETY OF MOTION PICTURE AND TELEVISION ENGINEERS 3 Barker Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601 (914) 761-1100 Approved February 26, 2013 Table of Contents Page Foreword . 2 Intellectual Property 2 Introduction 2 1 Scope . 3 2 Conformance Notation . 3 3 Normative Reference . 3 4 Gl

2、ossary . 4 5 Parameters . 4 6 Audio Channels 5 7 Soundfield Groups . 6 Annex A Bibliography (Informative) . 8 Annex B Common D-Cinema Loudspeakers (Informative) . 9 Annex C Soundfield Configuration Diagrams (Informative) 14 Annex D Guidelines for Naming D-Cinema Audio Channels and Soundfield Groups

3、(Informative) 15 Page 1 of 15 pages SMPTE ST 428-12:2013 SMPTE STANDARD D-Cinema Distribution Master Common Audio Channels and Soundfield Groups SMPTE ST 428-12:2013 Page 2 of 15 pages Foreword SMPTE (the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) is an internationally-recognized standards

4、developing organization. Headquartered and incorporated in the United States of America, SMPTE has members in over 80 countries on six continents. SMPTEs Engineering Documents, including Standards, Recommended Practices, and Engineering Guidelines, are prepared by SMPTEs Technology Committees. Parti

5、cipation in these Committees is open to all with a bona fide interest in their work. SMPTE cooperates closely with other standards-developing organizations, including ISO, IEC and ITU. SMPTE Engineering Documents are drafted in accordance with the rules given in Part XIII of its Operations Manual. S

6、MPTE ST 428-12 was prepared by Technology Committee 21DC. Intellectual Property At the time of publication no notice had been received by SMPTE claiming patent rights essential to the implementation of this Standard. However, attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this do

7、cument may be the subject of patent rights. SMPTE shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Introduction This section is entirely informative and does not form an integral part of this Engineering Document. It is useful to unambiguously identify the nature of D-Cin

8、ema audio essence. This information can be used, for instance, to inform users of the content of a D-Cinema Package, automatically route audio essence to proper server outputs based on the local auditorium configuration and configure audio processing. It is useful to enable Audio Channels to be comb

9、ined into logical Soundfield Groups. This allows D-Cinema audio essence to be described at a high-level, e.g. 5.1 soundfield configuration, while allowing processing of individual Audio Channels, e.g. routing of the Left Audio Channel to the proper server output. SMPTE ST 428-12:2013 Page 3 of 15 pa

10、ges 1 Scope This standard defines Universal Labels, names and symbols for common D-Cinema Audio Channels and Soundfield Groups for the purpose of labeling D-Cinema audio essence. This standard also provides informative guidance on the location and characteristics of common D-Cinema loudspeakers, and

11、 on the naming of D-Cinema Audio Channels and Soundfield Groups. This standard neither specifies the suitability of Audio Channels and Soundfield Groups for a particular sound track, nor specifies the loudspeakers to be present in an auditorium. 2 Conformance Notation Normative text is text that des

12、cribes elements of the design that are indispensable or contains the conformance language keywords: “shall“, “should“, or “may“. Informative text is text that is potentially helpful to the user, but not indispensable, and can be removed, changed, or added editorially without affecting interoperabili

13、ty. Informative text does not contain any conformance keywords. All text in this document is, by default, normative, except: the Introduction, any section explicitly labeled as “Informative“ or individual paragraphs that start with “Note:” The keywords “shall“ and “shall not“ indicate requirements s

14、trictly to be followed in order to conform to the document and from which no deviation is permitted. The keywords, “should“ and “should not“ indicate that, among several possibilities, one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others; or that a certain course of ac

15、tion is preferred but not necessarily required; or that (in the negative form) a certain possibility or course of action is deprecated but not prohibited. The keywords “may“ and “need not“ indicate courses of action permissible within the limits of the document. The keyword “reserved” indicates a pr

16、ovision that is not defined at this time, shall not be used, and may be defined in the future. The keyword “forbidden” indicates “reserved” and in addition indicates that the provision will never be defined in the future. A conformant implementation according to this document is one that includes al

17、l mandatory provisions (“shall“) and, if implemented, all recommended provisions (“should“) as described. A conformant implementation need not implement optional provisions (“may“) and need not implement them as described. Unless otherwise specified, the order of precedence of the types of normative

18、 information in this document shall be as follows: Normative prose shall be the authoritative definition; Tables shall be next; followed by formal languages; then figures; and then any other language forms. 3 Normative Reference The following standard contains provisions which, through reference in

19、this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the edition indicated was valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the standards i

20、ndicated below. SMPTE ST 400:2012, SMPTE Labels Structure SMPTE ST 428-12:2013 Page 4 of 15 pages 4 Glossary 4.1 Audio Channel Distinct collection of sequenced audio samples that are intended for delivery to a single loudspeaker, loudspeaker array or other reproduction device. 4.2 Loudspeaker Electr

21、o Mechanical transducer which converts an audio signal into sound. 4.3 Soundfield Acoustical space created by simultaneously reproducing one or more Audio Channels. 4.4 Soundfield Configuration Defined arrangement or configuration of loudspeakers that convey the intended Soundfield. 4.5 Soundfield G

22、roup Collection of one or more Audio Channels meant to be played out simultaneously through a given Soundfield Configuration. 5 Parameters This standard associates the following parameters with D-Cinema Audio Channels and Soundfield Groups. 5.1 UL The UL parameter is a SMPTE ST 400 Universal Label (

23、UL) unique to the associated Audio Channel or Soundfield Group. 5.2 Description The Description parameter describes the associated Audio Channel or Soundfield Group. 5.3 Name The Name parameter is the human-readable string commonly used to refer to the Audio Channel or Soundfield Group. It is unique

24、 within this document. 5.4 Symbol The Symbol parameter is a short ASCII string that identifies the Audio Channel or Soundfield Group. See Annex D for guidelines. A Symbol shall consist of a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 6 ASCII characters in the set 0x300x39, 0x410x5A, 0x610x7A. Mixed-case is used f

25、or readability. A Symbol shall be unique within this document, including future revisions. As specified in the clause above, each Symbol is a unique combination of mixed-case alphanumeric character. Once a Symbol has been defined, no other Symbol shall be defined with the same sequence of alphanumer

26、ic character but different case. For example, no “RsS“ Symbol can be defined if the Symbol “Rss“ already exists. SMPTE ST 428-12:2013 Page 5 of 15 pages Implementations shall encode the Symbol exactly as specified in this specification; i.e., using the exact sequence of mixed-case alphanumeric chara

27、cters. Implementations should use case-sensitive comparisons when decoding Symbols, but may use case-insensitive comparisons. 6 Audio Channels Table 1 lists common D-Cinema Audio Channels. Many Audio Channels are meant to drive loudspeakers defined in Annex B, and are denoted as such. The symbol of

28、these Audio Channels is identical to the abbreviation of the associated loudspeaker. Table 1 Audio Channels Audio Channel UL Byte 12 (see Table 2) Name Symbol Description 01h Left L Intended to drive the Left loudspeaker (see Annex B). 02h Right R Intended to drive the Right loudspeaker (see Annex B

29、). 03h Center C Intended to drive the Center loudspeaker (see Annex B). 04h LFE LFE Intended to drive the Screen Low Frequency Effects loudspeaker (see Annex B). 05h Left Surround Ls Intended to drive the Left Surround (see Annex B). 06h Right Surround Rs Intended to drive the Right Surround (see An

30、nex B). 07h Left Side Surround Lss Intended to drive the Left Side Surround (see Annex B). 08h Right Side Surround Rss Intended to drive the Right Side Surround (see Annex B). 09h Left Rear Surround Lrs Intended to drive the Left Rear Surround loudspeaker(s) (see Annex B). 0Ah Right Rear Surround Rr

31、s Intended to drive the Right Rear Surround loudspeaker(s) (see Annex B). 0Bh Left Center Lc Intended to drive the Left Center loudspeaker (see Annex B). 0Ch Right Center Rc Intended to drive the Right Center loudspeaker (see Annex B). 0Dh Center Surround Cs Intended to drive the Center Surround lou

32、dspeaker (see Annex B). 0Eh Hearing Impaired HI A dedicated Audio Channel optimizing dialog intelligibility for the hearing impaired. This may carry a special dialog centric mix, i.e. a mix in which the dialog is predominate and dynamic range compression may be employed. 0Fh Visually Impaired-Narrat

33、ive VIN A dedicated narration channel describing the main picture events for the visually impaired. Note: Multiple Hearing Impaired and Visually Impaired-Narrative channels can be made available simultaneously to theatre systems; e.g., to accommodate multiple languages. In such an event, additional

34、information, covered in other documents, is associated with each of these channels to distinguish them. SMPTE ST 428-12:2013 Page 6 of 15 pages Table 2 specifies the structure of the Audio Channel UL. Table 2 Audio Channel UL Structure Byte No. Description Value (hex) Meaning 1 Object Identifier 06h

35、 2 Label side 0Eh 3 Designator 2Bh ISO, ORG 4 Designator 34h SMPTE 5 Registry Category Designator 04h Labels 6 Registry Designator 01h Labels Registry 7 Structure Designator 01h Labels Structure 8 Version Number 0Dh Registry Version at the point of registration of this label 9 Item Designator 03h In

36、terpretive 10 Essence Kind 02h Sound Essence 11 Essence Facet 01h Audio Channel 12 Audio Channel Designator xxh See Table 1 13-16 Reserved 00h 7 Soundfield Groups Table 3 lists common D-Cinema Soundfield Groups. Each Soundfield Group consists of a collection of one or more Audio Channels meant to be

37、 played out simultaneously through a given Soundfield Configuration. Annex B depicts these Soundfield Configurations. SMPTE ST 428-12:2013 Page 7 of 15 pages Table 3 Soundfield Groups Soundfield Group UL Byte12 (see Table 4) Name Symbol Audio Channels Notes 01h 5.1 51 L, C, R, Ls, Rs, LFE Ls and Rs

38、generally extend to the rear wall in this configuration. 02h 7.1DS 71 L, C, R, Lss, Rss, Lrs, Rrs, LFE 03h 7.1SDS SDS L, Lc, C, Rc, R, Ls, Rs, LFE Ls and Rs generally extend to the rear wall in this configuration. 04h 6.1 61 L, R, C, Lss, Rss, Cs, LFE 05h 1.0 Monaural M C Single channel mono designe

39、d to be played from the center screen speaker. Table 4 specifies the structure of the Soundfield Group UL. Table 4 Soundfield Group UL Structure Byte No. Description Value (hex) Meaning 1 Object Identifier 06h 2 Label side 0Eh 3 Designator 2Bh ISO, ORG 4 Designator 34h SMPTE 5 Registry Category Desi

40、gnator 04h Labels 6 Registry Designator 01h Labels Registry 7 Structure Designator 01h Labels Structure 8 Version Number 0Dh Registry Version at the point of registration of this label 9 Item Designator 03h Interpretive 10 Essence Kind 02h Sound Essence 11 Essence Facet 02h Soundfield Group 12 Sound

41、field Group Designator xxh See Table 3. 13-16 Reserved 00h SMPTE ST 428-12:2013 Page 8 of 15 pages Annex A Bibliography (Informative) SMPTE RP 173-2002, Loudspeaker Placements for Audio Monitoring in High-Definition Electronic Production IETF RFC 2234 (November 1997), Augmented BNF for Syntax Specif

42、ications: ABNF ITU-R BR.1384 (12/98), Parameters for International Exchange of Multi-Channel Sound Recordings with or without Accompanying Picture SMPTE ST 428-12:2013 Page 9 of 15 pages Annex B Common D-Cinema Loudspeakers (Informative) The following defines common D-Cinema loudspeakers, including

43、their name, symbol (in parentheses) and a description of their typical location. Each loudspeaker definition is accompanied by a diagram illustrating location the shaded square denotes the boundaries of the auditorium with the screen as a heavy line at the top. Table B.1 Common D-Cinema Loudspeakers

44、 LLeft (L) Typically positioned behind the screen to the far left edge, horizontally, of the screen center as viewed from the seating area. RRight (R) Typically positioned behind the screen to the far right edge, horizontally, of the screen center as viewed from the seating area. SMPTE ST 428-12:201

45、3 Page 10 of 15 pages CCenter (C) This loudspeaker position is typically behind the screen corresponding to the horizontal center of the screen as viewed from the seating area. Also the intended speaker position for mono reproduction. L F EScreen Low Frequency Effects (LFE) Screen low frequency effe

46、cts subwoofer loudspeaker(s). This is typically one or more band-limited low frequency only loudspeakers at the screen end of the room. L sLeft Surround (Ls) An array of loudspeakers positioned along the left side of the room above the audience, starting approximately 1/3 of the distance from the sc

47、reen to the rear wall and the left side of the rear wall. As depicted by the crosshatch area, the array does not extend to the rear wall in all auditoriums. SMPTE ST 428-12:2013 Page 11 of 15 pages R sRight Surround (Rs) An array of loudspeakers positioned along the right side of the room above the

48、audience, starting approximately 1/3 of the distance from the screen to the rear wall and the right side of the rear wall. As depicted by the crosshatch area, the array does not extend to the rear wall in all auditoriums. L s sLeft Side Surround (Lss) Typically an array of loudspeakers positioned al

49、ong the left side of the room above the audience, starting approximately 1/3 of the distance from the screen to the rear wall. R s sRight Side Surround (Rss) Typically an array of loudspeakers positioned along the right side of the room above the audience, starting approximately 1/3 of the distance from the screen to the rear wall. L r sLeft Rear Surround (Lrs) One or more loudspeakers typically on the rear wall of the room above the audience to the left horizontally. SMPTE ST 428-12:2013 Page 12 of 15 pages R r sRight Rear Surround


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