SSPC QP 8-2003 Standard Procedure for Evaluating the Qualifications of Contracting Firms That Install Polymer Coatings and Surfacings on Concrete and Other Cementitious Substrates《.pdf

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SSPC QP 8-2003 Standard Procedure for Evaluating the Qualifications of Contracting Firms That Install Polymer Coatings and Surfacings on Concrete and Other Cementitious Substrates《.pdf_第1页
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1、SSPC-QP 8July 1, 2003SSPC: The Society for Protective CoatingsQualification Procedure No. 8Standard Procedure for Evaluatingthe Qualifications of Contracting FirmsThat Install Polymer Coatings and Surfacingson Concrete and Other Cementitious Substrates11. Scope1.1 This procedure describes a method f

2、or evaluatingthe qualifications of a contractor who installs polymer coat-ings or surfacings on concrete and other cementitioussurfaces, and defines a minimum standard for qualification.Examples of other cementitious surfaces are: Horizontal traffic-bearing concrete Non-traffic bearing concrete Ceme

3、nt masonry unit (CMU) construction Parged and cement plastered surfaces, includingstuccoPreviously painted cementitious surfaces1.2 The objective of this procedure is to determine if apolymer coating or surfacing contractor has the managementprocedures; technical knowledge; quality control procedure

4、s;personnel qualifications; and safety, health and environmentalcompliance programs to properly perform substrate evalua-tion, repair, and treatment; surface preparation; and installa-tion of coatings and surfacings over concrete-based substrateswhile meeting the conditions and restrictions specifie

5、d by theowner.1.3 The procedure encompasses assessment of knowl-edge to perform polymer coating or surfacing installation onconcrete or cementitious substrates in commercial, institu-tional, and industrial facilities and structures.1.4 Meeting the requirements of this procedure doesnot guarantee the

6、 performance of applied materials, indi-vidual workers, or individual companies.2. Description2.1 DEFINITIONSContractor: An individual or firm who provides surface prepa-ration and concrete coating or surfacing installation services inthe industrial, institutional, and commercial markets.Auditor: 1)

7、 The person or persons who perform audits onbehalf of the auditing agency or qualifying agency. 2) Thebody possessing the necessary technical competence toreview contractor submittals, conduct on-site audits of appli-cants, and report results to the qualifying agency in compli-ance with the requirem

8、ents of this procedure and the writtenrequirements of the formal audit program.Qualifying Agency: The body responsible for development,maintenance, sponsorship, and operation of a program toensure uniform compliance with the provisions of this stan-dard procedure.Qualification: The procedure by whic

9、h written assurance isgiven that an applicant conforms to the prescribed set ofconditions or requirements of this standard procedure.Procedure: The sequence of steps taken to carry out aparticular course of action.Surfacing: A resinous floor coating with a film thicknessgreater than 20 mils (500 m).

10、 Thick film (greater than 20mils 500 m) systems, self-leveling systems, slurry sys-tems, broadcast systems, mortar systems, fabric-reinforcedSSPC-QP 8July 1, 20032systems, spray-applied systems, non-waterproofing mem-branes, and underlayment membranes are all consideredsurfacings.Planarity: The gene

11、ral evenness of a substrate in an in-tended dimension. Planarity must not be confused withlevelness. A sloped area, for example, is “in plane,” withoutlow or high spots, but is not level.Sloping Correction: 1) An adjustment applied to a dis-tance measured on a slope to reduce it to a horizontaldista

12、nce between the vertical lines through its end points.2)The process of installing a given pitch to a surface.2.2 FUNCTIONS TO BE EVALUATED: The procedureidentifies five function areas to be evaluated:Management procedures, Technical knowledge, Quality control procedures, Personnel qualifications, an

13、d Safety, health, and environmental compliance pro-grams, including proper handling and disposal ofhazardous waste.General requirements for each of these function areas arepresented in Section 4.2.3 EVALUATION PLANNING: The qualifying agencymust develop criteria and rating plans to evaluate eachcont

14、ractor against this standard, and to determine which ofthe specific critical items within the five function areas are tobe evaluated. The sequence of steps for conducting anevaluation is outlined in Section 5. All evaluations will beperformed by the auditor.3. References3.1 The latest issue, revisio

15、n, or amendment of thereferenced standards in effect at the time shall govern,unless otherwise specified.3.2 If there is a conflict between the requirements of anyof the cited reference standards and this qualification proce-dure, the requirements of this qualification procedure shallprevail.3.3 SSP

16、C STANDARDS:Guide 7 Guide for the Disposal of Lead-Contaminated Surface Preparation DebrisQP 1 Standard Procedure for EvaluatingQualifications of Painting Contractors(Field Application to Complex IndustrialStructures)QP 2 Standard Procedure for Evaluating theQualifications of Painting Contractors to

17、Remove Hazardous Paint3.4 FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS:1Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)40 CFR 260 Hazardous Waste Management System:General40 CFR 261 Identification and Listing of HazardousWaste40 CFR 262 Standards Applicable to Generators ofHazardous Waste40 CFR 263 Standards Applicable t

18、o Transporters ofHazardous Waste40 CFR 268 Land Disposal Restrictions3.5 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATE-RIALS (ASTM) STANDARDS:2ASTM D 6237 Standard Guide for Painting Inspectors(Concrete and Masonry Substrates)4. General Qualification Requirements4.1 MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES: The applicantmust

19、demonstrate adequate procedures for disseminatingcompany policy and for personnel, administrative, and fi-nancial management as follows:4.1.1 Contractor Policy: The contractor shall have:a. Written policies on quality, safety, health, and en-vironmental compliance; andb. Written procedures for disse

20、minating companypolicies to personnel.4.1.2 Organization and Personnel: The contractor shallhave:a. An organizational chart showing division of respon-sibility within the companyb. A list of names, titles, duties, and job descriptionsfor key personnel (executive management, techni-cal management, qu

21、ality control supervisors, safety,health, and environmental compliance manage-ment). Each job description shall state the expe-1Available from http:/, or from local US Government Printing Offices.2ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.

22、 Available online from http:/ 8July 1, 20033rience, licenses, certifications, and training andrefresher courses required for each position.4.1.3 Administrative and Management Procedures:The contractor shall provide:a. A brief written description of the contractors methodof financ

23、ial record keeping;b. Procedures used for contract estimating andscheduling, and for keeping track of job costs;c. Procedures used to review specifications and otherbid documents;d. Formal procedures for complying with current fed-eral, state, and local environmental, health, andsafety regulations;

24、ande. Procedures for evaluating each job function fordetermination of specialized training and/or expe-rience requirements.4.2 TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE: The contractor shallhave adequate technical resources, suitable job conversionprocedures, and appropriate equipment to perform the work.The contractor s

25、hall provide the following:4.2.2 Technical Resources:a. A list of technical societies, trade associations, orother industry groups (e.g., universities, majormanufacturers, consultants) that address polymercoating or surfacing of substrates with which thecontractor is associated. Current membership c

26、er-tificates or correspondence shall be maintained toverify the affiliation.b. Verification that the company maintains a library ofcurrent SSPC, American Concrete Institute (ACI),National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Inter-national Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI), Ameri-can Society for Testi

27、ng and Materials (ASTM),NACE International, and other technical standardsappropriate for the types of polymer coating orsurfacing systems installed (see Note 7.1).4.3 Procedures: The contractor shall provide formalprocedures that are used to convert job specifications intofield work orders, job plan

28、s, etc., including procedures for:a. Logging receipt of specifications and revisions andrecording who gets copies, as well as removingobsolete or superseded documents from activefiles;b. Documenting communication that notes exceptionsto specifications or other clarifications;c. Communicating specifi

29、cation requirements to workcrews; andd. Communicating safe working condition and envi-ronmental requirements on a per-project basis.At a minimum, the contractor must have standard com-pany procedures, based on documented good installationpractices or existing industry standards, for the following:a.

30、 Repair of deficient concrete substrate conditionssuch as: loose and delaminated concrete sectionsincluding reinforcing steel removal and replace-ment; spall and pop-out repairs; sloping and re-sloping for drainage or elevation correction; cracks(both moving and non-moving); substrate surfacecorrect

31、ion, including grinding and filling to achieveproper planarity and substrate smoothness.b. Pretreatment of substrate, including removal ofcontaminants such as grease, oil, form releaseagents, laitance, and efflorescence;c. Surface preparation methods such as shot blast-ing, acid etching, abrasive bl

32、asting, waterjetting,detergent and steam cleaning, hand and power toolabrasion, wire brushing, vacuum cleaning, andcompressed air cleaning;d. Testing for contamination after surface preparation;e. Evaluating surface profile after surface preparation;f. Testing for moisture in concrete;g. Testing for

33、 measuring moisture vapor emissionrate;h. Proper storage, mixing, and thinning of coating andsurfacing materials;i. Procedures for various installation methods (e.g.,brush, roll, rake, squeegee, screed box, spraymethods, trowel, power trowel);j. Procedures to avoid contaminating the coating orsurfac

34、e during installation (e.g. requiring installersto wear spikes when working on thick film areas,wearing clean, disposable shoe covers when work-ing over cured surfaces to receive subsequentcoats);k. Jobsite measuring of polymer coating or surfacingviscosity prior to application, as required;l. Testi

35、ng of applied coating or surfacing for cure,thickness, holidays, adhesion, and static dissipa-tion as applicable;m. Procedures for proper cleaning of tools after instal-lation;n. Procedure for disposal of excess materials, con-tainers, and cleaning materials;o. Procedures for maintaining acceptable

36、and safeworking conditions such as temperature control, airmovement, illumination of area; andp. Procedures for curing applied coating systems.SSPC-QP 8July 1, 200344.2.4 Work History and Equipment Maintenance:The contractor shall provide:a. Listing of current (site-based) jobs and jobs re-cently co

37、mpleted on structures within the past 18months that support the contractors suitability forcertification. The list shall include the following:Client name, address, and principal contact Description of the work performed; Description of material applied and contact infor-mation for manufacturers rep

38、resentative Any special requirements or provisions (e.g.,safety or environmental); andb. Formal description of maintenance and repair pro-cedures utilized for equipment (including mainte-nance and repair logs) to ensure equipment andtools are in proper working order.4.3. QUALITY CONTROL: The contrac

39、tor must dem-onstrate that it has proper inspection and recording proce-dures for quality control, including:4.3.1 Procedures for monitoring implementation of com-pany policies.4.3.2 Inspection procedures and recording systems forjob quality control demonstrating that:a. Applicable standards and spe

40、cifications for coatingor lining inspection work are available to each coat-ing installation crew;b. Applicable inspection equipment and calibrationstandards and procedures are available and used;c. Inspections and tests and reports of results aremaintained and filed. At a minimum, inspectionshall b

41、e accomplished in accordance with thecontractors QC procedures and any additionalcustomer QC requirements.4.3.3 Submittal of QC Manual: The contractors QCmanual shall include (but not be limited to):a. General Section Technical requirements of relevant portions ofASTM D 6237 Appropriate calibration

42、standardsb. Contract-Specific Section Technical requirements of manufacturers rec-ommendationsOther requirements of specific contracts.4.3.4 QC Project Documentation: The contractorsproject documentation shall include records of: Documented inspections in accordance withthe company QC manual Documen

43、tation as required by the contract Documentation as deemed prudent by QCpersonnel4.4 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS:4.4.1 Quality Control Manager and Inspection Per-sonnel: At a minimum, quality control and inspection personnelmust have successfully completed the following formal train-ing programs: QC tr

44、aining (general) (minimum 8 hours)A two-day (16 hour) course meeting require-ments of the attached curriculum (Annex 1)4.4.2 Job Crew Chief or Foreman, and QC Manager:At a minimum, each job crew chief or foreman and each QCmanager must have successfully completed the followingformal training program

45、s: Two-day (16-hour) ACI International course onConcrete Fundamentals or equivalent, orMinimum two-day (16 hour) course meeting re-quirements of the attached curriculum outline(see Annex 1)In addition, each job crew chief or foreman and each QCmanager must have at least two years experience in theco

46、ncrete coating or surfacing installation industry as: (1) aninstaller; (2) a superintendent; (3) a coating project manager;(4) an owner of a concrete coating or surfacing installationcompany; (5) a concrete coating or surfacing inspector; or (6) atechnical representative for a concrete coating or su

47、rfacingmaterial supplier.4.4.3 Craftspersons: The contractor must implement aprogram to ensure that qualified persons perform substraterepairs (including planarity and elevation correction), surfacepreparation, and polymer coating or surfacing installation. Ifnecessary, training must be available to

48、 and utilized bythese workers, including training required to meet regula-tory requirements. The contractor must have in place amethod for monitoring the proficiency of workers performingsubstrate repairs, surface preparation, and system instal-lation. Relevant documentation to support implementatio

49、nmust also exist.4.5 SAFETY, HEALTH, AND ENVIRONMENTALCOMPLIANCE PROGRAMS: The contractor must possessa written safety and health program in conformance with USOSHA safety and health regulations applicable to polymercoating or surfacing installations, including removal of exist-ing polymer coatings or surfacings and reapplication. Thecontractor must also have provisions to maintain safetyrecords and provide access to safety resource material.SSPC-QP 8July 1, 200354.5.1 Safety Procedures and Record-KeepingSystems: The contractor shall:a. Document all safe


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