TIA EIA IS-713-1999 Narrowband Analog Air Interface Compatibility Standard for 1 9 GHz Band on IS-91-A《IS-91-A 1 9 Ghz波段的窄带模拟空中接口兼容性标准》.pdf

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TIA EIA IS-713-1999 Narrowband Analog Air Interface Compatibility Standard for 1 9 GHz Band on IS-91-A《IS-91-A 1 9 Ghz波段的窄带模拟空中接口兼容性标准》.pdf_第1页
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TIA EIA IS-713-1999 Narrowband Analog Air Interface Compatibility Standard for 1 9 GHz Band on IS-91-A《IS-91-A 1 9 Ghz波段的窄带模拟空中接口兼容性标准》.pdf_第2页
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TIA EIA IS-713-1999 Narrowband Analog Air Interface Compatibility Standard for 1 9 GHz Band on IS-91-A《IS-91-A 1 9 Ghz波段的窄带模拟空中接口兼容性标准》.pdf_第3页
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TIA EIA IS-713-1999 Narrowband Analog Air Interface Compatibility Standard for 1 9 GHz Band on IS-91-A《IS-91-A 1 9 Ghz波段的窄带模拟空中接口兼容性标准》.pdf_第4页
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TIA EIA IS-713-1999 Narrowband Analog Air Interface Compatibility Standard for 1 9 GHz Band on IS-91-A《IS-91-A 1 9 Ghz波段的窄带模拟空中接口兼容性标准》.pdf_第5页
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1、 TIA/EIAINTERIM STANDARDNarrowband Analog Air InterfaceCompatibility Standard for 1.9 GHzBand on IS-91-ATIA/EIA/IS-713NOVEMBER 1999TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONRepresenting the telecommunications industry inassociation with the Electronic Industries Alliance TIA/EIA/IS-713NOTICETIA/EIA Eng

2、ineering Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminatingmisunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement ofproducts, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper pr

3、oduct forhis particular need. Existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect preclude anymember or nonmember of TIA/EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to suchStandards and Publications, nor shall the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude

4、theirvoluntary use by those other than TIA/EIA members, whether the standard is to be used either domesticallyor internationally.Standards and Publications are adopted by TIA/EIA in accordance with the American National StandardsInstitute (ANSI) patent policy. By such action, TIA/EIA does not assume

5、 any liability to any patent owner,nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Standard or Publication.TIA/EIA INTERIM STANDARDSTIA/EIA Interim Standards contain information deemed to be of technical value to the industry, and arepublished at the request of the originating Com

6、mittee without necessarily following the rigorous public reviewand resolution of comments which is a procedural part of the development of a TIA/EIA Standard.TIA/EIA Interim Standards should be reviewed on an annual basis by the formulating Committee and adecision made on whether to proceed to devel

7、op a TIA/EIA Standard on this subject. TIA/EIA InterimStandards must be cancelled by the Committee and removed from the TIA/EIA Standards Catalog before theend of their third year of existence.Publication of this TIA/EIA Interim Standard for trial use and comment has been approved by theTelecommunic

8、ations Industry Association. Distribution of this TIA/EIA Interim Standard for comment shallnot continue beyond 36 months from the date of publication. It is expected that following this 36 monthperiod, this TIA/EIA Interim Standard, revised as necessary, will be submitted to the American NationalSt

9、andards Institute for approval as an American National Standard. Suggestions for revision should bedirected to: Standards the BS frequency10is maintained to a frequency tolerance of 0.25 ppm. In the presence of a receive signal,11the transmit frequency (steady state) shall be within the specified to

10、lerance of the12assigned channel frequency. The AFC requirements shall be met for normal and extreme13operating conditions of the MS unit, including incoming interfering receive signals at the14specification limit of Intermodulation and Adjacent Channel Selectivity.15162. Frequency tolerance

11、 - narrow analog mobile stations17For narrow analog MSs, the carrier frequency shall be maintained within 0.5 ppm of any18assigned channel frequency except during channel switching (see An automatic19frequency control circuit (AFC) may be used to maintain the frequency. The specified20tole

12、rance includes crystal aging and shall be maintained under both normal and extreme21test conditions and for a period of at least five years, without re-adjustment.22If a narrow analog MS employs an AFC, the specific requirements are as follows:23The MS shall use the incoming receive signal as a freq

13、uency reference; the BS frequency24is maintained to a frequency tolerance of 0.10 ppm. In the presence of a receive signal,25the transmit frequency (steady state) shall be within the specified tolerance of the26assigned channel frequency. The AFC requirements shall be met for normal and extreme27ope

14、rating conditions of the MS unit, including incoming interfering receive signals at the28specification limit of Intermodulation and Adjacent Channel Selectivity.2930312.1.1.3C CAPCS Control Channel Allocation32The candidate pool of CAPCS control channels has a fixed starting channel as shown in33Tab

15、le C-1 and proceeds upward from that channel. The block size is programmable34with a maximum size of 128 channels. Note that systems D,E, and F are limited to less35than the maximum size of CAPCS control channels. The block size is transmitted in the36System Parameter Overhead message. The C

16、APCS system never uses any of the37dedicated control channels in the PCS system.38TIA/EIA/IS-713812Table C-1- CAPCS Initial Control Channels3SystemLow Set1stCAPCSControlChannelHigh Set1stCAPCSControlChannelMaxnumberCAPCSControlChannelsTransmitter center frequencyMHzMobile Land StationA493161

17、281851.4701869.4801931.4701939.480D548548631866.4401866.4401946.4401946.440B7159831281871.4501879.4901951.4501959.490E12151215631886.4501886.4501966.4501966.450F13821382621891.4601891.4601971.4601971.460C154818161281896.4401904.4801976.4401984.4804TIA/EIA/IS-71392.2 Receiver12.2.1 Frequency paramete

18、rs22.2.1.1 Channel spacing and designation32. Wide analog channels4Channel spacing shall be 30 kHz and the MS receive channel at 1930.030 MHz (and the5corresponding BS receive channel at 1850.030 MHz) shall be termed channel number 1.6The 60-MHz range of channels 1 through 1999 as shown in Ta

19、ble for System A7through F is basic The station class mark (SCM) (see 2.3.3) shall be set appropriately.82.2.4 Other receiver parameters9102.3 Security and identification112.3.3 Station class mark12Class-of-station information referred to as the 5-bit station class mark (SCMp) shall be13st

20、ored in an MS. The digital representation of this class mark is specified below:14Power Class_ SCMp(see SCMp(see 2.3.11)Class I 01X00 Continuous X10XXClass II 01X01 Discontinuous X11XXClass III 01X10Class IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIII01X1111X0011X0111X1011X112.3.10 Prefer

21、red system selection15A means shall be provided within the MS to identify the preferred system.16TIA/EIA/IS-713102.6 Call processing12.6.1 Initialization22.6.1.1 Retrieve system parameters3If this task has been entered as a result of a power up the MS shall set the Location-4Registration ID status t

22、o enabled, set the First-Idle ID status to enabled, set the First-5Registration ID status to enabled, set the First-Location-Area ID status to enabled and6shall set ISMs = 0, DMPs = 0, PACs = 0, PARs = 0, PUREGs = 0, PDREGs = 0, LREGs = 0,7RANDs = 0, LRCCs = 0, SIDs = 0, and SIDr = 0. Set SERV_SYSS

23、to the band with the8associated home system (See Table MS operating in a SOM = 1 shall enter the Select Initial Control Channel Task (see102. MS shall then enter the Scan Dedicated Control Channels Task (see Scan dedicated control channels142.6

24、. Select Initial Control Channel15If SOM = 0, then:16The MS must examine the signal strength on each of the channels in either the17low or high dedicated control channel set assigned nationwide to the band indicated18by SERV_SYSS status (See Table MS shall then enter the Upda

25、te Overhead Information Task (see SOM = 1, then:2122 Set the Power On Channel Scan Status (POCSSs) to enabled.23 Clear BAD ASID LISTs.24 Set the Idle Sleep Mode bit (ISMs) to 0.25 Add ASIDp (or multiple ASIDps if present) to the top of the GOOD ASID LISTs-p.26 Enter the Initial Chann

26、el Scan task (see CAPCS Initial Channel Scan1Overhead messages are sent in a group called an overhead message train (see MS shall use the value given in the NAWC (number of additional words coming) field3of the system parameter overhead messa

27、ge in the train to determine that all messages of4the train have been received. The END field shall be used as a cross-check. For NAWC-5counting purposes, inserted control-filler messages (see 3.7.1) shall not be counted as part6of the overhead message train.7If the MS receives a BCH-code-correct bu

28、t unrecognizable overhead message in the train,8the MS shall count that message as part of the train for NAWC counting purposes, but9shall not attempt to execute the message.10The value of CPs-p is normally set to one plus the CP-1 field of the overhead message11according to the algorithm in section

29、 “Response to Overhead Information“ (See If12the MS has never received an overhead message then CPs-p should be set to the13maximum value indicated in Table C. The value for CPs-p should be14maintained through power cycles. The MS may optionally provide a way for the user to15for

30、ce the CPs-p field to its maximum value.16Set FIRSTCHPs to the first candidate control channel for the system indicated in17SERV_SYSS statusand LASTCHPs = FIRSTCHPs + CPs-p - 1(see table C).1819The MS should clear CHANNEL TABLEs. Then, for all channels between FIRSTCHPs and20LASTCHPs (or t

31、he channels in CCDLLISTs-p), the MS shall determine whether Word-Sync21can be achieved. If Word-Sync can be achieved, the channel number and signal quality22shall be stored in CHANNEL TABLEs.23Select the strongest channel from CHANNEL TABLEs, and for each selected channel the24MS shall perform the f

32、ollowing:25 Initialize the following parameters:26- Set ARs = 027- Set CMAC(3)s = 028If the MS is equipped for autonomous registration, the MS shall:29- Set registration increment (REGINCRs) to its default value of 450.30- Set the first registration ID status to enabled.31 Wait for a System Paramete

33、r Overhead Message. If this message is not received in321.5 seconds the MS shall delete this channel from CHANNEL TABLEs and go to the33next strongest channel.34When the Overhead message is received, the MS shall perform the following:35TIA/EIA/IS-71312- Update Auxiliary System Identification (ASIDr

34、) - Set the 14 most significant1bits of ASIDr to the value of the ASID1 field. If the SERV_SYSS is A, C, or D,2set the least significant bit of ASIDr to 1. Otherwise, set the least3significant bit of ASIDr to 0. If the MS has already been denied CAPCS4registration by this ASID while in this state th

35、en remove this channel from5CHANNEL TABLEs and go to the next strongest channel.6- Update Serial Number Bit (Ss) - Set Ss to the value of the S field.7- Update Discontinuous transmission bit (DTXs) - Set DTXs to the value of the8DTX field.9- Update Read-control-filler (RCFs) - Set RCFs to the value

36、of the RCF field.10- Update Extended Address bit (Es) - Set Es to the value of the E field.11- Extended Protocol Indicator - Set EPs to the value of the EP field.12If the CAPCS Global Action message is received then the MS shall perform the13following.14- Protocol Indicator (PI) Field - If the PI fi

37、eld does not equal 0 then remove this15channel from CHANNEL TABLEs and go to the next strongest channel.16- AR Field - Set ARs to the value of the AR field.17- SA Field - Set SAs to the value of the SA field.18- Control Mobile Attenuation Code bit 3 (CMAC(3) - Set the CMAC(3)s to the19value of the C

38、MAC(3) field.20The MS shall then examine the read-control-filler bit (RCFs)21- If RCFs=0, the MS shall then within 400 ms (+100ms, -0ms) set DCCs to the22value of the DCC field of a received message, set SDCC1 and SDCC2 to 0, and23set the power level (PLs) to 7.24- If RCFs=1, the MS shall then withi

39、n 1000 ms (+100ms, -0ms) read a control-25filler-message, set DCCs, WFOMs, SDCC1s, and SDCC2s, to the values in the26DCC, WFOM, SDCC1, and SDCC2 fields of the message, respectively, and set27PLs to the power level given by Table for the value of the CMAC(3)28and CMAC fields and the MS powe

40、r class (see, 2.3.3, and If29the mobile cannot support the power level indicated by the CMAC(3) and30CMAC fields then delete the channel from CHANNEL TABLEs and go to the31next strongest channel.32TIA/EIA/IS-71313If the DCC field or the control-filler message is not received with

41、in the time1allowed, then the MS shall delete this channel from CHANNEL TABLEs and go to the2next strongest channel.3The mobile shall now determine whether to attempt CAPCS registration. The4mobile should attempt CAPCS registration in the following cases:5- If POCSSs = 1.6- If POCSSs = 0 and ARs = 1

42、 and ASIDr is not in the BAD ASID LISTs.7- If POCSSs = 0 and ARs = 0 and ASIDr is in the GOOD ASID LISTs.8Otherwise, the mobile should delete the channel from CHANNEL TABLEs and go to9the next strongest channel. If the mobile has determined that it should perform10CAPCS registration, it shall:11- se

43、t ASIDs = ASIDr and12- call the System Access task (see 2.6.3) with “CAPCS registration“ indication.13+ If the System Access task returns “CAPCS registration failure“ indication14the MS should delete the channel from CHANNEL TABLEs and go to the15next strongest channel.16+ If the System Access task

44、returns “CAPCS registration deny“ indication17the MS should delete the channel from CHANNEL TABLEs, and18if ARs=019 remove this ASID from the GOOD ASID LISTs if present20if ARs=121 add this ASID to the BAD ASID LISTs,22 and go to the next strongest channel.23+ If the System Access task returns “CAPC

45、S registration success“24indication the MS shall25 If the MS is capable of cellular operation, it shall set SIDr = 0.26 Set POCSSs = 0.27 If the ASIDs = ASIDp then set the ROAM status to disabled.28 If the ASIDs = ASIDp then set the ROAM status to enabled.29 If the ROAM status is disabled set Rs = R

46、EGH field; if the ROAM30status is enabled set Rs = REGR field.31TIA/EIA/IS-71314 If ARs = 0, add ASIDs to the top of the GOOD ASID LISTs-p. If the1GOOD ASID LISTs-p is full then delete the oldest entry. If ASIDs2was already in the GOOD ASID LISTs-p then sort it to the top.3 The MS shall then enter t

47、he Idle task (see 2.6.2).45If CHANNEL TABLEs is empty:67 the MS shall set the Power On Channel Scan Status (POCSSs) to80 and may enter the Initial Channel Scan again. Update overhead information10Overhead messages are sent in a group called an overhead message train (see MS

48、shall use the value given in the NAWC (number of additional words coming) field12of the system parameter overhead message in the train to determine that all messages of13the train have been received. The END field shall be used as a cross-check. For NAWC-14counting purposes, inserted control-filler

49、messages (see 3.7.1) shall not be counted as part15of the overhead message train.16If the MS receives a BCH-code-correct but unrecognizable overhead message in the train,17the MS shall count that message as part of the train for NAWC-counting purposes, but18shall not attempt to execute the message.19The MS shall tune to the strongest dedicated control channel and, within 3 seconds,20receive a system parameter message (see and update the fol


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