TIA IS-90-1993 Recommended Minimum Standard for 800 MHz Dual-Mode Narrowband Analog Cellular Subscriber Units《800 MHz双模式窄带模拟蜂窝用户单元的推荐最低标准》.pdf

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TIA IS-90-1993 Recommended Minimum Standard for 800 MHz Dual-Mode Narrowband Analog Cellular Subscriber Units《800 MHz双模式窄带模拟蜂窝用户单元的推荐最低标准》.pdf_第1页
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TIA IS-90-1993 Recommended Minimum Standard for 800 MHz Dual-Mode Narrowband Analog Cellular Subscriber Units《800 MHz双模式窄带模拟蜂窝用户单元的推荐最低标准》.pdf_第2页
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TIA IS-90-1993 Recommended Minimum Standard for 800 MHz Dual-Mode Narrowband Analog Cellular Subscriber Units《800 MHz双模式窄带模拟蜂窝用户单元的推荐最低标准》.pdf_第3页
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TIA IS-90-1993 Recommended Minimum Standard for 800 MHz Dual-Mode Narrowband Analog Cellular Subscriber Units《800 MHz双模式窄带模拟蜂窝用户单元的推荐最低标准》.pdf_第4页
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TIA IS-90-1993 Recommended Minimum Standard for 800 MHz Dual-Mode Narrowband Analog Cellular Subscriber Units《800 MHz双模式窄带模拟蜂窝用户单元的推荐最低标准》.pdf_第5页
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1、EIA IS-90 93 = 3234600 0503732 647 - - - y= Reproduced By GLOBAL - - = - ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS - With The Permission Of IA -s -. - Under Royalty Agreement INTERIM STANDARD Recommended Minimum Standard for 800 MHz Dual-Mode Narrowband Analog Cellular Subscriber Units IS-90 JANUARY 1993 TELECOMMUNICAT

2、IONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Representing the telecommunications industiy in association mmmrmmN with the Electronic Industries Association n EIA IS-qO 93 U 3234bOO 0503733 583 U 1 I NOTICE TINEIA Engineering Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misun

3、derstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his particular need. Bistence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect p

4、reclude any member or nonmember of TIA/EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publications, nor shall the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than TINEIA members, whether the standard is to be used either d

5、omestically or internationally. Recommended Standards and Publications are adopted by TIA/EIA in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) patent policy. By such action, TWEIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to part

6、ies adopting the Recommended Standard or Publication. This TINEIA Interim Standard was developed by the TR-45.1 Subcommittee on Analog Cellular. TINEIA INTERIM STANDARDS TINEIA Interim Standards contain information deemed to be of technical value to the industry, and are published at the request of

7、the originating Committee without necessarily following the rigorous public review and resolution of comments which is a procedural part of the development of an TWEIA Recommended Standard. TINEIA Interim Standards should be reviewed on an annual basis by the formulating Committee and a decision mad

8、e on whether to proceed to develop an TWEIA Recommended Standard on this subject. TINEIA Interim Standards must be cancelled by the Committee and removed from the TWEIA Standards Catalog before the end of their fifth year of existence. Published by *TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION 1993 201 P

9、ennsylvania Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C. 2O6 PRICE: please refer to the current catdog of EIA dJGlobal Documents, USA and canada (1-7179) krtematicwral(714-261-145!j) All rights reserved Printed in U.S.A. I EIA IS-90 73 W 3234600 0503734 4LT W EIA/TIA . IS-90 1 INTRODUCTION . 1 1.1 Scope . 1 General

10、 description of cellular mobile telephone system 1 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 Definition of subscriber unit . 2 Channel numbering and frequencies . 3 Wide analog channel numbering and frequencies . 3 Narrow analog channel numbering and frequencies . 3 Duty cycle . 5

11、Supplementary terms and definitions 6 Classes of equipment 5 Full duplex operation 5 Time intervals . 6 2 RECENER MINIMUM STANDARDS 7 2.1 Frequency requirements . 7 2.1.1 Frequency coverage . 7 Carrier frequency stability and channel switching times 7 2.1.2 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2

12、2 2.2.3 Demodulation requirements 7 they cover the operation of the land station, th

13、e cellular switch, and the cell control equipment only to the extent that compatibility with the compatibility specification is assured. 1.2 The system is designed to supply mobile telephone service using a “cellular“ radio coverage plan. This plan divides a metropolitan area into a number of covera

14、ge areas or “cells“ with each cell being assigned a portion of the available radio channels. The channels used in one cell are again usable in spatially separated cells in the same service area. The subscriber unit communicates with a distributed array of cell site land stations. The cell site land

15、stations are controlled by the cellular system network control and switching equipment that provides connection to the worldwide telecommunications network. A call between the land network and a subscriber unit is routed via the cellular control system to the cell site that best serves the location

16、of the subscriber unit. A call in progress can proceed indefinitely as the subscriber unit moves from cell to cell throughout the service area since it is automaticaly reassigned to an available channel within a new cell. Some of the channels within each cell are dedicated to the control of the subs

17、criber unit, This includes locating a particular subscriber unit. processing a subscriber originated call, and performing other system control functions. The remaining channels are used for voice communication. General description of cellular mobile telephone system 1 EIA IS-SO 93 M 3234b00 0503743

18、422 E Control Tmuceirer Unit Antenna and Logic Circuitry) Unit - (Transmtter, Receiver, - Unit A A EIA/TIA - IS-90 1.3 Definition of rtdmrllm rinit The subscriber unit required for a cellular system is shown in ilgure 1 and consists of the following units: control unit, transceiver unit, and antenna

19、 unit. nLn Figllre1-s-rinlt Although figure 1 depicts the control unit and the transceiver unit as two separate units, both may be contained within a single housing if the physical dimensions permit either mounting the combined unit within reach of the vehicle operator or using it as a hand-held “pe

20、rsonal“ unit. The minimum requirements of the Control Unit, Transceiver Unit, and Antenna Unit are as follows. A. Control Unit The Control Unit is the interface between the subscriber and the system. The subscriber interface requirements described in 7 may inciude a handset: a keypad; a loudspeaker;

21、 ali subscriber unit controls: indicators; and, if provided, a digit display. with ail of which the subscriber interacts dumg the process of placing or receiving a call. Portons of the Control Unit may be mounted in physically separate packages. A mcrophone and loudspeaker combination or other perip

22、herals may be used in place of the handset to provide a means of using the system without holding a handset. B. Transceiver Unit The Transceiver Unit provides duplex voice transmission and reception utilizing paired 800- MHz radio channels. Each subscriber unit transmit channel is separated from its

23、 duplex receive channel by 45 MHz. The transmitter nominal effective radiated power (ERPI (see 1.3.2) for the Class I vehicular mounted subscriber unit is 4 watts. The nomlnal ERP values for Class II and Class III subscriber units are 1.6 and 0.6 watts. respectfvely. Under command of signals receive

24、d from a cell site, the EFW is capable of being reduced below the nominal level in 4 dB steps to 28 dB below 4 watts. The transmitter carrier is frequency modulated with audio and binary coded signaling information. Both audio and signaling Information may be present at the same time depending on th

25、e status of the subscriber unit. The carrier is then passed to the Antenna Unit for radiation to a cell site. Received signals entering the antenna from a cell site arrive at the receiver where they are amplified and demodulated. The signais may be voice (which is passed to the Control Unit) or code

26、d signaling idormation (which is passed to the logic circuitry for decoding). The Transceiver Unit logic circuitry functions as the master control for the subscriber unit. The logic circuitry encodes and decodes the binary coded signaling Information used for communicatlon between a cell site and a

27、subscriber unit. Some of the major logic functions include the following: 2 - EIA IS-90 93 m 3234600 0503744 369 EIA/TIA - IS-90 Decoding orders received from a cell site such as orders to retune the transceiver to a new frequency channel, to alert the subscriber to an incoming call, to adjust the t

28、ransceiver output power level, and to release the subscriber unit upon completion of a call. Encoding the signaling information for transmission to the cell site. The signaling information includes dialed digits for call origination, dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) for end-to-end signaling during a

29、call (if provided, see lo), flash request for vertical services, disconnect signal at the completion of a call, and subscriber unit identification to the system. Performing transceiver control functions such as tuning the receiver, detecting the loss of signal from the cell site, and performing auto

30、matic call release. Providing the subscriber with current status information, such as indicating to the the subscriber that the unit is in an area without service or in a foreign service area. C. Antennaunit The Antenna Unit connects to the Transceiver Unit and consists of a vertically polarized bro

31、ad bandwidth antenna. The Antenna Unit requirements are not included in these standards. The complete mobile station transmitter consisting of the subscriber unit and the antenna system that includes any interconnecting cable shall satisfy the effective radiated power (ERP) requirements for the appr

32、opriate class as given in 1.3.2 and 3.2.1. Unless the subscriber unit includes an antenna, the manufacturer shall specify the gain of the antenna system to be connected to the Transceiver Unit FW output connector to satism these requirements. D. Overall Requirements Unless otherwise specified, the s

33、ubscriber unit shall meet all performance requirements of these standards under the environmental conditions as specified in 4 with the only allowable performance degradations specified therein. 1.3.1 Channel numbering and frequencies The FtF channel numbers and frequencies (see 2.1.1 and 3.

34、1. i) are given in table 1. The 20 MHz range of channels 1 through 666 for System A and System B is basic. The additional 5 MHz of channels 667 through 799 and (wrap-around) 991 through 1023 for extending System A W, A“) and B (B) is optional (see 1.3.2). In either case, the station class mark (SCM,

35、 see 1.3.2) shall be set appropriateiy. Wide analog channel numbering and frequencies Channel spacing shall be 10 kHz and the mobile station transmit channel at 825.030 MHz (and the corresponding land station transmit channel at 870.030 MHz) shall be termed channel number 1. The 20 MHz range

36、 of channels 1 through 666 as shown in table 2 for System A and System B is basic. The additional 5 MHz of channels 667 through 799 and (wrap-around) 991 through 1023 for extending System A W, A“) and B (B) are mandatory. The station class mark (SCM, see 1.3.2) shall be set appropriately. Additional

37、 narrow analog channels are located 10 liz above and below the standard wide analog channels. Mobiles are directed to those voice channels with an order containing the channel number (N) plus two additional fields C12 and C13 (see the compatibility specification). C12 directs the mobiles to the narr

38、ow analog channel below the standard wide analog channel (N) sent Nmw analog channel numbering and frequencies 3 EIA IS-90 93 M 3234600 05037L15 2T5 W Transmitter Mobile Land Station EJA/TZA - IS90 and C13 directs the mobie to the narrow analog channel above the standard wide analog channel M. TaMe

39、1 - Channel numbera urd ftwriendei Chnnnel riJiunbe r Center Frequency 1IN5799 0.030 N + 825.000 1riNri799 0.030 N + 870.000 MHZ 0.030 (N-1023) + 825.000 990 I N I 1023 99 I N I 1023 0.030 (N-10231 + 870.000 System (Not used) A“ A B A B In the abc - (expressed as NI is calculated as follows: 4 - EIA

40、 IS-90 93 3234600 0503746 131 1 1 EIA/TlA - IS90 O NU Channel 10 kiiz above N 1 RESERVED Transmitter Mobile Channel NarrowAiiplog Center Frequency Number Channel Designator (MHz) 1 INS 799 NL 0.030 N + 825.000 - 0.010 NM 0.030 N + 825.000 Land Station NU 0.030 N + 825.000 + 0.010 990 I N I 1023 NL N

41、M 0.030 (N-1023) + 825.000 NU NL 0.030 (N-1023) + 825.000 - 0.010 0.030 (N-1023) + 825.000 + 0,010 0.030 N + 870.000 - 0.010 1 I N I 799 1.3.2 Classes of equipment The FCC Cellular System Mobile Station - Land Station Compatibility Standard, OST Bulletin No. 53, sets up three classes of equipment (s

42、ubscriber unit referred to there as mobile station) on the basis of nominal unattenuated effective radiated power (ERP): Class I: Class II: 2 dBW (1.6 watts) ERP Class III: -2 dBW (0.6 watt) ERP. 6 dBW (4.0 watts) ERP (includes vehicular mounted subscriber unit) If the subscriber unit is other than

43、Class I, reference shall be made to the specialized requirements for its class. Class-of-station information, referred to as the station class mark (SCM), shall be stored in a mobile station. The digital representation of this class mark is specified in table 3. 990 I N 5 1023 1.3.3 Duty cycle The s

44、ubscriber unit may be rated as either continuous or intermittent (see 6.7). NM 0.030 N + 870.000 NU 0.030 N + 870.000 + 0.010 NL NM 0.030 (N-1023) + 870.000 NU 0.030 (N-1023) + 870.000 - 0.010 0.030 (N-1023) + 870.000 + 0.010 1.3.4 Ful duplex operation In order to achieve signaling compatibility, th

45、e subscriber unit shall be capable of simultaneous receive and transmit (duplex) operation. 5 EIA IS-90 93 W 3234bOO 0503747 O78 Class I XX Class II =O1 Class III XXlO Reserved xxl 1 EIA/TIA - IS90 Continuous XOXX 20 MHZ OXXX Discontinuous XlXX 25 MHz 1XXX (see above) I (see 1.3.31 I (see 2.1.1 and

46、3.1.1) 1.3.6 Time intcrPatr Each time Interval value is maximum or minimum as specified, has the tolerance specified, or otherwise has a nominal f10 percent tolerance. 1.3.8 Supplementary ternir and deflnitionr For the purposes of this Standard, the foilowing dentions apply. Average Peak Deviation H

47、alf the sum of the maximum positive and negative peaks of the modulated radio frequency signal, Le. (Peak devi) + (Peak dev-) /2. Compandor The combination of an audio compressor and an audio expandor that is used over a radio path to improve audio signai to noise performance. Compressor Device to c

48、ompress the audio input range to the transmitter. Digital Supervisory Auio Tone SAT) One of seven 24-bit digital sequences that are transmitted repetitively by a land or a mobile station on a narrow analog voice channel at 200 NRZ bits/second producing an average peak deviation of 700 Hz. For the pu

49、rposes of this document this term is often used to describe all of the subaudible data that is present on narrow analog channels. Digitai Signaling Tone (DST) The logical Inverse of a DSAT sequence used for control purposes in narrow analog operation transmitted at 200 NRZ bits/second producing an average peak deviation of 700 Hz. Effective Radiated Power with respect to a reference half-wave dipole antenna. Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power with respect to an isotropic radiation source. Device to expand the audio range at the receiver audio output. subaudib


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