1、, _. - I EIA 442 76 = 3234600 0068844 7 I L4 EIA STANDARD Channel Numbering System Class D - Citzens Radio Service RS=442 November 1976 E L ECTRO N IC I N DU ST R I ES ASS OC I AT I OM .- -. _+ EIA 442 76 3234600 0068845 9 P c NOTICE EIA engineering standards are designed to serve the public interes
2、t throu h eliminating mis- understandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchan ea ility and improve- Pm r product for his partic 27.435 MHz is now channel 24; 27.245 MHz is now channel 25; 27.265 MHz is now channel 26 and channel assignments have been made every 19 kHz up to
3、and including channel 40 at 27.405 MHz. CHANNEL FREQUENCY CHANNEL FREQUENCY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Note 1: (MHzI 26.965 26.975 26.985 27.005 27.01 5 27.025 27.035 27.055 27.065 27.075 27.Q85 27.105 27.115 27.1 25 27.135 27.1 55 27.165 27.175 27.185 27.205 21 22 23 24 25 2
4、6 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 27.21 5 27.255 27.235 27.245 27.265 27.275 27.285. 27.295 27.305 27.31 3 27.325 27.335 27.345 27.355 27.365 27.375 27.385 27,395 27.405 This Channel Numbering action has been taken by ETA be.cause the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) stated in its S
5、econd Report and Order on Rocket 20120 (Section 7) that it is deleting all references to channel numbers from the Rules for the Citizens Radio Service. Authorization of the additional seventeen frequencies (channels 24 through 40) is found ini Section 6 of the above-referenced Report and Order. f %;