UL 1973 CRD-2015 UL Standard for Safety Batteries for Use in Light Electric Rail (LER) Applications and Stationary Applications - Section Paragraph Reference 5 11 2 new APPENDIX E.pdf

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UL 1973 CRD-2015 UL Standard for Safety Batteries for Use in Light Electric Rail (LER) Applications and Stationary Applications - Section  Paragraph Reference 5 11 2 new APPENDIX E.pdf_第1页
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UL 1973 CRD-2015 UL Standard for Safety Batteries for Use in Light Electric Rail (LER) Applications and Stationary Applications - Section  Paragraph Reference 5 11 2 new APPENDIX E.pdf_第4页
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2、pplicable UL Product Certification Program(s); however, it is currently notpart of the UL Standard(s) referenced below.Product Category (CCN): BBFX, BBFX2, BBGA2Standard Number: UL 1973Standard Title: Standard for Batteries for Use in Light Electric Rail (LER)Applications and Stationary Applications

3、Edition Date: February 15, 2013Edition Number: 1Section / Paragraph Reference: 5.11.2, new APPENDIX ESubject: Updated Requirements for Secondary Lithium CellsDECISION:5.11.2 Secondary Lithium ion cells shall comply with the requirements of the Standard for LithiumBatteries, UL 1642 in addition to th

4、e requirements of this standard, except for lithium ion the testing is tobe conducted on fresh cells only.Exception No. 1: The overall dimensions of the projectile test aluminum test screen may be increasedfrom those outlined in the Standard for Lithium Batteries, UL 1642 to accommodate large cells

5、intendedfor stationary and LER applications, but the flat panels of the test screen shall not exceed a distance of305 mm (12 in) from the cell in any direction.Exception No. 2: The overall external resistance for the short circuit test shall be less than or equal to 20m.Exception No. 3: The crush te

6、st is to be a bar crush test rather than a flat plate crush using a bar with a15-cm (5.9-in) diameter if the flat plate crush test of the Standard for Lithium Batteries, UL 1642 isinsufficient to create a crush condition in the cell as determined by (a) (c) below. The force is to be tobe applied unt

7、il one of the following occurs first:a) A voltage (OCV) drop of one-third of the original cell voltage occurs; orb) A deformation of 15% or more of initial cell dimension occurs; orc) A force of 1000 times the weight of cell is reached.Exception No. 4: During the heating test, the samples are held f

8、or 30 min at the maximum temperaturerather than 10 min.Exception No. 5: Sample numbers tested for each test based upon the Standard for Lithium Batteries, UL1642 test program may be reduced from 5 samples tested to 2 samples tested.Exception No. 6: Lithium ion cells may be tested using the test prog

9、ram outlined in Appendix E.(NEW)APPENDIX EAlternative Cell Test ProgramUL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULE1 GeneralE1.1 The following program may be used to evaluate secondary lithium ion cells or other secondarylithium cells ins

10、tead of that outlined in 5.11.2.Exception: Samples of secondary lithium cells other than lithium ion shall be subjected tocharge/discharge cycling as outlined in UL 1642, Standard for Lithium Batteries prior to conditioningoutlined in E1.2.E1.2 Prior to testing, the samples are to be conditioned by

11、first discharging them down to themanufacturers specified end point voltage and then charging them to the manufacturers specified upperlimit charging voltage using the manufacturers specified maximum charging current. Samples shall becharged at the upper temperature limit of the charging operating r

12、egion and the lower limit of the chargingoperating region for those tests as identified in Table E.1.Table E.1Sample CriteriaTest Section Upper LimitTemperatureLower LimitTemperatureaTotal Samples TestedShort Circuit E2 1 1 2Cell Impact E3 1 1 2Drop Impact E4 2Heating E5 1 1 2Overcharge E6 1 1 2Forc

13、ed Discharge E7 2Projectile E8 2aThe upper limit temperature, lower limit temperature, upper limit charging voltage, maximum charging current, dischargecurrent and end point voltage parameters used for conditioning of cell samples are specified by the cell manufacturer.E2 Short CircuitE2.1 Fully cha

14、rged, conditioned cells are stored in an ambient temperature of 25C 5C (77C 9F) untiltheir casing reaches ambient temperature, and then subjected to a short circuit condition using an externalresistance of 20 m.E2.2 The external resistance is to be applied to the cell terminals for7horuntil temperat

15、ures on the cellcool to within 10C (18F) of ambient conditions.E2.3 As a result of the short circuit test, the cells shall not show signs of fire or explosion.E3 Cell ImpactE3.1 Fully charged, conditioned cells are subjected to an impact test as outlined in the Standard forLithium Batteries, UL 1642

16、. The cells are to be at an ambient temperature of 25C 5C (77C 9F) priorto testing.E3.2 As a result of the impact test, the cells shall not show signs of fire or explosion.E4 Drop ImpactE4.1 Fully charged cells are to be dropped three times from a height of 1 m (3.3 ft) onto a flat concreteor metal

17、surface. The cells are to be at an ambient temperature of 25C 5C (77C 9F) prior to testing.STANDARD NUMBER: UL 1973 -2-UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULE4.2 The cells are to be dropped in a manner that the impacts occur in rando

18、m orientations.E4.3 After completion of the impacts, the cells are to be subjected to a minimum one hour observationperiod before being examined.E4.4 As a result of the drop impact test, the cells shall not show signs of fire or explosion.E5 HeatingE5.1 Fully charged, conditioned cells are subjected

19、 to a heating test as outlined in the Standard forLithium Batteries, UL 1642.E5.2 As a result of the heating test, the cells shall not show signs of fire or explosion.E6 OverchargeE6.1 Fully charged conditioned cells are to be discharged in accordance to manufacturers specificationsdown to the speci

20、fied end point voltage. The test is conducted in an ambient of 25C 5C (77C 9F).and with the cell casing at an ambient of 25C 5C (77C 9F) at the start of the test. The voltage andtemperature of the cell is to be monitored during the test.E6.2 The cells are charged with a constant current at the maxim

21、um specified charge current until thevoltage of the cell reaches 120% of the maximum specified charge voltage value or 130% State of Charge(SOC), whichever is reached first. The charge is then terminated while the cell temperature continues tobe monitored. The test is concluded when the cell tempera

22、ture drops and returns to 10C (18F) of thetest ambient.E6.3 As a result of the overcharge test, the cells shall not show signs of fire or explosion.E7 Forced DischargeE7.1 Fully charged cells are to be discharged in accordance to manufacturers specifications down to thespecified end point voltage. T

23、he test is conducted in an ambient of 25C 5C (77C 9F).E7.2 The discharged cells are subjected to a forced discharge at a constant current 1.0 It A for 90 minwith the discharge voltage limit not to exceed the numerical value of the upper limit charging voltagespecified for the cell. If the discharge

24、voltage limit is reached before the 90 min, the cell is to bedischarged at a constant voltage discharge with the current decreasing as necessary until the 90 min timeperiod is reached.E7.3 As a result of the forced discharge test, the cells shall not show signs of fire or explosion.E8 ProjectileE8.1

25、 Two fully charged cells are to be subjected to the projectile test criteria as outlined in 5.11.2 withException No. 1.E8.2 As a result of the projectile test, the cells there shall not be an explosion of the cells resulting inprojectiles with sufficient force to penetrate the test cage screen.STAND

26、ARD NUMBER: UL 1973 -3-UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULRATIONALE FOR DECISION:The use of reference to UL 2054 and UL 1642 requirements needs to be updated to consider large formatapplications. The number of samples has been red

27、uced as this reflects the practice in internationalstandards and the lowered number of samples should be sufficient to determine compliance. In addition,the cycling criteria has been removed for lithium ion cells as the cycle requirement in UL 1642 is not belong enough for large format application l

28、ithium ion cells to have any significant impact. As it results indelays in the safety evaluation without added benefit, it was decided to remove it. This also represents acloser harmonization with IEC criteria for these types of cells. The cycling criteria will remain for secondarylithium metal cell

29、s as these may need consideration for cycle aging due to the potential for hazardousdendrite formation occurring in field incidents. The addition of the Appendix E option for lithium ion cellsis also offered as it represents an informal harmonization with developments in the IEC standards for cellsi

30、ntended for these types of applications.Copyright 2015 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.UL, in performing its functions in accordance with its objectives, does not guarantee or warrant thecorrectness of Certification Requirement Decisions it may issue or that they will be recognized or adoptedby anyone

31、. Certification Requirement Decisions are the opinion of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. inpractically applying the requirements of the standard. They do not represent formal interpretations of thestandard under American National Standards Institute (ANSI) processes. UL shall not be responsible toany

32、one for the use of or reliance upon Certification Requirement Decisions by anyone. UL shall not incurany obligation or liability for damages, including consequential damages, arising out of or in connectionwith the use or reliance upon Certification Requirement Decisions. The electronic version of theCertification Requirement Decision is the current version and previously printed copies may be outdated.This document is published as a service to ULs certification customersSTANDARD NUMBER: UL 1973 -4-

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