1、UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULNational Differences ForUL 60730-2-7Standard for Automatic Electrical Controls for Household and Similar Use; Part 2: ParticularRequirements for Timers and Time SwitchesUL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NO
2、T AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULNational Differences ForUL 60730-2-7Standard for Automatic Electrical Controls for Household and Similar Use; Part 2: ParticularRequirements for Timers and Time SwitchesEdition: 1Edition Date: February 11, 2002Revision Da
3、te: December 05, 2002This revision of UL 60730-2-7 is being issued to include requirements to correlate the standardwith UL 60730-1A and to include requirements covering plug-in devices.This document provides a single listing of the National Differences included in the UL adoption ofthe correspondin
4、g IEC standard. Editorial differences appearing in the UL standard are notincluded in this technical compilation. The complete listing of National Differences is available inthe UL standard.The master for this standards document at ULs Northbrook Office is the official standards documentinsofar as i
5、t relates to a UL service and the compliance of a product with respect to the requirements forthat product and service, or if there are questions regarding the accuracy of this document.ULs standards documents are copyrighted by UL. Neither a printed copy of a standards document, northe electronic f
6、ile for a standards document should be altered in any way. All of ULs standards documentsand all copyrights, ownerships, and rights regarding those standards documents shall remain the sole andexclusive property of UL.All rights reserved. No part of this standards document may be reproduced, stored
7、in a retrieval system,or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwisewithout prior permission of UL.UL provides this standards document as is without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied,including but not limited to, the implied warr
8、anties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose.In no event will UL be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages,including loss of profits, lost savings, loss of data, or any other damages arising out of the use of or theinability to use this standards docum
9、ent, even if UL or an authorized UL representative has been advisedof the possibility of such damage. In no event shall ULs liability for any damage ever exceed the pricepaid for this standards document, regardless of the form of the claim.UL reserves the right to change the format, presentation, fi
10、le types and formats, delivery methods andformats, and the like of both its printed and electronic Standards documents without prior notice.DECEMBER 5, 2002NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR UL UL 60730-2-72UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM
11、ULPurchasers of the electronic versions of ULs standards documents agree to defend, indemnify, and holdUL harmless from and against any loss, expense, liability, damage, claim, or judgement (includingreasonable attorneys fees) resulting from any error or deviation introduced while purchaser is stori
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14、nt was purchased, one copy of the standardsdocument may be stored on a single LAN file-server, or on the permanent storage device of amultiple-user computer, or made available through the purchasers Intranet. The number of simultaneous,concurrent users shall not exceed the number of users authorized
15、.Electronic standards documents are intended for on-line use, such as for viewing the requirements of astandards document, conducting a word search, and the like. Only one copy of the standards documentmay be printed from each single-user version of an electronic standards document. Only one copy of
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18、02 NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR UL UL 60730-2-7 3UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULPrefaceThis document provides a single listing of the technical National Differences included in the UL adoptionof the corresponding IEC standard. Edi
19、torial national differences (those marked DE) are not included inthis technical compilation.In its IEC-based standards, UL uses the notations indicated below to identify national difference type, andthese types are additionally noted in this document. The standard may not use all types of thesedevia
20、tions.DR - These are deviations based on the National Electrical Code (NEC) and other U.S. RegulatoryRequirements.D1 - These are deviations which are based on basic safety principles and requirements, elimination ofwhich would compromise safety for U.S. consumers and users of products.D2 - These are
21、 deviations based on safety practices. These are deviations for IEC requirements that maybe acceptable, but adopting the IEC requirements would require considerable retesting or redesign on themanufacturers part.DC - These are deviations based on the component standards and will not be deleted until
22、 a particularcomponent standard is harmonized with the IEC component standard.DE - These are deviations based on editorial comments or correctionsDECEMBER 5, 2002NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR UL UL 60730-2-74UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION
23、 FROM ULNational Differences2.1.101DV D2 Addition to the Part 2:CURRENT INRUSH FACTOR: CURRENT INRUSH FACTOR denotes the number by which the normal(steady-state) peak current through a load is multiplied to obtain the peak value of theinrush current through the load.Such as for TV, tungsten and PILO
24、T DUTY loads. D2 Addition to the part 2:A permanently connected TIMER that has been tested for an ampere or horsepower rating,or both, may have a tungsten-filament load rating, even though it has not been tested fora tungsten-filament lamp load rating, provided the tungsten-filament lamp
25、load rating doesnot exceed one-tenth the value of the ampere rating or the full-load motor-running current,whichever is greater. D2 Addition to the part 2:An in-line cord or plug-in TIME SWITCH that operates on and off a minimum of once in 24 hshall have a tungsten-filament lamp load rati
26、ng.Table 7.2DV D2 Replacement of Table 7.2 of the part 2:Table 7.2DVInformation Clause or subclause MethodModification:Replace the following items by:7 The type of load controlled by each circuit7), 101), 101A)14, 17, 6.2 C26 Number of cycles of ACTUATION (M) for each MANUAL ACTION102)6.10 X27 Numbe
27、r of automatic cycles (A) for each AUTOMATICACTION102)6.11 X28 Ageing period (Y) for Type 1M or 2M action102)6.16 XAddition to note 7:7High inductive or H if intended for the control of high inductive loads such as gas-tube-sign transformers,fluorescent lamp loads, and the like.Additional notes:101A
28、 Unless an in-line or plug-in TIME SWITCH is acceptable for use with a full-load of tungsten-filament lamps, it shall bemarked to indicate the maximum connected incandescent lamp load in watts. The value of lamp wattage is to be notless than that equivalent to one-tenth of the full-load rating.102A
29、A switch is to be operated by means of its ACTUATING MEMBER either manually or by an acceptable machine for aminimum of 6 000 cycles unless a particular application requires a higher number of cycles to be declared.Switch cycles for in-line cord, free-standing and INDEPENDENTLY MOUNTED CONTROLS, see
30、 Annex AA.DECEMBER 5, 2002 NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR UL UL 60730-2-7 5Table 7.2DV Continued on Next PageUL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULTable 7.2DV ContinuedInformation Clause or subclause Method103A Change TV to TV-. Change amp
31、ere to ampere rating expressed in an integer value. Example: TV-8/ D2 Addition of 9.5.101DV.1 to 9.5.101DV.4 to the part 2:9.5.101DV.1 A permanently connected clock-operated switch or one with a polarized orgrounded attachment plug shall not disconnect the grounded conductor of a circui
32、t unlessone of the following conditions occur:a) The switch simultaneously disconnects all the conductors of the circuit, orb) The switch is so arranged that the grounded conductor cannot bedisconnected until all the ungrounded conductors of the circuit have beendisconnected.9.5.101DV.2 OPERATION of
33、 a permanently connected clock-operated switch, with a marked OFFPOSITION that disconnects any conductor of an output circuit, shall disconnect allungrounded conductors of the same circuit simultaneously.9.5.101DV.3 A cord-connected switch that has a polarized or grounded attachment plugshall comply
34、 with 9.5.101DV. In determining compliance with 9.5.101DV.2 and 9.5.101DV.3, overcurrent andother protective devices are considered to provide OPERATION. In addition, all poles of amultiple switching device are considered to operate simultaneously.11.9DV D2 Modification to 11.9 of the U
35、L part 1 by adding the following:11.9DV.1 INDEPENDENTLY mounted11.9DV.1.1 The flexible cord is to be of jacketed construction not lighter than Type SJ;except that a device having a maximum rating of 2 000 VA, 1 hp, or 300 V, may be providedwith a cord not lighter than Type SP-2.11.9DV.1.2 The flexib
36、le cord shall have a minimum length of 6 inch (152 mm) and shall notexceed 10 ft (3,05 m).11.9DV.1.2 revised December 5, 200211.101DV D2 Addition to the part 2:11.101DV added December 5, 200211.101DV.1 Plug-in devices11.101DV.1.1 A clock-operated switch having attachment-plug blades for plug-inconne
37、ction to a receptacle outlet rated 15 A, 125 V, and having the ANSI/NEMA WD6-1988slot configuration shall have a mass of 28 oz (0.79 kg) or less. The moment, center ofgravity, and dimensions shall not exceed the limits specified in 11.101DV.1.2.DECEMBER 5, 2002NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR UL UL 60730-2-
38、76UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL11.101DV.1.2 The moment, center of gravity, and dimensions of a clock-operated switch,see Figure 11.101DV.1, shall comply with each of the following:a) The quotient of WY/Z shall not exceed 48
39、oz (1.36 kg).b) The quotient of WY/S shall not exceed 48 oz.c) The product of WX shall not exceed 80 oz-inch (0.56 Nm).d) The dimension Z3shall not exceed 3-1/4 inches (82.6 mm).e) The dimensions S1,S2,Z1, and Z2shall not exceed 5 inches (127 mm).11.101DV.1.3 Definitions for the symbols used in 11.1
40、01DV.1.2 are as follows:W is the weight of the switch in ounces (kg),Y is in inches (mm),Z is the smaller of Z1or Z2in inches (mm),S is the smaller of S1or S2in inches (mm), andX is the larger of X1or X2in inches (mm).Figure 11.101DV.1 D2 Addition:This is generated text for figtxt.DECEMBER 5, 2002 N
42、PYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL17.2.4DV D2 Modification of 17.2.4 of the UL part 1 by adding the following:On d.c., the dead metal parts will be positive with respect to the nearest arcing point in theswitch.18.9DV D2 Deletion of 1
43、8.9 of the part 1:Delete 18.9.Table 20.3DV D2 Replacement of Table 20.3 in the UL part 1 with Table 20.3DV:Table 20.3DV Minimum CREEPAGE DISTANCES for BASIC INSULATIONRatedvoltageup toandincludingCREEPAGE DISTANCES1)mmPOLLUTION DEGREE1234Material group Material Group Material GroupV I II III2)I II I
44、II2)I II III2)50 0,2 0,6 0,9 1,2 1,5 1,7 1,9 2,0 2,5 3,2125 0,3 0,8 1,1 1,5 1,9 2,1 2,4 2,5 3,2 4,0250 0,6 1,3 1,8 2,5 3,2 3,6 4,0 5,0 6,3 8,0400 1,0 2,0 2,8 4,0 5,0 5,6 6,3 8,0 10,0 12,5500 1,3 2,5 3,6 5,0 6,3 7,1 8,0 10,0 12,5 16,0630 1,8 3,2 4,5 6,3 8,0 9,0 10,0 12,5 16,0 20,0800 2,4 4,0 5,6 8,0
45、10,0 11,0 12,5 16,0 20,0 25,01)Lacquered conductors of windings are considered to be bare conductors but CREEPAGE DISTANCES are not required to belarger than the associated CLEARANCE specified in Table 20.2.2)Material group III includes IIIa and IIIb. Material group IIIb is not permitted for applica
46、tion above 630 V or forapplication in POLLUTION DEGREE 4.101)In a voltage range of 51 300 V the spacings for an OPERATIONAL INSULATION in a Type 1 control of the in-line cord,free-standing or INDEPENDENTLY mounted type with a 2 000 VA inclusive load can be reduced to 1/16 inch (1,6 mm)creepage and C
47、LEARANCE and 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) between any energized parts and the enclosure including fittings if allparts are subjected to a 100% production dielectric test potential as specified in 13.2.1DV.1.1 for 1 min or a 20% highervoltage for 1 s instead.21.101DV D2 Modification of 21.101 of the part 2 by a
48、dding the following:An actuator on a TV-TIMER made of an insulating material need not comply with therequirement in 21.101 if:a) The area occupied by the actuator, where it passes through the plain of theenclosure plus the area of all other openings in the enclosure does not exceed0,05 in2(32 mm2),
49、andb) The actuator complies with the requirement in Annex D, FV-0 Flammability.H.26.2.1DV D2 Modification of H.26.2.1 of the UL part 1 by adding the following:H.26.2.1DV added December 5, 2002For Type 1 devices, the tests of H.26.8 and H.26.9 are not applicable in the U.S.DECEMBER 5, 2002 NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR UL UL 60730-2-7 9UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULDVA.1.9 D2 Addition to the UL Part 1:If a marking draws attention of the USER to a hole of any size in the enclosure for