UL 60947-7-1 (ND)-2017 National Differences For Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear C Part 7-1 Ancillary equipment C Terminal blocks for copper conductors (Fourth Edition).pdf

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UL 60947-7-1 (ND)-2017 National Differences For Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear C Part 7-1 Ancillary equipment C Terminal blocks for copper conductors (Fourth Edition).pdf_第1页
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UL 60947-7-1 (ND)-2017 National Differences For Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear C Part 7-1 Ancillary equipment C Terminal blocks for copper conductors (Fourth Edition).pdf_第3页
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UL 60947-7-1 (ND)-2017 National Differences For Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear C Part 7-1 Ancillary equipment C Terminal blocks for copper conductors (Fourth Edition).pdf_第4页
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UL 60947-7-1 (ND)-2017 National Differences For Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear C Part 7-1 Ancillary equipment C Terminal blocks for copper conductors (Fourth Edition).pdf_第5页
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2、DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULNational Differences ForLow-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 7-1: Ancillary equipment Terminal blocks for copperconductorsFourth EditionEdition Date: January 27, 2017This revision of ANSI/UL 60947-7-1 is to revise the National Differences to include Cana

3、da. Thisstandard is harmonized for Canada, Mexico and the United States and co-published by all threestandards development organizations (CSA Group, ANCE and UL).This document provides a single listing of the National Differences included in the UL adoption ofthe corresponding IEC standard.All right

4、s reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ortransmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwisewithout prior permission of UL.UL provides this standards document as is without warranty of any kind, either e

5、xpressed or implied,including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose.In no event will UL be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages,including loss of profits, lost savings, loss of data, or any other damages ari

6、sing out of the use of or theinability to use this standards document, even if UL or an authorized UL representative has been advisedof the possibility of such damage. In no event shall ULs liability for any damage ever exceed the pricepaid for this standards document, regardless of the form of the

7、claim.Users of the electronic versions of ULs Standards for Safety agree to defend, indemnify, and hold ULharmless from and against any loss, expense, liability, damage, claim, or judgment (including reasonableattorneys fees) resulting from any error or deviation introduced while purchaser is storin

8、g an electronicStandard on the purchasers computer system.Copyright 2017 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.JANUARY 27, 2017NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR2UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULPrefaceThis document provides a single listing of t

9、he technical National Differences included in the UL adoptionof the corresponding IEC standard.In its IEC-based standards, UL uses the notations indicated below to identify national difference type, andthese types are additionally noted in this document. The standard may not use all types of thesede

10、viations.D1 - These are deviations which are based on basic safety principles and requirements, elimination ofwhich would compromise safety for U.S. consumers and users of products.D2 - These are deviations based on safety practices. These are deviations for IEC requirements that maybe acceptable, b

11、ut adopting the IEC requirements would require considerable retesting or redesign on themanufacturers part.DC - These are deviations based on the component standards and will not be deleted until a particularcomponent standard is harmonized with the IEC component standard.DE - These are deviations b

12、ased on editorial comments or corrections.DR - These are deviations based on the national regulatory requirements.Each national difference contains a description of what the national difference entails. Typically one of thefollowing words is used to explain how the text of the national difference is

13、 to be applied to the base IECtext:Addition / Add - An addition entails adding a complete new numbered clause, subclause, table, figure,or annex. Addition is not meant to include adding select words to the base IEC text.Deletion / Delete - A deletion entails complete deletion of an entire numbered c

14、lause, subclause, table,figure, or annex without any replacement text.Modification / Modify - A modification is an altering of the existing base IEC text such as the addition,replacement or deletion of certain words or the replacement of an entire clause, subclause, table, figure,or annex of the bas

15、e IEC text.JANUARY 27, 2017 NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR 3UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULNational DifferencesDV.4 DC Modification to Standard Title:Replace “Terminal blocks for copper conductors” with “Terminal blocks for copper a

16、ndaluminum conductors”.1.1DV D2 Modification to add the following:1.1DV.1 This standard specifies requirements for terminal blocks with screw-type orscrew-less-type clamping units primarily intended for industrial or similar use and to befixed to a support, in accordance with Annex DVB, National Ele

17、ctrical Code, NFPA 70 (foruse in the USA), or CSA C22.115 Canadian Electrical Code, Part I (for use in Canada), andNOM-001-SEDE, Electrical Installations (Utility) (for use in Mexico).1.1DV.2 The wire range for terminal blocks covered by this standard include 0,051 mm2to1 010 mm2(30 AWG to 2 000 kcm

18、il) copper conductors and 3,31 mm2to 1 010 mm2(12AWG to 2 000 kcmil) aluminum conductors. See Annex DVA for aluminum requirements.In Mexico, 3,31 mm2(12 AWG), 5,26 mm2(10 AWG), and 8,37 mm2(8 AWG) aluminumconductors are not allowed.1.1DV.3 The voltage range includes up to 1 500 Vac and 1 500 Vdc.1.2

19、DV D1 Modification to add the following:See Annex DVB for Canada, Mexico, and USA Standard References.2.5DV D2 Addition of the following definitions:2.5DV.1 printed circuit board (PCB) terminal block: a one-piece, or modular, or two-pieceterminal block fixed to a printed circuit board by soldering o

20、r other suitable means.2.5DV.2 special preparation (of conductor end): alteration of the manufactured shape orsurface of the conductor to enable it to be connected to the terminal.2.5DV.3 factory wiring terminal: a terminal intended in the end application to beconnected under controlled conditions,

21、usually at a manufacturers location. Suchterminations use prepared or unprepared conductors. Applicable for the United States. InCanada and Mexico, this definition does not apply.2.5DV.4 insulation piercing or displacement clamping unit: a clamping unit for theconnection and possible disconnection o

22、f one conductor or the interconnection of twoor more conductors, the connection being made by piercing, boring through, cuttingthrough, removing, displacing, or making ineffective in some other manner the insulationof the conductor or conductors without previous stripping.2.5DV.5 post connector: a c

23、onnector utilizing a post onto which one or more conductorsare secured by means of a tool.JANUARY 27, 2017NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR4UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL2.5DV.6 stud-and-nut type connector: a connector in which a cond

24、uctor can be loopedaround a stud and retained by a nut or a connector that can retain a conductor that isfirst terminated in a wire connector.3DV.1 D2 Modification by adding the following to the list of distinction for types ofterminal blocks: for field and factory wiring or for factory wiring only.

25、 In Canada and Mexico, this doesnot apply.3DV.2 D3 Modification to add the following:In Canada, the general requirements applicable to this Standard are provided inCAN/CSA-C22.2 No. D2 Modification of 4.3.1 by adding the following:Subclause of the standards contained in Annex DVB,

26、Table DVB.2, reference no. 9applies.4.3.3DV D2 Modification to add the following:The standard values of cross-sections of round copper conductors to be used arecontained in Table 1DV.Table 1DV D2 Modification by replacing Table 1 with the following:Table 1DV Standard cross-sections of round copper c

27、onductorsMetric size ISO Comparison between AWG/kcmil and metric sizesSize Equivalent metric areamm2AWG/kcmil mm2 30 AWG 0,051 28 0,081 26 0,1280,2 24 0,2050,34 22 0,3240,5 20 0,5190,75 18 0,82411,5 16 1,312,5 14 2,084 12 3,316 10 5,2610 8 8,3716 6 13,325 4 21,235 2 33,6 1 42,450 0 53,570 00 67,495

28、000 85JANUARY 27, 2017 NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR 5Table 1DV Standard cross-sections of round copper conductors Continued on Next PageUL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULTable 1DV Standard cross-sections of round copper conductors (C

29、ontinued)Metric size ISO Comparison between AWG/kcmil and metric sizesSize Equivalent metric areamm2AWG/kcmil mm2 0000 107120 250 kcmil 127150 300 152185 350 177240 500 253300 600 304350 700 355380 750 380400 800 405450 900 458500 1000 507630 1250 633750 1500 760890 1750 8871000 2000 1 0104.3.4DV D2

30、 Modification by replacing 4.3.4 with the following:The rated cross-section shall be selected from the standard cross-sections given in Table1DV.4.3.5DV D2 Modification by adding the following:The minimum wire range specified in Table 2 does not apply.4.3.6DV D2 Addition of 4.3.6DV.1 4.3.6DV.7:4.3.6

31、DV.1 Rated Current The manufacturer shall declare the maximum value of currentper terminal assembly.4.3.6DV.2 Rated Torque The tightening torque value or range shall be specified.4.3.6DV.3 In the United States, a terminal block shall be rated for factory wiring only ifapplicable. In Canada and Mexic

32、o, this requirement does not apply.4.3.6DV.4 Any special wire types such as pre-bonded, pre-tinned, or double tinned wireshall be specified.4.3.6DV.5 All terminal blocks shall be rated Solid or Stranded or both as appropriate.JANUARY 27, 2017NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR6UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHO

33、RIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL4.3.6DV.6 A terminal block having insulation piercing or displacement connections shallbe rated for specific insulation types.4.3.6DV.7 A terminal block having screwless type terminals shall be rated with a nominalstrip length.5

34、.2DV.1 D2 Modification by adding the following to item a):Item (a) does not apply in Canada and the United States.In Mexico, replace item (a) with NMX-J-XXX-ANCE, if the manufacturer claims compliancewith this standard;5.2DV.2 D2 Modification to the list by adding the following items after item f):G

35、DV the rated current. Reference 4.3.6DV.1;HDV the tightening torque. Reference 4.3.6DV.2.In Canada and Mexico, the tighteningtorque need not be marked unless the manufacturer specifies a tightening torque;IDV in the United States, factory wiring only when applicable. Reference 4.3.6DV.3. InCanada an

36、d Mexico, this does not apply;JDV CU or Copper if rated for copper wire only; also see DVA.3.1 for aluminumconductors;KDV special conductor preparation or use of prepared conductors. Reference 4.3.6DV.4;LDV specific insulation types (insulation displacement/piercing). Reference 4.3.6DV.6;MDV solid c

37、onductors only or stranded conductors only as appropriate. Reference4.3.6DV.5;NDV special conductor types. Reference 4.3.6DV.4;ODV instructions to clearly indicate any rearrangement or adjustment necessary to adaptto various sizes of wires;PDV instructions for proper installation of the wire where t

38、he wiring method is notobvious;QDV a nominal strip length for a terminal block having screwless-type terminals.Reference 4.3.6DV.7;RDV rated operational voltage. Reference 4.3.1DV.7.1.1DV.1 D2 Modification by adding the following to 7.1.1:In the United States, for clamping units rated only for facto

39、ry wiring, only isapplicable. In Canada and Mexico, all of 7.1.1 applies.JANUARY 27, 2017 NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR 7UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL7.1.1DV.2 D2 Addition of 7.1.1DV.2.1 7.1.1DV. Current-c

40、arrying parts and their connections7.1.1DV.2.1.1 A current-carrying part intended for use with copper wire shall be of copper,a copper alloy, or other material suitable for the purpose.7.1.1DV.2.2 Wiring terminals7.1.1DV.2.2.1 A wire-binding screw or stud-and-nut type terminal for field wiring may b

41、eemployed for conductors not larger than 5,3 mm2(10 AWG), provided that the applicationof normal clamping action as intended will not impair the integrity of the joint. SeeSolid-Wire Tightening Test, A field wiring connector employing a wire-binding screw or stud-and-nutter

42、minal shall be capable of accommodating a three-quarter loop.7.1.1DV.2.2.3 To determine compliance with 7.1.1DV.2.2, the conditions in items a) and b)shall be met or, for a solid conductor, the test described in shall be conducted.A terminal for a stranded conductor shall meet conditions

43、 described in items a) and b).a) The threaded screw or stud shall not have more than 12,6 threads percentimeter and shall not be smaller than 4,2 mm diameter for wire larger than 2,1mm2(14 AWG) and not smaller than 3,5 mm diameter for 14 AWG and smallerwire. A wire-binding screw or stud-and-nut type

44、 terminal shall be provided withupturned lugs, a cupped washer, barriers, or other equivalent means to hold thewires in position even if the screw or nut becomes slightly loose.b) The tapped terminal plate shall not have less than two full threads, and shallbe of metal not less than 1,3 mm thick for

45、 a wire larger than 14 AWG and not lessthan 0,76 mm thick 14 AWG or smaller wire. Threads provided by extruding ahole before tapping shall be counted if the thickness of the unextruded metal isnot less than the pitch of the thread.7.1.2DV D2 Modification by adding the following:In Canada and the Uni

46、ted States, tests in accordance with 8.3.2 are not required.7.1.3DV D2 Modification by adding the following and Table 7.1.3DV.1:The spacings on a terminal block shall be as specified in Table 7.1.3DV.1. Alternatively, thecreepage and clearance distances given in Tables 13 and 15 of the standards con

47、tained inAnnex DVB, Table DVB.2, reference no. 9, may be used.Note 1DV: For information regarding verification of clearances and creepage distances by measurement, see thestandards contained in Annex DVB, Table DVB.2, reference no. 9, Annex G.JANUARY 27, 2017NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR8UL COPYRIGHTED M

48、ATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULTable 7.1.3DV.1 Minimum acceptable clearances and creepage distancesApplication Potential involved involts (rms or d.c.)Minimum clearances and creepage distances,mm, between uninsulated live parts of oppositepol

49、arity and between an uninsulated live partand a grounded part including any mountingsurfaceClearance through air Creepage over surfaceA. Service includingdead-frontswitchboards,panelboards, serviceequipment, and the like51 150 12,7 19,1151 300 19,1 31,8301 600 25,4 50,8B. Commercialappliances, includingbusiness equipment,electronic dataprocessing equipment,and the like51 150 1,6a1,6a151 300 2,4a2,4a301 600 9,5 12,7C. Industrial, general 51 150 3,2a6,4151 300 6,4 9,5301 600 9,5 12,7D. Industrial, deviceshaving l

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