UL SUBJECT 2358-2013 Outline of Investigation for Fire Tests of Pre-Lit Artificial Seasonal Use Trees and Other Seasonal Decorative Items (Issue 2)《点燃前的人工季节用树和其他季节性装饰物品的火灾试验的调查大纲 (.pdf

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UL SUBJECT 2358-2013 Outline of Investigation for Fire Tests of Pre-Lit Artificial Seasonal Use Trees and Other Seasonal Decorative Items (Issue 2)《点燃前的人工季节用树和其他季节性装饰物品的火灾试验的调查大纲 (.pdf_第1页
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UL SUBJECT 2358-2013 Outline of Investigation for Fire Tests of Pre-Lit Artificial Seasonal Use Trees and Other Seasonal Decorative Items (Issue 2)《点燃前的人工季节用树和其他季节性装饰物品的火灾试验的调查大纲 (.pdf_第2页
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UL SUBJECT 2358-2013 Outline of Investigation for Fire Tests of Pre-Lit Artificial Seasonal Use Trees and Other Seasonal Decorative Items (Issue 2)《点燃前的人工季节用树和其他季节性装饰物品的火灾试验的调查大纲 (.pdf_第3页
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UL SUBJECT 2358-2013 Outline of Investigation for Fire Tests of Pre-Lit Artificial Seasonal Use Trees and Other Seasonal Decorative Items (Issue 2)《点燃前的人工季节用树和其他季节性装饰物品的火灾试验的调查大纲 (.pdf_第4页
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UL SUBJECT 2358-2013 Outline of Investigation for Fire Tests of Pre-Lit Artificial Seasonal Use Trees and Other Seasonal Decorative Items (Issue 2)《点燃前的人工季节用树和其他季节性装饰物品的火灾试验的调查大纲 (.pdf_第5页
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1、UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULAugust 28, 20131UL 2358Outline of Investigation for Fire Tests of Pre-Lit Artificial Seasonal UseTrees and Other Seasonal Decorative ItemsIssue Number: 2AUGUST 28, 2013Summary of TopicsThis is th

2、e second issue of the Outline of Investigation for Fire Tests ofPre-lit Artificial Seasonal Use Trees and Other Seasonal Decorative Items,Subject 2358. The fire tests determine the ability of pre-lit artificialseasonal use trees (such as Christmas Trees) greater than 30 inches (762mm) in height and

3、less than 12 ft (3.7 m), pre-lit wreaths greater than 48inches (122 mm) in height and less than 12 ft (3.7 m), electrically operatedor pre-lit statues, and other seasonal decorative products to resistdeveloping rapid heat release when subjected to a flaming ignition source.ULs Outlines of Investigat

4、ion are copyrighted by UL. Neither a printed norelectronic copy of an Outline of Investigation should be altered in any way. All ofULs Outlines of Investigation and all copyrights, ownerships, and rights regardingthose Outlines of Investigation shall remain the sole and exclusive property of UL.COPY


6、TSINTRODUCTION1 Scope .42 General 4PERFORMANCE3 General 44 Test Equipment and Instrumentation 54.1 General .54.2 Ignition source .54.3 Canopy collection hood and exhaust duct .74.4 Velocity measuring instruments 84.5 Gas sampling and analysis equipment 94.6 Data acquisition 94.7 Photographic and vid

7、eo equipment .95 Pretest Calibration of Equipment 96 Test Specimens .107 Test Procedure 127.1 Initial preparation 127.2 Test procedure 128 Heat Release Calculations 139 Report 1310 Acceptance Criteria .14AUGUST 28, 2013 UL 2358 3UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTR

8、IBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULINTRODUCTION1 Scope1.1 The purpose of this test method is to determine the ability of pre-lit artificial seasonal use trees (suchas Christmas Trees) greater than 30 inches (762 mm) in height and less than 12 ft (3.7 m), pre-lit wreathsgreater than 48 inches (122 mm)

9、 in height and less than 12 ft (3.7 m), electrically operated or pre-litstatues, and other seasonal decorative products to resist developing rapid heat release when subjectedto a flaming ignition source.1.2 This test method provides information concerning the contribution of seasonal decorative prod

10、ucts toa developing fire condition for a scenario representing a single item ignition. Contributions from additionalfuel packages are not developed. Also, the density of smoke produced and the toxicity of the products ofcombustion are not measured.1.3 The test arrangement described may not be applic

11、able to artificial seasonal use trees or other itemsin all cases and alternate set ups may be required depending upon the end use.2 General2.1 Values stated without parentheses are the requirement. Values in parentheses are explanatory orapproximate information.2.2 Any undated reference to a code or

12、 standard appearing in the requirements of this outline shall beinterpreted as referring to the latest edition of that code or standard.PERFORMANCE3 General3.1 The rate of heat release and total heat released of each of three test specimens shall be less than orequal to that specified in Table 3.1.

13、In addition to the heat release requirements, the sample shall not losestructural integrity such as tipping, falling, or loss of branches during the test.Table 3.1Acceptance CriteriaMaximum peak rate of heat release, kW Maximum total heat released, MJ 100 153.2 A report of the test results is to be

14、prepared as specified in Report, Section 9.AUGUST 28, 2013UL 23584UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL4 Test Equipment and Instrumentation4.1 General4.1.1 The test equipment and instrumentation shall consist of:a) An ignition sourc

15、e from a sand burner capable of achieving 20 kW,b) A collection hood and exhaust duct,c) Velocity and temperature measuring instruments,d) Gas sampling and oxygen analysis equipment,e) A data acquisition system, andf) Photographic and video equipment.Note: Standard Practice for Full-Scale Oxygen Con

16、sumption Calorimetry Fire Tests, ASTM E2067,provides guidance for acceptable test equipment and instrumentation.4.2 Ignition source4.2.1 The propane gas burner used as the ignition source is to have nominal inside dimensions of 12 by12 by 4 inches 1/4 inch (305 by 305 by 102 mm 76 mm). The burner is

17、 to be constructed of nominal1/4 inch (6.4 mm) steel with a nominal 1/2-inch (12.7 mm) diameter steel gas inlet pipe. The pipe is toextend into the burner 5 inches (127 mm) nominal and a 6-inch (152 mm) nominal metal diffuser plate isto be positioned over the outlet of the gas pipe. A fine mesh meta

18、l screen is to be placed on top of thediffuser plate. The burner field is to be filled with silica sand. The ignition source is illustrated in Figure4.1.This is generated text for figtxt.AUGUST 28, 2013 UL 2358 5UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT P


20、HTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL4.3 Canopy collection hood and exhaust duct4.3.1 The collection hood is to be installed centrally above the test specimen. The face dimensions of thehood are to be at least 8 by 8 ft (2.4 by 2.4 m), and th

21、e depth is to be at least 3.5 ft (1.1 m). The hood isto exhaust into a plenum havinga3by3ft(0.9 by 0.9 m) cross section (see Figure 4.2).This is generated text for figtxt.4.3.2 The exhaust duct connected to the plenum is to be at least 16 inches (406 mm) in diameter. Theduct is to run horizontally a

22、t least 10 times the duct diameter downstream from the last turn in the ductprior to location of instrumentation, in order to provide for a fully developed turbulent gas flow. Mixingvanes are to be installed in the duct if concentration gradients are found to exist. The outlet of the exhaustduct is

23、to be directed to smoke abatement equipment.4.3.3 The exhaust system is to have sufficient draft to collect the products of combustion developed bythe burning sample. The exhaust flow is to be capable of being varied from a minimum of 1000 to at least5000 cubic feet per minute (0.47 to 2.4 m3/s).4.3

24、.4 An alternate exhaust system design is not prohibited from being used if it has been shown toproduce equivalent results. Equivalency is demonstrated by meeting the requirements specified in PretestCalibration of Equipment, Section 5.Figure 4.2Collection hood and exhaust ductAUGUST 28, 2013 UL 2358

25、 7UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL4.4 Velocity measuring instruments4.4.1 The velocity in the exhaust duct is to be determined by measuring the differential pressure in theflow path with the use of a bi-directional probe as sho

26、wn in Figure 4.3, connected to an electronic pressuregauge or an equivalent measuring system. The probe is to consist of a stainless steel cylinder with a soliddiaphragm in the center that divides the probe into two chambers. The probe is to have a cylinder lengthnominally two times its outside diam

27、eter, with a minimum length of 1.0 inch (25 mm) and a maximumlength of 2.0 inches (50 mm). The pressure taps on either side of the diaphragm are to support the probe.This is generated text for figtxt.4.4.2 The axis of the probe is to be located at the approximate centerline of the duct a minimum of

28、10times the duct diameter downstream from the last turn in the duct. The probe shall not be positioned atother locations except where the alternative position has been shown to provide equivalent results, asdemonstrated by meeting the requirements specified in Pretest Calibration, Section 5. The pre

29、ssure tapsare to be connected to a pressure transducer with a minimum resolution of 0.001 inch water (0.25 Pa).4.4.3 The temperature of the exhaust gas is to be measured at the approximate same location as theprobe at the centerline of the duct with a 28 AWG (0.08 mm2) Type K thermocouple with an in

30、conelsheath.Figure 4.3Bi-directional probeAUGUST 28, 2013UL 23588UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL4.5 Gas sampling and analysis equipment4.5.1 A stainless steel gas sampling tube is to be located downstream from the bi-direction

31、al probe,where the exhaust duct flow is well mixed (turbulent flow) for determining the oxygen (and optionallycarbon dioxide and carbon monoxide) concentration of the exhaust gas as a function of time. A filter andcold trap is to be placed in-line ahead of the analyzer to remove particulates and wat

32、er. The oxygenanalyzerais to be of the paramagnetic type.aStandard Practice for Full-Scale Oxygen Consumption Calorimetry Fire Tests, ASTM E2067, containsprocedures for evaluating the suitability of oxygen analyzers for heat release measurement. All analyzersshall have a measurement uncertainty of 5

33、0 ppm (k=1) or less.4.6 Data acquisition4.6.1 A data acquisition system is used to collect and record oxygen analyzer measurements, pressuregauge measurements and temperatures. The speed and capacity of the data system shall be sufficient tocollect the data every 2 seconds or less.4.7 Photographic a

34、nd video equipment4.7.1 Photographs before, during, and after the tests, and/or video, shall be used to record the testspecimen performance.5 Pretest Calibration of Equipment5.1 Calibration of the rate of heat release measurement equipment is to follow generally acceptedpractices for oxygen consumpt

35、ion calorimetry.Note: Standard Practice for Full-Scale Oxygen Consumption Calorimetry Fire Tests, ASTM E2067,provides guidance for acceptable rate of heat release equipment calibration and measurementprocedures.5.2 Calibration of the heat-release instrumentation is to be conducted prior to each days

36、 testing byburning propane gas using the standard ignition source specified in 4.2. The gas is to be supplied to theburner through a calibrated flowmeter. The heat release calculated from the metered gas input is to becompared to the heat release as measured by calculating the amount of oxygen (and

37、optionally carbondioxide and carbon monoxide) consumed. The burner is to be positioned in the center of the testenclosure.5.3 A nominal exhaust flow rate through the duct of 1000 cubic feet per minute (0.47 m3/s) is to beestablished. The gas supplied to the burner is to be Special Duty Propane as de

38、fined in the StandardSpecification for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases, ASTM D1835; or HD-5 Propane as defined in theStandard for Liquefied Petroleum Gas Specifications and Test Methods, GPA Standard 2140; orCP-Grade Propane. This gas has a nominal heating value of 2500 Btu (thermochemical) per cubic

39、 foot93.1 MJ/m3or 22.2 kilocalories (thermochemical) per cubic meter. The flow rate of propane is to bemetered and kept constant throughout the calibration test for each step change, as specified in Table 5.1.Net heat output values of 20 and 150 kilowatts are to be used for calibration. These values

40、 are equivalentto Nominal 29.8 and 224 standard cubic feet per hour, respectively (234 and 1762 cm3/s, respectively) ofpropane at a pressure of 14.7 psi (101 kPa) standard atmospheric pressure, measured at the flow gaugeand a standard temperature of 68F (20C).AUGUST 28, 2013 UL 2358 9UL COPYRIGHTED

41、MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULTable 5.1Calibration Test SequenceTime Burner Output, kW0to5Min 05to10Min 2010 to 15 Min 1506 Test Specimens6.1 Three finished test specimens of each product are to be selected for testing. The test specimens a

42、reto be representative of the construction series being investigated with regard to components and design.For example, a construction series of trees is considered to be products of the same material and design,that maintain geometric similarity, and proportional concentration of needles and branche

43、s respectively asthe size varies.6.2 Test specimens representative of the construction series are to be tested in the shape intended foruse and in the maximum size, width and height. For samples greater than 8 ft (2.4 m) and less than 12 ft(3.7 m) in height, both the 8 ft (2.4 m) and maximum height

44、specimens shall be selected for testing. Testspecimens shall be selected which represent the largest potential fuel load. Base materials, maximumneedle density, maximum branch density, and overall shape and height shall be considered. Pre-litproducts shall contain the maximum density of lamps.6.3 Th

45、e tree shall be shaped prior to conditioning. The needles and branches shall be arranged tominimize any gaps or voids within the tree so as to appear full. The test samples are to be conditioned fora minimum of 24 hours at a temperature of 70 5F (21 3C) and at a relative humidity of 50 5 percent.6.4

46、 The pre-lit artificial trees or other seasonal decorative items shall be assembled as intended for use,and assembled in accordance with the accompanying manufacturers instructions.This is generated text for figtxt.AUGUST 28, 2013UL 235810UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTI

47、ON ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULFigure 6.1Test configurationAUGUST 28, 2013 UL 2358 11UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL7 Test Procedure7.1 Initial preparation7.1.1 The ambient temperature in the test building at loca

48、tions around the fire test area shall be in therange of 68F 18F (20C 10C), and the relative humidity shall be less than 75 percent prior to the test.7.1.2 The pretest calibration procedures specified in Pretest Calibration of Equipment, Section 5, are tobe performed.7.1.3 A nominal exhaust flow rate

49、 of at least 2000 cubic feet per minute (0.94 m3/s) through the duct isto be established, sufficient to provide adequate air flow to capture the products of combustion. Theexhaust flow rate is to be increased as necessary during the test to maintain a duct oxygen concentrationabove 14 percent.7.2 Test procedure7.2.1 The test is to be conducted in an environment that is relatively free of spurious air currents whichwill affect the isolation of the burner flame beneath the test specimen.7.2.2 The test sample is to be placed below the center of

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