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1、May 13, 20041SUBJECT 2367OUTLINE OF INVESTIGATIONFORSOLID STATE OVERCURRENT PROTECTORSIssue Number 1May 13, 2004Summary of TopicsThis is the First Issue of the Outline of Investigation for Solid StateOvercurrent Protectors, Subject 2367.The UL Foreword is no longer located within the UL Standard. Fo

2、r informationconcerning the use and application of the requirements contained in thisStandard, the current version of the UL Foreword is located onULStandardsInfoNet at: http:/ 2004 UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC.MAY 13, 2004SUBJECT 23672No Text on This PageCONTENTSINTRODUCTION1 Scope .42 Components

3、53 Units of Measurement .54 Undated References 55 Glossary .5CONSTRUCTION6 General 67 Insulating Materials 68 Live Parts 69 Corrosion Protection .6PERFORMANCE10 Calibration Tests .611 Temperature Test 812 Overload Operation Test 913 Short Circuit Test 914 Shipping and Storage Test 915 Thermal Cyclin

4、g Test 1016 Endurance Test 1017 Abnormal Test 1118 Long Term Abnormal Test .11MANUFACTURING AND PRODUCTION TESTS19 Production Line Test 11RATING20 General 11MARKING21 General 12MAY 13, 2004 SUBJECT 2367 3INTRODUCTION1 Scope1.1 This Outline of Investigation covers solid-state overcurrent protectors.

5、These devices are solid-stateswitches that limit the output current to a safe level when the output load exceeds the current-limitthreshold or when a load-side short-circuit is present. Solid-state overcurrent protectors are intended tobe used on the load-side of an isolating transformer, power supp

6、ly or battery to provide a means ofsupplementary protection. See Table 1.1 for maximum current and power levels.Table 1.1Maximum current and power levelsOutput voltage (Voc) Output current (Isc)VacVdcA(VA) 20 20 1000 / Voc 25020 Voc 30 20 Voc 30 1000 / Voc 25030oc 60 1000 / Voc 2501.2 The devices co

7、vered by these requirements are integrated circuits, and electrical spacings within thedevices are not specified.1.3 The devices covered by these requirements are entirely electronic in nature and have no means formanual operation or reset.1.4 The terminals of the devices covered by these requiremen

8、ts are for factory wiring only (intended tobe mounted on a printed wiring board).1.5 The devices covered by these requirements shall only be used on supply circuits originating from anisolating transformer, a power supply or a battery with limited maximum current and power levels as notedin Table 1.

9、1. Use on supply circuits with a higher power capability requires additional evaluation forreliability, such as those requirements contained in the Standard for Safety-Related Controls EmployingSolid-State Controls, UL 991.1.6 The devices covered by these requirements limit output currents to values

10、 less than the overcurrentprotection rating of 5 amperes.1.7 The devices covered by these requirements have only been evaluated for supplementary overcurrentprotection of secondary circuits supplied by the load side of a transformer, power supply or battery andhave not been evaluated for branch-circ

11、uit protection.1.8 This Outline of Investigation may cover devices intended for use in telecommunications applications.However, devices intended for connection to telecommunications networks with outside plant connectionsshould be evaluated in the end-use in accordance with the requirements of the S

12、tandard for TelephoneEquipment, UL 1459, the Standard for Secondary Protectors for Communication Circuits, UL 497A, or theStandard for Information Technology Equipment, UL 60950 as appropriate.MAY 13, 2004SUBJECT 236742 Components2.1 The devices covered by this outline are components. They are incom

13、plete in certain constructionalfeatures or restricted in performance capabilities and are intended for use as components of completeequipment rather than for separate installation in the field.2.2 A component shall be used in accordance with its rating established for the intended conditions ofuse.2

14、.3 Components that are intended for use only under limited conditions, such as certain temperatures notexceeding specified limits shall be used only under those specific conditions.3 Units of Measurement3.1 Values stated without parentheses are the requirement. Values in parentheses are explanatory

15、orapproximate information.4 Undated References4.1 Any undated reference to a code or standard appearing in the requirements of this Outline ofInvestigation shall be interpreted as referring to the latest edition of that code or standard.5 Glossary5.1 For the purpose of this outline, the following de

16、finitions apply:5.2 EXPOSED PLANT (OUTSIDE PLANT) Any portion of the telecommunications network subject toaccidental contact with or induction from power conductors at a voltage exceeding 300V to ground. Thisincludes circuitry that is intended to be connected to the Public Switched Telephone Network

17、 (PST-N),Off-Premises Extension (OPE) lines, and the like.5.3 MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS CURRENT (CONT. CURRENT) This designation is the ampere ratingfor which a protector or family of protectors has been tested for continuous current operation.5.4 PROTECTIVE CURRENT (PROT. CURRENT) This designation is the

18、ampere rating for which aprotector or family of protectors has been tested for providing overcurrent protection.5.5 TELECOMMUNICATION (TELEPHONE) NETWORK CIRCUIT An electrical circuit conductivelyconnected to the telephone company communications facilities.5.6 TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK CONNECTIONS (

19、TNC) Identified as follows:a) Not intended for use on telecommunication network with outside plant connections.b) Intended for use on telecommunication network with outside plant connections.5.7 VOLTAGE RANGE (VOLTS) This designation is the voltage range for which a protector or family ofprotectors

20、has been tested. Unless specified otherwise, all voltages are direct current (DC).MAY 13, 2004 SUBJECT 2367 5CONSTRUCTION6 General6.1 A solid-state overcurrent protector shall be constructed in compliance with Sections79.7 Insulating Materials7.1 Uninsulated live parts involving risk of fire, electr

21、ic shock or electrical-energy/high-current levels shallbe mounted on porcelain, phenolic-composition or other material that is intended for the application.7.2 Thermoplastic materials used for the direct or indirect support of uninsulated live parts involving a riskof fire, electric shock, or electr

22、ical-energy/high-current shall comply with the requirements in the Standardfor Polymeric Materials Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C.7.3 Molded parts shall have the mechanical strength and rigidity to withstand the stresses of actualservice.8 Live Parts8.1 Metal employed for current-c

23、arrying parts shall be of stainless steel, silver, gold, copper, nickel,aluminum, an alloy of the same, or an equivalent material.9 Corrosion Protection9.1 Iron and steel parts shall be protected against corrosion by enameling, galvanizing, plating, or otherequivalent means.Exception: Encapsulated p

24、arts and stainless steel parts need not be provided with plating.PERFORMANCE10 Calibration Tests10.1 A Solid State Overcurrent Protector shall operate in accordance with the parameters shown inTables 10.1 and 10.2. There shall be no emission of flame or molten metal from the device during testingor

25、evidence of a risk of fire as determined by the indicator described in During the test, the grounding means is to be connected to ground through a 3-amperenon-time-delay fuse and the unit is to be draped with a double layer of cheesecloth conforming to theoutline of the unit.10.3 The compo

26、nent or circuit is to be mounted in its intended manner.10.4 When a range of values for one component or circuit construction is to be evaluated, samples of theminimum, mean, and maximum rating are to be tested. All tests are to be conducted at a 25.0 3Cambient.MAY 13, 2004SUBJECT 2367610.5 The oper

27、ating time and limiting shall be consistent and in accordance with the tolerances specifiedby the manufacturers curve of opening time versus current or wattage.10.6 The manufacturers operating time curve is to be verified by checking four points, including high andlow values, along the curve. Five s

28、eparate component or circuit samples are to be used to check each ofthe four points. If no curve exists, this test shall be used to determine a set of reference points thecomponent or circuit can be judged against after each of the required tests.10.7 After each of the tests specified in Sections 12

29、 18, the Calibrations Tests are to be repeated. Theresults are considered acceptable if there is no change in the measured operating characteristics of morethan 5 percent.Exception: An open circuit would be considered an acceptable result.Table 10.1Maximum acceptable time for operation of protective

30、 deviceOutput voltage (Voc) Output current (Isc)AMaximum time for protectivedevice to operate (minutes)VacVdc 20 20 10a2 20 20 6.75b6020 Voc 30 20 Voc 30 200 / Vmaxa,c220 Voc 30 20 Voc 30 135 / Vmaxb,c6030oc 60 200 / Vmaxa,c2oc 60 135 / Vmaxb,c60aThe load is to be adjusted continuously to maintain t

31、he test current value shown.bAfter 15 minutes of operation, the load is to be readjusted to return to the output current value shown.cVmaxis the maximum output voltage regardless of load with rated input.Table 10.2Maximum acceptable time for protection device to tripOutput voltage (Voc) Rated protec

32、tive current (A) Test current,Percent of rated currentMaximum trip time(seconds) 20 5.0 210 12020 100/Voc210 120MAY 13, 2004 SUBJECT 2367 711 Temperature Test11.1 The device shall carry rated output current and the temperature rise during the test shall not exceedthe maximum allowable temperature ra

33、ting of the device or the rating of the insulating materials.11.2 A sample of the device is to be connected as intended in service to a source with a short circuitcurrent capability of at least 250 A (1000 / V) and a power capacity of at least 250 VA.11.3 The device is to be energized continuously u

34、ntil constant temperatures are reached on and aboutthe device.11.4 The temperature test is to be conducted at an ambient temperature within the range of 10 40C(50 104F).11.5 When a test is conducted at an ambient temperature other than 25C (77F), an observedtemperature shall be corrected as describe

35、d in 11.6. Neither a corrected temperature nor an observedtemperature shall exceed the required values specified in An observed temperature is to be corrected by addition if the ambient temperature is lower than25C (77F) or subtraction if the ambient temperature is higher than 25C (77F) of

36、 the differencebetween 25C and the ambient temperature.11.7 When a corrected temperature exceeds the required value specified in 11.1, at the request of themanufacturer, the test may be repeated at an ambient temperature closer to 25C (77F).11.8 A temperature is considered to be constant when three

37、successive readings taken at intervals of 10percent of the previously elapsed duration of the test, but not less than 5-minute intervals, indicate nofurther increase.11.9 Measurement of temperatures shall be by thermocouples. The thermocouples shall be secured byFullers earth and waterglass, welding

38、, soldering, or other method that provides thermal contact.11.10 The thermocouples shall consist of iron and constantan or chromel and alumel wires not larger than30 AWG (0.21 mm2).11.11 An alternative method of temperature measurement may be used when upon investigation it isshown that the alternat

39、ive method provides equivalent results.MAY 13, 2004SUBJECT 2367812 Overload Operation Test12.1 The devices shall be tested according to 12.2 and 12.3, and shall exhibit no appreciable change inthe current limiting characteristics from those demonstrated for the as-received samples. There shall beno

40、change that results in the current exceeding the time limit of 120 seconds with a current equal to 210percent of the rated current.12.2 The input connections of the device are to be connected to a source with a short circuit currentcapability of at least 250 A (1000 / V) and a power capacity of at l

41、east 250 VA.12.3 The output connections are to be loaded with a resistance value that will result in the device undertest conducting at least 150 percent of its rated current until the device opens the circuit. Five operationsof the device at this current level are to be conducted.12.4 Following the

42、 Overload Operation Test, the Calibration Tests are to be repeated13 Short Circuit Test13.1 The devices shall be tested according to 13.2 and 13.3, and shall exhibit no appreciable change inthe current limiting characteristics from those demonstrated by the as-received samples. There shall beno chan

43、ge that results in the output current exceeding the time limit of 120 seconds with a current equalto 210 percent of the rated current.13.2 The input connections of the device are to be connected to a source with a short circuit currentcapability of at least 250 A (1000 / V) and a power capacity of a

44、t least 250 VA.13.3 The output connections are to be shorted and the results monitored and recorded. The test is to berepeated three times.13.4 Following the Short Circuit Test, the Calibration Tests are to be repeated.14 Shipping and Storage Test14.1 The device shall operate as intended following e

45、xposure to high and low temperaturesrepresentative of shipping and storage likely to be encountered by the end product.14.2 The device is to be subjected, first to a temperature of 70C (158F) for a period of 24 hours, cooledto a room temperature of 23 3 C (73 5 F) for at least 1 hour, and then expos

46、ed to a temperature ofminus 30C (minus 22F) for at least 3 hours and finally warmed up to room temperature for a minimumof 3 hours.14.3 Following the Shipping and Storage Test, the Calibration Tests are to be repeated.MAY 13, 2004 SUBJECT 2367 915 Thermal Cycling Test15.1 Devices are to undergo 10 c

47、ycles of temperature variation between 0 and 49C (32 and 120F) whileunenergized.15.2 The transfer time from one extreme to the other is to be a maximum of 5 minutes, and there is tobe a period of not less than 10 minutes at each temperature level after the mass of the test sample hasreached the spec

48、ified temperature. Each cycle is to start at one test condition, change to the otherextreme, and return to the original test condition. After 10 cycles, the device is to be stabilized at thenormal test ambient temperature before operation.15.3 Each device is to undergo the Calibration Tests once at

49、each of the temperature extremes and againat the conclusion of the Thermal Cycling Test. Devices that acceptably complete the Calibration Tests atthe conclusion of the Thermal Cycling Test but fail to acceptably complete the Calibration Tests at eitheror both temperature extremes are to be designated as not acceptable for outdoor use in the Recognition.16 Endurance Test16.1 A sample of the device shall be subjected to endurance testing as indicat


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