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1、05-11 01 91 00 - 1 SECTION 01 91 00 GENERAL COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. This Section 01 91 00 GENERAL COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS shall form the basis of the construction phase commissioning process and procedures. The Commissioning Agent shall add, modify, and refi

2、ne the commissioning procedures, as approved by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), to suit field conditions and actual manufacturers equipment, incorporate test data and procedure results, and provide detailed scheduling for all commissioning tasks. B. Various sections of the project specifica

3、tions require equipment startup, testing, and adjusting services. Requirements for startup, testing, and adjusting services specified in the Division 7, Division 21, Division 22, Division 23, Division 26, Division 27, Division 28, and Division 31 series sections of these specifications are intended

4、to be provided in coordination with the commissioning services and are not intended to duplicate services. The Contractor shall coordinate the work required by individual specification sections with the commissioning services requirements specified herein. C. Where individual testing, adjusting, or

5、related services are required in the project specifications and not specifically required by this commissioning requirements specification, the specified services shall be provided and copies of documentation, as required by those specifications shall be submitted to the VA and the Commissioning Age

6、nt to be indexed for future reference. D. Where training or educational services for VA are required and specified in other sections of the specifications, including but not limited to Division 7, Division 8, Division 21, Division 22, Division 23, Division 26, Division 27, Division 28, and Division

7、31 series sections of the specification, these services are intended to be provided in addition to the training and educational services specified herein. E. Commissioning is a systematic process of verifying that the building systems perform interactively according to the construction documents and

8、 the VAs operational needs. The commissioning process shall encompass and coordinate the system documentation, equipment startup, Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-05-11 01 91 00 - 2 control system calibration, testing and balancing, pe

9、rformance testing and training. Commissioning during the construction, and post-occupancy phases is intended to achieve the following specific objectives according to the contract documents: 1. Verify that the applicable equipment and systems are installed in accordance with the contact documents an

10、d according to the manufacturers recommendations. 2. Verify and document proper integrated performance of equipment and systems. 3. Verify that Operations operation and maintenance Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-05-11 01 91 00 - 15 t

11、raining sessions; TAB Work; Pre-Functional Checklists, Systems Functional Performance Testing; and project completion. E. Convene commissioning team meetings for the purpose of coordination, communication, and conflict resolution; discuss status of the commissioning processes. Responsibilities inclu

12、de arranging for facilities, preparing agenda and attendance lists, and notifying participants. The Commissioning Agent shall prepare and distribute minutes to commissioning team members and attendees within five workdays of the commissioning meeting. F. Observe construction and report progress, obs

13、ervations and issues. Observe systems and equipment installation for adequate accessibility for maintenance and component replacement or repair, and for general conformance with the Construction Documents. G. Prepare Project specific Pre-Functional Checklists and Systems Functional Performance Test

14、procedures. H. Coordinate Systems Functional Performance Testing schedule with the Contractor. I. Witness selected systems startups. J. Verify selected Pre-Functional Checklists completed and submitted by the Contractor. K. Witness and document Systems Functional Performance Testing. L. Compile test

15、 data, inspection reports, and certificates and include them in the systems manual and commissioning report. Spec Writers Note: Coordinate the specification reference in Para J below with the specific project spec section dealing with O compromises; variances with the Contract Documents; record of c

16、onditions; and, if appropriate, recommendations for resolution. Design Narrative documentation maintained by the Commissioning Agent. 2. Commissioning plan. 3. Pre-Functional Checklists completed by the Contractor, with annotation of the Commissioning Agent review and spot check. 4. Systems Function

17、al Performance Test Procedures, with annotation of test results and test completion. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-05-11 01 91 00 - 20 5. Commissioning Issues Log. 6. Listing of deferred and off season test(s) not performed, includi

18、ng the schedule for their completion. I. Addendum to Final Commissioning Report: The Commissioning Agent will prepare an Addendum to the Final Commissioning Report near the end of the Warranty Period. The Addendum will indicate whether systems, subsystems, and equipment are complete and continue to

19、perform according to the Contract Documents. The Addendum to the Final Commissioning Report shall include, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Documentation of deferred and off season test(s) results. 2. Completed Systems Functional Performance Test Procedures for off season test(s). 3. Documen

20、tation that unresolved system performance issues have been resolved. 4. Updated Commissioning Issues Log, including status of unresolved issues. 5. Identification of potential Warranty Claims to be corrected by the Contractor. J. Systems Manual: The Commissioning Agent will gather required informati

21、on and compile the Systems Manual. The Systems Manual will include, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Design Narrative, including system narratives, schematics, single-line diagrams, flow diagrams, equipment schedules, and changes made throughout the Project. 2. Reference to Final Commissioni

22、ng Plan. 3. Reference to Final Commissioning Report. 4. Approved Operation and Maintenance Data as submitted by the Contractor. 1.12 SUBMITTALS A. Preliminary Commissioning Plan Submittal: The Commissioning Agent has prepared a Preliminary Commissioning Plan based on the final Construction Documents

23、. The Preliminary Commissioning Plan is included as an Appendix to this specification section. The Preliminary Commissioning Plan is provided for information only. It contains preliminary information about the following commissioning activities: 1. The Commissioning Team: A list of commissioning tea

24、m members by organization. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-05-11 01 91 00 - 21 2. Systems to be commissioned. A detailed list of systems to be commissioned for the project. This list also provides preliminary information on systems/eq

25、uipment submittals to be reviewed by the Commissioning Agent; preliminary information on Pre-Functional Checklists that are to be completed; preliminary information on Systems Performance Testing, including information on testing sample size (where authorized by the VA). 3. Commissioning Team Roles

26、and Responsibilities: Preliminary roles and responsibilities for each Commissioning Team member. 4. Commissioning Documents: A preliminary list of commissioning-related documents, include identification of the parties responsible for preparation, review, approval, and action on each document. 5. Com

27、missioning Activities Schedule: Identification of Commissioning Activities, including Systems Functional Testing, the expected duration and predecessors for the activity. 6. Pre-Functional Checklists: Preliminary Pre-Functional Checklists for equipment, components, subsystems, and systems to be comm

28、issioned. These Preliminary Pre-Functional Checklists provide guidance on the level of detailed information the Contractor shall include on the final submission. 7. Systems Functional Performance Test Procedures: Preliminary step-by-step System Functional Performance Test Procedures to be used durin

29、g Systems Functional Performance Testing. These Preliminary Systems Functional Performance procedures provide information on the level of testing rigor, and the level of Contractor support required during performance of systems testing. B. Final Commissioning Plan Submittal: Based on the Final Const

30、ruction Documents and the Contractors project team, the Commissioning Agent will prepare the Final Commissioning Plan as described in this section. The Commissioning Agent will submit three hard copies and three sets of electronic files of Final Commissioning Plan. The Contractor shall review the Co

31、mmissioning Plan and provide any comments to the VA. The Commissioning Agent will incorporate review comments into the Final Commissioning Plan as directed by the VA. C. Systems Functional Performance Test Procedure: The Commissioning Agent will submit preliminary Systems Functional Performance Test

32、 Procedures to the Contractor, and the VA for review and comment. The Contractor shall return review comments to the VA and the Commissioning Agent. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-05-11 01 91 00 - 22 The VA will also return review co

33、mments to the Commissioning Agent. The Commissioning Agent will incorporate review comments into the Final Systems Functional Test Procedures to be used in Systems Functional Performance Testing. D. Pre-Functional Checklists: The Commissioning Agent will submit Pre-Functional Checklists to be comple

34、ted by the Contractor. E. Test and Inspection Reports: The Commissioning Agent will submit test and inspection reports to the VA with copies to the Contractor and the Architect/Engineer. F. Corrective Action Documents: The Commissioning Agent will submit corrective action documents to the VA Residen

35、t Engineer with copies to the Contractor and Architect. G. Preliminary Commissioning Report Submittal: The Commissioning Agent will submit three electronic copies of the preliminary commissioning report. One electronic copy, with review comments, will be returned to the Commissioning Agent for prepa

36、ration of the final submittal. H. Final Commissioning Report Submittal: The Commissioning Agent will submit four sets of electronically formatted information of the final commissioning report to the VA. The final submittal will incorporate comments as directed by the VA. I. Data for Commissioning: 1

37、. The Commissioning Agent will request in writing from the Contractor specific information needed about each piece of commissioned equipment or system to fulfill requirements of the Commissioning Plan. 2. The Commissioning Agent may request further documentation as is necessary for the commissioning

38、 process or to support other VA data collection requirements, including Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBIE), Building Information Modeling (BIM), etc. 1.13 COMMISSIONING PROCESS A. The Commissioning Agent will be responsible for the overall management of the commissioning p

39、rocess as well as coordinating scheduling of commissioning tasks with the VA and the Contractor. As directed by the VA, the Contractor shall incorporate Commissioning tasks, including, but not limited to, Systems Functional Performance Testing (including predecessors) with the Master Construction Sc

40、hedule. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-05-11 01 91 00 - 23 Spec writers note: Coordinate the number of days listed in the following paragraphs with the VA Resident Engineer. B. Within /XX/ days of contract award, the Contractor shall

41、 designate a specific individual as the Commissioning Manager (CM) to manage and lead the commissioning effort on behalf of the Contractor. The Commissioning Manager shall be the single point of contact and communications for all commissioning related services by the Contractor. C. Within /XX/ days

42、of contract award, the Contractor shall ensure that each subcontractor designates specific individuals as Commissioning Representatives (CR) to be responsible for commissioning related tasks. The Contractor shall ensure the designated Commissioning Representatives participate in the commissioning pr

43、ocess as team members providing commissioning testing services, equipment operation, adjustments, and corrections if necessary. The Contractor shall ensure that all Commissioning Representatives shall have sufficient authority to direct their respective staff to provide the services required, and to

44、 speak on behalf of their organizations in all commissioning related contractual matters. 1.14 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Instructor Qualifications: Factory authorized service representatives shall be experienced in training, operation, and maintenance procedures for installed systems, subsystems, and equ

45、ipment. B. Test Equipment Calibration: The Contractor shall comply with test equipment manufacturers calibration procedures and intervals. Recalibrate test instruments immediately whenever instruments have been repaired following damage or dropping. Affix calibration tags to test instruments. Instru

46、ments shall have been calibrated within six months prior to use. 1.15 COORDINATION A. Management: The Commissioning Agent will coordinate the commissioning activities with the VA and Contractor. The Commissioning Agent will submit commissioning documents and information to the VA. All commissioning

47、team members shall work together to fulfill their contracted responsibilities and meet the objectives of the contract documents. B. Scheduling: The Contractor will work with the Commissioning Agent and the VA to incorporate the commissioning activities into the Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprod

48、uction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-05-11 01 91 00 - 24 construction schedule. The Commissioning Agent will provide sufficient information on commissioning activities to allow the Contractor and the VA to schedule commissioning activities. All parties shall address scheduling

49、 issues and make necessary notifications in a timely manner in order to expedite the project and the commissioning process. The Contractor shall update the Master Construction as directed by the VA. C. Initial Schedule of Commissioning Events: The Commissioning Agent will provide the initial schedule of primary commissioning events in the Commissioning Plan and at the commiss

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