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1、12019 中考英语完形填空选练(3)Passage A(2019 选练)通读短文,掌握大意,从所给的选项中选出一个最佳选项。During these years fashion is more and more popular. Many young students 1 going after fashion. Girls like to wear short skirts or color their hair, and 2 like to wear long hair. Some of 3 try to be more original so that they can 4 other

2、s attention(注意).However, another group of students 5 pay much attention to fashion. They like to go their own 6 . They dont wear the clothes in style. They wear what they really like.Students going after fashion sometimes 7 look really great, but sometimes may be 8 . As for me, I think it is crazy 9

3、 after fashion. Everyone has his own style. Why do we go after fashion and finally make people everywhere look the same? I think we should find things that 10 ourselves, so we will be ourselves. 1. A. enjoy B. want C. practiceD. finish2. A. men B. womenC. childrenD. boys3. A. them B. their C. theirs

4、 D. they4. A. find B. get C. send D. compare5. A. often B. dont C. no D. always6. A. questions B. problems C. thoughts D. ways7. A. may B. must C. need D. should8. A. upset B. terribleC. illD. original29. A. go B. to go C. and goD. to going10. A. like B. surpriseC. fit D. include【答案】(1)A;(2)D;(3)A;(

5、4)B;(5)B;(6)D;(7)A;(8)B;(9)B;(10)C; 【考点】日常生活类,政治经济文化类,社会现象类 【解析】 【分析】这篇文章讲述了如今时尚变得越来越流行,许多年轻的学生都喜欢追求时尚,但是作者认为我们应该找到适合我们自己的事情。(1)A enjoy 喜爱 B want 想要 C practice 练习 D finish 完成 根据句意:许多年轻学生都喜欢追求时尚。故选 A(2)A men 男人 B women 女人 C children 孩子 D boys 男孩 根据句意:男孩子喜欢戴长发。故选 D(3)A them 他们 B their 他们的 C theirs 他们的

6、 D they 他们,主格 根据句意:他们中的一些更加创新。故选 A(4)A find 发现 B get 获得 C send 发送 D compare 比较 根据句意:这样他们就能得到他人的注意。get others attention 得到他人的关注。故选 B(5)A often 经常 B dont 不能 C no 不 D always 总是 根据句意:然而,另一组学生没有过多的关注时尚。故选 B(6)A questions 问题 B problems 问题 C thoughts 想法 D ways 风格 根据句意:他们喜欢走自己的风格。故选 D(7)A may 可能 B must 必须 C

7、 need 需要 D should 应该 根据句意:学生们追求时尚有时候可能看起来很好。故选 A(8)A upset 心烦的 B terrible 糟糕的 C ill 生病的 D original 新颖的 根据句意:但是有时候可能很糟糕。故选 B(9)根据句意:对作者来说,追求时尚是疯狂的。it is crazy to do 做某事是疯狂的 故选 B(10)A like 喜欢 B surprise 惊奇 C fit 合适 D include 包括根据句意:作者认为3我们应该找到适合自己的事情。故选 C【点评】本片文章结构不难,文章大多是以短句构成。对于初中的完型填空,重在理解上下文的意思,一般

8、不会很难。首先花几分钟进行整体的阅读,弄清楚作者主要说明的对象的特点和注意事项。不提倡看一个做一个,平时的学习中要注意多积累固定句型,考试时才能判断出相对应的知识点。Passage B2016 中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案-广告布告类Hi, everybody! Welcome to Taiwan! Now I would like to show you _ this island (岛). After that, you will find that it is as beautiful as many _ _ places in our country.Do you know anyt

9、hing about the Sun Moon Lake? You _ask why people call it so. If you fly high up the lake and look down from the plane, you will find the answer by yourself. In the middle of this lake, there is a small island. People call it Pearl Island (珍珠岛) because it _ like a pearl. On one side of Pearl Island,

10、 the lake is like the sun and on the other side it is like the moon. That is _ people call the lake the Sun Moon Lake. There are many mountains around this lake. The Ali Mountain is near the Sun Moon Lake. We will camp there _ three days. You can also have a dance party with the local people. You ca

11、n climb the mountain and watch the sun _ _ slowly in the west. Of course, you can _ early and enjoy the beautiful sunrise (日出) in the morning.Now, do you think Taiwan is a wonderful place ?4【小题 1】 Aabove Bover Cof Daround【小题 2】 Aother Bthe other Celse Dothers【小题 3】 Awant Bmay Ccan Dneed【小题 4】 Aon Bi

12、n Cover Dpast【小题 5】 Asounds Blooks Csees Dwatches【小题 6】 Awhen Bwhy Cwhat Dwhere【小题 7】 Afor Bwith Cin Dtill【小题 8】 Araise Bgo down Cfly away Dgo up【小题 9】 Aput up Bset up Clook up Dget up【小题 10】 Ato visit Bvisit Cvisits DvisitingPassage C阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 或者 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。It was too late at ni

13、ght when an old man came to a small town. He found an inn(小旅馆) and wanted to stay there for the night. After he 1 his room, the owner said to his wife, “Look at his bag. There 2 much money in it. Lets 3 5when hes asleep, 4 ?”“No, no,” said the woman. “He must look 5 his bag tomorrow morning. If he c

14、ant find it, hell telephone the police.”They thought for 6 minutes. Then the woman had an idea. “We have forgetful grass. Why 7 some forgetful grass into his food? If he8 the food, he will forget 9 his bag away.The old man had the food 10 the forgetful grass and went to bed. The next morning when th

15、e owner got up, he found the door 11 and the old man had left with the bag. He woke his wife up and said to her 12 , “What a fool(傻瓜)! You forgetful grass isnt 13 at all.”“No, I dont think so. He must forget 14 ,” his wife said.“Oh! I remember now!” cried out the man suddenly. “He forgot to 15 for t

16、he night.” 1. A. went B. has gone to C. had been to D. had gone to 2. A. must have B .must beC. may have D. can be3. A. take it away B. to take it awayC. take away it D. to take away it4. A. dont you B. wont youC. will you D. shall we5. A. at B. like C. for D. after6. A. few B. a few C. little D. a

17、little67. A. not put B. not to put C. not putting D. dont put8. A. has B. will have C. is having D. is going to have9. A. taking B. to take C. bringing D. to bring10. A. in B. of C. with D. from11. A. open B. opens C. opening D. to open12. A. quickly B. happily C. angrily D. politely13. A. strong B.

18、 important C. delicious D. useful14. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything15. A. cost B. stay C. pay D. spend名师点评店主看到来住店的客人的包,认为里面有许多钱,于是便想占为己有,他们夫妻二人想出一个办法,把健忘草拌在客人的饭里想让其第二天起来时忘记去寻找自己的包,可是客人却在第二天一早就离开了,连住宿费都忘了付。店主夫妻害人不成反害了自己。弄清故事的情节发展是做好本题的关键。答案解析1. D。本句考查的是时态,该动作发生在下文 said 的前面,表“过去的过去”

19、 ,因此用 D,而 C 表示的是状态。2. B。此为情态动词表示猜测在 there be 句型中的运用。3. A。lets 后跟动词原行,代词要放在动词和副词构成的词组中间。4. D。lets 引导的祈使句,其反意疑问句为 shall we。5. C。包没了,当然会寻找(look for) 。6. B。下文 minutes 为可数名词复数,此句为肯定句,故选 a few。A 项表示否定含义,7C、D 都修饰不可数名词,前者表否定,后者表肯定。7. A。why not do sth.为 why dont you do sth.的省略形式,表示建议。8. A。条件状语从句中,主句是将来时,从句则用

20、一般现在时。9. B。forget doing sth. 表示忘记做过某事了,forget to do sth 表示忘记了要去做某事;take 与下文的 away 构成固定短语,表示拿走。10. C。那个客人吃的是拌有健忘草的饭。with 表示具有、伴随。11. A。find the door open, 发现门是开着的,这里 open 是形容词作宾语补足语。12. C。妻子的建议没有达到预想的效果,所以店主很生气。13. D。店主抱怨说健忘草根本没用。14. B。妻子坚持认为吃了健忘草的客人一定忘了某事。15. C。原来客人吃饭、住宿后忘记付钱了。Passage DLeo was a sma

21、ll and thin boy who lived in a small village. Some boys in the village often made fund of (嘲弄) 13 and Leo was afraid. One day, an old wizard (术士) went by the village and saw Leo being made fun of. So when the bad boys left, he gave Leo a lions tail. “Its a 14 tail.” the wizard said. “When someone we

22、ars it and acts bravely, he or she will turn into a strong 15 .” Leo hung the lions tail behind his body and decided to teach the bad boys a lesson. But when the boys came, Leo was afraid and tried to 16 . However, they caught him. Suddenly, Leo 17 the tail and remembered what the wizard had said. H

23、e became brave. He looked them in the eyes and said he would make them 18 doing that. Leo felt the goose bumps (鸡皮疙瘩) all over his body. “This must be the 19 that I am turning into a lion.” he thought. The boys ran away in fear. 8Leo wanted to catch them, but he found his legs were short 20 .When th

24、e wizard saw it, he came to Leo. Leo was very happy, although a little 21 because his lion body had lasted only a short time. “You are right,” said the wizard. “But have you ever seen a lion fighting? No one fights with lions 22 they know how brave and strong lions are. ”It was true. Leo had 23 seen

25、 a lion fighting. He understood that a truly 24 boy would make the bad boys afraid and that what really worked was not the tail but the heart. 13. A. it B. him C. her D. them 14. A. strong B. long C. magic D. beautiful 15. A. soldier B. hero C. man D. lion 16. A. catch up B. run away C. speak up D.

26、go over 17. A. felt B. got C. hung D. showed 18. A. regret B. keep C. forget D. hate 19. A. problem B. sign C. chance D. purpose20. A. at last B. at first C. as well D. as usual 21. A. shy B. afraid C. nervous D. disappointed 22. A. if B. until C. because D. though 23. A. always B. already C. just D

27、. never 24. A. brave B. clever C. tall D. kind 【主旨大意】本文为一篇记叙文。讲述了一个乡村的小男孩 Leo 由于长得瘦小,被村里其他孩子们欺负,他很害怕,后来在一个术士给了他一条神奇的尾巴之后,他充满勇气,变成狮子,战胜了那些坏男孩。13. B 本题考查代词的辨析。结合上文中的“a small and thin boy” ;而且在句中做动词的宾语,故选 B。14. C 本题考查形容词词义的辨析。结合下文中的“有人戴着它时,表示会勇敢” ;可知这是一条神奇的尾巴。strong 强壮的;long 长的;magic 有魔力的;beautiful 美丽的

28、。故选C。15. D 本题考查名词词义的辨析。结合下文中的“that I am turning into a lion” ;可知他能成为狮子。soldier 士兵;hero 英雄;man 男人;lion 狮子。故选 D。916. B 本题考查动词短语词义的辨析。句意为:当男孩子来的时候,Leo 很害怕,尽力_。catch up 抓住;run away 跑开;speak up 大声喊;go over 复习。结合语境,故选B。17. A 本题考查动词词义的辨析。句意为:突然 Leo 感觉到尾巴。felt 感觉;got 得到;hung 悬挂;showed 展示。结合语境,故选 A。18. A 本题考

29、查动词词义的辨析。句意为:他用眼睛盯着他们,说他会让他们后悔。regret后悔;keep 保持;forget 忘记;hate 讨厌。结合语境,故选 A。19. B 本题考查名词词义的辨析。结合语境,可知他认为自己出鸡皮疙瘩是要变成狮子的迹象。problem 问题;sign 迹象;chance 机会;purpose 目标。结合语境,故选 B。20. D 本题考查短语词义的辨析。结合语境,可知他发现自己的腿恢复原来那么短了。at last 最后;at first 起初;as well 也;as usual 像往常一样。结合语境,故选 D。21. D 本题考查形容词词义的辨析。结合语境,他作为狮子的

30、形象,只能是很短的时间,因此他会感到失望。shy 害羞的;afraid 害怕的;nervous 紧张的;disappointed 失望的。结合语境,故选 D。22. C 本题考查连词的辨析。句意为:没有人和狮子打仗,_他们知道狮子有多么勇敢和强壮。if 如果;until 直到;because 因为;though 虽然。结合语境,故选 C。23. D 本题考查副词词义的辨析。句意为:Leo _见到狮子打仗。always 总是;already 已经;just 只有;never 从不。根据上文术士说的话,故选 D。24. A 本题考查形容词词义的辨析。句意为:他理解了一个真正会使坏男孩害怕的_男孩,

31、不是有尾巴,而是有一颗心。brave 勇敢;clever 聪明;tall 高;kind 善良。结合语境,故选 A。Passage E阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 或者 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。One will feel happy when others flatter( 奉承) him in his face. It is said that the best way of flattering someone is to give him a “top hat” 1 .A student was going to leave the capital to bec

32、ome 2 official(官员) in a city far away. Before he started, he came to say 3 to his teacher.“It is 4 job to be a good official.” his teacher said. “ you must be 10strict 5 yourself and never be careless.”“Dont worry about me, sir.” The student answered. “I have already 6 one hundred top hats, which wi

33、ll 7 those people quite happy.”“But we are really gentlemen! 8 could a real gentleman do such a thing” his teacher was a bit 9 . “Never forget 10 I taught you in class!” “ 11 are always right, sir I also hate such things. But, sir, 12 no one really gentleman like you can be seen in the world now.” s

34、aid the student. It seemed that he had to do so.After hearing this , the teacher was 13 . “What you said is true!”“I have 14 one top hat already. Now I have ninety-nine 15 .” the student said to his friend later on when he asked the student what he had talked with the teacher about.1. A. to put on B

35、. putting on C. wearing D to wear2. A. a B . the C. an D. /3. A. hello B. good bye C. OK D. thanks4. A. not an easy B. not easy C. a good D. difficult5. A. about B. with C. from D. to6. A. made B. Bought C. prepared D. repaired7. A. give B. let C. keep D. make8. A. How B. What C. Why D. When9. A. an

36、ger B. angry C. angrily D. angrily10. A. that B. how C. why D. what11.A. You B. We C. They D. Us12. A. hardly B. about C. almost D. nearly13. A. disappointed B. pleased C. angry D. sorry14. A. sent out B. bought C. sold D. borrowed15. A. left B. already C. yet D. else名师点评这是一则幽默,说明许多人都喜欢听奉承话,有的人自以为清高

37、,其实也被戴上“高帽子”, 而自己却不知道。11答案简析1. D。 wear 表示状态, put on 表示动作。根据结构 give sb. sth. to do 可知 D 为正确选项。2. D。3. B。 因为要去另一个城市工作了, 故向他的老师道别。4. A。 想做一个好官员, 应该说是不容易的。5. B。 be strict with sb 意为“对某人严格要求” 。6. C。 准备了一百个高帽子,其实就是奉承的好话,而不是做或是买了许多高帽子。7. D。 make sb. happy 意为“使某人高兴” 。8. A。9. B。 这里应该用形容词,表示老师听了他的话有点生气。10. D。 由 what 引导宾语从句,表示不要忘了老师教过的事。11. A。 You are right 表示赞同老师说的话。12. C。 当出现 no, nothing nobody 等一系列否定词的时候,只能用 almost 不能用 nearly。13. B。 听了奉承话以后, 他很高兴。14. A。 表示送出了一顶, 而不是买或者卖,与上文相呼应。15. A。 left 这里表示“剩下的, 剩余的” 。


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