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1、12019中考英语阅读理精题(三)【能力选练】 A(2019 中考科普环保类选练)When youre curious (好奇) about something, and want to know more about it, you can use the way of asking questions. Asking questions is the first step to make discoveries and find interesting answers. The steps below can guide you during the research (研究).Step

2、1 On a notecard or piece of paper, write down the subject that you are interested in. Just get the main idea down. For example, you might write: Discover more about dinosaurs.Step 2 Next, stop and think for a moment about what you already know about your subject. List what you already know like the

3、sentences below:(1) Dinosaurs lived long before human beings appeared.(2) Dinosaurs lived on the earth for more than 150 million years.(3) Some dinosaurs fed on plants, some on meat.Step 3 What can you do with what you want to learn? By asking questions. On your paper, start writing down questions a

4、bout the dinosaurs as you think of them:(1)Whats the best weather for dinosaurs to live in?(2)How many kinds of dinosaurs are there?(3)Have dinosaurs really disappeared?Step 4 Armed with your list of questions, you can now go to the nearest library or computer to begin your research. As you learn mo

5、re about your subject, youll probably discover some new questions. For example, you might discover that dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago. Why? What happened? Asking new questions can help you research your subject more widely.The next time you find something interesting to research,

6、take time to organize (组织) your thinking by asking good questions. And remember learning more always brings more questions.1When you do some research, you should take the following steps: .2 list what you want to know choose a research subject list what you already know discover new problemsA B C D2

7、From the passage, we know .Adinosaurs appeared after human beings Bnot all the dinosaurs fed on meatCdinosaurs lived on the earth for 65 million years Ddinosaurs liked warm seasons3What does “Armed with your list of questions” mean?APutting your list of questions under your armBDiscussing your quest

8、ions with your classmatesCWriting down your list of questionsDTaking your list of questions with you4According to the passage, which one is true?AYou can find all the answers onlineBLearn more, and youll have no questionsCAsking questions is the only way for researchDDuring the research, you may kee

9、p finding new questions5The best title for this passage is “ ”.ADiscovering Dinosaurs BAsking Good QuestionsCFinding Subjects DLearning Steps参考答案 CBDDB【能力选练】 B【*东台市】DEveryone has got two personalities(性格)-the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real. You dont show your se

10、cret personality when youre awake because you can control your behavior, but when youre asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. In a normal night, of course, people 3frequently change their positions. The important position is the one that you go to sleep in.If you go to sleep on your bac

11、k, youre a very open person. You normally trust people and you are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas. You dont like to displease people. So you never express your real feelings. Youre quite shy and you arent quite sure of yourself.If you sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive(守口如瓶

12、的) person. You worry a lot and youre always easily upset. You always stick to your own opinions or judgment, but you dont raise your hopes too much. You usually live for today not tomorrow. This means that you enjoy having a good time.If you sleep curled up(蜷缩), you are probably a very nervous perso

13、n. You have a low opinion of yourself and so youre often defensive(有戒心的). Youre shy and you dont normally like meeting people. You prefer to be on your own. Youre easily hurt.If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a well-balanced(平衡的) personality. You know your strengths and weakness. Youre

14、 usually careful. You believe in yourself. You sometimes feel anxious, but you dont often get sad. You always say what you think even if it makes people rather angry 42. You may find the passage in .A. a science magazine B A guide bookC. a sports newspaper D. a story book43. When does the sleeping p

15、osition best show your secret personality?A. In the daytime B. At the beginning of sleepC. At night D. During the deep sleep44. Tina hardly tells her secrets to her friends. She probably goes to sleep .A. on curled up B. on her stomach C. on her back D. on her side45. What does the passage tell us?A

16、. Sleeping on your side is the best way of sleeping4B. Changing positions will cause sleeping problems.C. Sleeping positions show peoples secret personalities.D. Enough sleep makes people look better and healthier.参考答案 4245、ADBC【能力选练】 C【*阜宁县适应性考试】 AHow to protect yourself from radiation?Since the ea

17、rthquake happened in Japan and the nuclear plant(核电站) was destroyed on March 11th, 2011, more and more people became worried about the problem of radiation. But how can we protect ourselves from radiation? Here are some suggestions for you.1. According to the passage, which one is right?A. Opening t

18、he doors often. B. Opening the windows and the doors often.C. Opening the windows often. D. Washing clothes with clean water often.2. Whats the meaning of the word“radiation” in paragraph one?A. 地震 B. 海啸 C. 核辐射 D. 震级3. _ can help us breathe harmless air.A. Masks B. Umbrellas C. turnips D. beans参考答案

19、133、DCA 【能力选练】 DMaybe London Underground is one of the busiest underground. Thousands of people travel around the city on the underground every day. During the rush hour it is OutdoorsWear a breathing mask when outdoors. A medical breathing mask is better.Take an umbrella if it rains, since there ar

20、e radioactive elements in rainIndoorsClose doors and windows and stay indoors.Wash clothes and skin with soap and clean water.Dont go out as possible as you can.Eat & DrinkFresh vegetables like cabbage, turnips, mushrooms, and tomatoes.Fresh fruits like jujube,water melon, kiwi fruit and oranges.Dri

21、nk some beer can help you, too.5very crowded.In order to solve this problem, people have tried many ways,but they hardly work.Recently a new way will be tried.In England, people used to stand on the right of escalators(自动扶梯),allowing others to walk on the left, which is polite.The rule has been foll

22、owed for a long time.But there is some changes to this rule. People can stand on both sides of escalators at Holborn station. As one of the busiest stations of London Underground, Holborn was the first station in the country to ask travelers to stand on both the right and left sides of escalators. A

23、 test was carried out first.The test which lasted for three weeks showed that standing on both sides actually reduced congestion by 30 percent 16,220 people an hour are able to travel on the escalator during rush hours compared to the usual 12,745 when both standing and walking are allowed.Transport

24、 for London(TfL) hopes the new standing rule will make the most of wasted space on longer escalators, where most people choose to wait on the right. London Underground operations director Peter McNaught said, “The etiquette(礼节) on London Underground is for customers to stand on the right of escalato

25、rs, allowing others to walk on the left. However, few customers choose to walk on longer escalators such as at Holborn, so much of the lefthand side is unused. We hope that this can lead to reduced congestion at Holborn and make journeys easier for all of our customers.”( )6. In England, people ofte

26、n walk on the _.A. the right of escalators B. the left of escalatorsC. the top of escalators D. the foot of escalators( )7. The test lasted for _.Athree weeks B. four weeks C. two months D. one month( )8. London Underground operations director Peter McNaught encouraged the people to _.Astand on both

27、 sides B. stand on the leftC. stay at home often D. take the underground less( )9. The underlined word “congestion” probably means “_” in Chinese.A事故 B. 人数 C. 拥堵 D. 班次( )10. The passage mainly tells us _.6A. the traffic in EnglandB. the London Underground operations directorC. the number of people o

28、n the escalatorD. new underground escalator rule in England参考 610 B A A C D 【能力选练】 EWelcome to FrightC! We have the widest selection of outfits youll need to make your holiday one to remember. Regardless of age, mens, womens and kids outfits are always fun to wear. The outfits give you a chance to l

29、ive a life outside of your own for one whole night.At FrightC, there are countless adult outfits and kids disguises(用作伪装的东西) for you to choose from. If you are looking for something frightening or scary, we have it. If you are looking for something cute or funny, we also have it. If you want to comb

30、ine the two, go ahead, we have that, too. Our passion makes it impossible not to collect the best products, which is why we have made it our goal to collect so many outfits.Before you buy, ask yourself a couple of questions. First, do you want a full-body outfit, or a multi-pieced one? Full-body one

31、s can be more detailed, but a multi-pieced outfit will not get as hot inside, which can be either good or bad. Next, are you going with a group? There is nothing more impressive than seeing a group of people dressed in theme. Lastly, do you have a favorite movie? We have plenty of movie disguises fo

32、r you to choose from, like Star Trek, Alice in Wonderland or Wizard of Oz.With a selection as large as ours, even your dog can enjoy this especially hallow night. You can turn your friend into Spider-Man, superman and countless other choices. If you already have your outfit picked out for yourself,

33、search for a dog outfit that will match your own. For example, you could be the robber and your dog could be the policeman, or go for a Batman and Robin combination. 7Whatever you do, let your dog have some fun, too.Our outfits let you have your October 31st experience, so you get the most out of th

34、is frighteningly entertaining night of tricks and treats. Take your time and find the one that catches your attention.21. Where can the passage be taken from?A. a story book B. a maths book C. the Internet D. a scientific report22. What does the word “outfit” mean in the passage?A. A set of clothes

35、to wear together for a special occasion. B. Something to wear to frighten people at night.C. Something to wear to protect oneself at night. D. Something to wear to attract peoples attention at night.23. Which festival are the outfits for?A. Christmas B. The Spring Festival C. Halloween D. Carnival24

36、. From the passage we learn that _.A. with our outfits youre sure to be frightening or scary.B. with our outfits even your dog can be a policeman and catch a thief.C. with our outfits you can be a robber or go for a Batman.D. with our outfits you can even dress up your dog the way you like.25. The best title for the passage can be _.A. The outfits at FrightCatalog. com. B. A shop at FrightC.C. A festival at FrightCatalog. com. D. Shopping for Outfits at FrightC.参考答案 2125:CACDD8


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