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1、1第 22 课 冠词与名词课堂突破冠 词概念 冠词是一种虚词,是最典型的限定词,本身不能单独使用,只能附在一个名词前帮助说明名词的含义。不定冠词a/an 的用法1. 不定冠词 a/an 用于单数可数名词前,其中 a 用于以辅音音素开头的单数可数名词前,而 an 则用于以元音音素开头的单数可数名词前。如:a boy, a city, a girl, a useful tool, a red apple, an old man, an honest boy等。2. 用来表示“一”的意思,但不强调数的观念,只说明名词为不特定者,即不具体说明是何人何物。如:We work five days a we

2、ek. 我们一星期工作 5天。3. 不定冠词含有“一”的意思,但数量观念没有 one 强烈,在句子里一般可以不必译出,但若有“一个”的意思则须译出。如:An apple a day keeps the doctor away 每天一苹果,医生远离我。4. 一般用在单数可数名词前,指人或事物的某一种类。如:Bill is a doctor 比尔是一位医生。5. 用于两件通常配在一起的物品前,第二个名词前不再重复不定冠词。如:a knife and fork 一副刀叉。6. 注意不定冠词在下列搭配中的位置:在 half, such, what, rather, many之后,在 as, so, h

3、ow, too 修饰的形容词之后。如:Ive never met such a nice girl.(或 Ive never met so nice a girl.) 我从未见过这么好的女孩。7. 用在某些固定词组中。如:a lot of, a moment ago, a few, a little等。类别定冠词the 的用法1. 特指某些人与物。如:The book on the chair is Jacks 椅子上的书是杰克的。2. 指谈话双方都熟悉的人或物。如:Whats the new students name? 那个新生叫什么名字?23. 指上文提到过的人或物。如:He lives

4、 in a house. The house is not big 他住在一所房子里。那所房子不大。4. 用于世界上独一无二的事物前。如:The earth is bigger than the moon 地球比月球大。5. 用于序数词或形容词最高级前。如:The first island is the largest of the three 第一座岛是三座岛中最大的。6. 与形容词连用,表示一类人。如:We need to look after the old 我们需要照顾老人。7. 与表示姓氏的词的复数形式连用,表示其全家人或夫妇二人。如:The Smiths are from Engl

5、and 史密斯一家(夫妇)来自英国。8. 用于表示西洋乐器的名词前。如:The little girl can play the piano well 这个小女孩钢琴弹得很好。9. 指方位。如:the east 东方;the left 左边。10. 用于发明物的单数名词前。如:Who invented the wheel? 谁发明了轮子?11. 代替所有格,指已提到过的人的身体或衣着的某部分。如:hit sb. in the face 打某人的脸。12. 用于集合(体)名词前,指一个整体。如:the people 人民;the public 公众。13. 用于河流、运河、海、洋、海峡、山脉、朝

6、代名称前。如:the Yellow River 黄河;the Pacific 太平洋;the Alps 阿尔卑斯山(脉) ;the Tang Dynasty 唐朝。14. 用于逢十的数词的复数形式前,指世纪中的特定年代。如:in the 1970s在 20 世纪 70 年代。15. 用于“the+形容词/副词比较级,the+形容词/副词比较级”表示“越越” 。如:The sooner you go, the sooner you will be back. 去得越早,你就回得越早。16. 用于一些固定短语中。如:by the way, in the morning, on the left,

7、the day before yesterday, all the same 等。3零冠词的用法1. 名词前已有 this, that, my, your, some, any 等限定词。如:I want to ask you some questions 我想问你一些问题。2. 国名、地名、人名前。如:He went to Hangzhou last week 他上周去杭州了。3. 表示颜色、语言、学科、国家的全称名词前。如:They can speak English and Chinese 他们会说英文和中文。4. 表示球类运动的名词和三餐饭前。如:He had lunch with u

8、s yesterday. 昨天他和我们一起吃午饭。5. 节日、季节、星期、月份前。如:If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?6. 在称呼或表示头衔的名词前。如:After dinner Aunt Li came in 晚饭后李阿姨进来了。7. 在物质名词和抽象名词前。如:We cant live without air. 没有空气我们不能生存。8. 表示泛指(一类人或事物)的复数名词前。如:Horses are useful animals. 马是有用的动物。9. 用在某些固定搭配中。如:at home 在家;on foo

9、t 步行;by plane 坐飞机;at noon 在中午。【活学活用】用 a, an, the 或“/”填空。1. Mary, whos_ woman over there?Shes my aunt,_ English teacher.2. Do you often play_ tennis after school?No, I dont like sports. I often play_ guitar.3. His uncle usually goes on a business trip by_ air.4. All his neighbors came to the party ex

10、cept_ Whites.5. Mrs. Smith works as_ art teacher in this school.名 词4专有名词 个人、地方、机构等专有名称。如: Shanghai, Li Lei 等。专有名词的首字母通常要大写。具体说来,它包括人名、地名、月份、星期、节日、书名、电影名以及某些抽象名词等。如:Jim, China, July, Friday, Christmas, English等。名词的分类普通名词 1. 个体名词:某类人或东西中的个体。如:fighter, gun, country, cup, desk, student 等。一般可数,有单复数形式。2.

11、集体名词:若干个体组成的集合体。如:family, class, team, police。一般看作复数,谓语动词要用复数形式。 (具体见“主谓一致”这一课“特殊的情况 4”)3. 物质名词:无法分为个体的实物。如:cotton, tea, air 等。一般不可数,没有单复数之分。4. 抽象名词:动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念。如:health, happiness, love, work, life 等。一般不可数,没有单复数之分。规则的可数名词的复数变化规则1. 一般情况加-s。如:books, mouths, houses, girls 等。2. 以 s, x, ch, sh 结尾的加

12、-es。如:classes, boxes, matches 等。3. 辅音字母+y 结尾的变 y 为 i,再加-es。如:cities, countries, parties, factories 等。4. 以 o 结尾的有些词加-es。如:heroes, Negroes, tomatoes, potatoes 等。5. 以 o 结尾加-s 的名词。如:radios, zoos, bamboos, pianos, kilos, photos 等。6. 以 f, fe 结尾的多数把 f 或 fe 改为 v,再加-es。如:leaves, lives, wives, knives, halves,

13、 wolves 等。7. 以 f, fe 结尾直接加-s 的名词。如:roofs, proofs, gulfs, beliefs 等。名词的数不规则的可数名词的复数变化规则1. 改变单数名词中的元音字母或其他形式。如:manmen, womanwomen, toothteeth, footfeet, mouse(老鼠)mice, childchildren 等。2. 单复数形式相同。如:sheep, deer, fish 等,以及由汉语音译表示度量、币制等单位的名词。如:yuan。另外以 ese 或 ss 结尾的表示民族、国家的人的名词也一样单复数同形。如:Chinese,Japanese,

14、Swiss 等。以 an 结尾或其他形式结尾的表示民族、国家的人的名词5变复数时在词尾加-s。如:Americans, Asians, Russians, Australians, Italians, Germans 等。注:1. EnglishmanEnglishmen, FrenchmanFrenchmen2. fish 如表示不同种类的鱼时复数是 fishes。如:There are many kinds of fishes in that lake那个湖里有各种各样的鱼;fish 作“鱼肉”讲时是不可数名词,没有复数。3. man, woman 等修饰名词构成合成词时,一般两个词都变化

15、。如:man servantmen servants,woman doctorwomen doctors 等。但是其他合成名词只需把合成名词中的中心词变为复数形式即可。如:shoe factoryshoe factories 鞋厂。多种特殊形式1. 字母及阿拉伯数字的复数形式一般加-s 或-s。如:There are two ls in the word “all” 单词 all 里面有两个 l。Your 7s and 9s look alike. 你的那些 7 和 9 写得差不多。2. 定冠词加姓氏的复数表示一家人或夫妇二人。如:the Turners, the Smiths, the Wa

16、ngs 等。3. 集体名词 people, police 总是用作复数。如:Several police are on duty. 几名警察在值班。4. 集体名词 class, public, family, population, team, crew 等单复数概念都有,但意义不同。如:The class is big. 这个班级很大。The class are taking notes in English 全班学生都在用英语记笔记。The population in China is larger. 中国的人口比较大。80% of the population in China are

17、peasants 80%的中国人口是农民。以 s 结尾的学科名词只作单数。如:mathematics, physics, politics 等,news 也是如此。5. glasses, trousers 等常用复数。但如果这些词前用 a pair of./this pair of./that pair of.等修饰时,谓语动词由 pair 的单复数来决定。如:My new pair of trousers is too long. 我那条新裤子太长了。6Here are some new pairs of shoes 这里有几双新鞋子。6. 不可数名词没有复数形式,如果要表示“一个”的概念,

18、可用单位词修饰。如:a piece of news/information/advice/bread/cake/paper/meat/coal, a bottle of ink, a grain of rice, a cake of soap 等。7. 中考常考的不可数名词。如:information, weather, news, advice, fun等。注:可数名词和不可数名词之间并没有截然的界限,可数名词可以转变为不可数名词,同样不可数名词也可以转变为可数名词,要看清整个上下文的具体内容。概念 名词在句中表示所有关系的语法形式叫作名词所有格。名词的格 构成形式 1. 单数名词应加s。如

19、:the boys mother 那个男孩的母亲;the dogs face 这只狗的脸。2. 不以 s 结尾的复数名词后加s。如:Childrens Palace 少年宫;mens clothes 男装。3. 以 s 结尾的复数名词后加 。如:the birds nests 鸟巢;the teachers office 教师办公室。4. 并列名词表示各自所属时在两个名词之后都加s。如:Marys and Toms fathers 玛丽的父亲和汤姆的父亲。5. 并列名词表示共同所属时在最后一个名词后加s。如:Mary and Toms father 玛丽和汤姆的父亲。6. 表示“店铺;某某家;

20、诊所”的名词所有格后面,一般省去被修饰的名词。如:at his brothers 在他弟弟家;at the doctors 在诊所;at the barbers 在理发店。7. 用所有格表示时间或距离的方法。如:ten minutes drive 十分钟车程;a months holiday 一个月的假期。8. 用所有格表示节日的方法。如:Teachers Day 教师节;Childrens Day儿童节。注:除了父亲节、母亲节和愚人节外,其他节日都用名词复数的所有格表示。如:Mothers Day 母亲节;Fathers Day 父亲节;April Fools Day 愚人节。9. 以 of

21、 构成短语的所有格形式。如:a picture of mine 我的一张照片;a 7photo of my family 我家的一张合照;the door of the classroom 教室的门。10. 以 to 构成短语的所有格形式。如:the key to the door 门的钥匙;the answer to the question 问题的答案;the ticket to the game 比赛的门票。11. “of+-s 所有格/名词性物主代词”构成双重所有格。如:Tom is a friend of mine. 汤姆是我的一个朋友。Thats a piece of Mozart

22、s. 那是莫扎特的一首曲子。【活学活用】用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Lucy was surprised to see some_ (mouse) running inside her room at night.2. The soldier saved the boy from the flood with a piece of_ (wooden).3. Everyone knows that_ (library) are places for people to study.4. Yuan Longping and Yang Liwei are great national (hero)

23、 of China.5. A number of_ (foreign) are becoming more and more interested in Chinese culture.6. It is said that_ (tomorrow) sports meeting has been put off because of the bad weather.7. The second Sunday in May is_ (mother) Day, and Im thinking about what to buy for my mother.8. All the children are

24、 happy on_ (child) Day.9. I hope that in a few_ (year) time, youll come back to visit our school.10. The pen isnt mine. Its my_ (brother).当堂检测一、用 a, an, the 或“/”填空。1. (2018台州中考)I thought it was_ joke.2. Do you know_ man in the photo?Sure. Its Mr. Johnson, our head teacher.83. My birthday is coming u

25、p. Daniel will send me MP4 as my birthday present.4. Eric is not going to Nanjing by_ plane. Instead, he is taking_ train.5. I think English is_ useful language, and its also_ important language.6. Do you play_ piano in your free time?No. I like sports. I often play_ soccer with my friends.二、用所给词的适当

26、形式填空。1. (衢州中考)The mother and father birds fed them every day. The_ (baby) grew bigger and bigger.2. Kate was excited to receive some beautiful roses from her husband on_ (woman) Day.3. How far is your home from school?Its about two_ (hour) walk.4. Could you tell me the_ (high) of Qomolangma?5. The s

27、how I Am a Singer helps audiences rediscover many good_ (voice).三、根据短文内容和所给汉语提示在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。(2018绍兴市柯桥区中考模拟)It was Friday morning and a young businessman finally decided to ask his boss for a raise. Before 1_(离开) for work, he told his wife what he was about to do.2_(在期间) the whole day he fel

28、t nervous. Finally, in the late afternoon, he had the 3_(勇气) to speak to his leader and to his joy, the boss in 4_(意大利) agreed to the raise.The husband arrived home and was surprised to see a beautiful table set with their best china and 5_(点燃) candles. Smelling the aroma of a festive meal, he belie

29、ved that someone from the office had called his wife.Finding her in the kitchen, he shared the details of his good news 96_(自豪地). They danced around the room and 7_(拥抱) before sitting down to the wonderful meal. Next to his plate, he found a 8 (可爱的) note that read: “Congratulations, darling. I knew

30、youd get the raise. This dinner is to show you how much I love you.”Later on his way to the kitchen to help his wife serve dessert, he noticed that a 9_(第二) card had fallen from her pocket. Picking it up, he read: “Dont worry about not getting the raise. Youre worth it 10 (不管怎样). This dinner is to s

31、how how much I love you.”10参考答案课堂突破冠词1. the, an 2. /, the 3. / 4. the 5. an名词1. mice 2. wood 3. libraries 4. heroes 5. foreigners 6. tomorrows 7. Mothers 8. Childrens 9. years 10. brothers当堂检测一、1. a 2. the 3. an 4. /, a/the 5. a, an 6. the, /二、1. babies 2. Womens 3. hours 4. height 5. voices三、1. leaving 2. During 3. courage 4. Italy 5. lit/lighted 6. proudly 7. hugged 8. lovely/cute 9. second 10. anyway11


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