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1、12019年中考英语:完形填空选优练习题(4)及答案【实战训练】 AIn the future, scientists would put very small computers in our heads. This can help people a lot. _1_ these small computers, the people with ear diseases will be able to hear. And the people with eye diseases can _2_. These small computers will not be just for _3_

2、people. Most of us will have these computers to make our life _4_. For example, if we have it, we can think _5_ and we can remember more things.For students, computers can do _6_ things. Maybe in the near future students _7_ schoolbags. They just need to carry a small computer to _8_, because the te

3、xtbooks, exercise books, and notebooks are all in the computer. The teachers will check students homework with computers, _9_. But this can give another problem, because _10_ will be easier for students to copy each others homework.Everything will be possible. We never know what will happen. ( )1. A

4、. Because B. Since C. Because of D. Thank to ( )2. A. to hear B. hear C. to seeD. see ( )3. A. ill B. sick C. old D. young ( )4. A. good B. well C. better D. best ( )5. A. more clearly B. clearly C. clear D. clearer ( )6. A. much B. a lotC. lots of D. lot of ( )7. A. neednt B. will need C. will not

5、need D. dont need ( )8. A. home B. school C. factory D. office ( )9. A. too B. either C. as well as D. also ( )10. A. that B. it C. they D. this 参考答案 15 CDBCA 610 CCBAB【实战训练】 B2016中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案健康保健类Do you laugh every day? Most people _. Scientists say that people laugh 2about 17 times a day. That

6、is laughter.In India, there are laughter clubs. The people in these clubs get together every morning. First they stretch their hands above their heads. Then they pretend to laugh. Soon everyone is laughing naturally. People say they feel good after together.Scientists believe that laughter is good y

7、ou. ? For one thing, laughter is good exererse. When you laugh, you exercise many muscles in your bodyScientists say that one hundred laughs is the same ten minutes of running. When you laugh, you breathe deeply. This makes you Why do we laugh? That is a hard question . We know that people laugh _ _

8、 in a group. They dont laugh very often when they are alone. Many scientists believe that we use laughter to make friends with . Laughter helps us feel part of a group.In English, people say that laughter is the best . Some think that laughter helps sick people get . Do you think so, too?【小题 1】A. la

9、ugh B. do C. does【小题 2】A. a lot B. many C. a lot of【小题 3】A. hundred of B. hundreds of C. hundred【小题 4】A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing【小题 5】A. for B. at C. with【小题 6】A. Why B. What C. How【小题 7】A. a B. the C./【小题 8】A. as B. like C. for【小题 9】A. oo B. also C. either【小题 10】A. relaxed B. to relax C. rela

10、xing【小题 11】A. answered B. to answer C. answer【小题 12】A. less often B. more often C. never【小题 13】A. another B. others C. other【小题 14】A. magazine B. knowledge C. medicine3【小题 15】A. well B. good C. bad【实战训练】 C【*四川乐山】阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从 3650各题所给的三个或四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 July 4 is the birthday of the United States o

11、f America. Since 1776, people have 36 the Independence Day holiday every year.What do people 37 on Independence Day? Many colorful and interesting things. They have fireworks shows in the evenings and sing songs. Some families organize picnics with barbecues (烧烤). Kids can 38 much delicious food lik

12、e hotdogs.And these parties are a good time to dress up. Some kids make July 4 hats 39 the stars and stripes(星条) of the countrys flag on them. And Independence Day is in summer. Many kids use stars and stripes fans to keep themselves 40 .Its a great day, but no one forgets that its 41 too. US people

13、 are proud of their 42 and proud of what the founders did for it. On Independence Day everyone gets the chance to show it.36. A. spent B. celebrated C. decorated37. A. do B. make C. give38. A. smell B. sell C. eat439. A. for B. with C. at40. A. hot B. warm C. cool41. A. funny B. serious C. boring42.

14、 A. country B. school C. home【主旨大意】1776 年 7月 4日是美国诞生日,每年美国人都会隆重纪念自己的国庆日。文章详细表述了庆祝过程中,人们会穿上盛装,举办焰火表演,享受烧烤美食。当然,国庆日对每一个美国人来说也是一个严肃的日子,人们在为祖国自豪的同时也不会忘记缅怀创立者的丰功伟绩。36、B 根据句意,人们每年都要庆祝独立日。Spent 表示度过这个节日,decorated 是“装饰”的意思,与原文意思不符,故选 B。37、A 根据下文的表述,可以知道这是本段的首括句:人们会在庆祝日做些什么呢?38、C 家庭组织烧烤野营,孩子们当然会享受美食了。故选 C。39

15、、B 考查定语。With 短语作后置定语,带有星星和星条的帽子。40、C 许多孩子为了装酷,用带星星和星条的扇子。Hot 和 warm不符合文意。41、B 本句承上启下,在欢庆的同时,人们没有忘记这也是一个严肃的日子。42、A 人们为祖国而感到骄傲,本文是围绕国庆日进行表述的,B、C 不切题意。【实战训练】 D阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。My best friend, Connie, is two years older than me. We spend a lot of time together. Connie has long d

16、ark brown hair and her eyes are big and round. People say she is _41_ and looks like a doll. When we go out, people often _42_ that I am older than her because she is shorter and slimmer (苗条的).Connie is positive (乐观的)even when things go 43 . Last week she got her examination 44 , which were not very

17、 good. I thought she was going to be 45 . Instead, she simply decided to do better the next time. Then, every day after class, 46 teachers are free in their offices, she will ask them for help. Connie gets on well with others. Everyone in my family 47 her, even my younger brother. When you hear her

18、laugh, you will naturally (自然地) laugh 48 . 5When I feel unhappy. I will talk to Connie and she will make me feel 49 . I think my 50 with Connie is very valuable, and I hope we will always be best friends. 41. A. crazy B. beautiful C. lazy D. ugly 42. A. think B. hope C. suggest D. ask 43. A. wrong B

19、. welcome C. important D. interesting 44. A. lessons B. symbols C. novels D. results 45. A. stupid B. interested C. sad D. glad 46. A. although B. if C. before D. even though 47. A. sees B. likes C. wakes D. catches 48. A. suddenly B. early C. recently D. together 49. A. better B. angrier C. busier

20、D. heavier 50. A. purpose B. opinion C. friendship D. habit 【主旨大意】本文是记叙文。介绍了我最好的朋友 Connie的情况。第一节介绍了我最好的朋友的她的年龄;第二节介绍了她的外貌;第三节介绍了她的个性;第四节介绍了她与他人相处融洽;最后一节介绍了我们会是永远的朋友。 (与译林牛津八上第一单元 Friends相当)41. B 考查形容词辨析。crazy“疯狂的” ;beautiful“美丽的” ;lazy“懒惰的” ;ugly“丑的” 。根据语境她有长长的黑褐色头发,又黑又圆的眼睛可以判断,此空是想说她非常美丽。故选 B。42. A

21、 考查动词辨析。think“认为” ;hope“希望” ;suggest“建议” ;ask“要求” 。根据语境,这里的意思应该是“人们认为我比她大” 。故选 A。43. A 题中前面说她很乐观。welcome“受欢迎的” ;important“重要的” ;interesting“有趣的” 。只有 wrong放在文中意为“即使事情不太顺利,她也很乐观” 。故选 A。44. D考查名词辨析。lessons“课程” ;symbols“标志,符号” ;novels“小说” ;results“结果” 。根据语境,应该是“上周她得到了的考试结果” 。故选 D。45. C 考查形容词辨析。stupid“愚蠢

22、的” ;interested“感兴趣的” ;sad“伤心的” ;glad“高兴的” 。结合语境可知选 C。 46. B 考查连词辨析。although“即使” ;if “如果” ;before“在之前” ;even though“尽管” 。根据句子结构,主句用了一般将来时,从句用了一般现在时,根据“主将从现”原则,只有 B项符合语境。647. B 考查动词辨析。句意“我家里的每一个人都喜欢她” 。 sees“看见” ;likes“喜欢” ;wakes“唤醒” ;catches“赶上,抓住” 。 只有 B项符合语境。48. D考查副词辨析。suddenly“突然地”early“早地” ;rece

23、ntly“最近地” ;together“一起” 。故选 D。 49. A 考查形容词辨析。better“更好”angrier“更愤怒” ;busier“更忙碌” ;heavier“更重” 。根据语境。应选 A。50. C 考查名词辨析。purpose “目的” ;opinion“观点” ;friendship“友情” ;habit“习惯” 。根据语境可知作者想表达的意思是“我们两个人的友谊是副词珍贵的” 。故选 D。【实战训练】 E阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。My family spent a few weeks in London las

24、t year. We went there in the autumn. We think it is the 11 season to visit England. The weather is usually quite good 12 there are not too many 13 in October.We stayed in a small 14 in the West End. We 15 most of our sightseeing on foot. We went to look at the places which all travelers would like t

25、o 16 . We went shopping and spent too much money 17 a lot of things. What we liked most was going to the 18 . We didnt have the chance to see such 19 plays at home. A lot of people say English 20 is very bad. We didnt think so. It is 21 that most of the restaurants are French, Italian, or Chinese, b

26、ut Britain had some very 22 meals.In fact, we 23 our holiday so much that we have already decided to 24 there again this year. But we are going to take our umbrellas. Im sure well need them 25 . ( )11. A. busiest B. working C. best D. hottest( )12. A. and B. or C. as D. so( )13. A. players B. travel

27、ers C. places D. things( )14. A. station B. hotel C. office D. cinema( )15. A. missed B. showed C. used D. did( )16. A. look B. watch C. see D. notice7( )17. A. buying B. buy C. bought D. to buy( )18. A. shops B. cinemas C. restaurants D. theatres( )19. A. well B. wonderful C. terrible D. sad( )20.

28、A. language B. film C. clothes D. food( )21. A. impossible B. true C. important D. necessary( )22. A. delicious B. poor C. fresh D. expensive( )23. A. spent B. enjoyed C. paid D. finished( )24. A. live B. eat C. go D. spend( )25. A. sometime B. sometimes C. some time D. some times【参考答案】完形填空(本题有 15小题

29、,每小题 1分,共 15分)11. C。他们选在秋天去旅游,当然认为它是最好的旅游季节。12. A。这两个单句之间是并列的递进的关系,故用 A。13. B。此空与上文的第 1和第 2空都说明了他们选在秋天去旅游的好处,因此这里用 B,表示游客不多。14. B。到国外旅游,当然要住旅馆。15. D。do some/most sightseeing 为习惯搭配。16. C。see 与上文的 places构成动宾关系。17. A。上文说到 went shopping,-当然是花钱买东西。18. D。下文有 see plays, 所以是去影剧院。19. B。观看精彩的戏剧。20. D。根据下文的“restaurants”和“meals”证明作者开始讲的是食物。21. B。事实如此。22. A。文章最后一节告诉我们,他在英国的旅游非常愉快,各方面都很好,包括饮食。23. B。那次假期如此愉快,作者全家决定今年还到英国去度假。24. C。见上一题。25. B。 表示有时候;A 表示某时,C 表示一段时间;D 表示几次。


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