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1、12019 年中考英语题型:完形填空编习题(6)及答案第一篇我的电台播音经历Many years ago, when I was a student, the radio studio manager at WXBN interviewed me and it changed my life. “How old are you?” he looked down at 1._. “Fifteen, ” I said. “And you want a job in radio? Shouldnt you be at school?” he asked. How could I explain it

2、? Ive always 2._ the radio. When I was about four or five years old, I remembered sitting close to the radio in the living room, 3._ my favourite programmes, and the voices of my favourite presenters. It seemed that they were speaking to me in person. 4._ the age of nine, I asked for jobs in small r

3、adio stations. As I grew older, my 5._ in radio grew. One day I learnt about Internet radio. Once a week, I played my favourite music from my fathers computer to the listeners, talked about life at school, 6._ then closed it down and did my homework. Soon my friends at junior high school started to

4、listen, and then they wanted to help. We prepared the 7._ programmes, articles about music, sports news, jokes and the weather report. “OK, 8._ with me, ” the WXBN manager said. I followed him into the studio. Then I sat down in front of a microphone. He was in another room, behind the glass wall. “

5、OK, lets do a sound check. Just tell me 9._ you had for breakfast.”All radio presenters begin work with the same 10._. “I had eggs, fruit and some milk.”“OK, thats great!” the man behind the glass said. And this was how my first real job in radio began. 1. A. me B. her C. you D. him22. A. repaired B

6、. loved C. sold D. cleaned3. A. falling off B. listening to C. coming out D. setting up4. A. At B. In C. With D. For5. A. trouble B. habit C. collection D. interest6. A. and B. but C. so D. or7. A. lonely B. lovely C. weekly D. friendly8. A. speak B. sing C. read D. come9. A. what B. how C. that D.

7、why10. A. station B. advice C. question D. time【参考答案】【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者在四、五岁时就非常喜欢听广播,在九岁时,到小电台找工作,随着作者一天天长大,他对广播的兴趣更加浓厚,并开始在网络电台播音。在十五岁时他通过面试,开始了职业的播音生涯,这改变了他的一生。1. A 【解析】考查人称代词词义辨析。句意为:“你多大了?”他低头看向_。me我;her 她;you 你(们);him 他。根据语境可知, “经理低头看着我问道” ,look down at sb.低头看某人,文章以第一人称叙述,所以用 me,故选 A。2. B

8、【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:我该怎么解释呢?我一直_电台。repaired 修理;loved 喜爱;sold 卖;cleaned 打扫。结合下文“When I was about four or five years old.radio stations.”可知我一直喜爱播音,故选 B。3. B 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意为:_我最喜欢的节目falling off跌落;listening to 听;coming out 出版;setting up 创办。根据句中的“radio” ,可知是听节目。故选 B。 4. A 【解析】考查介词固定搭配。表示“在某人几岁时”用“at the ag

9、e of.” 。故选A。5. D 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:随着我长大,我对广播的_在增长。trouble 麻烦;habit 习惯;collection 收藏;interest 兴趣。结合下文“One day I learnt about Internet radio.did my homework.”可知作者对于广播的兴趣也在增长,故选 D。6. A 【解析】考查连词词义辨析。句意为:我在爸爸的电脑上播放音乐给听众听,谈论学校的生活,_然后去写作业。and 和,表并列;but 但是,表转折;so 所以,表因果;3or 或者,表选择。此处应是几个动词的并列。故选 A。7. C 【解析】

10、考查形容词词义辨析。句意为:我们准备了_节目,关于音乐的文章lonely 孤独的;lovely 可爱的;weekly 每周的;friendly 友好的。联系上下文,再结合各选项,可知此处指每周的节目。故选 C。8. D 【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:WXBN 的经理说:“好的,跟我_。 ”speak 说话;sing 唱歌;read 读书;come 来。从下文“I followed him into the studio.我跟着他进了演播室。 ”可知是他叫我和他一起来的,故选 D。9. A 【解析】考查宾语从句的引导词。what 什么;how 怎样;that 无具体含义;why 为什么。从我

11、的答语“I had eggs, fruit and some milk.”可推断出问题是问“早餐吃的什么” ,故选 A。10. C 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:所有的电台播音员开始工作的时候,都要被问同样的_。station 车站;advice 建议;question 问题;time 时间。根据上句中的“Just tell me _ you had for breakfast.”可知此处指上面的问题。故选 C。第二篇2016 中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案人生百味类Smiles and tears are part of life. But do you find enough time

12、 for laughing? Im not asking if you experience lots of good times . Of course, we should laugh the happy times. But do you also laugh during the difficult times?Erma Bombeck is famous her funny books. But she wrote about a more serious subject-cancer (癌症) in children. The book is titled, I WANT TO G

13、ROW , I WANT TO GROW UP. Erma talks with many children who cancer and learns important lessons from them. She learns, for example, that cancer survivors (幸存者) know how to smile at life, though they are receiving chemotherapy (化疗).She tells about the experience of Jessica. Jessicas leg was cut off at

14、 the knee because of cancer. She was learning to wear a prosthesis (假肢). Jessica told about playing soccer. She hit the ball hard her foot. The ball flew off in one direction (方向) her man-made leg flew another way. Then the brave girl lay on the floor, laughing happily.4As the saying goes, “Theres a

15、 time and a time to laugh.“ Do you find time to laugh?Survivors know how to laugh If you can laugh even when youre in trouble, you will make it. Remember, laugh and the whole world laugh with you. Cry and you cry alone!【小题 1】A. when B. during C. while【小题 2】A. with B. as C. for【小题 3】A. it B. one C. o

16、nes【小题 4】A.HAIR B. NAILS C.GRASS【小题 5】A. have B. having C. had【小题 6】A. 15 years old B. 15-years-old C.15-year-old【小题 7】A. in B. with C. under【小题 8】A. while B. when C. whether【小题 9】A. crying B. to cry C. cried【小题 10】A. many B. plenty of C. a lot第三篇When I was in the third grade, I was picked to be the

17、 princess in the school play.For weeks my mother helped me 36 my sentences. But once during a performance, every word 37 from my head. My teacher asked me to change roles and be the narrator(解说员). Though I didnt tell my mother what had 38 that 5day, she felt my 39 and asked if I wanted to take a wal

18、k in the yard.It was a lovely spring day. We could see dandelions(蒲公英)coming out through the grass, just like a painter had touched our woods and fields with bits of gold. I watched my mother carelessly bend down(弯腰) 40 some flowers. “I think I am going to dig up all the wild grass,” she said. “But

19、I like dandelions, all flowers are beautifuleven dandelions!” I said. My mother looked at me seriously. “Yes, every flower shines in 41 own way. And that is true of people, too,” she said. She had guessed my pain. I started to cry and told her the 42 . “You will be a beautiful narrator,” she said, 4

20、3 me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her.Over the next few weeks, I learned to take 44 in the role. The big day finally came. A few minutes before the play, my teacher came over to me. “Your mother asked me to give this to you,” she said, handing me a 45 . After the play, I took the flo

21、wer home, laughing that I was perhaps the only person who would keep such wild grass.36. A. write B. listen C. practice D. teach37. A. disappeared B. spread C. forgot D. left38. A. done B. happened C. gone D. made 39. A. illness B. fearlessness C. kindness D. unhappiness40. A. by B. for C. with D. a

22、t41. A. it B. its C. its D. it is42. A. memory B. discovery C. truth D. accident43. A. reminding B. thinking C. reminded D. thought44. A. action B. turns C. risks D. pride45. A. note B. dandelion C. sunflower D. dictionary【主旨大意】本文通过讲述作者在一次学校演出的准备过程中,因台词记不熟而被调换角色,因此心情低落。在妈妈陪同的散步中,由蒲公英虽平凡但也有独特之处,激发作者积

23、极向上6的心态。36. C. 根据前文中 I was picked to be the princess in the school play 可知,作者被选入学校的表演(play),需要练习台词(sentences)。A. write 写;B. listen 听;D. teach教;都不符合题意。故选 C。37. A. 由本句中的 But 可知,本句表达转折的含义,上一句中说明了作者练习台词,但是在排练的时候还是会忘词,即台词像是从脑海中消失一般。A. disappear 消失; B. spread传播,伸展;C. forgot 忘记;forgot 的主语应该是人;D. left 离开。此处

24、选 A 非常形象和生动。38. B. 本句考察宾语从句中 what happened 的用法,表示我没有告诉妈妈那天发生了什么事。A. done 做了某事;C. gone 离开;D. made 制作。 故选 B。39. D. 由 My teacher asked me to change roles and be the narrator(解说员)可知,作者由于台词记不好,由公主的扮演者转为解说员,心情不佳。且由后文中的 She had guessed my pain (心灵上的痛苦), 可推断,此处需填写 pain 的近义词。 A. illness 疾病;B. fearlessness 无畏

25、,勇敢;C. kindness 善良。此题选 A。40. A. 此题考查介词的用法。A. by 后加名词表示“通过方式” ,或“旁边” ;B. for 表示“为了.”的含义;C. with 表示“和一起” “伴随,带着”“有” ;D. at 表示“在地点” “在某个时间点” “在某个方面”等。此处,作者的妈妈在一些花的旁边弯下腰。故选 A。41. B. 此题考查固定短语 in ones own way 表示“用某人自己的方式” 。此处需填形容词性的物主代词,表示某人的。故选 B。42. C. 由前文中的 I didnt tell my mother what had happened that

26、 day, 以及 She had guessed my pain.可知,作者的妈妈并不知道发生了什么事情。作者此时触景生情将实情告诉了妈妈。A. memory 记忆;B. discovery 发现;C. truth 事实;D. 事故。故选 C。43. A. 妈妈说说的话使我回想起,我是多么喜欢大声读故事给她听。remind of 意为“想起”;think of 意为“认为” ;根据本句的结构,此处需填表达主动关系的非谓语动词。C. reminded 表示被动关系。故选 A. reminding。44. D. 由蒲公英作者受到启发,作者的态度转为积极。故对自己的角色自豪。A. take acti

27、on 意为“行动” ;B. take turns 意为“轮流” ;C. take risks 意为“冒险” ;D. take pride 意为“对.感到自豪” 。故选 D。45. B. 由前文中 But I like dandelions, all flowers are beautifuleven dandelions7可知,作者从蒲公英的身上看到自己的影子,并用蒲公英平凡的角色鼓励自己。且前文中作者的妈妈也表示赞同 very flower shines in its own way. And that is true of people, too。故在作者表演这天,她妈妈送一株蒲公英来鼓励

28、作者。A. note 笔记,注解;B. dandelion 蒲公英; C. sunflower 向日葵; D. dictionary 字典 故选 B。第四篇阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项。Jack _41_ in a small town in England.He always stayed in England _42_ his holidays,but last year he thought, “Ive never been to _43_ countries.All my friends go to Spai

29、n,_44_ they like it very much,so this year Im going there,too.” So he got on a _45_ to Spain and _46_ at the airport of the capital,Madrid,and stayed in a hotel for a few days.On the first morning he went _47_ for a walk.In England people drive on the left,but in Spain they drive on the right.Jack f

30、orgot about this,and _48_ he was walking on a busy street,a bicycle knocked him down.Jack _49_ on the ground for a few minutes and then he sat up and said, “Where am I?”Just then an old man selling maps went past him.When he heard Jacks words,he said to him _50_, “Maps of the city,sir?” ( )41.A.flew

31、 Blived Cwent Ddropped答案:B解析:根据题意知,杰克住在英格兰的一个小镇上,其他选项不符合逻辑,故选 B。( )42.A.for Boff Cwith Dinto答案:A解析:他常常带在英格兰度假,for 表示目的。( )43.A.all Bboth Cother Dany答案:C解析:根据短文内容他从未去过别的国家,other 后面直接跟名词。( )44.A.and Bbut Cthough Dhowever8答案:A解析:结合上句可知朋友们去了西班牙,而且他们也很喜欢,表示顺接关系。( )45.A.bus Bplane Ctrain Dbike答案:B解析:从下文中的

32、 airport 看出,杰克登上了去西班牙的飞机,故选 B。( )46.A.reached Bleft Carrived Dstayed答案:C解析:固定词组。arrive at 直接跟地点;而 reach 是及物动词,后面不跟 at。 ( )47.A.down Bup Caway Dout答案:D解析:结合上下句应是杰克外出散步。( )48.A.before Bwhile Csince Dafter答案:B解析:根据内容“当他在拥挤的路上散步时,一辆自行车撞上了他” ,while 后面跟延续性的动词。( )49.A.lay Bstood Cfell Djumped答案:A解析:根据句义“杰克在地上躺了一会儿然后站起来说我在哪儿” 。( )50.A.once again Bon time Cat times Dat once答案:D解析:情景考查。此处当杰克自言自语时,恰好一位卖地图的人经过,他立刻说:“先生,城市的地图在这儿” 。


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