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1、1(阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空)一、阅读理解。A美国风俗和文化 An American friend has invited you to visit his family.Youve never been to an Americans home before,and you are not sure what to do.Dont worry! When youre the guest,you should make yourself at home.The question of whether or not to bring a gift often gives guests a h

2、eadache.In American culture,its not a mustdo thing to bring present.Of course,some people do bring some small gifts like flowers,candies or if the family has small childrentoys.If you choose not to bring a gift,dont worry.No one will even notice.American hospitality(好客)begins at home.Most Americans

3、agree that good home cooking beats restaurant food any day.When invited for a meal,you might ask.“Can I bring anything?” If its not a potluck,where everyone brings a dish,the host will possibly answer, “No,just yourself.”For most informal dinners,you can just wear comfortable clothes.Remember to arr

4、ive on time,or call to tell your hosts that you may be late.During the dinner conversation,its polite to say the food is nice.After dinner,you can help clear the table or wash the dishes.But since you are the guest,your hosts may not let you.Instead,they may invite everyone to move to the living roo

5、m to drink some tea or coffee.If the hosts are not smokers,you shouldnt smoke in their house.And,above all,dont go around looking at the house if you are not invited.After about an hour of chat,its time to say goodbye.You dont want to wear out your welcome.( B )1.In American culture,its NOT OK to _.

6、Abring no gifts when visiting an American friendBsmoke in a nonsmokers houseCbring some candies to the hosts kids2( A )2.If you are invited to a potluck,you should bring _.Aa dish Bsome flowers Ca book ( C )3._ may wear out your welcome.AHelping wash the dishes BDrinking tea after dinnerCStaying too

7、 long after dinner( C )4.The passage mainly talks about _.Ahow to make friends with AmericansBhow to make oneself at home at a partyChow to act properly when invited by an AmericanBThis is the worlds first underwater restaurant. It lies five meters below the surface of the Indian Ocean and has all-g

8、lass windows from floor to ceiling(天花板). It cost five million dollars. In the five-star restaurant at the Conrad Maldives Hotel, you can enjoy the beauty of the ocean without getting your feet wet. You can see sharks, stingrays(黄貂鱼), turtles and stunning coral around you. You need to wear sunglasses

9、 in the restaurant, because it is too bright under the crystal-clear blue water. The restaurant is named “Ithaa”meaning “mother of pearl” in the Maldivian language of Dihevi. Entering the restaurant, you can see six tables. Only two guests can sit near every table. And it takes you 190 dollars per p

10、erson for dinner. The restaurant can offer 180-degree panoramic(全景的) views. This year the New York Daily News rated it “the most beautiful restaurant in the world.”The restaurant has never had water inside. It was built on dry land in Singapore, then workers carefully lowered it into the ocean in on

11、e place. Every day, lots of customers are waiting to have dinner in this restaurant. Not only can have delicious food, but also they can enjoy beautiful ocean.16. The restaurant was built in _.3A. India B. New York C. Singapore D. China17. When you have dinner in the restaurant, you need to _.A. eat

12、 with getting your feet wet B. wear a pair of sunglassesC. wear a raincoat and rain shoes D. offer your ID card 18. When you are eating in the restaurant, you can enjoy something except _.A. whales B. sharks C. stingrays D. turtles 19. _ guests can come to the restaurant to eat dinner at most. A. Tw

13、o B. Six C. Eight D. Twelve20. If you come to the restaurant to eat dinner with your parents, you should pay _ for your dinner.A. 190 dollars B. 380 dollars C. 570 dollars D. 760 dollars参考答案 16-20 CBADA 二、完形填空。Each nation has many volunteers(志愿者) who help to take care of others. They 1 books to the

14、people in hospitals or homes for the aged. Sometimes they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their 2 .Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or 3 . They paint, clean up, 4 their houses or do their shopping.Forboys who no longer have 5 , there is an

15、organization called Big Brothers. College students and other men take these boys to baseball games or fishing places and help them to get to know things that boys 6 learn from their fathers.Each city has a number of clubs 7 boys and girls can go to play games or learn crafts (工艺). Some of these club

16、s organize short trips to the mountains, beaches, or other places of interest 8 . Most of these clubs use high school and college students as volunteers because they are young enough to 9 the names of boys and girls.Volunteers believe that the happy people in the world are those who help to 10 4happ

17、iness to others.( )1.A. sell B. read C. throw D. show( )2. A. voices B. speeches C. songs D. problems( )3.A. young B. happy C. old D. hungry( )4.A. pollute B. repair C. build D. remove( )5.A. brothers B. sisters C. fathers D. mother( )6.A. usually B. never C. only D. seldom( )7.A. which B. who C. wh

18、en D. where( )8.A. nearby B. faraway C. abroad D. home( )9.A. report B. forget C. remember D. choose( )10. A. cause B. bring C. take D. lend【答案详解】1-5 BDCBC 6-10ADACB1.B A. sell卖;B. read 读;C. throw 扔;D. show 展示。根据第一句的意思:每个国家都有很多帮助照顾别人的志愿者。可知本句的意思是:他们读书给那些在医院的病人或在敬老院的老人们。故选 B。2.D A. voices声音;B. speech

19、es 演讲;C. songs 歌曲;D. problems 问题。有时他们只是去看望他们、跟他们玩游戏或倾听他们的问题。故选 D。3.C A. young年轻的;B. happy 快乐的;C. old 年老的;D. hungry 饿的。根据第二句可知本句的句意是:其他青年志愿者去那些病人或老人家里去工作。故选 C。4. B A pollute污染;B. repair 修理;C. build 建造;D. remove 除去。 他们画画、打扫卫生,修理他们的房子或帮助他们购物。故选 B。5.C A. brothers兄弟;B. sisters 姐妹;C. fathers 父亲;D. mothers

20、 妈妈。根据后一句可知,对那些没有父亲,不能从父亲那里学到的东西,这些大学生和其它人组成的志愿者组织就带看那些他们去打棒球游戏、去钓鱼。故选 C。6. A A. usually通常 B. never从不;C. only 仅仅;D. seldom 很少。 通常只能从父亲那里了解的东西,这些孩子跟着那些年轻的志愿者体验到了。故选 A。7. D A. which关系代词,代物,在定语从句中做主语 或宾语;B. who 关系代词,代人,在定语从句中做主语或宾语;C. when 关系副词,在定语从句中做时间状 语;D. where 关系副词,在定语从句中做地点状语。每个城市有大重的俱乐部,在那里男孩子和

21、女孩子们可以去玩游戏或学手艺。分析句子结构可知,这里缺少地点状语,故选 D。58. A A . nearby附近的;B. faraway 遥远的;C. abroad 国外的; D. home 国内的。这些俱乐部中的一些组织去山里、海滩、或其他附近的名胜的短途旅行。根据 short trips 可知,是附近的才合理,故选 A。9.C A report报道;B. forget 忘记;C. remember 记住;D. choose 选择。这些俱乐部中大多数用高中生和大学生作为志愿者,因为他们年轻能记住男孩和女孩的名字。年轻人最大的优势是记忆力好。故选 C。10.B A. cause造成;B. br

22、ing 带来;C. take 带走;D. lend 借出。根据前文的内容可知,志愿者认为世界上最幸福的人是那些帮助他人,给他人带来幸福的人。故选 B。三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中词语的正确形式。“Im really thankful to our government, for it provides us with such a good training programme. The training 1. (great) helps us live well. I will certainly study hard and learn the skil

23、ls. Then I can help with my family difficulties and do good to other people,” a learner on the job training program said, feeling 2. (exciting). The learners grandfather is nearly 80 years old, and his mother is ill in bed. So his father, who is a farmer, is the main support for the family. The fami

24、ly is poor. The learner finished high school. The job training program helps him learn skills 3. hell need in the workplace. The story makes me 4. (think) of another story. It goes like this: Long ago there was a man who liked 5. (fish) very much, and was able to catch lots of fish every day. The ma

25、n was kind, so he always shared his fish 6. his neighbours, who did not know how to fish. One day, he thought that it would be great 7. he told them how to fish. So he called his neighbors together and showed them how to fish. Everybody was very happy that they could eat the fish they 8. (them) caug

26、ht. 6At present, there are still a lot of poor people in the world. But its not good if we give only food to them. 9. , we should give them a chance to learn new skills. So, training is very important to people in need, because they will learn the ability to make money. People can learn a lot of 10. (use) things in the training program and what they learn can help them on the way to find jobs. 参考答案:1.greatly 2.excited 3.that 4.think 5.fishing 6.with 7.if 8.themselves 9.Instead 10.useful


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