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1、1Unit 5 Rhythm语境运用语境词汇运用词汇情景拼写(注意单词或短语的适当形式变化)1.Without passion, people wont have the motivation or the joy necessary for (创造性的) thinking. 2.That country is wealthier and more (强大的)than ever before. 3.The general secretary may (代表)the president at official ceremonies. 4.The palace, which is (独特的) in

2、 style, attracts a large number of tourists every year. 5.He is a (高尚的)man who is always willing to help others. 6.It is (不清楚的)whether they have left that city. 7.His book reached an even wider (观众)when it was made into a movie. 8.Before building a house, you will have to ask for the governments (允许

3、). 9. (在某些方面)this job is quite difficult in other ways its simple. 10.I found the job tiring at first, but soon I (习惯于) it. 11.He was always made to practise the piano; (有时), he thought about giving up. 12. (穿着) her favorite skirt,she seemed to be more confident. 答案 1.creative 2.powerful 3.represent

4、 4.unique 5.noble6.unclear 7.audience 8.permission 9.In some ways10.got used to 11.at times 12.Dressed in2单句填空(注意所填词汇的适当形式变化)1.This produced a chain (react), which made it possible for life to develop. 2. (general)speaking, American English is different from British English in pronunciation and spel

5、ling. 3.The (perform) promised that he would perform his duty. 4.The (disappoint)look on her face suggests that she failed to pass the exam. 5.It is your (responsible) to keep yourself safe in yoga class. 6.In my eyes,these works of art are (extreme)special. 7.The government should take (effect)meas

6、ures to live through this economic crisis. 8.The old man often instructed us how to behave well in public, which made a deep (impress) on us. 9.People are used enjoying light music with wonderful rhythms at dinner. 10.The newly-elected president must be responsible his declaration. 11.Before snow be

7、gins to fall, bears go into caves and fall asleep. other words, they begin to hibernate. 12.A phone call, however, could never replace her mothers presence and it was difficult not to feel lonely times. 答案 1.reaction 2.Generally 3.performer 4.disappointed 5.responsibility 6.extremely 7.effective 8.i

8、mpression 9.to 10.for 11.In 12.at经典句型仿写1.村里的每个人都很友好。不管你在那里住的时间短还是长,都没有关系。(whether.or.)Everyone in the village is very friendly. It doesnt matter . 2.直到河里所有的鱼都死了,村民们才意识到污染有多严重。(not until 的倒装)Not until all the fish died in the river how serious the pollution was. 3.他今天病了。那就是他今天早上上课迟到的原因。(why)He is ill

9、 today. That is for class this morning. 4.每次他来我们公司,他都来拜访我。(every time/each time)3,he will visit me. 5.他爸爸已放弃了抽烟。他不抽烟已经三年了。(since)His father has given up smoking. It is 3 years . 答案 1.whether you have lived there for a short or a long time. 2.did the villagers realize3.why he came late/why he was late 4.Every time/Each time he comes to our company 5.since he smoked


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