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1、1Unit 6 Topic1 Section C 读写课Raising Money导学案预习导纲:1、我了解动词不定式的用法动词不定式的结构是_;动词不定式可以在句子中做_语、_语、_语、_语、_语和_语;填空:1. It took me two hours _(work) it out.2. - How can we deal with this problem?- Lets _ (discuss) together and find our a way.3. - Its too far _ (cycle) to Mount Emei.- But there are many other v

2、ehicles for us _ (choose).4. - What are they talking about!- Theyre talking about ways _ (help) the little girl.2、我掌握的新单词和词块有_课堂导练:一、Running Guessing 猜词义:根据_来推测 There are 4 passengers and a driver in the car. ( )In China, people are used to using chopsticks to eat.( )The roses began to wither becaus

3、e of the cold.( )根据_来推测:Tom is homely, not as handsome as his brother .( )My mother is plump , but my father is thin.( )What is sound?Sound happens when something vibrates or shakes.( )根据_来推测2She is studying glaucoma, a kind of disease on the eyes.( )Sometimes, no rain falls for a long time, then th

4、ere is a drought. ( ) She is a governess, she gives lessons to children at their homes.( )用_来推测The colors in Hawaii are unforgettable.( )We should feel the thankfulness for those who help us.( )When the little boy finished, his father was speechless.( )二、Running Reading 阅读写句子1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _

5、7. _8. _9. _三、Running Writing 写作These words and expressions may help you: We raise money for_. 活动目的We would like to_ to raise money; 活动内容My task is_. 具体任务分配We think its a good idea because_. 评价If we have difficulties, we will ask_for help. 其它(如:寻求支持)We believe we will make_. 预计结果We will feel_. 预计感受Our Writing3_学生自评互评表互评Aspects(项目) 自评Ideas 创意 Layout 大纲Language 语言handwriting 书写Find some words, expressions and phrases you like(好词好句摘抄)4


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