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1、- 1 -江苏省姜堰二中 2018-2019 学年高一英语下学期期初考试试题(无答案)时间:90 分钟 总分:100 分一、单项填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分10 分)1. People can unlock the shared bikes, _ are equipped with GPS and can be left anywhere in public, by simply _ their smart phones.A. which; use B. which; using C. of which; use D. of which; using2. A healthy fr

2、iendship is one _ you share your true feelings without fearing the end of the relationship.A. that B. who C. where D. when3. Optimism has a positive effect _ peoples physical and mental health, _ which Im very convinced.A. on; of B. to; of C. at; at D. on; at4. -How beautiful the school is, Captain.

3、- So it is. I _ here for three years and my daughter is studying here, too.A. studied B. have been studying C. have studied D. had studied.5. However, at times this balance in nature is _, resulting in a number of unforeseen effects.A. dismissed B. disturbed C. discouraged D. disabled6. With the wid

4、espread of fog and haze in central and eastern China, our government is supposed to _ their efforts to prevent further pollution.A. make up B. show up C. step up D. wake up7. Johnson stayed up last night because his composition is _ today.A. splendid B. rough C . due D. rare8. One of the requirement

5、 for the fire is that the material _ to its burning temperature.A. must be heated B. will be heated C. be heated D. would be heated9. As a splendid secretary, Mr. Howell always keeps the manager _ of whats - 2 -going on at home and abroad, so he deserves _. A. to be informed; to be praised B. inform

6、ing; praisingC. informed; praised D. informed; praising10. -Have you got your everything packed(收拾) yet?- _. It will be several days before I leave for school.A. Im all ears. B. Hold your horses C . Its not my cup of tea. D. Dont pull my leg 二、完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)I used to hate running. It

7、 seemed too hard, and expanding my comfort zone (扩大舒适区) was not something I like. In fact, I wouldnt have become a runner if it werent for my husband Charles. He had been a serious competitive 11 for many years. After our marriage, he wouldnt stop talking about how much he 12 it. So he picked it up

8、again, and after about a year, I started to 13 him at the track. Just a few weeks later, Charles signed us 14 up for a five-kilometer race. I 15 about doing it because it was too soon.The 16 sent a signal. Thousands of runners pushed forward. The first kilometer was 17 . I was already breathing heav

9、ily and painfully aware of the group of runners 18 me. Charles was trying to 19 me, to get me focused on something 20 my discomfort. After another minute I saw the three-kilometer 21 . “Painful” couldnt 22 describe how I felt. And there was pain, so much pain. I rounded a 23 , and saw both sides of

10、the street 24 with people watching the race, all 25 the runners up. I tried to keep my 26 going. I knew that if I actually 27 this race I would have achieved something. So, I 28 up and went on.Finally I passed through the finish line. A volunteer put a medal around my neck. I 29 held my medal, walki

11、ng to the post-race celebrations with Charles. My lungs and my 30 zone both expanded.11. A. walker12. A. missedB. runnerB. regrettedC. climberC. forbadeD. swimmerD. selected13. A. upset14.A. eitherB. tolerateB. noneC. joinC. bothD. encourageD. all15.A. worried B. complained C. wondered D. hesitated1

12、6.A. gun B. watch C. player D. candidate17.A. unbelievable 18. A. falling behindB. easyB. passing byC. extraordinaryC. laughing at D. difficultD. looking after19. A. impress B. encourage C. comfort D. upset- 3 -20. A. except B. besides C. including D. like21. A. line B. notice C. mark D. end22. A. o

13、nce B. ever C. sometimes D. even23. A. corner B. field C. playground D. river24. A. crowded25. A. pushingB. coveredB. holdingC. carriedC. cheeringD. facedD. turning26 A. heads B. eyes C. legs D. back27. A. stopped B. lost C. failed D. finished 28. A. came B. straightened C. gave D. broke29. A. carel

14、essly B. proudly C. unwillingly D. foolishly30. A. sports B. energy C. health D. comfort三 、 阅读理解((共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分) AMAIN LINKSHome Vacation Planner Book Travel Now 55% Off ThemePark s Best Travel DealsRoad Trip s Cheap Vacations Luxury Travel Deals VacationDestinations U.S.A. Destinations Ne

15、w Mexico- 4 -Los Angeles: PlacesMost Tourists Dont Know About Disneyland: My Five Favorite Rides Favorite Attractions Intl Destinations ChinaBritainChecklist for Traveling Abroad International travel is both fun and exciting but it can easily become stressful if you forgetor lose important documents

16、. This checklistwill help ensure that you have everything you need for a smooth journey.1. $100 worth of local currency.At least $100 worth of local currency- calculate the cab fare from the airport to your destination and carry more than that amount with you. Remember to bring some home country mon

17、ey as well, just in case you need it on the trip home.2. Passports.Dont forget passports. Be sure to check expiration dates well in advance. It pays to check the destination country regulations as some countries require the passport to be in effect for one month or more after the trip dates.3. One c

18、opy of each passport.Bring at least one copy of every passport packed separately from other travel documents. Consider including copies in a checked bag and then storing them in the hotel safe at your destination.Admission fees to theme parks and local tourist attractions can really add up and max o

19、ut your vacation budget, but you can save up to 55% on theme parks with Go city Cards. Ive used these for several vacations and saved hundreds of dollars. Just one of my many best travel deals tips youll find on this website.-Marianne Schwab31. Where can Jenny find related information if shes planni

20、ng her travel to - 5 -New Mexico?A. On the top of the website.B. In the center area of the website.C. On the left side of the website.D. On the right side of the website.32. Which of the following is RIGHT according to the website?A. Carry as much local currency as you can.B. Make sure your passport

21、 can still be used.C. Keep your passport in the hotel safe.D. Go City Cards adds to your expenses.BWhen I was in the third grade, we had a hunt at school. We gathered up chalk, pencils, stones, and so on, rapidly filling our checklists. It was a very close race. I was out of breath when I reached th

22、e clover (三叶草) patch in search of the last, most hard-to-find item: a four-leaf clover.I was pretty sure that I was going to win. I have always been able to find four-leaf clovers. I just see them.I spent my childhood collecting and pressing four-leaf clovers into books at my mothers house. I starte

23、d with big cloth- and leather-bound books. When I ran out of romantically bound volumes, I began to put my treasures into anything I could find: fiction paperbacks, cookbooks. The same is true in my house today. Shake a book, and a papery treasure just might fall into your hand.A few years ago, in N

24、ova Scotia, my husband and I pulled off the road for a picnic. The ground was thick with clover. Some shoots had four, five, even six leaves. I lined them up on the picnic table to admire as my husband, never yet having found one four-leaf clover, looked on with awe. To me, it was simple. The differ

25、ences in their shapes popped out, breaking the pretty pattern of the conventional clovers with their three perfect leaves.Two summers back, while waiting for an airport shuttle in Munich, I found a tiny four-leaf clover in a traffic circle and put it into my passport. On the way home, my husband and

26、 I were upgraded to business class. Friends attributed our good luck to the clover. I think its more likely that we were upgraded because a kind customer service officer took pity on us.People disagree about whether the luck lies in the finding or in the - 6 -possession of a clover. Some believe tha

27、t the luck is lost if the four-leaf clover is even shown to somebody else, while others think the luck doubles if it is given away. I believe that positivity is increased by sharing. I feel lucky to find the clovers so often, but I dont think they influence my life any more than it does to share any

28、thing a little special - that momentary closeness between you and a friend or a stranger, as you all lean in to wonder at a rare find.33. Why can the author notice four-leaf clovers so easily?A. She always has good luck. B. She has a special gift for plants.C. She practiced a lot in her childhood. D

29、. She can tell the pattern differences.34. How does the author deal with her four-leaf clovers?A. She often gives them away. B. She leaves them everywhere.C. She treats them with special love. D. She admires them with her husband.35. How does the author understand luck and clovers?A. Closeness broug

30、ht by clovers really counts.B. Clovers will influence ones good luck a lot.C. Good luck means finding or owning a clover.D. Good luck may double if you give clovers away.36. What may be the best title for the passage?A. Hunting clovers B. Sharing clovers C. Not for luck D. Just for luckC“Helicopter

31、parent” may not sound pleasant, but given the chance, most parents would probably prefer a vehicle to zoom (快速移动) little ones between school, football practice and piano lessons. Getting children where they need to go is a huge task and expense, especially in homes where both parents work. Hailing r

32、ides ( 专车服务 ) through firms like Uber and Lyft has made life more convenient for adults. But drivers are not supposed to pick up kids who travels without an adult aside (although some are known to bend the rules).Children represent a f res h -f aced opportunity . Ride-hailing for kids could be a mar

33、ket worth at least $50bn in America, hopes Ritu Narayan, the founder of Zum, one of the startups in want of the prize. These services are - 7 -similar to Ubers, except they allow parents to schedule rides for their children in advance. Children are given a code word to ensure they find the right dri

34、ver, and parents receive warnings about the pick-up and ride, including the cars speed. These services promise more careful background checks, finger printing and training than typical ride-hailing companies.Annette Yolas, who works in sales at AT one must, at the very least, simply tolerate others.

35、45 . No one can ever really understand anyone else, but you can love them or at least accept them.I am a world citizen. All human history is mine. My roots cover the earth. We should know each other. Okay, now come and dine.A. I believe in introducing people to people.B. People are the most importan

36、t thing in my life.C. There were no sights to see, no shops or museums to visit.D. Tolerance can lead to respect and, finally, to love.E. After all, our lives are all connected.F. Every Sunday a different friend prepares a feast.G. There is always a collection of people throughout the world.五、语法填空((

37、共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)It was a beautiful morning. As usual I prepared myself for office, locked my room and steppedoutside from my hotel. I saw two poor kids under a tree 46._(stare) at people. I could seethe light in their eyes, as they were 47._(silent) watching people. I went to them and askedw

38、hy they were sitting there and where their house 48._(be).They replied that they lived nearby, and that they were sitting there 49._ somepassers-by would stop, 50._ (donate) some food or money to them. A chill wentthrough my veins on such a morning. When cold breeze was flowing, they were in 51._(we

39、ar) clothes and trembling, but the hope of getting something was still alive. I told them to stay there and went into 52._ cafeteria of my - 10 -hotel, packed some food and gave it to them. Smiles lit 53._ their faces and they started eating hurriedly. I also gave them a few packets of biscuits and

40、told them to go home. They thanked me with smiles. I was feeling much 54._(happy) that I could at least give them some food that of course wouldnt fill their stomachs, but could give them a little 55._(strong).6、短文改错((共 1 篇,满分 10 分)假定英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加

41、、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线(_),并在该词下面写出修饰后的词。注意:1。每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起),不计分。I want to talk about something that has annoy me for a long time. I live near Dongtai Baisheng Square, which was used to be a peaceful place. But things have changed unti

42、l last summer. Each evening several square dance teams, who are mainly made up of women, come to the square and dance. I try to tolerate them, and they broadcast music so noisy that I cant focus on my studying. Arent they informed the harm they do to others? Do they have the freedom to do what they

43、want in public places to enjoy them? I insist the government do something value and helpful and take some measure to stop them from disturbing others.七、书面表达(共1 题,满分20 分)微信学习群越来越受到人们的欢迎。对此,不同的人持有不同的观点。请你根据以下提示,用英语给某英语报刊写一篇短文,并谈谈你的看法。 赞成的理由 反对的理由 你的看法1. 获得新知识;2. 利用闲暇时间学习; 3. 1. 学习群管理不善;2. 浪费时间;3. 1. 2. 注意:1.短文须包括所有要点,不要简单翻译,可适当发挥;2. 词数 150 左右,开头已给出,但不计入词数;3. 不得提及本人姓名及所在学校;4. 参考词汇:WeChat study group 微信学习群 【评分标准】内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当Nowadays, WeChat study groups are more and more popular among people. - 11 -However, different people hold different opinions._


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