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1、1数词和代词学员姓名: 年级:九年级 辅导科目:英 语 学科教师: 授课日期 授课时段 08:00-10:00授课主题名词专项数词专项教学内容课前回顾1.单词默写2.作业讲解知识梳理知识点 1:数词I 数词的用法 (一)概说:英语的数词可分为基数词和序数词两大类。基数词表示的是人或事物的个数,而序数词表示的是这些数目的顺序。1基数词:表示数目的词称为基数词,下面是最常用的基数词:1 one 11 eleven 2 two 12 twelve 20 twenty3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty5 five 15 fi

2、fteen 50 fifty6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty100 one(a) hundred 百1 000 one(a) thousand 千10 000 ten thousand 万100 000 one(a) hundred thousand 十万1 000 000 one(a) million 百万29 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety10 ten2序数词:序数词表示事物的顺序,往往与定冠词 the连用。常用的序数词如下:序数词

3、 缩写 序数词 缩写firstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixthseventheighthninthtentheleventhtwelfth1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12thtwentiethtwenty-firstthirtieththirty-fifthfortiethfiftiethsixtiethseventietheightiethninetiethhundredth20th21st30th35th40th50th60th70th80th90th100th(二)数词的某些用法:1、表示计量:表示事物的计量,即事物的长度、

4、宽度、深度和高度,应采用基数词。如:It is 50 metres/kilometers/miles long (wide, deep, high).它有 50米/千米/英里长(宽、深、高)。2、表示编号:编号的数字如果过小,可用序数词或基数词表示;如果数字较大,通常用基数词表示。如:The tenth lesson=Lesson Ten 第 10课Room 405 第 405号房 Page 215 第 215页No.14 Middle School 第 14中学Telephone NO.5855806 电话: 58558063II 数词重难点【重点】3、表示不确切的数字:基数词后面直接加上复

5、数名词表示精确的数字,而基数词复数形式加上“of” 表示不确切的数字。如: five hundred students 500 名学生two thousand people 2000人five dozen pencils 5打铅笔hundreds of students 几百名学生millions of workers 成千上万的工人scores of chairs 几十张椅子数词单位 hundred, thousand, million等表示确定数目时,不用复数形式。如:five hundred children(五百名儿童) 。但这些词用来表示“数百,数千,数百万”等不确定数目时,要用其复

6、数形式,后面加 of,再接名词。如:hundreds and thousands of stars(成千上万颗星星) 。注意:1. 在前面有 about(大约) ,more than, over ,several 时,一定要用确数。例如There are more than 17 million people in Shanghai now. 现今上海有 1700多万人。2. Two hundred of the students are girls. 确切数目后加 of,表示总数当中有 200个学生是女生。4、表示年龄和岁数1)表示年龄的主要句式如下:He is a boy of 10 ye

7、as old. 他是个 10岁的男孩子。He is 10 yeas old. 他 10 岁。At the age of ten, he began to learn English. 他 10岁开始学英语。He is 10(years of age). 他 10 岁。He is a ten-year-old boy. 他是个 10岁的男孩子。2) 介词 in+ ones twenties (thirties) 表示 “在某人 20多岁(30 多岁) ”。如:My father is in his fifties. 我爸爸 50多岁。4When he was in his forties, he

8、 began to learn English. 当他 40多岁时,他开始学英语。注意区分:on ones twentieth birthdayon the twentieth floor【难点】5、表示年代:表示什么世纪,什么年代时,通常在数词后加 s或s,并在年代前加定冠词 the ,如 1980s(20 世纪 80年代) ,读作:nineteen eighties. 如: His grandfather died in the 1970s。 他爷爷死于 20世纪 70年代。【重点】6、表示分数:分数的表达方式是:分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子是 one时,分母不必加 s; 分 子大于

9、one时,分母要加 s.如: a(=one) third 三分之一 one fifth 五分之一two thirds 三分之二 three fourths 四分之三Two thirds of the trees were cut down the years ago.10年前三分之二的树木被砍伐了。 7、表示百分数:百分数的表达方式是:基数词+ percent(单数形式)+of+名词。如:Thirty percent of the students in my class are from cities. 我班 30%的学生来自城市。About 61 percent of the surfac

10、e is covered by water. 大约 61%的表面被水覆盖着。随堂练习:I 15年二模1. More than ten _ tourists went to see the flower show on that day.A) thousand B) thousands C) thousands of D) thousand of2. About two _ people watch e-sports competitions and cheer on their favorite teams.A) million B) millions C) million of D) mil

11、lions of3. He took up learning German in his early _. A) sixty B) sixtieth C) sixties D) the sixties 5AACII 15年一模1.Here are _ different methods to help you fall asleep.A. few B. little C. much D. several2. The topic “Food Safety” receives _ Internet hits (点击) from customers every day. A: thousands B

12、: thousand C: thousand of D: thousands of3. _ information comes to the centre from all over the word all the tome.A. Huge amounts of B. Large numbers of C. Many D. A few4.I hear one-fourth of the books in our school _ new. Lets go and borrow some.A) am B) is C) are D) be5. We are in Junior Three. Ev

13、ery weekend we have_homework to do.A) many B) quite a few C) huge amounts of D) a great number of6. Water covers more than_of the Earths surface.A) three-fourth B) three-four C) three-fourths D) third-fourthsDDACCC知识点 2 名词一、名词的分类:名词分为专有名词和普通名词。1、专有名词:个人,地方,机构等专有名称,如:China, Shanghai, Li lei 等。2、普通名词:

14、1)个体名词:某类人或东西中的个体,如 fighter, gun, country 等。2)集体名词:若干个体组成的集合体,如 family, team, police, class 等。3)物质名词:无法分为个体的实物,如 cotton,tea, air 等。4)抽象名词:动作, 状态, 品质, 感情等抽象概念. 如 health, happiness 等。二、名词的数:可数名词都有单数和复数之分;不可数名词没有复数形式。 【重点】1、规则的可数名词的复数变化规则:61)一般情况加 s :books,mouths,houses,girls 等。2)以 s,sh,ch,x 结尾的加 es:cl

15、asses,boxes,matches 等。3)辅音字母 + y 结尾的变 y 为 ies:cities,countries,parties,factories 等。4)以 o 结尾的词 +es:heroes,Negroes,tomatoes,potatoes 等。以 o 结尾 +s:radios,zoos,bamboos,pianos,kilos,photos 等。5)以 f,fe 结尾的多数 +es:leaves,lives,wives,knives,halves,wolves 等。口诀 1:+es妻子(wife)持刀(knife)去宰狼(wolf) ,小偷(thief)吓得发了慌,躲在架

16、下(shelf)保己命,半(half)片树叶(leaf)遮目光。口诀 2:+s海湾边、屋顶上,首领奴仆两相望;谁说他们无信仰,证据写在手帕上。gulf,roof, chief, serf, belief, proof,handkerchief,这些名词变复数直接加 s。注:scarf(围巾;披风) 可以先改 f 为 ve 再加s,也可直接加 s。直接 + s 的名词:roofs proofs, gulfs, beliefs 等。2、 不规则的可数名词的变化规则:【难点】1)manmen, womanwomen, toothteeth, footfeet, childchildren, mous

17、emice.2)单复数相同: sheep, fish, deer, means, Chinese, Japanese, works.说明 A. fish 如表示不同种类的鱼时复数是 fishes:There are many kinds of fishes in that lake.B. 以 man, woman 修饰名词构成合成词时,两个词都变化. man servantmen servants. (boy/girl students)woman doctorwomen doctors.表示“某国人”中日不变英法变,其余 s加后面。Chinese Chinese, Japanese Japa

18、nese;Englishman Englishmen, Englishwoman Englishwomen,Frenchman Frenchmen, Frenchwoman Frenchwomen;7American Americans, Russian Russians, Arab Arabs, German Germans 等。3、复合名词的复数形式:son-in-law-sons-in-law , looker-onlookers-on, 主体名词变化4、字母,阿拉伯数字的复数形式一般加 “ s ”或 “ s”:There are two ls in the word “ all ”.Y

19、our 7s and 9s look alike.It happened in the 1960s /1960s.I will not accept your ifs and buts.5、物质名词一般没有复数,但如下情况除外:A. 用复数形式表示不同种类:wheats, fruits, vegetables.B. 表示比原文更广的词义:woodwoods, waterwaters, sandsands.6、定冠词加姓氏的复数表示一家人:the Turners, the Smiths, the Wangs.7、集体名词 people, police 总是作复数:Several police w

20、ere on duty.8、集体名词 class, public, family, population, team, crew 等单复数都有,但意义不同:The class is big.- The class are taking notes in English.The population in China is larger.- 80% of the population in China are peasants.9、hair 表示总体时是不可数:His hair is grey如果表示若干根头发可以加复数词尾。He had a few white hairs. 10、以 s 结尾

21、的学科名词只作单数。mathematics , physics, politics 等;news 也是如此。811、glasses, trousers, 等常用复数;但如果这些词前用 a pair of / this pair of/that pair of等修饰时谓语动词有 pair 来决定:Where are my glasses ?My new pair of trousers is too long.Here are some new pairs of shoes.12、不可数名词没有复数形式,如果表示“一个”的概念,可用单位词:a piece of news / informatio

22、n / advice / bread / cake / paper / meat / coala bottle of ink, a grain of rice , a cake of soap【注意】a large number of, much, a little 后只能接不可数名词;a large amount of ,a great number of ,many,后只能接可数名词;some, plenty of, a lot of 后既可以接可数名词,也可以接不可数名词。用“数词或冠词量词of不可数名词”这样的结构来表示,量词可以是单数也可以是复数,但 of后面的名词只能用单数。小练:

23、1. Mr Smith always has _to tell us Asome good pieces of news B some pieces of good news Csome good piece of newes Dsome piece of good newes 答案A。解析考查名词的数的掌握。 news 意为“消息” ,是不可数名词,所以 C、D 两项可排除。形容词修饰类似的词组时,一般放在前面。2. Would you like to have a look at some pants? They may fit you well一 Well,Id like to try

24、those blue_. Apairs Bone Cpant Dpair答案A。解析pants 要用 a pair of来修饰,由 those blue确定其后接 pairs的复数形式,故选 A。3. Would you like some drinks, boys? 9Yes, , please.A. some oranges B. two boxes of chocolates C. some cakes D. two bottles of orange答案 D 解析orange 是不可数名词。可用“数词或冠词量词of不可数名词”这样的结构来表示它的数量。量词(piece, bottle,

25、 glass, pair, cup 等)是可数名词,可根据情况用单数或复数,但 of后面的名词只能用单数。4. exciting news! We will have long holiday after the exam. A. What an, a B. What, a C. How an, the D. How, the 答案 B。 解析news 为不可数名词,其前面不能用 a/an来修饰。不可数名词的确切数量可借助单位词组来表示,如 a piece of,a cup of ,two glasses of three bottles of,etc。【重点】13、中考常考不可数名词:inf

26、ormation, weather, news, advice, fun 等。说明:可数名词和不可数名词之间并没有截然的界限;可数名词可以转变为不可 数名词 ,同样不可数名词也可以转变为可数名词,要看清整个上下文的具体内容。三、名词的所有格:1、s 所有格:1)构成:A. 一般词尾+ s.:the teachers office, Xiao Lis sisters husbands mother.B. 以 s 结尾的复数名词只+“ ”: workers rest room. C. 不以 s结尾的复数名词加s: childrens toys. D. 表示共同所有的几个名词,只在最后一个词的后面加

27、s:This is Tom, James and Dicks room.E. 表示各个所有关系的几个名词,在每个名词后分别加s:Jennys, Jeans and Marys rooms face to the south.2、of 所有格:101)凡不能用s 属格的情况可用 of 属格表示所属关系:the City of New York. a map of China. 2)下列情况通常要用 of 属格:A. 当名词有较长的定语时:the name of the girl standing at the gate.Have you read the articles of the stud

28、ents who were with us yesterday.【难点】3、双重所有格:当 of前面的名词有不定冠词、指示代词、疑问代词、不定代词或数词如 a, an, this, that, these, those, two, three, four, any, some, several, no, few ,another等修饰时,用双重 所有格,双重所有格只用于表示人的名词并且都是特指的:a poem of Lu Xuns . a friend of his/hers . Which novel of Dickens are you reading ?some friends of m

29、y brothers .4、几种特殊情况: the key to the door. answers to the questionthe entrance to the station / cinematickets for the film / movie a check for $1500. 【巩固练习】1. Learning English is a difficult but happy _.A) program B) progress C) process D) problem2. I think you can get much _ about the culture of Ja

30、pan after reading this book.A) conclusion B) information C) solution D) suggestion3. As a journalist, Black needs to communicate with many _ every week.A) inventor B) writer C) lawyer D) people114. As a good writer, I need to collect more _to keep the story interesting.A) markets B) materials C)mist

31、akes D)matches5. There are too many _ of fantastic hotels online. Its really hard to decide.A) news B) choices C) politics D) mannersCBDBB6. I cant find many _ about air pollution in our school library.A) books B) information C) report D) news7. There is no enough_ in the corner to put the round tab

32、le.A) floor B) ground C) place D) room3. 8. During he stay in America, he gained much _ of local customs and cultures.A. advice B. knowledge C. idea D. messageADB9. My grandfather makes a living by raising _ to produce wool.(宝山)A) sheep B) sheeps C) many sheeps D) much sheep10. Some students were to

33、o busy preparing for their tests to get enough _.(黄浦)A) sleep B) friend C) hobby D) activity11.The boss asked the manager how many _ he would need to finish the project.(青浦)A)people B)time C)money D)foodAAA12. We havent got much for our picnic. Will you go and get some? A apple B tomato C bread D bi

34、scuit 13.Ive read_ sports news about the Fl race today.A two B pieces C two piece D two pieces of 14. Linda, Ive bought many . Now lets make the birthday cake. A. fresh eggs B. chocolate milk C. frozen food D rice dumplings15. You can get much _ about the World Expo on the Internet. 12A) map B) pict

35、ure C) ticket D) informationCDAD知识点3 阅读专项训练IX. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解):(共 50分)A. Choose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12 分)During all this time, I never stopped thinking about escape. When I traveled across to the other side of the island, I could see the other islands, and I said to mysel

36、f, “Perhaps I can get there with a boat. Perhaps I can get back to England one day.“ So I decided to make myself a boat. I cut down a big tree, and then began to make a long hole in it. It was hard work, but about six months later, I had a very fine canoe (独木舟). Next, I had to get it down to the sea

37、. How silly I was! Why didnt I think carefully before I began to work? Of course, the canoe was too heavy. I couldnt move it! I pulled and pushed and tried everything; but it didnt move. I was very unhappy for a long time after that.In my sixth year on the island, I did make myself a smaller canoe,

38、but I did not try to escape in it. The boat Was too small for a long journey, and I did not want to die at sea. The island was my home now, and I was just happy to be alive. A year or two later, I made myself a second canoe on the other side of the island. I also built myself a second house there, a

39、nd so I had two homes.I kept food and tools at both of my houses, and also wild goats. There were many goats on the island, and I made fields with high fences to keep them in. They learnt to take food from me, and soon I had goats milk to drink every day. I also worked hard in my corn fields. And so

40、, many years went by.69. We can infer (推断) from the first paragraph that the writer _.A) was probably from England B) lived happily on the islandC) lost his way on the island D) was born on the island70. It took the writer _ to make the first canoe.A) many years B) about six monthsC) a year or two D

41、) about six years1371. The writer was very unhappy because _.A) he had cut down a small tree B) he had a very fine canoeC) he couldnt move the canoe D) he had made a small canoe72. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A) The writer made himself a smaller canoe in hi

42、s sixth year on the island.B) The writer made fields with high fences to keep many wild goats in.C) The writer didnt try to escape because he had two homes on the island.D) The writer knew the canoe was too small for a long journey across the sea.73. This story is mainly about how the writer _.A) ke

43、pt goats in the fields B) escaped from the islandC) built houses by himself D) survived on the island74. This story is probably a part of a(n) _.A) novel B) advertisement C) travel guide D) telephone message69. A 70. B 71. C 72. C 73. D 74. A奉 贤 区IX. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解):(共 50分)A. Choose the

44、 best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12 分)Sweaty palms, shaking hands and a racing heart! This is what many students experience when they take a big test. When anxiety (焦虑) kicks in, students can completely lose concentration, leading to poor scores. But is there any solution to such stress?The key to re

45、ducing test anxiety is writing. According to a recent report in the journal Science, taking a few minutes before an exam to write about all those fears could help students perform better.The study was conducted by Professor Sian L. Beilock, from the University of Chicago, and his graduate student Ge

46、rardo Ramirez.First, the researchers asked 20 college students to take a maths test to get a base-lined score. Next, they told the students that they could get a monetary award if they got a good score, and that they were being videotaped.14Before beginning the main test, the researchers asked one g

47、roup of students to spend 10 minutes writing down their anxieties about the test, while the other group sat quietly. Both groups then took the same exam.The researchers found that students who sat quietly did 12% worse than they had on the pre-test, and the ones who wrote about their anxieties improved their scores by 5%.Writing enables students to feel refreshed when facing challenging questions on th


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