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1、Unit 7 Its raining!,核心词汇,新知探究,基础自测,阅读提升,第1课时 Section A(1a2d),1下雨 v雨水 n_ 2多风的 adj_ 3多云的 adj_ 4晴朗的 adj_ 5下雪 v雪 n_ 6天气 n_ 7做饭 v_ 8坏的;糟糕的 adj_,rain,weather,cook,bad,windy,cloudy,snow,sunny,9公园 n_ 10信息;消息 n_ 11他(he的宾格) pron_ 12能;可能 modalv_ 13回来;回原处 adv_ 14困难;难题 n_ 15捎个口信;传话 _ 16(给某人)回电话 _,park,message,hi

2、m,back,could,problem,take a message,call (sb.) back,重点词汇 1cloudy adj多云的 cloudy 是由名词 cloud(云)加后缀y构成的形容词。具有类似用的还有: rainrainy 下雨的; snowsnowy 下雪的; windwindy 多的; iceicy 结冰的; sunsunny 晴朗的; fogfoggy 有雾的。 2message n信息;消息 与 message 相关的短语: take a message for sb.为某人捎个口信/传话; send a text message to sb.给某人发短信; le

3、ave a messag 留言。,【辨析】message, news 和 information (1)message 可数名词,意为“消息;信息”。 (2)news 不可数名词,意为“消息;新闻”。 (3)information 不可数名词,意为“信息”,强调各种消息、情报资料等的具体内容。 3back adv回来;回原处 back 的常见用法: (1)adv回来;回原处。常用短语: call sb.back 给某人回电话;be back 返回; come back 回来; go back 回去; get back 返回;bring back 拿回来; take back 收回; fight

4、 back 回击。,(2)n后背;后面;后部。如: Do you know the little boy on his back? 你认识他背上的那个男孩吗? (3)adj后面的。如: There is a picture on the back wall. 后墙上有张图画。 4problem n困难;难题 常与 no 搭配使用,构成短语 no problem。 【拓展】no problem 的常见用法: (1)用来礼貌地回答某人的感谢(主要用于美式英语中), 意为“不谢别客气”。,(2)用来回答道歉(主要用于美式英语中),意为“没关系;没什么”。 (3)用来表示有能力做某事,意为“没问题;不

5、在话下”。 (4)用来表示安慰(也可说 Thats no problem.),意为“没问题;那成问题”。 5call (sb.) back (给某人)回电话 call (sb.) back 中的 sb.若是名词也可说成 call back sb.,但若代词作宾语时,只能放在中间。如: call Tom backcall back Tom 但 call me back 不能说 call back me。 重点句型 1Hows the weather in Shanghai? 上海的天气怎么样?,How is the weather?意为“天气怎么样?”,是用来询问天气状的常用句型,还可以用“Wh

6、ats the weather like?”。询问某地天气时,在句子末尾加介词短语“in某地”。 2Its cloudy. 天气多云。 回答询问天气的问句时,通常用“Its 表示天气的形容词”。同也可以用现在进行时进行回答:Its raining/snowing.正在下雨/雪。 3Hows it going? 近来可好? 这是询问对方处境或事情进展如何的习惯用语,后面可跟介词短“with sb./sth.”,可与“Hows everything?/Hows everything going?等互换。,4Sounds like youre having a good time. 听起来你玩得好开

7、心。 (1)sound 前省略了主语 it。sound 在句中为系动词,意为“听起来”,后常接形容词作表语。sound like 后接名词表示“听起来 像”。 (2)have a good/great/nice/wonderful time (doing sth.) have fun (doing sth.) enjoy oneself (doing sth.) (做某事)开心愉快。,.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 1Betty is taking a walk in the _(公园) 2Who usually _(做饭) in your family? 3Can I take a _(消息

8、) for him? Of course. 4Hows it going? Not _(坏的) 5Can you help me? Sure, no _(问题),park,cooks,message,bad,problem,.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 1孩子们在水池里玩得很开心。 The kids are _ _ _ _ in the pool. 2记得给我回电话。 Remember to _ me _ 3请给我捎个口信。 Please _ a _ for me. 4上海的天气怎么样? _ the _ in Shanghai? 5你能告诉他下午去打篮球吗? _ _ _ _ to play

9、basketball this afternoon?,having,call,back,take,message,Hows,weather,Could you tell him,a,good,time,.单项选择。 ( )1. Look! The children are having _ good time in the park. Aa Ban Cthe D/ ( )2. Hello, Jenny._ speaking. Oh, hello, Tony. AIm Tony BThis is Tony CThat is Tony DThere is Tony,B,A,( )3. Hows t

10、he weather in your city? _ AYes, I like it. BIts warm in winter. CWhy not? DYes, very much. ( )4. Bob isnt here.Can I take a message _ him? Ato Bfor Cwith Dfrom ( )5. _, Li Lei? Not good.Im too tired. AWhat are you doing BWhere are you going CHows it going DWhen are you going,B,B,C,.完形填空。 Hello, my

11、name is Zhang Dan.I live in _1_ small village in Yunnan.The _2_ here is great.It isnt too hot in summer.And it isnt too cold in winter, _3_Its always sunny.I _4_ living here.The village is a _5_ place, so many people come to _6_ it every year.There is a _7_ in my village and the water in it is very

12、_8_And I often drink it. Im walking in the village now.Look! A woman is taking a photo _9_ a little girl.Two boys are reading books.Who is _10_ in the square(广场)? Oh, its Wang Fang.She dances well.The life here is very relaxing, isnt it?,( )1.A.a Ban Cthe D/ ( )2.A.food Bweather Clife Dwater ( )3.A.

13、still Balso Ceither Dtoo ( )4.A.like Bdont like Cremember Ddont remember ( )5.A.scary Bbeautiful Cnoisy Dfunny ( )6.A.watch Bmeet Cvisit Dlook ( )7.A.river Blibrary Cmountain Dshop ( )8.A.dirty Bclean Chot Dwarm ( )9.A.on Bin Cof Dat ( )10.A.singing Bdancing Crunning Dplaying,A,B,C,A,B,C,A,B,C,B,.阅读

14、理解。 Mr.Black is shortsighted(近视的) but he doesnt wear glasses, because he thinks it is not cool to wear glasses. It is Saturday and it is fine today.Mr.Black likes sunny days and he wants to take a walk.He puts on(戴上) his black hat, takes his yellow bag and then goes out of his house.He walks on the

15、street and looks around.The sun is shining and the birds are singing in the tree.Mr.Black feels very happy.Suddenly, a strong wind blows_away his hat.“Oh, my hat!” Mr.Black begins to run after it.He runs and the hat“runs”, too.Mr.Black feels surprised.An old man shouts at him from a window.,Hey! Wha

16、t are you doing?” “Running after my hat!” “Your hat? You are running after my black cat.” ( )1Mr.Black doesnt wear glasses because _ Ahe has no glasses Bhe lost his glasses Che doesnt like to wear them Dhe doesnt need to wear them ( )2.From the passage, we can know it is _ today. Arainy Bcloudy Csno

17、wy Dsunny,C,D,( )3. The phrase “blows away” means “_” in Chinese. A带来 B吹走 C远离 D紧跟 ( )4. Mr.Black runs on the street because _ Ahe wants to get his hat Bhe wants to get a cat Can old man runs after hi Dhe wants to do some exercise ( )5. The best title(标题) for the passage is“_” AAn Old Man BA Strong W

18、ind CRunning after a Cat DCat or Hat,B,A,D,.补全对话,有两项多余。 A:Hello,John.This is Bob. B:Hi,Bob._1_ A:Great!What about you? B:Not bad._2_ A:Its windy. B:_3_ A:Im reading a book at home.Is it sunny in Beijing now? B:Yes._4_ And Im playing basketball outside. A:Thats great.I love to play basketball,too. B:_5_,A:On the weekend. AThe weather is great. BWhen do you usually play basketball? COh,what are you doing now? DHows the weather in Sydney? EIts terrible. FWhere do you play basketball? GHows it going? 1_ 2. _ 3. _ 4_ 5. _,G,D,C,A,B,


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