
上传人:吴艺期 文档编号:1089232 上传时间:2019-04-08 格式:PPT 页数:5 大小:2.13MB
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1、百善孝为先。孝顺父母是中国传统文化美德的精髓。在我们成长的过程中,父母任劳任怨地为我们付出。我们的每一次生日,父母都为我们精心准备,尤其是妈妈不辞辛劳地为我们做丰盛的生日大餐。作为子女,你打算怎样为你妈妈过生日?请根据下列写作要求,完成A、B两部分写作任务。 A请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题:1When is your mothers birthday?2Where will you celebrate your mothers birthday?3Who will you celebrate your mothers birthday with?4What will you do t

2、o celebrate your mothers birthday?5How will your mother feel that day?,B请以“My Mothers Birthday”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,要点如下:1包含A部分所有信息;2你为什么以这种方式为你妈妈过生日;3文中不得出现真实个人信息。【范文诵读】A1.My mothers birthday is on December 18th. 2I will celebrate my mothers birthday at home. 3I will celebrate my mothers birthday with

3、 my father.4I will buy a birthday cake and some flowers to celebrate my mothers birthday. 5My mother will feel very happy that day.,B My Mothers Birthday I have a great mother.Her birthday is on December 18th.That day,in order to give a surprise to her,I will come back home earlier than usual.I will

4、 buy a birthday cake and some flowers to celebrate her birthday at home,because my mother loves cakes and flowers very much.At the same time,my father will make a special dinner.We will sing Happy Birthday song for my mother as soon as she gets home.She must be very happy at that moment.I love my mother.,


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