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1、1题型七 任务型阅读贵阳五年中考命题规律及趋势任务型阅读是根据任务型教学设计而成的一种介于阅读理解与书面表达之间的题型。它要求学生在阅读文章后能对文章中的某些细节做到准确把握或对整篇文章进行提炼概括,是一种读写结合的题型。这种题型既考查学生的阅读理解能力,也考查学生的分析问题、解决问题的能力,还考查学生运用英语语言将有关内容以文字形式正确地表达出来的能力。题号 题型 内容 题数 小题分值 分值小计 赋分A.补全句子型阅读。(要求学生阅读短文,捕捉信息,根据短文内容完成文后的句子。)5 2 10任务型阅读 B.填写表格型阅读。(要求学生阅读短文,捕捉信息,根据短文内容完成表格。) 5 2 102


3、成句子。一般来说,从文中直接找到答案的很少,多数情况下,学生需要提炼概括出所填空的内容,甚至变化句式来完成句子。这就要求学生在平时的阅读中,学会积累词、短语或句子的多种表达方式。训练并提升自己的根据短文大意概括每段甚至全文的核心内容的能力,从而为准确解答此类题型做好准备。具体的解题方法与技巧如下:1快速定位圈点首先,快速浏览文后的5个句子,了解 所缺词语的性质并预测所填内容;然后返回文中阅读,找到这5个句子所处的段落和位置;最后结合每个句子的含义,仔细研读该段落的内容,找出所填句子与原句之间的不同,圈出不同点。2巧妙运用转换对于那些不能在原文中直接选定的答案,我们必须认真阅读材料,分析所要填写



6、意题(概括标题等) 要在理解文章大意、把握文章结构的基础上进行分析、概括,从而提炼出重要信息或文章主旨。(2018贵阳初中毕业生学业考试)A阅读短文,捕捉信息,根据短文内容完成文后的句子。Drug(毒品) use in Britain has increased by 30% in the last five years.Use of hard drugs,for example,cocaine(可卡因) and crack cocaine,is increasing as a result of these drugs becoming cheaper and easier to buy.Y

7、oung people in Britain are more likely than other Europeans to take illegal(非法的) drugs.UK teenagers are taking up to five times more illegal drugs,for example,ecstasy tablets(摇头丸) and cannabis(大麻制品),than in other European countries.The most common drug for UK teenagers is cannabis.Over 35% of 15 to

8、16yearolds say they have tried it.Harder drugs such as crack cocaine are less common.As many as one in twelve 12yearolds have taken drugs.British law puts drugs into three groups,from the most dangerous Class A drugs to the least addictive(使人上瘾的) Class C drugs:Class A:hard drugs,for example,crack co

9、caine;Class B:for example,ecstasy tablets;Class C:“soft” drugs,for example,cannabis,which are also addictive and dangerous.In the UK there are possibly 500,000 Class A drug users.As a result,the UK spends 390 million a year on treatment centers to fight drug use.Treatment centers spend more than 3,0

10、00 to help every drug user.But only 3,800 drug users a year successfully go through the drug treatment.Teenagers gave the following reasons in order of importance;to copy their friends and to look cool;so as to have a good time and to feel good;in order to see what it is like and to experience somet

11、hing new;so as to be like adults,but to be differen t from their parents;because the drugs are cheap and easy to buy;because they have nothing better to do with their time.1One reason for people taking more hard drugs in the UK is that _ are becoming lower.2The UK teenagers take much more drugs than

12、 teenagers in any other _3Under British law,from Class A drugs to Class C drugs,all of them are _4The UK government works hard on the drug treatment.But only a small number of _ in the UK can get out of the drug addiction every year.35As for how to stop themselves from taking drugs,the UK teenagers

13、should _【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了英国青少年吸毒的现状、原因及英国采取的措施。1the prices 【解析】题干意为:英国人吸烈性毒品的其中一个原因是 _变得更低了。根据第一段最后一句“these drugs becoming cheaper”可知此处应填the prices。2European country 【解析】题干意为:英国青少年比其他任何 _ 的青少年要吸更多的毒品。根据第二段第一句“Young people in Britain are more likely than other Europeans to take illegal drugs.”,可知此处应

14、填 European country.3dangerous and addictive 【解析】题干意为:英国法律中,从A等级到C等级的毒品都是_。根据第三段“British law puts drugs into three groups,from the most dangerous Class A to the least addictive Class C drugs.”可知此处应填dangerous and addictive 。4drug users 【解析】题干意为:英国政府在毒品治疗方面很努力。但在英国每年只有少数的_能摆脱毒瘾。根据第七段最后一句“But only 3,800

15、 drug users a year successfully get through the drug treatment.”可知此处应填drug users。5learn more about the dangers of drugs 【解析】题干意为:对于如何预防自身吸毒,英国青少年应该_。此题为主观题,文中未直接提及到英国青少年应该如何做,所以言之有理即可。B阅读短文,捕捉信息,根据短文内容完成表格。English is always changing.The English that people used 500 years ago is very different from t

16、he English we use now.Even in the last fifty years,Engl ish has changed.New words are entering our language all the time.The words Internet,email and mobile phone are only twenty years old.The word website is even younger.We only started using it fifteen years ago.But what causes languages to change

17、?And is language change a positive or a negative thing?There are many reasons that languages change.One reason is that technology changes.We use new words for new types of technology.Thirty years ago,we only used the word mouse in English to describe an animal.Today,the word mouse also means the obj

18、ect you use to control a computer.Another important reason for language change is communication between different countries and cultures.For instance,English uses words like sugar from Arabic,shampoo from Hindi and yoghurt from Turkish.Languages also change because young people create their own way

19、of talking that is different from their parents.Teenagers often use new slanginformal words and phrasesto talk to their friends.Some slang gets forgotten,but other slang words become part of normal,everyday language.Words like bus and rock music started as slang,but now they are in the dictionary an

20、d everyone uses them.But is language change a good thing or a bad thing?Some people think that we should stop languages from changing.They think that they need to protect their language or it will die or become worse.In France,there is an organization called LAcademic Francaise that decides what is

21、correct and what is incorrect in French. They look at the new words that people are using and decide whether they are good French or not.There are also organizations like this in other countries,such as Indonesia and Spain.However, other people believe that language change is a natural thing and sho

22、uldnt be stopped.They think that it is normal that languages change over 4time.They think that languages need to change to stay modern and interesting.Title:Language ChangeChanges of EnglishEnglish 1._ in the past 500 years.New words are entering our language all the time,such as email and website.T

23、hree reasons for language changeTechnology changes.The word“mouse”also means“鼠标” in Chinese today.People from different countries and cultures 2._Words like sugar,shampoo,and yoghurt are from different countries.Young people create their own way of talking.Some slang words 3._ while other slang beco

24、mes part of everyday language.4._ on language changeSome think language change 5._If not,their language will become worse or die.Some think language change is normal and natural.It can make languages stay modern and interesting.【主旨大意】本文主要介绍了英语发生的变化,语言产生变化的原因及人们对此的看法。1has changed 【解析】题干意为:英语_在过去的五百年。

25、根据第一段前三句“English is always changing.The English that people used 500 years ago is very different from the English we use now.Even in the last fifty years,English has changed.”可知此处应填has changed。2communicate differently 【解析】题干意为:来自于不同国家和文化的人们_。根据第二段第六句“Another important reason for language change is c

26、ommunication between different countries and cultures.”可知此处应填communicate differently。3get forgotten 【解析】题干意为:一些俚语 _ 然而另一些俚语成了人们日常语言的一部分。根据第二段倒数第二句“Some slang gets forgotten,but other slang words become part of normal,everyday language.”可知此处应填get forgotten。4Two different opinions 【解析】题干意为:_关于语言变化。此题为

27、概括题,根据表格右侧内容“Some think language change;Some think language change”可知此处是人们对于语言变化的两种不同的观点,故填Two different opinions。5should be prevented 【解析】题干意为:一些人认为语言变化_。否则他们的语言将会变得更糟甚至消失。根据第三段第二句“Some people think that we should stop languages from changing.”可知此处应填 should be prevented。A阅读短文,捕捉信息,根据短文内容完成文后的句子。Put

28、onghua(Mandarin Chinese) is the language of the Han people,but most of the other ethnic groups also have their own languages or dialects.That can make communication difficult when they speak to each other without using the common language,Putonghua.However,people from different places can understand

29、 the same written characters.5Mandarin Chinese is the most commonly used language.It is taught in all schools and it is the medium of the government.And today people across China are encouraged to use Putonghua in offices and public places.Spoken Chinese is a tonal language,with four tones in additi

30、on to individual sounds.For instance,the word “Ma” can mean “mother,” “bother,” “horse,” or “scold,” depending on how it is said.To help the learning of Chinese,a Romanization system called Pinyin has replaced other earlier Romanized spellings(the capital of China is spelled Beijing instead of the e

31、arlier spelling of “Peking”)It was devised in 1958 and has been taken as a standard form to represent Chinese sounds.The Chinese writing system is pictographic(象形文字的 )This means that a “picture” represents an idea or a word.Therefore,the Chinese writing system isnt the same as that of most western l

32、anguages.The words for these languages are represented by letters,while Chinese words are represented by characters.Some Chinese characters were developed as simple pictures from nature,such as animals,birds,mountains,and rivers.Although the style writing has changed and gradually been transformed o

33、ver at least 5,000 years into the characters used today,Chinese is the only major writing system of the world that has continued its pictographbased system without interruption(中断) and still uses it.Many students of Chinese are first attracted to the language because of the writing system,which is s

34、urely one of the most fascinating scripts in the world.1Putonghua is the common language used by _Han_people_and ethnic groups for communication.2Mandarin Chinese is widely used in schools,offices and public places _across_China_3To help the learning of Chinese,Pinyin has_taken_the_place_ of other e

35、arlier Romanized spellings.4The Chinese writing system _is_different_from_ that of most western languages.5The best title of this passage is “_The_Introduction_of_Mandarin_Chinese_”B阅读短文,捕捉信息,根据短文内容完成表格。Do you feel cool and calm?If your answer is no,youre not alone.In todays society,many people find

36、 it difficult to slow down.Fastpaced lifestyles make it hard for many people to really relax.The good news is that you neednt escape to a nice place to relax.You can experience these in the middle of a stressfilled life.Better thinkingThe ability of relaxation depends more on your thinking than your

37、 situation.The next time when you suffer from worry,think about the situation.What is the problem?What is the cause?Most importantly,wh at can you do about it?Then,make an “action plan” or a “todo list” to help you feel less worried.However,if the situation is not in your hands,you should let it go.

38、Take a walk,exercise and talk to a friend to get your mind off the problem.A habit of relaxingEven the busiest people arrange short periods of relaxation into their timetable.They do so because they know its necessary.The time you spend relaxing is an important period.A 10minute break in the middle

39、of a long workday can increase your productivity(生产力)You can find an activity,such as exercise,a hot bath or a favorite TV show,to make you come to life.A few 6restful hours of doing something you really enjoy may help you to face a busy week.Restful sleepUnfortunately,not being able to relax causes

40、 some people to lose their most important rest:sleep.If thats you,write everything in your diary before going to bed.Write down not only problems but also possible solutions.This can help you release thoughts that might prevent you from getting needed sleep.Finally,recognize your disadvantages.You c

41、ant do everything perfectly,but you can get the rest and relaxation you need to do many things better.Title:Ways to 1._Feel_Relaxed_Better thinkingWhen you suffer from worry,think about the situation. 2._Making_an_“action_plan”_ or a “todo list” can help you feel less worried.A habit of relaxingA fe

42、w restful hours may help you to face a busy week,even the busiest people know 3._its_necessary_ to arrange short periods of relaxation into their timetable.Restful sleepBefore going to bed,write down both 4._problems_and_possible_solutions_ in you diary.This can help you get needed sleep.You can 5._

43、do_many_things_better_ by getting the rest and relaxation you need though you cant do everything perfectly.2019备考猜押AWhen you sleep somewhere else, like at a summer camp or a friends house, you know youre there for a fun time. But for some kids, when they are away from home they feel sad. They start

44、to miss their own beds, their own parents, and all the things at home. Its called being homesick. Do you want to feel less homesick? The following can help you.Spend more time in doing fun things. The more fun things you do, the less time youll feel homesick. So try to take part in activities and so

45、on you might start to have a good time. You can make a plan to call your mum or dad. For a night visit, maybe you can call once that night, and again in the morning. In the camp, you might set a regular day and time for a phone call home. You can also send emails or short messages to keep in touch(保

46、持联系) with family and friends. If youre going to be away for a while, you might even write a letter! When you get in touch with someone, make sure to tell them about the fun things youre doing!Sometimes, just tell someone that youre feeling homesick. This will help you feel better. Maybe you can tell

47、 a friend that you feel homesick. And the two of you can do something fun, such as telling jokes. If youre at camp, a camp counselor(顾问) would be a good person to talk to. He or she might have some ideas to help you feel better. Title:How to Deal with HomesicknessWhen to feel homesickWhen you are 1.

48、_away_from_home_,you might feel homesick.2._(Some)_ways_ to Find 3._fun_things_Try to take part in a lot of 7activities.Make a plan to call your parents.Send emails or 4._short_messages_ to your family and friends.Write a letter if you are away for a while.help you feel less homesickYou will feel be

49、tter if you 5._talk_to/tell_someone_,such as a friend or a camp counselor.BThe Yellow River is known as the mother river by all the Chinese people,the 5,464kilometer(about 3,395 miles)Yellow River is the second longest river in China after the Yangtze River.The headwaters of this mighty river lie in Kunlun Mountains in northwestern Qin

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