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1、12019中考英语完形填空优享题四【能力选练】 AGeorges mother was very poor. Instead of having bright blazing(熊熊燃烧的) fires in winter, she had _ to burn. George had to pick up dry _ from under the trees. One _ day in July, she sent George to the woods. He was to stay there all day to get as much wood as he could. He worke

2、d very hard so that by the time the sun was high, he was hot, and wished for a _ place where he might rest for a while and eat his dinner. While he hunted around the bank of the stream, he saw among the moss(苔藓)some fine wild _, which were a bright red with ripeness(成熟). How good these will be with

3、my bread and butter!thought George. Lining(垫在里)his little cap with _, he set to work eagerly(急切地)to gather all he could find. He felt happy and thought how much his mother would like to see him there,and to be there herself instead of in her dark _ . George thought of all this and just as he was lif

4、ting the first strawberry to his mouth, he said to himself, How much Mom would like these! He stopped and _ the strawberry again. Shall I save them for her?said George, thinking how much they would refresh her, yet _ looking at them with a longing eye. I will eat half and take the other half to her,

5、 said he at last and he _ them into two piles. But each pile looked so small that he put them together again. I will keep them all for Mom, said he and he _ them up nicely till he should go home. When the sun was beginning to sink. George set out for home. How happy he felt then, that he had all his

6、 strawberries for his _ mother. The nearer he came to his home, the _ he wished to taste them. Just as he had thrown down his wood,he heard his mothers weak voice from her bedroom. I am _, and longing for some tea. 2George ran in to her and joyfully offered the strawberries. You _ them for me, did y

7、ou? said Mom, laying her hand gently on his head, while tears stood in her eyes. Could the eating of the strawberries have given George half the happiness he felt at the moment?1A something B everything C anything D nothing2A paper B coal C wood D cloth3A fine B rainy C grey D Cold4A cool B tidy C q

8、uiet D smooth5A apples B strawberries C tomatoes D carrots6A scarves B leaves C coats D sweaters7A kitchen B study C yard D bedroom8A ate up B gave away C put back D turned over9A never B also C hardly D still10A divided B threw C turned D cut11A cleaned B covered C put D lifted2A serious B strong C

9、 sick D silly13A more B less C later D sooner14A thirsty B hungry C sleepy D busy15A bought B saved C borrowed D stole【解析】短文大意:乔治的家里很穷,冬天家里没有取暖的东西,他不得不到大树下去捡些干柴。一天,当他捡完木柴休息的时候,在河边发现一些野草莓,于是摘了一些装在帽子里,他特别想吃,但一想到生病的妈妈,始终忍住没吃。当回到家送给妈妈时,妈妈感动的哭了。1句意:她没有什么可烧的东西。根据上文“Georges mother was very poor. Instead of

10、 having bright blazing fires in winter.”(乔治的妈妈很穷,冬天没有生火),可知乔治的妈妈没有任何生火的东西。A. something 某些事情;B. everything 每件事情;C. anything任何事情;D. nothing“没有什么,没有一件东西” 。故选 D。2句意:乔治不得不从树下捡些干木材。根据下文“He was to stay there all day to get as much wood as he could.他尽可能地呆在那里去捡些的更多的树木” ,可知,乔治不3得不去捡些树下的干柴。paper“纸” ;coal“煤” ;w

11、ood“木材” ;cloth“布” ,故选 C。3句意:七月的一个晴天,她把乔治送到树林里去了。根据下文“the sun was high, he was hot,太阳很高,他很热” ,可推知今天天气不错 fine“晴朗的” ;rainy“下雨的” ;“grey”昏暗的;cold“寒冷的” 。天气不错使用 fine表示。故选 A。4句意:他很热,希望有个凉快的地方休息一会儿。根据上文“the sun was high, he was hot,”可知天气很热,乔治想找个凉爽的地方休息一会儿。cool“凉爽的” ;tidy“整洁的” ;quiet“安静的” ;smooth“光滑的” ,故选 A。5

12、句意:他看见在苔藓中有一些好的野草莓。根据文章第五段的“the first strawberry”可知,这里说的是乔治看到了一些野生的草莓。A. apples 苹果;B. strawberries 草莓;C. tomatoes西红柿;D. carrots 胡萝卜。故选 B。6句意:他在帽子里垫了些树叶。第二段提到的是“One fine day in July, she sent George to the woods 七月份的一天,她带乔治去树林” 。可知,这是在夏天。scarves“围巾” ;leaves“树叶” ;coats“外套” ;sweaters“毛衣” ,夏天天气很热,而 A、C、

13、D 三项都不会出现在夏天,由此可知,他在帽子里垫了些树叶以便装草莓。故选 B。7句意:他感到很高兴,心想他母亲多么希望在那里看到他,而不是在她昏暗的卧室里。根据第九段“his mothers weak voice from her bedroom.房间里传来了他妈妈虚弱的声音” ,可知,妈妈是在卧室里。kitchen“厨房” ;study“书房” ;yard“院子” ,bedroom“卧室” ,故选 D。8句意:他停下来,又把草莓放回去。根据上文“he said to himself, “How much Mom would like these!”他对他自己说:妈妈会多么喜欢这个这些草莓!

14、”可知,乔治正要吃第一个草莓,但想到妈妈必定也喜欢,就停住了,把草莓又放着回去。ate up“吃光,吃完” ;gave away“赠送,泄露” ;put back“将放回” ;turned over“移交” ,故选 C。9句意:但仍然用渴望的目光看着它们。根据上文“Shall I save them for her?” said George, thinking how much they would refresh her,我应该给她留着草莓吗?乔治说,想着这些草莓会让妈妈精神振作” ,但是他一边仍然用渴望的眼神看着草莓。never“从不” ;also“也” ;hardly“几乎不” ;st

15、ill“仍然” ,根据语境可知乔治正在犹豫,故选 D。10句意:他把它们分成两堆。根据前后语境“said he at last and he them into two piles”中的“two piles”可推知乔治把这对草莓分成了两小堆。A. divided 把分成;B. threw 扔;C. turned 转动;D. cut 切割。divideinto 意为“把分成” ,故选 A。11句意:他把草莓盖好。由上文“But each pile looked so small that he put them 4together again. “I will keep them all for

16、 Mom 但每一对看起来都太少了,所以他又把两队小草莓合到一起,说要全部留着给妈妈” ,可知,此处是说乔治把草莓盖好,准备带回家去。A. cleaned 打扫;B. covered 覆盖;C. put 放置;D. lifted 举起。coverup 意为“盖起来;掩盖” 。故选 B。12句意:那时他感到多么幸福,因为他把所有的草莓都送给了生病的母亲。由第九段中的“his mothers weak voice”她妈妈脆弱的声音,可知,乔治的妈妈病了,所以这里指的是他生病的妈妈。serious“严肃的”;strong“强壮的” ;sick“生病的” ;silly“愚蠢的” 。故选 C。13句意:他

17、越走近他家,他就越不想尝一尝它们。根据空格前半句“the nearer he came to his home”他越靠近他的家,可知后句的意思是“他就越不想品尝它们” ,固定句型 the +比较级,the+比较级表示“越,就越” ,故选 B。14句意:我口渴了,渴望喝点茶。根据空格后“longing for some tea”可知妈妈想喝茶,所以是很渴。thirsty 口渴的;hungry 饥饿的;sleepy 犯困的;busy 忙碌的。表示口渴,故选 A。15句意:你为我省下了它们,是吗?通读全完可知,乔治家境贫困,母亲身体不好,但他却十分懂事,将捡柴时发现的草莓省下来留给妈妈吃,妈妈也倍感

18、欣慰。bought“购买” ;saved“保留,保存” ;borrowed“借” ;stole“偷窃” ,根据语境以及前文提示“Shall I save them for her”,这里用 save,故选 B。【能力选练】 B2016中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案人生百味类Linda:Hello!Lily: !Linda:Whats your name?Lily:My is Lily.Linda: Linda. Nice to meet you!Lily: , too.Linda:Whats your name, Lily?Lily:Brown.Linda:So your full name(

19、全名) is , right?5Lily:Yes. And you?Linda:My last name is .Lily: it, please.Linda:M-I-L-L-E-R.Lily:Whats your ?Linda:4563-9807.Lily:My phone number 2349-9309.Linda:Whats that?Lily: my quilt.Linda:What color is it?Lily:Its Linda:Is Frank?Lily:No, he . names Jack.【小题 1】A、Good B、Hello C、Thank you【小题 2】A、

20、teacher B、name C、card【小题 3】A、Shes B、You are C、Im【小题 4】A、Nice to meet you B、Thank you C、Yes【小题 5】A、first B、one C、last【小题 6】A、Lily B、Brown C、Lily Brown【小题 7】A、Miller B、Alice C、Linda【小题 8】A、Spell B、Say C、Look【小题 9】A、number B、telephone numberC、ID number【小题 10】A、is B、are C、be【小题 11】A、Thats B、Its C、It【小题

21、12】A、red B、a red C、my red【小题 13】A、she B、he C、name【小题 14】A、is B、arent C、isnt【小题 15】A、He B、Her C、His6【能力选练】 C话题:环境与污染 词数:242 参考用时:8 分钟The earth is our home. We must take care of it. Life today is easier than it was 1_ years ago, but it has brought some new problems. One of the biggest problems is poll

22、ution. We can see it,smell it, drink it and even hear it.Man has polluted the 2_. The more people, the more pollution. Many years ago, the problem was not so serious because there were not so 3_ people. When the land was used up or the river was not clean in a place man went to 4_ place. Now man is

23、slowly polluting the whole world.5_ pollution is still the most serious, its bad for 6_ things in the world.Many countries dont let people burn 7_ for air in the houses and factories in the city.Pollution by SO2 is now the most dangerous kind of air pollution. Its caused by heavy traffic.People say

24、its 8_ to ride bikes. When you are riding, there is no pollution. But even in developed countries, most people dont go to work by bike. Its not because bikes are expensive or people are tired if they ride to work. Its because the number of cars on the roads becomes larger. So more people 9_ their bi

25、kes and go to work by car, then things are getting 7worse and worse. We should have special roads only for bikes and make it 10_difficult and expensive for drivers to take their cars into the city that they will go back to using their bikes.( )1. A. hundred B. hundreds of C. hundred of D. hundreds(

26、)2. A. moon B. star C. earth D. sun( )3. A. lot B. little C. many D. much( )4. A. others B. the others C. the other D. another( )5. A. Air B. Food C. Water D. Noise( )6. A. life B. live C. living D. lives( )7. A. something bad B. bad something C. something good D. good something( )8. A. least B. bes

27、t C. most D. worst( )9. A. put on B. look at C. put away D. look up( )10.A. quite B. such C. very D. so【答案详解】 1-5 BCCDA 6-10CABCD1.B. hundreds of 是一种固定搭配形式。2.C. 文章开头第一句话就告诉我们“The earth is our home” 。 它与这句话应该是相互对应的。所以现在人类所污染的也是地球。3.C. 许多年以前,地球上是没有这么多人的。people 还是可数名词,因此应该用 many 修饰。4.D. others 和 the ot

28、hers 都是代词,应该单独使用。the other 特指两者中的另外一个 。another 则是多者中的另一个。根据文章的意思,当人们用完一块土地和水资源后,就会迁移到另一个地方去,而地球上有很多地方。所以用 another比较合理。5.A. 下面一段介绍的都是空气污染。并且空气污染已经成为当今世界最严重的污染方式。6.C. things 是名词,前面应该用形容词修饰,life 和 lives 是名词,live 是动词。只有 living是形容词。7.A. 形容词修饰以 thing, body, one结尾的不定代词时应该放在这些不定代词之后。而且被禁止燃烧的应该是不好的东西。8.B. 根据

29、下句“When you are riding, there is no pollution.”可知骑自行车是最8好的减少空气污染的方法。9.C. 根据下句“and go to work by car”可知人们还是将自行车放了起来。10.D.“so+形容词或副词+that” 表示“如此以致于” 。【能力选练】 DI was living in a house with a long history in Halifax, Nova Scotia five years ago. One day one of my friends from the West Coast came out to vi

30、sit me. He was 31 for 3 weeks so he brought a lot of bags and suitcase, and other things like a 32 . I told him he could sleep on the bed in the front living room. One morning after a late night of drinking, my friend ran into my room shouting “Fire, Fire” Without 33 , I jumped out of bed. The floor

31、 was 34 against my feet as I ran into the hallway, right behind my friend. I couldnt see the fire anywhere, 35 as we ran towards the front door, I could hear the 36 making a loud noise all around me. It was inside the 37 . We ran out into the front yard and looked 38 at the house, seeing back smoke

32、coming out of the 39 house.We were standing there watching the house when I looked down and 40 all of my friends bags and suitcases 41 lined up on the front grassland, including his basketball, 42 he noticed the house was on fire, he took all of them out to the grassland before coming back to 43 me

33、about it. That fire had started in the basement (地下室), and it spread up into the walls and was burning the 44 we were standing on. The floor and much of the house fell down not long after we came out. The firemen said we were very 45 .Of course, we are not friends anymore.31. A. working B. staying C

34、. waiting D. resting32. A. baseball B. volleyball C. football D. basketball33. A. thinking B. sleeping C. looking D. drinking34. A. wet B. soft C. hot D. dirty35. A. so B. and C. or D. but36. A. fire B. door C. wind D. yard937. A. rooms B. walls C. kitchen D. yard38. A. up B. down C. back D. forward

35、39. A. old B. big C. red D. stone40. A. remembered B. made C. expected D. noticed41. A. tidily B. gradually C. differently D. naturally42. A. Unless B. If C. When D. Before43. A. warn B. show C. ask D. phone 44. A. sofa B. bed C. table D. floor45. A. brave B. lucky C. nervous D. scared【主旨大意】这是一篇记叙文。

36、文章讲述了一次火灾的经历。一次一个朋友来我家住宿,一个早上我家的地下室发生了火灾,这个朋友没有第一时间告诉我,而是把自己的行李都整齐搬出房子后,才去叫醒我,我从房子里出来时间不长,房子就塌了。可想而知,我们再也不是朋友了。31. B 根据上下文可知,他要住三周,因此用 stay,停留、呆。32. D 根据下文第三段第二句的“including his basketball”可知:我的朋友带着一个篮球。故选 D。33. A 根据句意:听到朋友的呼喊,我没有多想就从床上跳下来,可知选 A。34. C 根据常识可知:发生火灾时,地板应该烧得很热,故选 C。35. D 我看不到火,但当我靠近前门的时候

37、,能听到大火发出的巨大噪音,前后两句是转折关系,故选 D。36. A 与前文的火灾呼应,虽然看不到火,但能听到大火发出的噪音,故选 A。37. B 根据前文的“我看不见火,但我能听到火在我周围发出巨大的噪音” ,可推测火在墙中,故选 B。38. C 根据句意可知,我从房子里跑到前院里,再回头看房子,因此用 back,故选 C。39. A 看到黑烟从旧房子里冒出来,与文章的第一句相呼应,故选 A。40. D 我们正站在那里看着房子,这时我向下一看,注意到我朋友的包和行李,remember,记住;made,使,让;expect,期待;notice,注意到。只有 notice符合句意。故选 D。41. A 句意:我注意到朋友的包和行李整齐地排列在前草地上,与 line“排成行”对应,应该用 tidily,整齐地。42. C 当他觉察到房子着火时,先把行李从房子里搬到草地上,when,当的时候。故选10C。43. A当他觉察到房子着火时,在通知我之前,先把所有的行李从房子里搬到了前面的草地上,warn,通知。44. D 火灾时从地下室开始的,然后蔓延到墙里,正在燃烧我们站立的地板。故选 D。45. B 我们出来时间不长,地板和大部分房子就倒塌了,因此消防员说我们很幸运。故选B。


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