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1、12019中考英语完形填空优编(二)第一篇English names and Chinese names are quite different in some 1 ways, but its not hard for us to knowUnlike Chinese, most English people have 2 names One is their family name, both of the other names are given names Their family name is 3 the given name They use Mr, Mrs or Miss wi

2、th the 4 name, but they never use 5 with the first name For example, we can 6 a man named James Allan Green Mr Green, 7 we cant call him Mr James or Mr Allan People usually use Jim 8 James Jim is short for James because its 9 to rememberBut Chinese names are the opposite A girl with the name Han Lim

3、ei 10 her family name Han first Of course, she can be called Ah Mei for short in China if you wish( )1Aanother Bother Cothers Dthe others( )2Aone Btwo Cthree Dfour( )3Aabove Bfront Cback Dbehind( )4Alast Bgiven Cmiddle Dfull( )5Atheir Bthem Cits Dit( )6Aask Bsay Ccall Dwrite( )7Aso Bor Cand Dbut( )8

4、Ainstead of Bfor long Cso far Dnext to( )9Aimportant Beasy Cdifficult Dinteresting( )10Aput Bputting Cputs Dwas put【参考答案】12、1-5 BCDAB 6-10 CDABC2第二篇阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 或者 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Someone says, “Time is money.” But I think time is _1_ important than money. Why? Because when money is spen

5、t, we can get it back. However, when time is 2 itll never 3 . Thats 4 we mustnt waste time.It goes without saying that the 5 is usually limited. Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do 6_ useful.But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the im

6、portance of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking and _7 . They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own _8 .In a word, we should save time. We shouldnt 9 todays work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to 10 .1. A. much B. less C. much less D. even more2. A.

7、cost B. bought C. gone D. finished3. A. return B. carry C. take D. bring4. A. what B. that C. because D. why5. A. money B. time C. day D. food6. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything7. A. reading B. writing C. playing D. working8. A. time B. food C. money D. life9. A. stop B. leave C. le

8、t D. give10. A. lose B. save C. spend D. take名师点评文章讲述了时间的重要性。金钱用完了可以再来,但时间却是一去不复返。告诫我们要珍惜时间,不能虚度年华。答案简析1D。该句中多音节形容词 important的比较级应是 more important ,用 even来修饰比较级,故选 even more important。2C。这里表示时间流逝,故选 gone。33A。时间流逝就不会再回来,根据文意应选 return。4D。上文解释了我们为什么不能浪费时间,承接上文应用 why。5B。时间的流逝悄无声息,故应选 time。6B。根据文意可知,我们应珍

9、惜时间,做一些有用的事情,故选 something。7C。该句列举了一些人浪费时间的例子,四个选项中只有 playing能和 smoking, drinking 相提并论,故选 playing。8D。根据文意,浪费时间就是浪费自己的生命,故选 life。9B。leave 意为“留下,剩下” 。根据文意,我们不能把今天的事留到明天做,故选 leave。10A。这里表示浪费时间,故选 lose。第三篇阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 或者 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。It was the beginning of a new term. As a 1 teacher in th

10、at school, I didnt know any of the students. A little girl was standing at the gate of the classroom. She looked very shy.I walked up to her and 2 why she stood there. But she said nothing. Then a boy shouted, “She is from Grade Four, the worst student in her grade.” I looked at the little girl. She

11、 didnt seem to be the smart kind. I 3 why her teacher asked her to stay in Grade Three. I took her hand and 4 her into the classroom. “Sit here. Now you are my student and Im your teacher,” I said. She still said nothing, but suddenly began to cry.I later learnt that her parents died in a car accide

12、nt. She became sad and didnt like talking to others after that. She learnt very 5 . I gave her respect(尊重) and never looked down upon (鄙视) her as I know everybody deserves(值得) respect. I helped her after school, and she was making 6 little by little. As time went by, she was not as 7 as before. At t

13、he end of the term, she seemed to have forgotten all her sadness. She was not among the best students when she left that school, but 8 , 4she was not that shy and sad little girl any more. In the following 9 , she would send me a card on each Thanksgiving Day. Three days ago, I 10 an invitation to h

14、er wedding(婚礼). And now, I am at her wedding, and she is smiling brightly.Everyone deserves respect and everyone can be happy.1. A. new B. beautiful C. strict D. famous2. A. told B. answered C. knew D. asked3. A. thought B. understood C. forgot D. remembered4. A. poured B. threw C. led D. turned5. A

15、. slowly B. quietly C. well D. quickly6. A. friends B. decision C. progress D. surprises7. A. smart B. shy C. angry D. careful8. A. at least B. at first C. at once D. at birth9. A. days B. weeks C. months D. years10. A. wrote B. sent C. refused D. received参考答案 110、ADBCA CBADD第四篇阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的

16、 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项,使文章完整,通顺。Susie Sunbeam was not her real name. It was Susan Brown. But everyone called 16 Sunbeam, because she had such a sweet, smiling face. She 17 took brightness with her wherever she went. Her grandfather first gave her this 18 , and it seemed to fit the little girl so 19 th

17、at soon it took the place of her own.Even when Susie was a baby, she laughed and smiled from morning till night. No one ever heard her cry unless she was 20 or hurt. When she had learnt to 21 , she loved to go around the house and get things for her mother. 22 , she helped her as much as she could.S

18、he loved 23 . She would sit by her mothers side for an hour at a time, 5and ask her many questions. At other times, she would take a new book and read quietly. Susie was always pleasant in her play with other children. She never used a(n) 24 word, but tried to do whatever would make her playmates ha

19、ppy.One day, a(n) 25 little girl with an old torn dress passed by. Susie heard some children teasing and laughing at her. She at once ran out to the gate, and asked the little girl to come 26 .“What are you crying for? ” Susie asked. “Because they all 27 at me.” she said.Then Susie took the little g

20、irl into the house. She 28 the little girl with kind words, and she gave her one of her own best dresses and a good pair of shoes. This bought real 29 to the poor child , and she thought that Sunbeam was the 30 name for Susan Brown.16. A. it B. itself C. her D. herself17. A. sometimes B. seldom C. n

21、ever D. always18. A.name B. chance C. dress D. book19. A. possibly B. clearly C. nicely D. easily20. A. happy B. sick C. fine D. busy21. A.walk B. say C. read D. write22. A. By the way B. In this way C. On the way D. In the way23. A. study B. nature C.travel D. sport24. A. kind B. unkind C. usual D.

22、 unusual25. A .honest B. weak C. poor D. rich26. A. in B. out C. up D. down27. A. look B. point C. shout D. laugh28. A. brought up B. gave up C. picked up D. cheered up29. A. pain B. trouble C. pleasure D. truth30. A. wrong B. right C. strange D. common【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了 Susan Brown这个小女孩,一直喜欢帮助别人,

23、她从不用不和蔼的话,她很喜欢看书。一天,有个衣衫褴褛的小女孩路过时,一些孩子正在取笑她,她跑出去,邀请小女孩子进家,给她自己最好的衣服与鞋子。616.C 根据上文 Susie Sunbeam was not her real name.可推知,她是一个女孩子,故用her。17. D 根据上文 because she had such a sweet, smiling face可知,她有那么一个甜甜的笑脸,所以无论在哪儿,她一直阳光灿烂,故选 D。18. A 根据句意:她的爷爷第一次给了她这个名字,由上文的 it was Susan Brown可知,这是指名字,故选 A。19. C 根据句意:它

24、看上去是如此的适合它,所以它就用来代替她原来的名字了。从 take the place of her own可知,这个名字很好,故选 C。20. B 根据句意:没有人听到她哭,除非她病了或是受伤了。由后面的 hurt这个词可知,前面也要用同类词,故选 B。21. A 根据下文的 get things for her mother可知,要用 walk。只有走路才能给她的妈妈拿东西,故选 A。22. B 根据句意:用这种方式,她尽可能多地帮助她的妈妈。By the way 顺便说一下,in this way用这种方式,on the way 在路上,in a way 从某种程度上说。故选 B。23.

25、 A 根据下文的 at other time, she would take a new book and read quietly可知,她喜欢学习,故选 A。24. B 根据句意:她从不说不和蔼的话,而是尽力地做一些她的玩伴开心的事。由 never这个词可知,表示从不,故选 B。25. C 根据下文 with an old torn dress passed by可知,它是一个穷女孩。故选 C。26. A 根据句意:她马上跑出门去,然后要求那个小女孩子进来。由 ran out to the gate, 可知要用 come in。27. D 根据上文 Susie heard some children teasing and laughing at her.可知,要用laugh。故选 D。28. D 根据句意可知,此处表示“是否” ,故用 if。故选 C。29. C 根据句意:她用好言让她开心起来,给她自己最好的衣服与一又鞋子。bring up 教育,give up放弃,pick up 捡起,cheer up 激动起来。故选 C。30. B 根据句意:她认为 Sunbeam对于 Susan Brown 来说是合适的名字。故选 B。7

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