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1、12019中考英语完形填空金选(4)【实战训练】 A(2019 中考选练)I really only meant it as a joke. I wasnt trying to steal anything honestly. My friend Matthew started bringing his new cell phone to class last week. He was walking around bragging (吹嘘) about it to everyone. He was saying, “My cell phone can download the newest

2、1 off the Internet. “Then he 2everyone by downloading a game and starting to play it. The pictures and sound were really 3 .4 lass, he would use his cell phone to watch TV. The rest of us didnt have a phone like _5 , so we had to crowd(拥挤) around him. I was just trying to see the screen, 6 here were

3、 so many other kids that I could not see it clearly. I was getting really jealous.But then yesterday, he forgot his cell phone at the end of class. He left it right on his desk. 7 noticed it was there except me. I decided to teach him a lesson. I took his phone quietly off the desk, and put it in my

4、 own bag. My 8 was to give it back to him the next day. I_9 see his reaction (反应). Maybe he would stop being such a show-off.But this morning he rushed into class, screaming and yelling (吼叫). He was very 10 and almost mad. He started accusing (指责) different people of 11ssmate 12 Matthew was sure tha

5、t person had taken it. The teacher sent them to the headmasters office. They 14 got in a lot of trouble. Now I dont know what to 15 ! If I tell him that I took the cell phone, hell think I stole it. If I dont tell him, then I really did steal it. How did I get into such a trouble?( )1. A. ads B. son

6、gs C. films D. games( )2. A. gave B . showed C. lent D. asked2( )3. A. good B. bad C. noisy D. unclear( )4. A. After B. During C. In D. From( )5. A. hers B. ours C. his D. theirs( )6. A. and B. but C. then D. so( )7. A. Everybody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Nobody( )8. A. plan B. suggestion C. dream D

7、. action( )9. A. always B. hardly C. just D. sometimes( )10. A. happy B. quiet C. sad D. angry( )11. A. losing B. stealing C. playing D. using( )12. A. desk B. hand C. bag D. pocket( )13. A. if B. because C. until D. though( )14. A. both B. all C. neither D. none( )15. A. say B. take C. see D. do参考答

8、案 DBAAC BDACD BCBAD【实战训练】 B2016中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案科普环保类BEIJINGThe sky is gray and air smells strange. Its another day of smog.3On Saturday, heavy haze(霾)still covered north and east China. Highways were closed and couldnt take off on time.The smoggy weather the countrys land from north to south, includi

9、ng Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, and 6 other provinces. People could only see clearly than 50 meters in some areas.Cities Shanghai and Nanjing have been covered by the gray sky for the past several days. Many walkers in the street had to wear . In the Lukou airport in Nanjing, more than 60 flights were

10、canceled(取消) on Saturday the haze, which also made primary and middle schools and kindergartens stop on Thursday and Friday in Nanjing.The office worker of Environmental Protection said earlier this week that there were several reasons behind the widespread haze: unpleasant weather conditions making

11、 difficult for smog to disappear, automobile exhaust(尾气), and coal use for winter heating.To fight pollution, the Chinese government now plans to clean up the air by cutting coal use, some factories, and removing 6 million old cars from the roads.“We must face up to the facts,” said Yan Naiqiang, a

12、professor of environmental science at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. “The treatment of smog will be a long fight. From now on, if we use buses or cars less and do more riding, we believe a clear sky is not a faraway dream.”【小题 1】 Acoaches Btrains Cflights Ddouble-deckers【小题 2】 Aafforded Baffected Ca

13、dmired Dannounced【小题 3】 Aless Bmore Cfarther Dnearer【小题 4】 Ain Blike Caround Doutside【小题 5】 Ahats Bgloves Csunglasses Dmasks【小题 6】 Abesides Bexcept Cbecause of Dfor【小题 7】 Aclasses Brest Cwork Dshopping【小题 8】 Amainly Bmostly Cmain Dmost【小题 9】 Athat Bthis Cone Dit4【小题 10】 Aclose Bclosing Copen Dopenin

14、g【实战训练】 CTwo little boys were playing one day when a Fairy (仙女) suddenly appeared before them and said, “Father Time asks me to 1 you New Year presents.” She handed each child a package and disappeared immediately.Carl and Philip opened the 2 and found two books with clean pages in them.Twelve month

15、s passed and the 3 came again and said, “I have brought you another two books and will take the first one back to Father Time.”“May I keep 4 book a little longer?” asked Philip, “Id like to paint something on the last page.”“No,” said the Fairy.“I wish that I could finish reading mine at a time,” sa

16、id Carl, “I can only open the book once each day 5 see only one page every time, because when the page turns over, it sticks fast.”The Fairy said, “Well, you can 6 Philips book.” Then she lit (点亮) two little lamps for them. By the light of the 7 they saw the pages as she turned them. “Who did this?”

17、 they asked in surprise, “Every page was 8 when we first opened it. But now some pages are drawn with beautiful things like birds and 9 and some pages with ugly, black spots and scratches (划痕) on them!”The Fairy, smiling at the two little 10 , said, “See, Philip, the beautiful 5birds and flowers app

18、eared when you share toys with your friends, or when you try to be kind to others.”“But what made the ugly, 11 spots and scratches?” asked Philip.The Fairy said, “That came when you told a lie one day, or when you did not listen to your mum. All these ugly spots and scratches in your books were made

19、 when you were naughty (淘气的). Each pretty thing in your books came on its page when you were 12 .”“Oh, we wish to read the books 13 !”“They cant be read once more,” said the Fairy, “See! They are only for this year, and they must now go back into 14 bookcase, but I have brought you each a new one, a

20、nd perhaps you can make these more beautiful than the first ones.”With these words, the Fairy 15 . The boys were left alone, but each held in his hand a new book open at the first page.And on the back of each book was written in letters of gold, “For the New Year”.( )1. A. bring B. make C. sell D. b

21、uy( )2. A. door B. window C. packages D. cards( )3. A. Fairy B. Queen C. Witch D. Princess( )4. A. her B. their C. his D. my( )5. A. but B. and C. or D. so( )6. A. look after B. look for C. look at D. look out ( )7. A. candles B. stoves C. campfires D. lamps( )8. A. dirty B. untidy C. clean D. old(

22、)9. A. trees B. flowers C. grass D. houses( )10. A. boys B. girls C. women D. men( )11. A. red B. black C. white D. blue( )12. A. good B. rude C. selfish D. stubborn( )13. A. too B. again C. though D. before( )14. A. Fairys B. Carls C. Philips D. Father Times ( )15. A. arrived B. came C. disappeared

23、 D. appeared62016年中考英语完形填空专项训练 15 ACADB 510 CDCBA 1115 BABDC【实战训练】 DDo you believe that we can have an important influence on anyone we meet? The right words at just the right time could 31 someones life.When I was 3 years old, my parents discovered I was 32 . After asking many doctors and parents o

24、f other deaf children, they decided not to put me in a special school. Although I seemed outgoing, my self-esteem(自尊心) was quite low. On my first day at school, the other kids 33 me because of my hearing aid and the way I talked. I was hurt deeply and I saw myself as a(n) 34 kid.Mrs. Green, my 35 ,

25、changed all of that with a single three-word phrase. One morning, she asked the class a question. Sitting at my desk silently, I 36 her lips(嘴唇) and raised my hand right away. She called on me in front of the blackboard. I took a deep breath and 37 answered Mrs. Greens question.I will 38 forget what

26、 happened next. Mrs. Green pointed directly at me. With sparkling(闪光的) eyes and a big smile she cried: “Thats right, Ben!” For the first time in my young life, my confidence (自信) rose. At that moment, I decided that no matter how many 39 I may face, I can overcome (克服) them. Thanks to those three 40

27、 words, my whole life changed from that moment. 31. A. end B. change C. lose32. A. blind B. deaf C. fat33. A. made fun of B. took care of C. made friends with34. A. ugly B. smart C. handsome35. A. driver B. doctor C. teacher36. A. read B. touched C. reached37. A. nervously B. lazily C. carelessly38.

28、 A. often B. ever C. never39. A. aims B. difficulties C. interests40. A. unkind B. bitter C. simple7【主旨大意】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了耳聋作者因老师的鼓励而重拾自信的故事。文章告诉我们在适当的时候给予他人鼓励,可能改变他人的一生。31. B 本题考查上下文语境及文章的主旨。由文章中第三段第一句中changed all of that,以及最后一句my whole life changed from that moment可推断出适当的时候给予他人鼓励,可能改变他人的一生。32. B 本题考查

29、上下文语境及形容词词义辨析。 由后文中的deaf children,以及not to put me in a special school可推断出作者是一名聋哑人,而不是blind盲人或fat肥胖者。33. A 本题考查上下文语境及动词短语辨析。由后文中的I was hurt deeply,可知其他的孩子们嘲笑作者,而不是take care of照顾,或make friends with与作者交朋友。34. A 本题考查上下文语境及形容词词义辨析。同样,通过I was hurt deeply可判断作者此时的心情消极,认为自己是ugly丑陋的, 而不是smart聪明的,或handsome英俊的。

30、35. C 本题考查上下文语境及名词词义辨析。由后文中she asked the class a question,以及She called on me in front of the blackboard可推断出Mrs. Green是一名teacher老师,而不是driver司机或doctor医生。36. A 本题考查上下文语境及动词词义辨析。由前文出现的deaf children,以及 32题可知作者是聋哑人,需要读lips, 而不是touch触摸或reach伸向。37. A 本题考查上下文语境及副词词义辨析。由前文出现的I took a deep breath可知作者因为nervous紧

31、张而要深呼吸。lazily懒惰地, carelessly粗心地,与题意不符。38. C 本题考查上下文语境及副词辨析。由后文中,Thanks to those three words, my whole life changed from that moment.可推断what happened next接下来老师说的三个词,改变了作者的一生,由此判定作者将不会忘记接下来发生的事情。39. B 本题考查上下文语境及名词的辨析。由后文中的I can overcome (克服) them,them指的是 39题空中的单词,由此推断此处为difficulties困难,而不是aim目标(实现目标,而非克服目标),interest (兴趣)。40. C 本题考查上下文语境及形容词的辨析。unkind:无情的,不仁慈的; bitter: 痛苦的,尖刻的;simple:简单的。根据文章的感情色彩,Mrs. Green所说的三个词为褒义的感情色彩而非贬义的感情色彩。三个选项中只有simple不是贬义词。8


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