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1、12019 年中考英语完形填空金榜题(和参考答案)【能力选练】 A(2018 中考教育类选练)What does “self-control” mean? Suppose you have a ticket for an exciting film which you want to see very much, but unluckily you have to study 1 an exam tomorrow. What will you do? See the film 2 study for the exam? If you can give up seeing the film an

2、d work hard at your 3 , it means that you have self-control. Self-control is not something that you have at birth. It needs to be cultivated(培养,改善) in your life.Often, young children are easily 4 when their needs or wishes are not met at once. Almost daily, children see a lot of food, toys and activ

3、ities that are attractive(引入注目的) to them. Many times children do not know how to 5 their frustration(挫折) when they are told “no” or “later”. Also, sometimes young children do not understand 6 they are not allowed to do anything. In order to have positive(积极的) experiences at home and at school, child

4、ren need to learn 7 to deal with their feelings when they cannot have something. These skills will increase childrens self- control.Dont go to bed late because of a nice TV program, or you may go to school 8 and it is a waste of time. Every one of us has some hobbies, a few of which may 9 us from ma

5、king progress in life. We must use our 10 to become free of them.( ) 1. A. for B. at C. on D. about( ) 2. A. and B. with C. but D. or( ) 3. A. school B. lessons C. films D. listening( ) 4. A. happy B. upset C. tired D. excited( ) 5. A. begin with B. play with C. deal with D. do with2( ) 6. A. what B

6、. which C. why D. who( ) 7. A. skills B. lessons C. ways D. strategies( ) 8. A. early B. late C. on time D . slowly( ) 9. A. leave B. make C. stop D. push( )10. A. decision B. energy C. knowledge D. self-control答案:1A 2D 3B 4B 5C 6C 7A 8B 9C 10D【能力选练】 B2016 中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案健康保健类Health needs good sleep

7、. Do you know _ to sleep well?You should go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every _. This good habit (习惯) can make you sleep better. Dont sleep for _ hours on Saturday and Sunday mornings. And if you follow a good schedule (时间表) for a longer time, you will have _ ener

8、gy and feel good.Dont watch television _ you go to bed. You need to be _ before you go to bed. You can read a book or listen to music. It helps your body get ready for sleep, just like warming up (热身) can get your body ready for _.Everybody knows that exercise can make you sleep better. But if you d

9、o exercise right before you go to bed, it will stimulate (刺激) your _ and that makes it difficult to fall asleep (入睡) quickly. If _ time is the only time you can exercise, you should try to do it as _ as possible.【小题 1】 Awhat Bhow Cwhen Dwhere【小题 2】 Aafternoon Bnight Cevening Dmorning【小题 3】 Along Bsh

10、ort Cfew Dlittle【小题 4】 Afew Blittle Cless Dmore【小题 5】 Abecause Bor Cbefore Dafter【小题 6】 Aquiet Btired Chappy Dfree3【小题 7】 Ameals Bexercise Cstudy Dsleep【小题 8】 Ahealth Btime Cbody Ddream【小题 9】 Afree Bwork Cday Dnight【小题 10】 Aoften Bslow Cearly Dlate【能力选练】 C【* 山东烟台】Today, it is a big problem for young

11、 graduates to get satisfying jobs. 41 that there are thousands of different kinds of jobs in the world. Choosing the right one itself is not easy. “Finding a job” is not 42 as “choosing a job”. Many young people end up in a job because they are not 43 for it. Sometimes “Chance” may 44 a more importa

12、nt part than “decision”. Here are a few steps to help you think about jobs 45 you might enjoy doing after school or university. First, it is important 46 what kind of person you are, which special qualities 47 you outstanding among people and what you are interested in. There is a difference 48 an i

13、nterest and a skill. If you like 49 and enjoy looking at pictures, that is an interest. But if you can 50 a horse that looks like a horse not a big dog, that is a 51 .Then ask yourself a question,” In the following three areas-skills with people, 4skills with information and skills with things, whic

14、h are your 52 skills?”After 53 your skills, the next step is research. To 54 as many different kinds of jobs as possible, go to the library and read books, magazines and newspapers for information. Ask your friends 55 the work they do.Finally, trust your own ideas and your own thinking! It is your o

15、wn life, just find the job you really enjoy doing.41. A. Its saying B. Its say C. It is said D. It says42. A. same B. as same C. so good D. the same43. A. suitable B. fitted C. able D. like44. A. take B. play C. have D. choose45. A. which B. what C. if D. whether46. A. feel B. realize C. to feel D.

16、to realize47. A. helps B. makes C. make D. help48. A. both B. between C. from D. either49. A. art B. music C. sports D. acting50. A. ride B. feed C. draw D. treat51. A. success B. skill C. hobby D. fact52. A. good B. the best C. better D. best53. A. examine B. have examined C. examining D. examined5

17、4. A. find out B. look out C. find D. look at55. A. what do they think of B. how do they think of C. what they think of D. how they think of 【主旨大意】今天,毕业生就业压力越来越大,很多人因为找不到合适的自己工作而烦恼。本文给出了毕业生在找工作时的四点注意事项:一是要正确认识自我,知道自己的兴趣所在;二是要找出自己专长;三是要尽可能多的找出目前有哪些工作;四是要相信自己,坚信自己的选择。41. C 【解析】该句意为“据说世界上有上千种不同的工作” ,it

18、 is said 意为“据说” ,故选 C;42. D 【解析】the same as 表示“和一样” ,该句意为“找工作不同于选工作 ”,故答案选 D;543. A 【解析】本句意为“许多年轻人丢掉了工作是因为他们并不适合(这份工作)”, 短语be suitable for意为“适合(于)”, 故答案选 A44. B 【解析】这句话的意思是“有时候机会可能比决定扮演着更重要的角色” ,play 此处意为“扮演”play a more important part 意为“扮演着更重要的角色,起到更重的作用” ;45. A 【解析】考查定语从句的引导词。先行词 jobs 是“物” ,所以用关系代

19、词 which 来引导定语从句。故选 A。46. D 【解析】该主句句型为“It is +adj.+ to do sth.” ,意为“做某事是重要的” ,该句意为“认识到你(自己)是个怎样的人是很重要的” ,故正确答案选 D;47. C 【解析】该句意为“这种特殊的品质使得你与众不同” ,这是一个 which 引导的定语从句,因从句的主语为复数形式 qualities,故要使用 make;48. B 【解析】短语 betweenand表示“在和之间” ,该句意为“兴趣和爱好是有差别的” ;49. A 【解析】下文讲画马匹等事,这显然是在讨论艺术,故答案选 A;50. C 【解析】这句是在讲画马

20、匹,故要使用动词 C,draw a horse 意为“画一匹马” ;51. B 【解析】该句意为“但是如果你能画一匹马,并看起来像马而不是像狗,那这就是一种技能了” ,故选 B;本段及下段都是在讨论技能,选项 A 错误;52. D 【解析】这是形容词 good 的最高级用作定语,修饰 skills,故选 D;53. C 【解析】after 是介词,其后要使用动名词 examining(“检查”),所以答案选 C;54. A 【解析】动词短语 find out 意为“找出,查明,发现” ,是指费尽一番周折之后才“找到,发现” ;find 指偶然发现;由上下文可以看出此处应选答案 A;look o

21、ut 意为“当心,小心” ;look at 意为“看”均不符合题意;55. C 【解析】这是一个由 what 引导的宾语从句,其语序应用陈述句,正确答案为 C;how是副词,不能充当 do 的逻辑宾语。 【能力选练】 DOnce upon a time, a rich man wanted to make a trip to another town. He tried not only to take things to sell but also to take money to 11 things with. He 12 to take ten servants (仆人)with him

22、. They would 13 the things to sell and the food to 14 on their trip. Before they started, a little boy ran up to 615 and asked to 16 with them.The rich man said to the little boy, “Well, 17 may go with us. 18 you are the smallest, the thinnest and the weakest of all my 19 , you cant carry a 20 load

23、(担子). You must 21 the lightest one to carry.” The boy thanked his master and chose the biggest load to carry. That was bread.“You are 22 .” said his master, “That is the biggest and the heaviest one.” The boy said 23 and lifted the load gladly.On the trip they walked for days and at last they got to

24、 the town. All the servants were tired 24 the little servant. Do you know 25 ? Most of the bread was eaten during the trip and a little was left when they arrived at the town.( )11. A. eat B. buy C. change D. get( )1 2. A. decided B. liked C. hoped D. tried( )13. A. take B. bring C. carry D. borrow(

25、 )14. A. cook B. eat C. buy D. drink( )15. A. them B. the servants C. the road D. the rich man( )16. A. stop B. stay C. go D. talk( )17. A. you B. he C. I D. they( )18. A. Since B. If C. Because D. But( )19. A. family B. guests C. servants D. things( )20. A. heavy B. light C. small D. difficult( )21

26、. A. eat B. choose C. pick up D. understand( )22 A. brave B. right C. clever D. foolish( )23 A. sorry B. nothing C. angrily D. good-bye( )24 A. besides B. of C. except D. with( )25 A. who B. him C. that D. why【参考答案】完形填空(15 分)11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25B A C B D C A D C A B D B C D7【

27、参考答案】1125、BACBD CADCA BDBCD【能力选练】 E阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入短文空白处的最佳选项。A few days ago, I ran into a stranger as he passed by. I said sorry 41 him, and he said, “Excuse me too, I wasnt even noticing you.” 42 this stranger and I were polite. Them we went on our way after saying goodbye

28、.Later in the kitchen at home, 43 I was cooking our supper, my daughter Betty walked up to me, very 44 .When I turned around, I nearly 45 her down. “Get out of the way!” I shouted angrily. She ran away, crying.That night, when I 46 in bed, my husband said to me, “You were so rude to Betty.” Go and l

29、ook around on the kitchen floor, and youll find some 47 there. Betty brought those for you. She picked them 48 pink, yellow, and your favorite blue.When I heard this, I thought deeply. While 49 with a stranger, I was calm and polite. But with my daughter, I was not 50 . I felt sad and tears began to

30、 fall.Then I went to Bettys 51 .”Wake up, my dear. I said. “Are these the flowers you picked for me? She smiled. “ I found them by the tree. I knew you liked them, 52 blue ones. I said. “I was so rude 53 I treated you that way today. Betty, I am so sorry.” And she said, “Mommy, thats okayI still lov

31、e you anyway.”I kissed her and said. “I love you too and I do love the flowers.”That day Betty gave me a special 54 on how to get along with each other in the family. I spent much time on work before and didnt 55 how important family life was. I decided to do better in the future.41. A. to B. for C.

32、 at D. with42. A. Neither B. Either C. None D. Both43. A. until B. before C. as D. unless844. A. possibly B. quietly C. comfortably D. completely45. A. knocked B. let C. walked D. turned46. A. lied B. lay C. lain D. laid47. A. cup B. flowers C. clothes D. knives48. A. she B. her C. herself D. hers 4

33、9. A. meet B. meets C. met D. meeting50. A. disappointed B. embarrassed C. humorous D. patient51. A. bag B. bed C. box D. ball52. A. especially B. gradually C. exactly D. hardly 53. A. why B. what C. that D. where54. A. card B. lesson C. message D. information55. A. regret B. require C. reflect D. r

34、ealize【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。几天前作者和一个陌生人相撞,两人都很客气都互相礼貌道歉。后来当她在厨房做饭时,差点撞上刚进来的女儿。作者生气的对女儿大吼。在她弄清楚女儿进厨房的原因后感到很后悔,并主动找女儿道歉,并深深的反思。41. Asay sorry to sb.是固定搭配,意为“对某人说对不起” 。故选 A。42. DNeither 两者都不; Either 也不,或者; None 三者或者以上都不;Both 两者都。Both and意为“两者都” 。根据下文“这个陌生人和我都有礼貌。 ”可推知选 B。43. C 根据后半句“我正在做饭时”可推知此处表示这两个动作同时发生。Un

35、til 直到为止;before 在以前;as 当的时候;unless 除非,如果不。故选 C。44. B 由句意“Betty 轻轻地朝我走来。 ”可推知,此处表示安静地的意义。possibly 可能地; quietly 安静地;comfortably 舒服地; completely 完全地。故选 B。45. A 根据句意“当我转身时,几乎把她撞倒。 ”可推知此处是撞倒,knock down。Knocked撞; let 让;walked 步行;turned 转向。选 A。46. B 根据 “那天晚上,当我躺在床上时”可知此处表示躺在床上,结合句意判断用过去时,躺的过去式是 lay。故选 B。47

36、. B 根据句意“去厨房看看,你将发现地上一些花”并结合下文 I love you too and I do love the flowers.。可知此处表示一些花。cup 杯子; flowers 花;clothes 衣服;knives 小刀。故选 B。48. C 根据句意“他自己采了一些花-粉红色的,黄色的和你最喜欢的蓝色的。 ”可知此处9用反身代词 herself。故选 D。49. D 句意为“当遇见陌生人时,我是平静地有礼貌地。 ”while 后跟 meeting 相当于 while后跟状语从句。故选 D。50. D 根据句意“但是面对我的女儿时,我没有耐心。 ”可知此处表示耐心的。di

37、sappointed令人失望的;embarrassed 窘迫的,害羞的;humorous 有幽默感的;滑稽可笑的;patient耐心的。故选 D。51. B 根据下句“醒醒,亲爱的。 “可推知本句表示我走向她的床。选 B。52. A 根据句意“我知道你喜欢花,特别是蓝色。 ”并结合上文 and your favorite blue.可判断此处填“特别地” 。especially 特别地;gradually 逐渐地; exactly 确切地; hardly 几乎不。故选 A。53. C 根据句意“我是如此地粗鲁以至于今天我那样对你。 ”sothat是固定搭配,意为“如此以至于” 。故选 C。54. B 根据句意“那天 Betty 就在家庭中如何互相相处给我上了特殊的一课。 ”可知此处表示上了一课。card 卡片;lesson 课;message 信息,口信;information 信息。故选 B。55. D 根据句意“以前我在工作上花费了太多的时间,没有意识到家庭生活多么重要。 ”可知此处表示意识到。regret 遗憾;require 要求;reflect 反映;realize 意识到。故选 D。10

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