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1、1五选五+阅读表达任务型阅读海淀一模五选五1. 掌握本篇五选五中出现的高频词及长难句。2. 掌握五选五的解题技巧, 并能够指出本篇五选五中运用到的解题技巧。3. 通过五选五高频词、长难句等语料的积累, 及五选五解题技巧的练习, 灵活应对各种五选五习题。知识篇“巧妇难为无米之炊”, 在英语学习的过程中, 语料的积累至关重要。对于五选五高频词和长难句的梳理, 能够为我们今后的学习和提升打下良好的基础。亲爱的同学, 老师已经为你梳理出了本篇文章中的一些高频词和长难句, 快来看看你掌握了吗?高频词(课前检测学生的词汇量储备, 以教师提问的形式进行。能够准确翻译的为优, 模糊翻译的良, 不会翻译的为差。

2、 )掌握情况单词/短语 词性 词义 拓展优 良 差onethe other(两者间)一个另一教 学目标名 师点拨2个special adj. 特殊的rule n. 规则,规定basic n. 基本原则strong adj. 强壮的happen v. 发生limit n. 限制mistake n. 错误defeat v. 击败,战胜take up 占用长难句(课前检测学生的句型储备, 以教师提问的形式进行。能够准确翻译的为优, 模糊翻译的良, 不会翻译的为差。 )1. They think about what will happen next.(优 良 差 )_句意:他们考虑接下来会发生什么?

3、本句中包含着由 what 引导的宾语从句作 about 的宾语。2. If one runs out of time, he or she will lose.(优 良 差 )_句意:如果一个人用完了时间,他/她就输了。本句是一个由 if 引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,即“主将从现” ,这也是中考常考的语法点之一。方法篇“方法得当, 事半功倍。 ”只有语料的积累, 没有好方法的辅助也是不够的。对于五选五解题方法的梳理, 能够帮助我们更好地理解五选五的命题逻辑, 在有足够语料积累的基础上, 能够帮助我们争取高分。亲爱的同学, 老师已经为你精心整理了五选五的解题技巧, 快

4、来看看你掌握了多少?一、五选五解题步骤3第一步读选项,画关键词,暗排序通读选项,了解每个选项的意思,做到心中有数,至少能知道可供选择的意思范围,以便在短时间内找出正确答案。第二步读文章,抓过渡词,找逻辑通读文章,关注段中各句子之间的逻辑关系,抓住表示并列、转折、因果关系及其他关系的过渡词,为下一步解题做准备。第三步先易后难来解题 先填较容易的空,例如文章的段首句、段尾句或与选项有明显逻辑关系的句子;再填较难的空,这时选择范围会变小,可以反复对比分析,进行选择。第四步回读文章定答案 全部题目做完后,把所选择的选项代入原文,检查文章前后是否连贯,所选选项是否和文章的主旨大意相吻合,再次确定答案。二

5、、五选五解题技巧在五选五题型中,设空位置一般为三种:段首、段尾和段中。正确选项与空格前后句子关系紧密,主要依赖句子之间的逻辑关系进行选择。接下来将从并列逻辑、转折逻辑、指代逻辑、因果逻辑和总分逻辑五方面进行说明。题型 题型一:并列逻辑解题技巧如果空格所在段落要求补全说明本段主题的其他细节,通常选项中会出现表示并列或递进关系的关联词或与前文类似的句式结构,或出现同义词等其他线索。典题精析例题:Make good word choices. When were not sure which word is the right one for a sentence, look it up in a

6、dictionary. Many of us choose words in a hurry and dont take the time to decide if theyre proper. 2 .解析:本题考察的是并列逻辑。空格出现在第二段的段末,是用来对第二段的黑体小标题进行解释的,浏览选项可知 E 选项中的关键词 good word choices 与小标题一致,故选 E,意为“好的词汇选择对好的作品是重要的” 。答案:E “Good word choices are necessary for good writing.”题型 题型二:转折逻辑解题技巧1. 空格前后意思相反或矛盾,

7、找含转折含义的选项;2. 选项含转折逻辑,另一种常见的考查方式是空格后对该选项进行详细阐述、说明和例证。4典题精析例题: 5 . But with a few simple steps, we can improve our writing skills and learn how to write better articles.解析:本题考察的是转折逻辑。根据空格后转折连词 but 可以判定空格前后意思相反,空格后句意为“但是有了简单的几步,我们能够提高我们的写作技巧。 ”,所以空格处应与其意思相反,故选 D,意为“成为一个更好的作家不容易” 。答案:D “It is not easy t

8、o become a better writer.”题型 题型三:指代逻辑解题技巧1. 如果选项中含有代词,则判断哪个空格前的句中所含有的名词代入后使上下文连贯;2. 如果空格后句中有代词,则判断哪个选项所含名词代入后上下文连贯。典题精析例题:Every year in April, the London marathon(马拉松)takes place. The race covers a fantastic route(线路) in which runners pass lots of the famous places like the London Eye and Big Ben._3

9、_.解析:本题考察的是指代逻辑。根据空格所在段第一句 Every year in April, the London marathon(马拉松)takes place.“伦敦马拉松在每年四月举行” ,可知本段讲述的重点为伦敦马拉松,浏览选项可知 B 项 People come from all over the world to run in it.中的 it 代替的是 London marathon,故可推断出正确答案。答案:B “People come from all over the world to run in it.”题型 题型四:因果逻辑解题技巧如果选项含有因果逻辑词,则判断哪

10、个空格前后句与之符合因果逻辑关系;典题精析例题:Mr. Longman and Mr. Martin were both badly ill 1 . Mr. Longman was able to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon.解析:本题考察的是因果逻辑。根据空格前句子可知“Mr. Longman 和 Mr. Martin 都病的很严重” ,这是事件的原因,那么空格处应该填的是事件的结果,浏览选项可知应填 C,意为“他们住在相同的病房里” ,即可推断出正确答案。答案:C “They were in the same hospital

11、room”.题型 题型五:总分逻辑解题 1. 如果选项的表达类似于“There are mainly three types of ”则该选项一5技巧 般位于文章较前面的位置,用于引出后文对这几种类型的详细阐述;2. 如果空格位于某段段首,则一般是本段的主旨句;如果空格位于某段段尾,通常是结论、概括性语句。典题精析例题:Many of us dont spend a lot of time improving our writing skills. This can be a problem when we hand in our articles. Good writing skills w

12、ill help us improve our grades and benefit us later in life. 1 . 解析:本题考察的是总分逻辑。浏览全文可以发现本文是一篇“总-分”类型的文章,主要介绍的是一些关于写作的小窍门,而第二段起的一些黑体字则是 tips 的具体内容,所以第一段空格处应填的是一句总述句,故选 B,意为“下面的小窍门可能会有帮助” 。答案:B “The following tips can be helpful.”浏览选项(抓住选项中的关键词,以便有目的性的通读文章)题号 选项A Good chess players use their brainsB By

13、 2006, a cell phone could beat the best players in the worldC In blitz chess, each player gets ten minutes for the whole gameD People have been playing chess for over 500 years E The game ends when a player loses his or her king通读文章话题 体裁 字数 建议用时 实际用时 正确率 星级日常生活类 记叙文 232 5-7 分钟 _/5 Chess has been aro

14、und for a long time. 1 . Chess is handed on an even older game from India. The chess we play today is from Europe. Chess is a two-player game. One player uses the white pieces, the other uses the black pieces. Each piece moves in a special way. Each player has a piece called the king.语 篇精讲62 . There

15、 are a few more rules, but these are the basics. Some people think that chess is more than a game. They think that it makes the mind stronger. 3 . They think about what will happen next. These skills are useful in life and in chess. Chess is kind of like exercise for the mind. There is a kind of che

16、ss with short time limits called blitz chess. 4 . The clock runs during each turn. If one runs out of time, he or she will lose. Games of blitz chess are fast-paced. Chess is not just for people. Computers have been playing chess since the 1970s. At first they did not play well. They made mistakes.

17、As time went on, they grew stronger. In 1997, a computer defeat the best player in the world for the first time. It was a computer called Deep Blue. Deep Blue was big. It took up a whole room. 5 . Chess sure has come a long way. Dont you think so? A. Good chess players use their brains B. By 2006, a

18、 cell phone could beat the best players in the worldC. In blitz chess, each player gets ten minutes for the whole game D. People have been playing chess for over 500 years E. The game ends when a player loses his or her king 逐题分析语篇解读:本篇文章是一篇日常生活类的记叙文,主要针对国际象棋的发展历史,玩法及发展现状展开了介绍。1. 解析:本题考察的是并列逻辑。空格前句意

19、为“国际象棋已经有很长一段时间的历史了。”,那么空格处应该是对历史时间的具体描述,浏览选项可知应该选 D,意为“人们已经玩国际象棋超过 500 年了” 。答案:D2. 解析:本题考察的是并列逻辑。空格前句意为“每个玩家都有一个叫做王的棋子” ,那么空格后句应该是与此相关的,浏览选项可知应该选 E,意为“当一个玩家丢掉了他的/她的王 ,那么游戏结束了” 。答案:E3. 解析:本题考察的是并列逻辑。空格后句意为“他们要思考接下来会发生什么” ,那么一定是用大脑思考,空格处应该与此相关,浏览选项可知应选 A,意为“好的国际象棋玩家用他们的大脑” 。7答案:A4. 解析:本题考察的是并列逻辑。空格前出

20、现了 blitz chess 这种国际象棋的类型,那么空格后一定是对这种类型的国际象棋进行详细描述,浏览选项可知应该选 C,意为“在快棋赛中,每个玩家有十分钟时间去进行整个游戏” 。答案:C5. 解析:本题考察的是并列逻辑。空格处于最后一段段中,根据段首句 Chess is not just for people.“国际象棋不只是为人们准备的”及段中句 In 1997, a computer defeat the best player in the world for the first time.“在 1997 年,电脑第一次打败了当时世界上最棒的玩家” ,本句主要讲的是科技与人类在国际象

21、棋方面的较量,浏览选项可知应该选 B,意为“到 2006 为止,手机能够打败当时世界上最好的玩家” 。答案:B精讲笔记(学生在教师的指导下, 回顾本讲中积累的五选五的知识和方法)语篇中积累的词汇(至少积累 10 个)单词 词性及词义 单词的运用(鼓励学生用所学词汇造句)语篇中的学到的方法(至少掌握 2 种)并列逻辑 1、2、3、4、5转折逻辑指代逻辑8因果逻辑总分逻辑基础过关一、词汇/短语英汉互译单词/短语 词性 词义onethe otheradj. 特殊的n. 规则,规定basic n.adj. 强壮的happen v. limit n.n. 错误v. 击败,战胜take up二、句子英汉互

22、译1. 我不会占用你很多时间。_.2. 如果电话铃响了,我就去接。_.3. They think about what will happen next._.4. If one runs out of time, he or she will lose._能 力提升9_.5. None of the couple is American, ones score is 65, the other one is 63. _.阅读练习话题 体裁 字数 建议用时 实际用时 正确率 星级人物传记/故事类记叙文 189 5-7 分钟 _/5 The Same But DifferentMaggie and

23、 Sarah are twin sisters. They were born just a few minutes apart, and they look exactly alike. They both have blonde hair and green eyes. 1 . Sometimes other students at school have a hard time telling them apart.Maggie and Sarah like going to the same school. This is because they are not just twin

24、sisters, but best friends too. They have a lot in common. 2 . Both girls spend a lot of time together with their family, and they both like to play with their dog, Callie.3 . Maggie likes to play sports. She is on a soccer team and a basketball team. Sarah doesnt really like sports. She likes to dan

25、ce.There are other differences between them too. 4 . Maggie likes to read mystery books, but Sarah likes to read books about animals. Maggie gets better grades in reading and Spanish, but Sarah gets better grades in math and science. Everyone is different in her or his own way. Maggie and Sarah like

26、 being different from each other as much as they like being similar. 5 .A. That is what makes them specialB. They are around the same height as wellC. But Maggie and Sarah are also very different D. Maggie likes the color red, but Sarah likes the color green E. Both girls enjoy a lot of the same tel

27、evision shows, books, and 10food参考答案基础过关一、词汇/短语英汉互译单词/短语 词性 词义onethe other (两者间)一个另一个special adj. 特殊的rule n. 规则,规定basic n. 基本原则strong adj. 强壮的happen v. 发生limit n. 限制mistake n. 错误defeat v. 击败,战胜take up 占用二、句子英汉互译。1. I wont take up much of your time. 2. If the telephone rings, I will answer it. 3. 他们考

28、虑接下来会发生什么?4. 如果一个人用完了时间,他/她就输了。5. 夫妻俩没有一个是美国人,一个是加拿大人,另一个来自澳大利亚。阅读练习1. B 2. E 3. C 4. D 5. A第 4 讲(下) 海淀一模阅读表达111. 掌握本篇阅读表达中出现的高频词及长难句。2. 掌握阅读表达的解题技巧, 并能够指出本篇阅读表达中运用到的解题技巧。3. 通过阅读表达高频词、长难句等语料的积累, 及阅读表达解题技巧的练习, 灵活应对各种阅读表达习题。知识篇“巧妇难为无米之炊”, 在英语学习的过程中, 语料的积累至关重要。对于阅读表达高频词和长难句的梳理, 能够为我们今后的学习和提升打下良好的基础。亲爱的

29、同学, 老师已经为你梳理出了本篇文章中的一些高频词和长难句, 快来看看你掌握了吗?高频词(课前检测学生的词汇量储备, 以教师提问的形式进行。能够准确翻译的为优, 模糊翻译的良, 不会翻译的为差。 )掌握情况单词/短语 词性 词义 拓展优 良 差limit n. 限制adventure n. 冒险活动return v. 返回include v. 包括gradually adv. 逐步地,渐教 学目标名 师点拨12渐地require v. 需要,要求popular adj. 流行的instruction n. 指示eager adj. 渴望的challenging adj. 有挑战性的 n. ch

30、allenge 挑战长难句(课前检测学生的句型储备, 以教师提问的形式进行。能够准确翻译的为优, 模糊翻译的良, 不会翻译的为差。 )1. Some only jump once, while others go on to experience lifelong adventures, flying and turning over through the air.(优 良 差 )_句意:一些人只跳一次,而其他人继续体验终身的冒险,穿过空气飞行和翻动。本句中包含了 someothers 句型,意为“一些,另一些” ,本句型可以用在写作之中。2. If you are eager to try

31、 something challenging and would love to feel the freedom of flying, skydiving might be an adventure for you.(优 良 差 )_句意:如果你渴望尝试一些有挑战性的东西而且喜欢感受飞翔的自由,那么跳伞运动对你来说可能是一项冒险。本句是由 if 引导的条件状语从句。方法篇“方法得当, 事半功倍。 ”只有语料的积累, 没有好方法的辅助也是不够的。对于阅读表达解题方法的梳理, 能够帮助我们更好地理解阅读表达的命题逻辑, 在有足够语料积累的基础上, 能够帮助我们争取高分。亲爱的同学, 老师已经为你

32、精心整理了阅读表达的解题技巧, 快来看看你掌握了多少?一、阅读表达解题步骤第一 认真审题,读懂题意 做题时我们应先阅读所给的任务,明确任务是什么,13步 再带着任务去阅读材料,这样就能做到心中有数,有针对性的去读,并能提高阅读效率。第二步快速浏览,掌握大意 明确任务后,应迅速阅读全文来了解文章主要内容,以及文章的感情基调,作者的意图、态度倾向。第三步细读题目,完成任务 泛读全文之后,就可以采用“跳读”的方式来寻找细节在原文中的对应,“跳读”的目的就是为细节寻找答案。第四步复读文章,核实任务 完成所有任务后,还应结合题目再把全文通读一遍,认真核实答案,要注意句子的人称、单复数、时态、语态、词性、

33、主谓一致等。二、阅读表达解题技巧在阅读表达题型中,要求学生在阅读理解的基础上,去完成一项任务或解决一个问题,主要考察学生捕捉信息的能力,综合概括信息的能力和组织信息的能力。接下来将从细节题,是非题,主旨题和活用题四种题型的解题技巧进行讲解。题型 题型一:细节题解题技巧细节题一般对人,事,地点,时间,原因及方式等进行提问,首先要审清题目要求,然后找出题目在文中出现的对应段落,直接作答或用自己的话进行转述。 设题方式1. What is the writers question in Letter A?2. Where were the researchers from? 3. Who can h

34、elp shy people?4. Why did Burton decide to have the slides painted? 5. When was Burton Holmes born? 6. How are parents jobs different from childrens jobs according to Letter A. 典题精析On November 30, 1906, George Bidder dropped a bottle from a boat into the North Sea. The weighted glass bottle sank alm

35、ost to the sea floor, and then it move slowly for 108 years and 138 days.问题:How long did the weighted glass bottle move in the sea?解析:本题为细节题。题干意为“这个玻璃瓶在海里移动了多长时间?” ,根据关键词“the weighted glass bottle move in the sea”可将答案锁定在第一段第二句中“The weighted glass bottle sank almost to the sea floor, and then it move

36、 slowly for 108 years and 138 days.”,故填“For 108 years 14and 138 days”。答案:For 108 years and 138 days. 题型 题型二:是非题解题技巧提问形式为一般疑问句,首先锁定范围,在范围内划出依据,然后使用 Yes / No作答。设题方式1. Do parents have homework according to letter B?2. Is being shy always a big problem according to the passage?3. Could Francis and Craig

37、 read the “map” of DNA in 2000?4. Will the step-by-step guide show you how to start a club?典题精析Its journey ended when Marianne Winkler found the bottle in 2015. Winkler was then on vacation on Amrum Island. She picked up the bottle when it was washed up onto the beach. She saw a piece of paper insid

38、e, but didnt break it open. She could tell that the bottle was old. So she didnt want to damage it. 问题:Did Marianne Winkler find the bottle in 2015?解析:本题为是非题。题干意为“Marianne Winkler 是在 2015 年发现这个瓶子的吗?” ,根据第二段第一句 Its journey ended when Marianne Winkler found the bottle in 2015.可以判定答案是肯定的,故填“Yes” 。答案:Ye

39、s.题型 题型三:主旨题解题技巧抓住文章结构,先总后分,先分后总还是总分总,确定总写在篇首还是篇尾,然后作答。如果不符合上述几种情况,则综合全文或段落,用自己的话进行概括。中考阅读表达中的主旨大意题一般由两点或三点构成,常用的句型有:1. 介绍某个物体,新兴事物或抽象概念时:Whatis.2. 介绍某个人物时:Whois.3. 介绍做某事的方法时:How to do / How 4. 介绍某事物的优/缺点时:The benefits / advantages / disadvantages of 例 1. What is the passage mainly about?解答:What shy

40、ness is and how to deal with it. 例 2. What is the main idea of the passage?15解答:How to run a studio system? 例 3. What is the passage mainly about?解答:Who Andrew Matthews is and his book.设题方式1. What is the passage mainly about?2. What does the writer mainly tell us in passage?3. What is the main idea

41、of paragraph 4?4. What do you learn from this story?5. What is the purpose of this passage?典题精析Scientists now understand that a fire can be a natural part of a healthy forest. As a result, countries like Australia allow more fires to burn naturally. Sometimes, fire fighters even start fires to get r

42、id of(去除)dead wood. Of course, they carefully control the fires. The fire thins out old trees. This allows sunlight to reach the ground. As a result, fires help new trees to grow. Therefore, if a fire is not a serious threat(威胁)to people, firefighters may let it burn naturally.问题:What is the main id

43、ea of paragraph 4?解析:本题为段落主旨题。题干意为“第四段的主要意思是什么?” ,根据第四段段首句可知“澳大利亚允许更多的火自然燃烧” ,而后面的内容解释的是这样做的原因是保持森林健康,综合这两点并运用 in order to 短语即可得出正确答案,应填“In order to keep forests healthy, some fires may be allowed to burn naturally.”。答案:In order to keep forests healthy, some fires may be allowed to burn naturally.题型

44、 题型四:活用题解题技巧主观性最强,需要准确把握主旨,围绕文章的中心观点列出要点,扩点成句,进行润色,但要注意不能不着边际,离题万里。设题方式1. Do you think the selfie is good? Why?2. What can be filled in the blank(空白)at the end of letter B?典题精析I think its only fair that teenagers help out a bit at home. They might not like it, but its good for them. It teaches them

45、how to look after themselves. This is really useful when _.(北京朝阳期末)16问题:What can be filled in the blank(空白)at the end of letter B?解析:本题为活用题。题干意为“在 letter B 结尾的空白处能够填什么?” ,这类题的答案比较灵活,不是唯一的,只要和文章的主旨一致就可以。本段主要说的是孩子们在家里做一些家务能够帮助她们学会照顾自己,当_, 这一点是有用的。那么一定是孩子离开家,独自生活的时候,答案与此主题一致即可。答案:they leave home to go

46、to college/ live on their own 浏览问题(抓住选项中的关键词,以便有目的性的通读文章)题号 选项1 Do thousands of people try skydiving each year?2 How many choices are there for the beginners?3 Why is tandem the most popular?4 How do the coaches give instructions in the air?5 What is the passage mainly about?通读寻读话题 体裁 字数 建议用时 实际用时 正确率 星级日常生活类 说明文 288 6-8 分钟 _/5 Ready, Set, Jump!For skydivers, the sky isnt the limit. Its just the beginning. Thousands of people try skydiving each year. Some only jump once, while others go on to experience lifelong adventures, flying and turning over through the air. Skydiving is


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