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1、1第一部分 教材知识梳理篇七年级(上) Units 14(含 Starter)单元重点回顾类别 课标考点要求重点单词1.morning(n.)早晨;上午2.hello(interj.)你好;喂3.afternoon(n.)下午4.evening(n.)晚上;傍晚5.how(adv.)怎样;如何6.fine(adj.)健康的;美好的7.thanks(interj.& n.)感谢;谢谢8.what(pron.& adj.)什么9.this(pron.)这;这个10.English(n.)英语 (adj.)英格兰的;英语的11.orange(n.)橙子12.jacket(n.)夹克衫;短上衣13.k

2、ey(n.)钥匙14.that(pron.)那;那个15.spell(v.)用字母拼;拼写16.color(colour)(n.)颜色17.now(adv.)现在;目前18.see(v.)理解;明白26.seven(num.)七27.eight(num.)八28.last(adj.)最后的;末尾的29.middle(adj.)中间的 (n.)中间30.school(n.)学校31.sister(n.)姐;妹32.mother(n.)母亲;妈妈33.father(n.)父亲;爸爸34.parent(n.)父(母)亲35.brother(n.)兄;弟36.family(n.)家;家庭37.phot

3、o(n.)照片38.next(adj.& n.)下一个(的);接下来(的)39.picture(n.)照片;图画40.girl(n.)女孩41.dog(n.)狗42.pencil(n.)铅笔43.book(n.)书51.ring(n.)戒指52.bag(n.)袋;包53.library(n.)图书馆54.ask(v.)请求;要求;询问55.find(v.)找到;发现56.some(adj.)一些;某些 (pron.)有些;有的57.classroom(n.)教室58.lost(v.)(动词 lose的过去式)遗失;丢失59.must(modal v.)必须60.where(adv.)在哪里;到

4、哪里61.on(prep.)在上62.under(prep.)在下e(v.)来;来到64.think(v.)认为;想;思考65.room(n.)房间66.hat(n.)帽子67.head(n.)头219.can(modal v.)能;会20.say(v.)说;讲21.name(n.)名字;名称22.nice(adj.)令人愉快的;宜人的23.meet(v.)遇见;相逢24.five(num.)五25.six(num.)六44.schoolbag(n.)书包45.dictionary(n.)词典;字典46.teacher(n.)老师;教师47.about(prep.)关于 (adv.)大约48.

5、welcome(adj.)受欢迎的49.baseball(n.)棒球50.notebook(n.)笔记本68.know(v.)知道;了解 69.tidy(adj.)整洁的;井井有条的70.but(conj.)但是71.everywhere(adv.)处处;到处;各个地方72.always(adv.)总是词性转换1.good(adj.)好的well(adv.)好地2.you(pron.)你;你们(主格/宾格)your(形容词性物主代词)yours(名词性物主代词)3.I(pron.)我(主格)me(宾格)my(形容词性物主代词)mine(名词性物主代词)4.he(pron.)他(主格)him(宾

6、格)his(形容词性物主代词)his(名词性物主代词)5.she(pron.)她(主格)her(宾格)her(形容词性物主代词)hers(名词性物主代词)6.one(基数词)一first 第一(序数词)7.two(基数词)二second 第二(序数词)8.three(基数词)三third 第三(序数词)9.four(基数词)四fourth 第四(序数词)10.nine(基数词)九ninth 第九(序数词)11.friend(n.)朋友friendly(adj.)友好的friendship(n.)友谊12.China(n.)中国Chinese(adj.)中国的(n.)中国人;汉语13.those

7、(pron.)那些that(pron.)那;那个14.these(pron.)这些this (pron.)这;这个15.thank(v.)感谢;谢谢thankful(adj.)感谢的16.help(v.& n.)帮助;援助helpful(adj.)有帮助的17.they(pron.)他们(主格)them(宾格)their(形容词性物主代词)theirs(名词性物主代词)3续表类别 课标考点要求重点短语 1.早上好!Good morning!2.下午好!Good afternoon!3.晚上好!Good evening!4.用英语 in English5.给物品涂色 color the thin

8、gs 6.姓氏 last namefamily name 7.名字 first namegiven name 8.电话号码 telephone numberphone number9.学生卡;身份证 ID card10.为而感谢 (你们)thank you for11.在第一幅/下一幅图中 in the first/next picture 12.家庭照片family photo 13.(询问消息或提出建议)怎么样?好吗?What about?How about?14.一张的照片 a photo(picture) of15.铅笔盒;文具盒 pencil box16.请求;恳求(给予)askfo

9、r17.失物招领 Lost and Found 18.一串钥匙 a set of keys 19.快点儿 come on 20.磁带播放机 tape player 21.飞机模型 model plane 22.在书柜里 in the bookcase 23.在椅子下 under the chair24.在沙发上 on the sofa重点句子1.Whats this _in_English_?这个用英语怎么说?Its _an_orange_.它是一个橙子。2._What_color_ is it? 它是什么颜色的?10.Well,_have_a_good_day_! 好吧,祝你们过得愉快!11

10、.This is _a_photo_of_ my family.这是一张我的全家福。12._Is_this_ your pencil? 4Its _red_.它是红色的。3.Nice to meet you! 见到你很高兴!Nice to meet you,_too_.见到你我也很高兴。4.Whats _your_ name? 你叫什么名字?_Im_ Alan./_My_names_ Alan./Alan.艾伦。5.Whats _his_telephone_number_? 他的电话号码是多少?_Its_ 8769548.是 8769548。6._Those_are_ my parents.那

11、是我的父母。7._Whos_ she? 她是谁?Shes my sister.她是我的姐姐(妹妹)。8._This_is_ my sister Kate.这是我的妹妹凯特。9._Are_those_ your parents? 那是你的父母吗?Yes,_they_are_.是的,他们是。这是你的铅笔吗? Yes,_it_is_./No,it isnt.是的,它是。/不,它不是。13.Its _mine/his/hers_.这是我的/他的/她的。14._What_about_ this dictionary? 这本字典(是谁的)呢?15._Thank_you_for_ your help.谢谢你

12、的帮助。16._How_ do you _spell_ it? 你怎么拼写它?WATCH.17.Call me _at_ 6856034.请打电话 6856034找我。18.Where _is_ my pencil box? 我的铅笔盒在哪儿?19.Its _under_ your bed.它在你的床底下。20._Come_on_,Jack!快点儿,杰克!21.I think its in your _grandparents_ room.我认为它在你(外)祖父母的房间里。22.I _dont_know_.我不知道。语法1.冠词(详见第二编 P119P120)2.be动词的一般现在时3.人称代

13、词和物主代词(详见第二编 P124)5.名词的复数(详见第二编P120P121)6.方位介词(详见第二编 P143)54.指示代词(详见第一编 P4P5) 7.连词 and(详见第二编 P144)话题Starter Unit 1 Meeting friends(会见朋友)Starter Unit 2 Things around you(你周围的事物)Starter Unit 3 Colors(颜色)Unit 1 Making new friends(结交新朋友)Unit 2 The family(家人)Unit 3 Things in the classroom(教室里的物品)Unit 4 T

14、hings around the house(房子周围的事物)单元重难点突破不定冠词 a与 an (七上 Starter Unit 2 PS5)【举例透析】This is a book./That is an apple.这是一本书。/那是一个苹果。I want to buy an umbrella.我想要买一把雨伞。(a,an 都表示“一个”的意思,在使用的时候,由离它最近的一个单词的第一个音标所决定,如果第一个音标为 “元音音标”,则用 an,反之,则用 a。)(B)(东营中考)According to _ rule made in 2017,some kinds of dogs must

15、nt be kept since May 1st,2018 in Dongying. A.a B.an C.the D./辨析 this,that,these与 those (七上 Starter Unit 2 PS5)【举例透析】That is an orange.Those are some oranges.那是一个橙子。那些是一些橙子。6Is this your book?这是你的书吗?Yes,it is.是的。Are these your books?这些是你的书吗?No,they arent.不,这些不是。(this意为“这;这个”,that 意为“那;那个”,these 意为“这些

16、”,those 意为“那些” 。其中 this和 these是指距离说话人较近的人或事物,that 和 those是指距离说话人较远的人或事物。指示代词 this,that作主语时,连系动词 be用 is/was,同时后面的名词用单数形式。 当 these,those作主语时,连系动词 be用 are/were,同时后面的名词用复数。)Hello,this is Tom speaking.Whos that?你好,我是汤姆。你是哪位?Hi,Tom.This is Jeff speaking.你好,汤姆。我是杰夫。(在回答主语是 this或 that的一般疑问句或特殊疑问句时,在答语中用 it代

17、替句中的this或 that。当回答 these或 those作主语的一般疑问句或特殊疑问句时,在答语中用they代替句中的 these或 those。打电话时,介绍自己是谁用“This is”,问别人是谁用“Who is that?”)These are some apples on the desk.(改为单数句)_This_ _is_ _an_ apple on the desk.help (七上 Unit 3 P14)【举例透析】Can you help me to learn English? 你能帮助我学英语吗? (帮助某人做某事 help_sb.(to)_do_sth.)This

18、 program helps to improve our English.这个计划有助于我们提高英语成绩。(有助于做某事 help_(to)_do_sth.)Can you help him with this work?你能帮助他完成这项工作吗?(帮助某人某事 help_sb.with_sth.)When Im in trouble,he always helps me out with money.每当我处境困难时,他总是用金钱帮助我渡过难关。7(帮助某人克服困难、渡过难关、解决问题、完成工作 help_sb.out)Help yourself to some fish.请随便吃点儿鱼。

19、(请自用(食物等) help_oneself_to_sth.)With the help of her,he found his lost child.在她的帮助下,他找到了他失踪的小孩。 (在某人的帮助下 with_ones_help)(C)1.“Help _ to some chicken!” she said to the guests.A.you B.yoursC.yourselves D.yourself(A)2._ your help,we couldnt have finished the task in time.A.Without B.With C.For D.Under(A

20、)3.The Olympic Games in China helps our country _ faster.A.develop B.developingC.developed D.be developed辨析 family,home与 house (七上 Unit 2 P7)【举例透析】Mary has a big family.玛丽有一个大家庭。(在这句话中,family 意为“家庭”,为可数名词,作主语的时候,谓语动词要用单数。)My family are all well.我的家人们都很好。(在这句话中,family 意为“家人”,为集合名词,作主语的时候,谓语动词要用复数。)Yi

21、bin is his second home.宜宾是他的第二个家。(home 在这句话中意为“家”,指个人或家居住所,是一个带有感情色彩的词。)When I grow up,I want to buy a big house for my parents.当我长大后,我想给我的父母买一个大房子。(house 在这句话中意为“房子”,指建筑物,为可数名词。)无论你的房子多大,真正重要的是你的家人。No matter how big your _house_ is,the most important thing is your 8_family_.高频话题写作指导家庭成员和朋友话题解读分析全国近

22、五年(20142018)书面表达的命题形式可知,关于家庭成员及朋友的介绍话题是比较重要的,如 2017年甘肃武威中考英语作文题目:My Best Dad;2017 年内蒙古赤峰中考英语作文题目:新学期自我介绍;2016 年宁夏中考英语作文题目:介绍朋友等。此类话题的写作旨在颂扬孝顺父母、热爱家人等传统美德以及如何与朋友建立和谐的关系等,从而有助于学生树立正确的情感态度价值观。预计 2019年中考关于人物介绍的话题仍是高频话题之一。一般来说,此类话题主要从三个角度来考查:1.介绍自己(如 2017年内蒙古赤峰);2.介绍家人(如 2017年甘肃武威);3.介绍朋友和周围的人(如 2016年宁夏)

23、。写作素材包常用作文开头语:1.Today Ill introduce a friend of mine to you.(introduce sb.to sb.把某人介绍给某人)【试一试】今天我想把我的好朋友介绍给大家认识。_Today_I_want_to_introduce_my_good_friend_to_all_of_you.2.Today Im very glad to stand here to introduce myself.(be glad to do sth.高兴做某事)【试一试】今天我很高兴收到笔友的来信。_Today_Im_very_glad_to_hear_from_

24、my_pen_friend._3.Let me tell you something about my English teacher.(tell sb.about sth.告诉某人关于某事)【试一试】让我来告诉你关于我最好的朋友 Ann的事情。_Let_me_tell_you_something_about_my_best_friend_Ann._常用作文中间语:1.My friend comes from England.(be/come from来自)【试一试】他来自中国一个美丽的村镇。_He_is_from_a_beautiful_village_of_China._92.He is

25、of medium height and he often wears a pair of glasses.3.He has many hobbies,such as collecting coins and drawing pictures.(for example/such as例如)4.He is interested in Chinese poetry(诗歌).(be interested in 对感兴趣)5.He is always ready to help others.(be ready to do sth.愿意做某事)6.He is friendly to everyone

26、and he often helps people out.(be friendly to sb.对某人友好;help sb.out 帮助某人解决麻烦或困境)常用作文结束语:1.Do you want to make friends with him? Please reply to me soon.2.Could you please introduce your best friend to me? Im looking forward to your reply.3.I love you,my dear mother/teacher/ I will love you forever.典例

27、剖析(原创题)在最近热播的朗读者第二季节目中,著名演员袁泉表达了自己对中央戏剧学院全体老师的敬意及自己对那段美好时光的怀念之情。回顾过去的三年初中生活,你肯定也遇到了很多好老师,他们或严厉或温柔,在你成长和学习的路上不断指引着你走向光明的未来。某学校英语广播电台正在开展“I Love You,My English Teacher”的英语征文活动,请你根据自己的实际情况,写一篇英语广播稿。要求:1.简要介绍你喜欢的英语老师,如:性格、外貌特征、兴趣爱好、上课的基本情况等;2.说明自己喜爱这位老师的原因;3.90词左右。语意通顺,意思连贯。【审题指导】这是一篇人物介绍的作文。写作时必须包含要求中提

28、到的前两点,可适当发挥。全文在写作时以一般现在时为主,以第一人称的口吻进行叙述。但是在叙述老师的相关情况时,应使用第三人称。【写作导图】10【参考范文】I Love You,My English TeacherI have met many good teachers in the last three years.My English teacher Mr.Huang is one of them.Now let me tell you something about him.Mr.Huang is of medium height and a little thin.He always w

29、ears a pair of glasses.He is very strict with us but cares about every student.When the students from poor families are in trouble,he is always ready to help them.I like my English teacher because he has many good ways to make our class lively.Many students fall in love with English because of him.I

30、 love you,my English teacher! I will never forget you.【名师点评】本文的亮点之处有:1.be of medium height,be strict with,care about,be in trouble,be ready to do sth.,fall in love with等短语的灵活运用,体现了作者丰富的语言积累和扎实的基本功;2.but,because 等连词的运用,使句式结构富于变化,同时表意更加清楚明白;3.整篇作文层次分明,内容完整:第 1段引出写作主题;第 2至 3段分别对应写作要求的前两点;最后一段表达自己对老师的喜爱

31、之情。模拟写作(2019预测)自从感动中国在中央电视台播出以后,在我们的身边陆续涌现出了很多“阳光少年” 。他们用微笑播撒阳光,用行动践行梦想。假如你校现在正在开展“向阳光少年学习”的活动,请你以“A Sunshine Teenager”为题写一篇英语短文,介绍一位名叫杨帆的阳光少年。要点提示:1.诚实善良、团结友爱、乐于助人;2.不怕困难、勤奋好学、积极参加各种文体活动。要求:1.90 词左右;112.内容完整,语言流畅,可适当发挥。A Sunshine Teenager Our school has an activity called “Learn from Sunshine Teena

32、gers”.Now there are many “Sunshine Teenagers” around us.Yang Fan is one of them. He is honest and kind.He gets along well with others and he is always ready to help others.In his spare time,he often goes to old peoples home to do things for them.Also he is very hardworking.He is never afraid of diff

33、iculties.Besides,he is active in all kinds of activities.After school,he plays football with his friends.And he joins different clubs like music,art and chess.He learns a lot from these activities. Yang Fan sets a good example to us.In my eyes,he is a “Sunshine Teenager”.We should learn from him.直 击

34、 中 考一、 单项选择。(C)1.Do you know _ old lady in blue?Yes,she is a teacher of _ university in Beijing.A.a;an B.the;anC.the;a D.an;a(B)2.Whats this in English?_ a jacket.A.Thiss B.Its C.This is D.Thats(A)3.(2018重庆中考 A卷)I always play basketball to relax myself _ Sundays.A.on B.in C.at D.by(C)4.(2018重庆中考 A卷)

35、Im surprised at the new look of _ hometown.A.I B.me C.my D.mine(B)5.(贵州中考改编)Are Kate and Joan _ good friends?Yes,they are.Please look after _.A.your;their B.your;them12C.yours;theirs D.yours;their二、阅读理解。In the film Wolf Warrior II,Leng Feng,played by Wu Jing,is a Chinese soldier who takes on special

36、 tasks around the world.He helped Chinese workers and local Africans flee(逃离).The film tells us:When we meet danger in a foreign land,do not give up!Please remember,at our back stands our strong motherlandChina.Dates:June 15thJune 21stWeekdays 10:30 a.m.,7:30 p.m.Weekends 10:00 a.m.,2:00 p.m.,7:00 p

37、.m.Place:Heze Peoples Movie TheaterTime:126 minutesTicket price:50 yuan (day shows)70 yuan (evening shows)Children under 5 years old: freeTel:05301234567(A)1.Wolf Warrior II is about how Leng Feng _.A.helped Chinese workers and local Africans fleeB.fought against the Japanese soldiersC.protected the

38、 safety of the worldD.wanted to be the greatest man in the world(C)2.You can see the film _.A.at 2:00 p.m.on TuesdayB.at 7:00 a.m.on SaturdayC.at 10:00 a.m.on SundayD.at 7:00 p.m.on Wednesday(D)3.If Mr.and Mrs.Green go to see the film with their 3yearold son at 7:00 p.m.,how much will they pay?13A.1

39、00 yuan. B.125 yuan.C.150 yuan. D.140 yuan.(B)4.In which part of the newspaper can we read the passage?A.Sports. B.Advertisements.C.News. D.Culture.三、(2018 临沂中考改编)还原句子。阅读下面短文,把 A、B、C、D 四个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确。Shanghai is one of the first cities in China to see bike sharing fever.Shared bikes can now

40、be found all over the city.1._B_ On streets we can see riders of your age.Some might even be younger than you.Unluckily,there have been some accidents involving(涉及) shared bikes.These accidents warn us that shared bikes are not for everybody.One of the most serious accidents took place in March.One

41、Sunday afternoon,a boy was riding an ofo bike(共享单车).He was hit by a bus and later died.The boys parents were not by his side.2._D_ He was only about 10 years old.The good news is that Shanghai has been trying to manage bike sharing by making rules.The rules are still being discussed,but some of the

42、rules have been decided on.3._C_ Users must be between 1.45 and 1.95 meters tall.However,it could be hard to make these rules work.Ou Jing is ofos manager in Shanghai.He said the company had banned(禁止) children under 12 from using its service.Yet,young children can still be seen riding ofo bikes.Tha

43、ts because many ofo bikes use manual(手动的) locks.4._A_Ofo has developed electronic locks.However,it will take some time for the company to fix the new locks on all of its bikes.Most of you are old enough to ride a shared bike.Still,please ride slowly for your own safety.When you finish using the bike

44、,dont forget to park and lock it properlyfor everybodys safety.A.If a user doesnt lock the bike properly after using it,anyone can ride it away.14B.In fact,they are popular not only among adults but also among teens.C.All of the children under 12 have stopped riding ofo bikes.D.Besides,the boy was c

45、onsidered too young to ride a bike.四、(2018 武汉中考改编)综合填空。阅读下面短文,根据单词、首字母、汉语和语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词,要求意义准确、拼写正确。When you are very,very afraid of something,that fear can affect(影响) you and how you live your life.When I was younger,I saw my cousin 1.fall_ onto an ants nest.The ants attacked(攻击) him,and he

46、was 2._covered_(cover) in terrible bites(咬).After that I became very scared of ants.I wouldnt eat outside,and I didnt even like to play outside.I 3.checked_ my bed for ants every night.But when I 4.turned_ thirteen,I decided I couldnt let my fear get to me.I had to learn to control my fear of ants.F

47、irst I read a lot about different ants.I didnt focus on bites,but I read about how helpful ants are to the 5.planet_.Ants are really cool! They are hardworking,social,and organized.They help bring 6.air_ and nutrients(营养) to the earth.They help plants grow,clean up decaying(腐烂的) matter,and help 7._c

48、ontrol_(控制) other insects.Next I began to 8.watch_ ants from a safe distance.I started to look at a family of ants in real time on the Internet in order to learn how they live.Little by little,I felt more 9._comfortable_(comfort) about ants.Finally I went outside one day and let an ant move onto my hand and 10._touched_(触摸) it gently.It was okay! Now that I know about all the good things ants do,Im not so af


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