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1、1七年级(下) Units 14单元重点回顾类别 课标考点要求重点单词1.guitar(n.)吉他 2.sing(v.)唱歌3.swim(v.& n.)游泳4.dance(v.)跳舞(n.)舞蹈5.draw(v.)画6.speak(v.)说(某种语言);说话7.join(v.)参加;加入8.club(n.)俱乐部;社团9.tell(v.)讲述;告诉10.story(n.)故事;小说11.write(v.)写作;写字12.show (n.)演出;节目(v.)给看;展示13.or (conj.)或者;也不(用于否定句)14.talk (v.& n.)说话;交谈15.drum(n.)鼓 16.pia

2、no(n.)钢琴17.violin(n.)小提琴18.also(adv.)也;而且19.people(n.)人; 人们31.early(adv.& adj.)早(的)32.fifty(num.)五十33.job(n.)工作;职业34.work(n.& v.)工作35.funny (adj.)奇怪的;滑稽好笑的36.exercise(v.& n.)锻炼;练习37.best (adj.)最好的 (adv.)最好地;最38.half(n.& pron.)一半;半数39.past(prep.)晚于;过(时间)(adj.)过去的40.quarter(n.)一刻钟;四分之一 41.run (v.)跑;奔4

3、2.clean(v.)打扫;弄干净(adj.)干净的43.walk(n.& v.)行走;步行44.quickly(adv.)很快地45.sometimes(adv.)有58.river(n.)河;江59.village(n.)村庄;村镇60.bridge(n.)桥61.boat(n.)小船62.afraid(adj.)害怕;畏惧63.leave(v.)离开;留下64.dream(n.)梦想;睡梦(v.)做梦65.true(adj.)真的;符合事实的66.rule(n.)规则;规章 67.arrive(v.)到达 68.fight(v.& n.)打架;战斗69.wear(v.)穿;戴70.imp

4、ortant (adj.)重要的71.bring(v.)带来;取来72.quiet(adj.)安静的73.practice(v.& n.)练习74.before(prep.& conj.)在以前(adv.)以前220.make(v.)使成为;制造21.weekend(n.)周末 22.teach(v.)教;讲授23.musician(n.)音乐家24.dress(v.)穿衣服(n.)连衣裙25.brush(v.)刷;刷净(n.)刷子26.tooth(n.)牙齿27.shower(v.)淋浴 (n.)淋浴器(间)28.usually(adv.)通常地;一般地29.forty(num.)四十30.

5、never(adv.)从不;绝不时46.taste(v.)有的味道;品尝(n.)味道;滋味47.life(n.)生活;生命48.subway(n.)地铁 49.ride(v.)骑(n.)旅程50.ninety(num.)九十51.hundred (num.)一百52.minute(n.)分钟53.far (adv.& adj.)远;远的54.drive(v.)开车55.live (v.)居住;生活56.stop(n.)车站;停止57.cross(v.)横过;越过75.dirty(adj.)脏的76.kitchen(n.)厨房 77.noisy(adj.)吵闹的78.relax(v.)放松;休息

6、79.read(v.)读;阅读80.terrible(adj.)非常讨厌的;可怕的81.feel(v.)感受;觉得82.strict(adj.)严格的;严厉的83.remember (v.)记住; 记起 84.follow(v.)遵循;跟随 85.luck(n.)幸运;运气86.learn(v.)学习;学会词性转换1.write(v.)写writer(n.)作家wrote(过去式)written(过去分词)writing(现在分词)2.sing(v.)唱singer(n.)歌手8.true(adj.)真正的truly(adv.)真正地truth(n.)事实9.noisy(adj.)嘈杂的noi

7、se(n.)噪音10.luck(n.)运气lucky(adj.)幸运的14.important(adj.)重要的importance(n.)重要性15.home(n.)家homeless(adj.)无家可归的16.quick(adj.)快的3sang(过去式)sung(过去分词)3.teach(v.)教teaches(v.)(单三)taught(过去式)teacher(n.)教师 4.tooth(n.)牙齿teeth(复数)5.life(n.)生活;生命lives(复数)6.far(adj.& adv.)远;远的farther/further(比较级)farthest/furthest(最高级

8、)7.cross(v.)穿过across(prep.)穿过crossing(n.)十字路口luckily(adv.)幸运地unlucky(adj.)不幸的11.swim(v.)游泳swimming(现在分词)swam(过去式)swum(过去分词)12.fun(adj.& n.)有趣的;乐趣funny(adj.)有趣的;滑稽好笑的13.usual(adj.)寻常的usually(adv.)通常地unusual(形容词的反义词)不寻常的;与众不同的quickly(adv.)很快地17.relax(v.)使放松relaxed(adj.)感到放松的relaxing(adj.)令人放松的18.dish(

9、n.)碟;盘dishes(复数)19.ride(v.)骑rode(过去式)ridden(过去分词)20.draw(v.)画画drew(过去式)drawn(过去分词)21.speak(v.)说(某种语言);说话spoke(过去式)spoken(过去分词)speaker(n.)发言人续表类别 课标考点要求词性转换22.run(v.)跑;奔ran(过去式)run(过去分词)running(现在分词)runner(n.)跑步者23.drive(v.)驾驶drove(过去式)24.live(v.)生活;居住alive(adj.)活着的;有生气的lively(adj.)生机勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的25.fe

10、el(v.)感受;觉得felt(过去式/过去分词)27.work(v.& n.)工作worker(n.)工人28.village(n.)村庄villager(n.)村民29.leave(v.)离开;留下left(过去式/过去分词)4driven(过去分词)driver(n.)司机;驾驶员feeling(n.)感觉;感触26.keep(v.)保持;保留kept(过去式/过去分词)keeper 饲养员;保管人 30.bring(v.)带来brought(过去式/过去分词)重点短语1.下国际象棋 play chess 2.说英语 speak English 3.擅长于be good at4.跟说 t

11、alk to5.敲鼓 play the drums 6.拉小提琴 play the violin 7.弹钢琴 play the piano 8.弹吉他 play the guitar 9.说英语的学生Englishspeaking students10.敬老院 the old peoples home11.善于应付的;对有办法 be good with12.结交朋友 make 13.在某方面帮助(某人)help(sb.) with sth. 14.(在)周末 on the weekend15.起床 get up16.穿上衣服 get dressed 17.洗淋浴 take a shower 1

12、8.听listen to19.广播电台 radio station 20.(在)周末 on weekends 21.做作业 do (ones) homework 22.散步;走一走 take a walk 23.要么要么;或者或者 eitheror24.大量;许多 lots of 25.乘地铁 take the subway 26.骑自行车 ride a bike 27.每天 every day 28.骑自行车 by bike 29.认为 think of30.在和之间betweenand31.实现;成为现实 come true 32.准时(be) on time33.餐厅 dining ha

13、ll 34.清洗餐具 do the dishes 35.铺床 make (ones) bed 36.对某人严格 be strict (with sb.)37.遵守规则 follow the rules5friends重点句子1._Can_ you swim? 你会游泳吗?No,I _cant_.不,我不会。2._What_club_ do you _want_to_join_? 你想参加什么俱乐部?I want to join the chess club.我想参加象棋俱乐部.3.You are very _good_at_ telling stories.你非常擅长讲故事。4._Are_ y

14、ou _good_with_ old people? 你与老人们相处得融洽吗?5._What_time_ do you usually take a shower?你通常几点钟淋浴?I usually take a shower _at_ six forty.我通常六点四十淋浴。6._When_ do you go to work? 你什么时候去上班? At eleven oclock,so _Im_ never _late_for_ work.十一点,我上班从未迟到过。7.When I _get_home_,I always _do_my_homework_first_.我到家后,总是先做家

15、庭作业。10._How_far_ is it _from_ your home to school?从你家到学校有多远?11._How_long_ does it _take_ you to get to school? 你到学校要用多长时间?About 15 minutes _by_bike_.骑自行车大约十五分钟。12.For many students,_it_is_easy_to_ get to school.对于许多学生来讲,上学是挺简单的。13.There is a very big river _between_ their school _and_ the village.在他

16、们的学校与村庄之间有一条大河。14._Dont_eat_ in the classroom.在教室里不准吃东西。15.Dont arrive late for class.You must _be_on_time_.不准上课迟到,务必守时。16.Can we _bring_ music players _to_ school? 我们可以把音乐播放器带到学校吗?No,we cant.And we always _have_to_wear_ the school uniform.不行,而且我们总是要穿着校服。68.In the evening,I _either_ watch TV _or_ pl

17、ay computer games.晚上,我有时看看电视,有时玩玩游戏。9.Hey,Dave._How_ do you get to school? 嗨,戴夫。你是如何到校的?I walk._How_about_ you,Sally? 我是步行到校的。萨莉,你呢?17._Get_up_ now and _make_your_bed_!现在起床,把床铺整理一下!18.Dont _leave_ the dirty dishes in the kitchen! 别把脏碗留在厨房里!语法1.情态动词 can,have to,must(详见第二编 P140)2.how,how long,how far引

18、导的特殊疑问句(详见第一编 P31)3.祈使句(详见第二编 P149)4.频度副词(详见第一编 P31)话题Unit 1 Joining a club(加入社团、俱乐部)Unit 2 Daily routines(日常活动)Unit 3 Transportation(交通工具)Unit 4 Rules(规章制度)单元重难点突破play (七下 Unit 1 P4)【举例透析】He likes playing the guitar,but he doesnt like playing football.他喜欢弹吉他,但他不喜欢踢足球。(play与表示乐器的名词连用时,名词前要加冠词;与球类和棋类

19、连用时,名词前不加冠词。)(A)1.(2018眉山中考)Listen! Someone is playing _ violin.Wow!_ beautiful music! I like it very much.7A.the;What B.an;HowC.a;What D./;How2.放学后,我经常和朋友们打篮球。I often _play_basketball_ with my friends after school.辨析 speak,talk,say与 tell (七下 Unit 1 P1,P2,P3)【举例透析】 Can you speak English? 你会讲英语吗?(spe

20、ak某种语言。)Girls like to talk with/to their friends about other people.女孩们喜欢和她们的朋友谈论他人。(talk的意思是“谈论” 。与某人谈论有关某事:talk with/to sb.about sth.)Mary said that she went to Beijing last summer.玛丽说她去年夏天去北京了。(say说话的内容。)Teachers told us not to swim in the river.老师告诉我们不要在河里游泳。(tell的意思是“告诉;讲述;吩咐” 。常用搭配:讲故事/笑话 tell

21、_stories/jokes;告诉某人某事 tell sb.sth.tell sth.to sb;告诉某人做某事 tell sb.to_do sth;告诉某人不要做某事 tell sb.not_to_do sth.)用 say,speak和 talk填空。1.Does your English teacher _speak_ Chinese in class?2.Dont forget to _say_ “thanks” when you get help from others.3.I _talked_ with my mother yesterday.(C)4.(2018兰州中考改编)Do

22、nt _ a lie.You are an honest boy.A.speak B.talk C.tell D.open辨析 too,also与 either (七下 Unit 1 P5)【举例透析】Jenny likes English.I like English,too.珍妮喜欢英语,我也喜欢英语。8(too 用于肯定句末,前面用逗号隔开。)I also want to help the people in the poor village.我也想要帮助贫困山村的人们。(also 用于肯定句中,放在实义动词之前,be 动词、系动词、助动词或情态动词之后。)She doesnt have

23、 any money,either.她也没有钱。(either用于否定句末,前面用逗号隔开。)拓展:Either you or he cleans the classroom after school.要么你,要么他,放学后打扫教室。(eitheror意为“要么要么” 。连接两个成分作主语时,要用就近原则,即谓语动词与靠近的主语保持一致。)用 too,also或 either填空。1.Ill go to see the film,_too_. 2.If you dont come here,I wont, _either_. 3.Jack can speak Chinese,and his b

24、rother can _also_ speak Chinese.关于“祈使句” (七下 Unit 4 P19)【举例透析】Stand up,please. Please stand up.请站起来。(动词原形其他.)Be careful!小心!(Beadj.!)Let me help you.让我帮助你。(Let宾语动词原形其他成分.)Dont stand up.不要站起来。No smoking!禁止吸烟!(否定的祈使句:Dontdo.或 Nodoing.)(B)1.(2018上海中考)Please_ the rubbish into different litter bins 9accord

25、ing to the signs.A.puts B.put C.putting D.to put(B)2.(2018恩施中考改编)_,or you wont do well in your lessons.OK.I will.A.Dont work hard B.Work hardC.Hard work D.Working hard(C)3.Tom,_ late for school again.Sorry,I wont.A.isnt B.doesntC.dont be D.not be辨析 too much,too many与 much too (七下 Unit 4 P23)【举例透析】Th

26、ere are too many rules.有太多的规则。(“太多”:too many可数名词复数)Mom,the soup is much too salty.妈妈,汤太咸了。Sorry,dear.Ive put too much salt in it.对不起,亲爱的。我在里面放了太多的盐。(“太多”:too much不可数名词;“实在太”:much too形容词/副词)(B)1.My father often tells me that I shouldnt eat _ icecream because its bad for my teeth.You are right.And eat

27、ing a lot will make you look _ fat.A.much too;too many B.too much;much too C.many too;much tooD.much too;too much(B)2.If _ people crowd into big cities,it will cause many problems.A.too much B.too manyC.much too D.many too10常见 like三种不同句型 (七下 Unit 3 P17) 【举例透析】What does he look like?他长什么样子?He is of m

28、edium height with short hair.他中等身高,留着短发。(look like意为看起来像,回答应为关于外貌的答语。)Whats he like?他怎么样?He is friendly.他很友好。(be like意为像,回答应为关于性格的答语。)What do you like?你喜欢什么?I like reading stories.我喜欢读故事。(like意为喜欢,回答应为关于爱好的答语。常见短语:“喜欢做某事”like to_do sth./like doing sth.)(B)1.(2018凉山州中考改编)Can you help me meet my frien

29、d Steve at the airport,Joe?With pleasure._?He is of medium height and he has small eyes.A.What does he likeB.What does he look likeC.What is he likeD.What does he feel like(C)2.Jenny would _ ten tomatoes.She _ tomatoes very much.A.like;like B.likes;likes C.like;likes D.likes;like 高频话题写作指导学校生活话题解读学校生

30、活,历来是中考写作的一个高频话题。因为中学生最为熟悉,与中学生也最为密11切相关。从近 5年(20142018)宜宾中考来看,从较为宽泛的话题范围而言,几乎都与学校生活有关。即使把范围缩小来看,2015 年写作主题“毕业聚会忆过去”也属此话题范围。此类话题写作有利于培养学生对母校的热爱,也有助于提高活动规划能力。所以,该话题2019年仍然值得密切关注。一般而言,此话题考查的角度较为广泛,可能涉及的主题有:1.活动方案(2018 年江西);2.我的初中生活(2018 年湖南邵阳);3.参加征文(2017 年山东青岛)等。写作素材包常用作文开头语:1.How time flies! I have

31、been in this school for 3 years.2.Im very interested in basketball.(be interested in sth./doing sth.对做某事感兴趣)【试一试】我对唱歌和跳舞很感兴趣。_Im_interested_in_singing_and_dancing._3.There was an English speech competition last Friday afternoon.(there be有)【试一试】上个月我们学校举行了一次运动会。_There_was_a_sports_meeting_in_our_schoo

32、l_last_month._常用作文中间语:1.I am good at running so I took part in the sports meeting.(take part in参加)【试一试】我参加了昨天的演讲比赛。_I_took_part_in_the_speech_competition_yesterday._2.At first,I was a little nervous.3.I was afraid I couldnt jump as high as the others.4.My classmates and teachers cheered me up.5.Fina

33、lly I made it.6.After that,I could do better and better and I got the champion.(better and better越来越好)【试一试】我现在跳舞跳得越来越好了。_I_can_dance_better_and_better_now._127.I was so happy that I could hardly say anything,just laughing.(sothat如此以至于)【试一试】我如此害怕,以至于我把歌词都给忘记了。_I_was_so_scared_that_I_forgot_the_lyrics

34、._8.I must say “thank you” to all my teachers and friends because I cant succeed without their encouragement.常用作文结束语:1.I will never forget the exciting day in my life!2.Since then,Ive learned a lot and Ill encourage myself with it.3.I will remember the meaningful thing forever.典例剖析(原创题)美好的初中学习生活即将过去

35、,你一定有很多对于过去学习或生活的难忘回忆吧?请你就班级开展的一次才艺展示活动写一篇短文,记录下活动的难忘瞬间。要求:1.活动的时间、地点以及活动方式;2.印象最深的一两个节目;3.你的感受。4.90词左右,句子结构通顺,意思连贯。【审题指导】这是一篇叙事性的写作。全文写作应该以对过去的事件进行描述为主,所以主要时态应该为一般过去时。作文中可以以第一人称进行叙述,也可以根据需要使用第三人称。【写作导图】【参考范文】I still remember the talent show in my classroom in Grade 8.I am good at playing the violin

36、,so I played the violin.My teachers and 13classmates liked my performance very much.I was very proud.Jimmy sang a song beautifully.Everyone liked his voice.Sandy told us a funny story and we all laughed.Mary was so nervous that she forgot her speech.It made her sad.After the show,I had more confiden

37、ce in myself and kept practicing the violin.Now I can play it better and better.Thanks to the talent show!【名师点评】本文的亮点之处有:1.整篇文章结构清晰,层次分明,有一定的逻辑性;2.语法使用恰当,在描述过去的时候注意使用了一般过去时,而描述现在使用了一般现在时,时态虽然交错,但是没有混乱;3.be good at doing,sothat,better and better;thanks to等短语运用恰到好处,给文章添色不少;4.句子结构完整,文章前后呼应有序,同时也完成了写作要求

38、并进行了适当拓展。模拟写作(2019预测)“我运动,我健康,我快乐” 。 “阳光体育”已经进入了我们的每一所校园。积极参加体育锻炼,既是学校教育的要求,也符合社会良好生活的潮流。体育锻炼已经成为了中学生日常生活的重要组成部分。假如你的学校在上周四刚开展了一次运动会,请你以“An Exciting Sports Meeting”为题写一篇短文,介绍你或你班同学参加学校运动会的情况。要点提示:1.活动的时间、地点,参加人员;2.活动的精彩瞬间;3.活动的结果和收获。要求:1.90 词左右;2.内容完整,语言流畅,可适当发挥;3.不能使用真实的学校或自己的名称。An Exciting Sports

39、MeetingLast Thursday,we had a sports meeting in our school.Every student did a good job in the sports meeting and we all thought it was the most exciting sports meeting we ever had.Tom ran very fast and he won the 100meter race.Every student in our class was proud of him.Lucy ran fast,too.Unluckily,

40、she tripped and fell.But she kept running and finished it.She cried,however,nobody thought she was a loser. 14The meeting was over in the afternoon.Though our class didnt win the first prize,we did much better than before.We tried our best and showed our spirit,and that was the most important.直 击 中

41、考一、 单项选择。(B)1.(2018新疆维吾尔自治区中考)Excuse me,could you please tell me _from your home to school?Its about 500 meters.A.how far is itB.how far it isC.how long does it take youD.how long it takes you(A)2.(2018绥化中考改编)I _ an hour playing the drums yesterday.A.spent B.paid C.cost D.took(D)3.(2018新疆维吾尔自治区中考改编)

42、Wow,your sweater is very beautiful! How much is it?Thank you.It _ me 30 dollars.A.spent B.paid C.gave D.cost(C)4.(2018成都中考改编)Sally,I heard youre going to America._ will you stay there?Two whole years.A.How soon B.How oftenC.How long D.How far二、(2018 舟山中考)阅读理解。Right now you probably spend most of you

43、r time in school.Do you wonder what you are going to do after high school? Will you continue to go to school? Will you learn a trade? Perhaps it is time to think about your choices and to prepare for them.Some day work will be a big part of your life.What kind of job would be right for you? Think ab

44、out your interests and 15your skills.You may like to listen to music,dance,play basketball,or work with computers.You may know how to drive a car or how to get along with people.Knowing both your interests and skills will help make a better plan for your career(职业).To get an idea of what work you wo

45、uld like to do,make a list of your interests and a list of your skills.Think about what you have done to be successful in your interests.After that,brainstorm a list of career choices that might match your interests and skills.You can later keep your lists with the projects and documents(文件) that ca

46、n help you achieve the career you want.They can help you know more clearly about your achievements in school and in the world of work.Roberta Zhan,an art designer,finds her work satisfying because it allows her to use her interests and skills.She enjoyed imagining something in her minds eye while sh

47、e was in school.She took art,design,and computer lessons,and also learned about taking photos on her own.Here is what she says about the meaning of work:“If you have a job you like,work means much more than just making money.It means using your talents,making a contribution(贡献),and getting a real se

48、nse of satisfaction from doing a job.”(A)1.The passage is most probably written to_.A.students B.teachersC.parents D.designers(C)2.At the beginning,the writer introduces the topic of the passage by_.A.listing facts B.giving examplesC.asking questions D.explaining differences(B)3.Roberta Zhan might be most interested in_ when she was at school.A.singing songsB.creating picturesC.playi


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