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1、1Unit14 复习案重点单词 Unit 11swim(v.& n)游泳swimming(现在分词)swam(过去式)swum(过去分词)2sing(v.)唱歌singing(现在分词)sang(过去式)sung(过去分词)singer(n.)歌手3draw(v.)画drawing(现在分词)drew(过去式)drawn(过去分词)4speak(v.)说(某种语言);说话spoke(过去式)spoken(过去分词)speech(n.)演讲5tell(v.)讲述;告诉told(过去式/过去分词) 高 频6write(v.)写作;写字wrote(过去式)written(过去分词)writing(现

2、在分词)writer(n.)作者 高 频7make(v.)使成为;制造made(过去式/过去分词) 高 频8center(n.)中心;中央central (adj.)中心的9teach(v.)教;讲授taught(过去式/过去分词)teacher(n.)教师 高 频10musician(n.)音乐家music(n.)音乐Unit 316_drive_ (v.)开车driver(n.)司机;驾驶员driving(现在分词)drove(过去式)driven(过去分词)17cross(v.)横过;越过across (adv./&prep.)横过crossing(n.)十字路口18village(n.

3、)村庄;村镇villager(n.)村民19leave(v.)离开;留下left(过去式/过去分词) 高 频20true(adj.)真的;符合事实的truly(adv.)真正;确实truth(n.)实情;事实truthful(adj.)诚实的;真实的Unit 421fight(v.)打架;战斗fought(过去式)22wear(v.)穿;戴wore(过去式)worn(过去分词)wearing(现在分词)wears(第三人称单数)23important(adj.)重要的importance (n.)重要性 高 频24bring(v.)带来;取来brought(过去2musical(adj.)音乐

4、的Unit 211tooth(n.)牙齿teeth(pl.)12half(n.& pron.)一半;半数halves(pl.)13quickly(adv.)很快地quick(adj.)快的slowly(反义词)缓慢地;慢慢地14work(v.&n.)工作worker(n.)工人高 频15life(n.)生活;生命lives(pl.)式/过去分词)25quiet(adj.)安静的quietly(adv.)安静地26noisy(adj.)吵闹的noise(n.)噪音27luck(n.)幸运;运气lucky(adj.)幸运的luckily(adv.)幸运地unlucky(反义词)不幸运的28keep

5、(v.)保持;保留kept(过去式/过去分词)keeper(n.)饲养员;管理员 高 频29feel(v.)感受;觉得felt(过去式/过去分词)feeling(n.)感觉 高 频30read(v.)读;阅读read(过去式/过去分词)重点短语 1.play_the_guitar 弹吉他2talk_to.跟说3make_friends_结交朋友4tell_stories 讲故事5be_good_at.擅长6play_chess 下国际象棋7be_good_with.善于应付的;对有办法8help_(sb.)_with_sth.在某方面帮助(某人)9on_the_weekend_/_on_wee

6、kends(在)周末10take_a_walk 散步;走一走11.take_a_shower 洗淋浴12do_(ones)_homework 做作业13take_the_subway 乘地铁14between.and.在和之间15come_true 实现16be_afraid_of 害怕17on_time 准时18make_(ones)bed 铺床19be_strict_(with_sb.)(对某人)要求严格20follow_the_rules 遵守规则重点句型 31.Can you sing or dance?你会唱歌或跳舞吗?2What club do you want to join?你

7、想加入什么俱乐部?I want to join the chess club.我想加入象棋俱乐部。3What time do you usually get up?你通常几点起床?I usually get up at 6:30.我通常在6:30 起床。4When does your friend exercise?你的朋友什么时候锻炼?He usually exercises on weekends.他通常在周末锻炼。5.How_do you get to school?你怎样去学校?I ride my bike.我骑自行车去学校。6How far_is it from your home

8、to school?从你家到学校多远?7How long_does it take you to get to school?你到达学校需要花多长时间?It takes me about 15 minutes.我大约需要 15 分钟。8There is_a very big river between their school and the village.在他们学校和村庄之间有一条很大的河。9Dont_arrive late for class.上课不要迟到。10Can we eat in the classroom?我们可以在教室吃东西吗?No,we cant,_but we can e

9、at in the dining hall.不,我们不可以,但是我们可以在食堂吃东西。考点 play 的用法 Well, lets play basketball. 那么,让我们打篮球吧。 Unit 5 P27(1)play 作动词,图示如下:play soccer 踢足球4play chess 下象棋play the violin 拉小提琴play the music 播放音乐总结:play球类/棋类playthe 乐器意为“播放”(2)play 作名词,意为“游戏;戏剧;剧本” 。图示如下:a TV play 电视剧1.playing,Tom,likes,the,guitar(连词成句)T

10、om_likes_playing_the_guitar_.2My brother likes playing D basketball a lot.5Aa Ban Cthe D/3A famous A will be performed in our theatre.Aplay Bnovel Csong Djoke4Hurry up, Lucy!Come and play B us.Ato Bwith Cfor Din考点 辨析 be good at,be good for 与 be good withYoure very good at telling stories.你很擅长讲故事。 Un

11、it 1 P2be good at“擅长” ,相当于 do well in,后接名词、代词或 v.ing形式Im good at playing chess.我擅长下象棋。be good for“对有好处” ,反义短语为be bad forEating more vegetables is good for your health.多吃蔬菜对你的健康有好处。be good with“与相处融洽;善于应付”She is good with her classmates.她和她的同学相处得很好。5.I am good B maths. I often get good grades.Ato Bat

12、 Cof Dfor6Our head teacher is good B us and everyone in our class loves her.Aat Bwith Cfor Don7Exercising every day is good D our health.Ato Bwith Cat Dfor考点 辨析 say,speak,talk 与 tellYoure very good at telling stories.你很擅长讲故事。 Unit 1 P26say“说;讲;说道”(及物动词,强调内容),后接宾语或宾语从句say sth.to sb.给某人说某事 It is said

13、that.据说say thanks/sorry to sb.向某人道谢/道歉speak“演讲;发言;说话”(不及物动词,强调能力和方式);“说”(及物动词,指说某种语言)speak to 同说话speak English 说英语talk“说话;交谈”(多作不及物动词,指相互间的谈话)talk to / with 和谈话talk about 谈论tell“讲述;告诉”(及物动词),强调讲给别人听tell a story 讲故事;tell a lie 说谎;tell the truth 说实话;tell sb.sth.把某事告诉某人;tell sb.(not) to do sth.告诉某人(不)

14、做某事;tell sb.about sth.告诉某人关于某事8.I hope that you can C me the truth.Asay Bspeak Ctell Dtalk9We should D thanks to others more.Atell Bspeak Ctalk Dsay10Can you A French, Mrs.Lee?Yes, but just a little.Aspeak Btell Csay Dtalk11What are you B about,Mum and Dad?Our trip to Hainan,dear.Atelling Btalking C

15、saying Dspeaking7考点 either 的用法 I either watch TV or play computer games.我要么看电视要么玩电脑游戏。 Unit 2 P11(1)作副词,用于否定句末,意为“也(不)” 。(2)作代词,意为“(两者中)任一” 。(3)作连词,通常用于“either.or.”结构中,意为“要么要么;或者或者” 。此结构中,谓语动词的数一般与最近的主语保持一致。如:She doesnt like dogs.I dont like them, either.她不喜欢狗,我也不喜欢。There are many flowers on either

16、side of the road.在马路的两边都有许多花。Either you or I am right.要么你对,要么我对。also,too,either 与 as wellalso用于肯定句,位于 be 动词、助动词或情态动词后,行为动词前,不用在句末too 用于肯定句,可位于句中或句末,通常前有逗号either 用于否定句,且只能位于句末as well 与 too 位置相同,两者可以互换,但是 as well 前不需要加逗号12.2018扬州Where would you like to go tomorrow, Beijing or Xian? A is OK.Its up to y

17、ou.AEither BNeither CBoth DAll13Lucy has a red skirt and I have one CAalso Btoo Cas well Deither14Riding can take you there, and taking a bus can Btake you there.Aeither Balso Cas well Dtoo15She is a student.I am a student, CAalso Beither8Ctoo Das well考点 辨析 between 与 amongbetween(在两者之间)among(在三者或三者以

18、上之间)如:Theres a park between the bank and the library.在银行和图书馆之间有个公园。Tom is the tallest among the three boys.在这三个男孩之间,汤姆是最高的。16.Sleeping is a popular way to relax B students.Aon Bamong Cabout Dbetween17There is a big difference Dmy partner and me.She is outgoing but I am quiet.Aamong Bacross Cin Dbetw

19、een20132018 年河北中考 2019 年备考看点近六年河北中考考查本讲单词,early(2016 年、2017年),river(2015 年), write(2015 年), quickly(2013 年)各 1 次;考查语法祈使句,频度副词,how 系列短语,have to 与情态动词 can,must 的用法。9其中祈使句主要考查连词成句。年份 题型题号2018 未涉及本讲考点2017 词语运用:T772016 词语运用:T76连词成句:T842015 词语运用:T76;T792014 未涉及本讲考点2013 单项选择:T42 连词成句:T89, 基础点:单词 swim, spea

20、k,write,teach,drive, cross, luck, wear 等词及其变形可能出现在完形及词语运用中。语法点:频度副词、how 系列短语、情态动词仍是未来考试的重点,主要会出现在单项选择、完形当中。话题:规章制度及交通工具近几年未出现,可能是未来考试的内容。12013河北T42We can hardly believe that you learn to dance so BAquick BquicklyCuseful Dusefully22017河北T77 On Friday afternoon, our school ends _earlier_ (early) than

21、usual.32016河北T76 I organized a picnic last Sunday.I got up e arly and called some of my closest friends.42015河北T76 I am writing (write) to tell you that I arrived home safely.52015河北T79 I enjoyed every minute, especially going to the r iver where we fished together.62016河北T84that man, among, look at

22、, themLook_at_that_man_among_them_.1072013河北T89 pens, those, her, pass, blackPass_her_those_black_pens_.根据所给单词及汉语提示填写正确的单词1Her spoken(speak) English is good.2Alices hobby is singing.Her dream is to be a singer(sing)some day.3Miss Hong taught(teach) us English last term.4A musician(music) is a person

23、 who plays an instrument or writes songs.5More than six hundred(百) teams took part in 2017 Nanjing primary and secondary school robot competition in May.单项选择6Our teacher always helps us D our English.Afor Binto Con Dwith7Lets DAtake a shower Bhave a showerCtake the shower DA and B8You can take Bsubw

24、ay to the museum.No, I will go there by _bike.A/;the Bthe;/ Cthe;the Da;a9I am good C swimming,and swimming is good _ my health.Afor;at Bto;withCat;for Dwith;or10Hi,guys.Where were we yesterday?We learned the differences A fact and opinion.Abetween BamongCduring Dbeyond 11I wonder what the head teac

25、her willCto me after class.11Atalk Btell Csay Dspeak122018青岛AAnna _her brother like listening to soft music.ABoth;and BNeither;norCEither;or DNot only;but also13My grandmother often Bme a story before I go to bed.Atalks BtellsCsays Dspeaks14Theres one taken by the River SeineDthese photos.Can you fi

26、nd it out?Aexcept BincludingCbetween Damong15Father D goes to the gym with me although he dislikes going there.Anever BhardlyCseldom Dsometimes16Ayou tell me the differences between these two photos? No.They look quite similar,nearly the same.ACan BMay CMust DNeed17It takes me half an hour Cmy homework every day.Ado Bdoes Cto do Ddoing182018扬州D does Joanna take the course in DIY?Every Saturday afternoon.AHow long BHow muchCHow soon DHow often19A do you want to join?The basketball club.AWhat club BWhereCHow much DWhich12


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