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1、1Unit 11 How was your school trip?第 4课时分层训练Section B2 2a2c .根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1Dave is watching an _ (令人激动的) soccer game.2Buses are usually _ (缓慢的) on busy roads.3The shop sells very _ (昂贵的) clothes.4His little daughter is _ (一切) to him.5It was _ (黑暗的) when we got there.用所给单词的适当形式填空1_ (robot)can help peo

2、ple do much work now.2Anna is my best friend and she is _ (love)3His brother is _ (interest) in geography.4Tina bought some _ (gift) for her friends.5I _ (hear) Tony reading English this morning.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1我父亲教我怎样制作飞机模型。My father taught me _ _ _ a model plane.2总的说来,这是一个令人兴奋的周末。All _ all, this w

3、as _ _ weekend.3他一点也不喜欢骑马。He doesnt like _ a horse _ _.4这幅油画有点贵,请给我一幅便宜的。This painting is _ _ _Please give me a _ one.5山上空气清新,并且我们看见了许多漂亮的花。The air was so _ and we _ many beautiful _ in the mountains.单项填空( )1.Why cant you buy that bike?Because it is _. I dont have enough money. Acheap BbeautifulCluc

4、ky Dexpensive ( )2.I _ carefully, but I didnt _ anything.Alistened; heared Bheard; listened Clistened; hear Dheard; heard( )3.If you are _ music, you can join the music club. Ainterested in Bafraid of2Cbusy with Dgood for( )4. Youre not happy. Is _ all right?Yes, Im OK. Aanything BnothingCeverything

5、 Dsomething ( )5.2018龙东 We are _ about the _ news that Beijing will hold the Winter Olympics in 2022.Aexcited; exciting Bexciting; excitedCexcited; excite.句型转换1They bought something nice in the shop.(改为否定句)They _ buy _ nice in the shop.2We took lots of photos in the park.(改为否定句)We _ _ lots of photos

6、 in the park.3The children went to school by bus.(改为同义句)The children _ _ _ to school.4Lucy and Lily enjoyed themselves on the school trip.(改为同义句)Lucy and Lily _ _ _ _ on the school trip.5They saw some paintings in the museum.(改为一般疑问句)_ they _ _ paintings in the museum?.完形填空Dear Lily,How is it going?

7、 Im on a school trip.I am now in Dalian.We _1_ here this morning by plane.Our hotel was nice and I lived in the same _2_ with my best friend Bob.After lunch, we walked _3_ the hotel.And we found a great_4_. It sold beautiful things and they were not _5_ at all.I bought a new hat, _6_ I forgot to tak

8、e my old one.Tomorrow we want to go swimming.Bob said it was _7_, but I felt a little afraid.Wish me good _8_ tomorrow.I _9_ too much tonight.The food was so delicious.I was full(饱的) and I must go_10_ a walk.I will write to you tomorrow.Yours,John( )1.A.arrived BknewCleft Dfound( )2.A.village Bcount

9、ryCroom Dtown( )3.A.across Bfront Caround Dalong( )4.A.park Bshop Crestaurant Dbank( )5.A.expensive Bcheap Cheavy Dtidy3( )6.A.if Bbut Cso Dbecause( )7.A.difficult Bexciting Cboring Dterrible( )8.A.luck Bweather Cidea Djob( )9.A.grew Bate Cbought Dsaw( )10.A.with BatCto Dfor.阅读理解Dear Mr. Michael,I h

10、ad a good day today.It was rainy in the morning, so I stayed at home and read a history book. It was very interesting.In the afternoon, the sun came out. I went to the park with my two friends by bike. The air was nice and clean after the rain.There were lots of people in the park.They were watching

11、 flowers.There were many kinds of flowers in the park.They were so beautiful. We took many photos of them. We stayed in the park for two hours. After that we went to a restaurant to have dinner. The restaurant was just across from the park. The beef dumplings there were very delicious. We had many d

12、umplings.I still feel full now. How was your day?Yours,Nick( )1.What did Nick do this morning?AHe did his homework.BHe read a history book.CHe went to the park.DHe cleaned his room.( )2.How was the weather in the afternoon?ARainy. BCloudy.CSunny. DWindy. ( )3.How did they go to the park?ABy bike. BB

13、y bus. CBy car. DOn foot. ( )4.The underlined word “them” refers to(指的是) “_” Athe people Bthe photosCNicks friends Dthe flowers( )5.Nick and his friends had _ for dinner.Anoodles BriceCdumplings Dhamburgers.用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文 on, climb, go, have, but, could, seem, me, wonder, diary Last Saturday our

14、class had a trip. We wanted to do something exciting. So 4we decided 1._ to the mountain near our city.That day, the weather was great, sunny 2._ not hot. We started at eight. 3._ the way we talked and sang. Soon we arrived there. It was really a wonderful mountain. I couldnt wait 4._ to the top. I

15、5._ what the top was like. About an hour later, I stopped 6._ a rest. I looked back. Oh, my friend Alice was about 100 meters behind me. She 7._ to be very tired. I asked her to follow me so that I 8._ help her. At about eleven, we got to the top.There I bought a gift for my sister but nothing for 9

16、._ in the gift shop. At night I wrote a 10._ about the trip.5详解详析课内基础自测.1.exciting 2.slow 3.expensive4everything 5.dark.1.Robots 2.lovely 3.interested4gifts 5.heard.1.how to make 2.in; an exciting3riding; at all4kind of/a little expensive; cheap5clean; saw; flowers课后巩固提升.1.D 根据答语中“I dont have enough money.” 得知“我”不买那辆自行车的原因是自行车贵,故选 D。2C listen 强调动作; hear强调结果。句意:我认真听了,但是什么也没听见,故选 C。3A 4.C 5.A.1.didnt; anything 2.didnt take3took the/a bus 4had a great/good time5Did; see any.15 ACCBA 610 DBABD.15 BCADC.1.to go 2.but 3.On 4.to climb5wondered 6.to have 7.seemed8could 9.myself 10.diary


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