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1、1Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?Section A (1a-2c)教学目标与要求一Topics: Joining a club二Functions : Talk about abilities三Structures : 1. Modal verb can2. Yes/No questions and short answers3. What questions四Vocabulary :dance, swim, sing, draw, write, tell, talk, speak, join, speak English, play chess, play t

2、he guitar, 五Target Language: Can you swim? Yes, I can./No, I cant.What can you do? I can dance./I cant sing.Can he /she /they play chess? Yes, he/she /they can./ No, he /she they cant.She can sing and dance, but she cant play chess.What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club.What cl

3、ub does Lisa want to join? She wants to join the chess club.六Important points:Vocabulary and Target Language.七Difficult points: What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club.What club does Lisa want to join? She wants to join the chess club.教材分析本单元围绕“Ability”这一主题及“Joining a club”这一话题展

4、开听,说,读,写等多种教学活动。在 Section A 中,学生可以通过谈论或询问彼此在某方面的能力以及喜好与意愿,学习新单词及情态动词 can 的用法。1a 呈现的生词全部为动词短语, 以图片的形式呈现单词。图片的顶端呈现单元主题:Talk aboutabilities.图片中有 art club, swimming club, English club, music club, chess club. 同时还有几段对话。对话中直接呈现的生词有 sing, swim, draw, chess, 间接呈现的生词有 dance, speak English, play the guitar. 所

5、以直接完成 1a 有一定的难度。先学习俱乐部的英文生词,练习“I can. I want to join the club.”,理解技能与俱乐部的关系,再引导学生根据俱乐部和人物语言、动作猜猜“What can he/ she do?”然后完成 1a, 以一问一答的形式检查答案“E can sing , she wants to join the music club. G can swim, she joins the swimming club.”。1b 为听力练习,练习了 can 的一般疑问句和肯、否定回答,同时练习了第一人称“I wantto join the club.”1c 是对

6、1b 的巩固练习和拓展练习,自编对话。拓展练习时,教师要分类提示,不同的俱乐部与相对应的能力。同时拓展练习单三主语句型-What club does Lisa want to join?- She wants to join the 同时鼓励学生运用更多的动词与动词短语。2a 出现 5 种俱乐部的名称,包括名词与 v-ing 作修饰词,出现 what 句型-Want club do 2you want to join?-I want to join the chess club.2b 出现了谈论能力与喜好的单三主语句型-Lisa wants to join;He likes to speak;

7、 Mary likes music;第三人称复数主语句型-They want to join;can 的肯否定句型- 2c 练习单三主语句型-What club does Lisa want to join?- She wants to join the 此内容已经在 1c 中练习。所以 2c 的练习可以在 1c 的表格基础上拓展运用 2b 中的句子进行写作练习, “I can /cant I want to join the.”“ Lisa wants to join;He likes to speak; Mary likes music; She canbut she cant play”

8、。同时引导学生观察分析俱乐部前的动词与名词修饰词,为正确书写俱乐部名称作准备。教学设计Step 1 Revision and lead in.T: I like basketball. Do you like basketball? Does he/she like basketball?T:I like music. Do you like music? Does he/she like music?Step 2 Presentation.1. Show the guitar, and ask Whats this? (Its a guitar.) Read the new word, th

9、en ask:Can you play the guitar? Help the students answer: Yes, I can. / No, I cant.2. T; Well learn unit 1 Can you play the guitar? Section A. Read the title.3. Show the pictures and learn the new words, and stand up and say“sing, sing, I can sing.”“ sing, sing, I cant sing.”Learn the other words li

10、ke this.4. Lets chant.(1).Dance, dance, I can dance very well. Sing, sing, He can sing very well.Swim, swim, she can swim very well. Chess,chess, we can play chess very well.Soccer, soccer, can you play soccer?(2). Who is the best? (say and do the actions).Change the verb(动词) or phrases(短语) ,like dr

11、aw, play the guitar, speak English.5. Read the chant again, 聪明的你能发现 can 在肯定句中的运用规律吗?6. Show the clubs, and learn to read the words 。There are some clubs in it. Lets look at the clubs. What are they? They are the art club, the English club, the chess club, the swimming club and the music club. What c

12、lub do you want to join? Please say one by one like this“I can draw. I want to join the art club.”引导学生做动作You can also say“I cant .but I want to join the”Step 3 work on 1a.1. Points to the clubs, ask “What clubs can you see?-I can see”Say something about each clubs activity clearly. For example, This

13、 is a music club. E can sing, so we can write “e” beside sing.2. Check the answers like this:E can sing , she wants to join the music club. G can 3swim, she joins the swimming club.Step 4 Learn a song : Can you sing? 用所学的单词改唱歌曲。 (改换动词或人称)Step 5 work on 1b. 1. Read each conversation with a student. 2

14、. Play the recording , ask the students to listen to the conversations and write a number 1 next to the first conversation they hear, a number 2 next to the second one they hear, and a number 3 next to the third one they hear. 3. Point out the sample answer. The answers are 2, 3, 1.Step 6 Group work

15、.1. Write about what you can or cant do and what club you want to join.Name swim sing dance paint speak English Play chess Play the guitarthe swimming club the dancing clubthe singing club the art clubthe music club the English clubthe chess club the sports clubthe basketball/tennis/golf club2. Exch

16、ange your information with your partner.3. Students work. Example :A: What club do you want to join? B: I want to join theA: Can you draw ? B: Yes, I can. /No, I cant.A: What club does Mary want to join? B: She wants to join the A: Can she ? B: Yes, she can. / No, she cant.Step 7 work on 2a.1. Read

17、the names of the clubs, what can you find?(引导学生观察分析俱乐部前的动词与名词修饰词)2. T: Now, look at the pictures on P2, listen to the conversations and circle the clubs you hear.3. Check the answers. “I hear” Step 8 work on 2b.1. Read the sentences, who does each sentence talk about? (answer: Sentence 1 talks about

18、 Lisa.)2. Before listening, gives help:first, pay attention to the names of the persons, then pay attention to the clubs, their likes and want they can do.3. Listen, and fill in the blanks. For the first time, write the first letter of each word, for the second time write the whole word.4. Check the

19、 answers by reading the sentences.Step 9 Writing practice.4School wants to start some clubs, what can you do? What do you like to do? What club do you want to join?Write about you and your group.I like I canI want to join. I also want to join, but I cant Bob likes and he can He wants to joinMary likesbut she cant She wants to join Step 10 Homework.1. Read the words and sentences from 1a to 2c loudly.2. Finish the wrting.


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