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1、1Unit 6 Im watching TV.单元整体分析重点词句梳理 单词卡片名词: newspaper, soup, movie, house, drink, tea, tomorrow动词: use, wash, drink副词: just, tomorrow短语归纳 动词短语: read a newspaper, make soup, go to the movies, eat out, drink tea句型再现1. Whats he doing? 2. Hes listening to a CD. 3. Do you want to join me for dinner?4. Le

2、ts meet at my house first. 5. Are they using the computer? 6. Bob makes dinner every Saturday.单词卡片名词:pool, shop, supermarket, man, race, host, study, state, American, dragon, child动词:shop, study, miss, wish形容词: American, any, other, young, delicious代词: any, other副词: still短语归纳 名词短语: the United States

3、, Dragon Boat Festival, living room句型再现1. Hes living with an American family in New York. 2. Here is a picture of my family. 3. Theres still no place like home.4. Hes talking on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen.教材内容解读本单元用现在进行时态谈论人们的日常生活和学习等活动。Section A 部分集中呈现了一些家庭日常活动的动词短语,并通过“打电话”的情景导入现在进行时态的语言结

4、构。Section B 部分通过谈论活动发生的地点让学生巩固现在进行时态的一般疑问句及其回答,同时呈现了以重读闭音节结尾的动词的现在分词的构成。阅读篇章通过中国传统节日端午节的介绍,让同学们体会中国的传统文化及中西文化的差异。功能话题应用 What are you doing?Im doing my homework.Section A Section 2Whats she doing?Shes washing her clothes.Is he reading?Yes, he is.What time is it?Its eight oclock in the morning. 语法结构点击

5、 1. 对现在进行时意义的理解;现在进行时态的肯定句、否定句、疑问句及回答。 2. 现在分词的变化规则。背景知识链接采用新教案 P110 话题相关链接。Section A 新课备课素材 素材一 新课导入设计导入一 图片导入: show some pictures about the activities in 1a; show the new words and sentences with the pictures ; then lead to the new lesson. 导入二 Guessing game:1. Let students do some actions,like cle

6、aning, reading a newspaper and so on; then lead to the new lesson.2. Record the voice of doing something before class. Ss guess : Whats he/she doing? 素材二 新课活动案例活动 1 Who is the fast?(比眼力) :Show some pictures and let them disappear quickly, then ask the Ss “Whats he/she doing?” 详见 PPT。活动 3 “ One by on

7、e” Game 分组进行,哪组表达最迅速,最流畅,耗时最少为获胜者。(教师用秒表计时)S1: Im using the computer. What are you doing?S2: Im making soup. What are you doing?S3:Im exercising. What are you doing?.活动 4 Role-play(分角色表演,强化巩固用现在进行时态谈论人们的日常生活和学习等活动为话题的情景对话。)Step 1 Teacher shows some key words and phrases; Ss use them to make their ow

8、n conversations with partners.watching TV washing the dishes join me for dinner Id love to. meetStep 2 学生自己提供有关人物、地点、事件,让其他小组进行现场对话练习。 素材三 听说强化训练采用 P111 听说训练。 素材四 语法突破建议: (一)【观察】This is Jenny. 3【探究】 这是电话用语。当打电话时,介绍自己时用“This is”或“Its”;问对方用“Is that?”或“Whos that?”。-Hello! This is Marry. Who is that? 喂!

9、我是玛丽,你是谁?-Hi! This/It is Mike here. 你好,玛丽。我是迈克。【拓展】打电话常用语归纳:Whos that(speaking)? 你是谁?This is(speaking).我是Speaking. 请讲。May/Could I speak to? 请讲话好吗?Is that(speaking?) 你是吗?Hold on for a moment/minute. 请稍等。(二) 【观察】Id love to. 【探究】1)交际用语,用于礼貌地接受他人邀请,还可以说成 Id like to.e.g.Would you like to go with me? 你愿意跟

10、我们一起去吗?Sure. Id like to. 当然,我愿意。2) 当委婉拒绝他人邀请时,多用 Id love to, but.或 Sorry, Im afraid I cant because.等e.g.Im going to the cinema. Would you like to join me? 我去看电影,你想跟我一同去吗?Sorry, Im afraid I cant because I have lots of homework to do. 真抱歉,恐怕不行,我有好多作业要做呢。(三)【观察】-What are you doing?-Im watching TV.【探究】句

11、中使用了现在进行时。一、用法:1. 表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。e.g. I am doing my homework now. 我现在正在做作业。2. 也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。e.g. He is studying for the English exam these days.二、句子结构:1. 陈述句:主语+ be (am, is, are) not + V. ing +e.g. They are not playing chess. 他们没在下象棋。2. 一般疑问句:Be (Am, Is, Are) + 主语 + V.-ing e.g. Is

12、she playing the piano? 她正在弹钢琴吗?3. 特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+ be (am, is, are) +主语+ V. inge.g. What are they doing? 他们正在做什么事情? 三、常用时间状语:now, right now 或表示现在情景的 look, listen 等。四、与一般现在时态的区别 4一般现在时态表示经常性、习惯性的动作;谓语动词为原形或第三人称单数形式;时间状语常为usually, often, sometimes, on Monday, every day 等。新课教学典案Section A Period1 (1a-1c) S

13、tep1. Warming-up and Lead in Watch a video program. Step2. Presentation1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Present the new words and expressions. 2. Ss watch and learn the new words and expressions.3. Give Ss some time and try to remember the new words and expressions. 4. (Show some pictures on

14、 the screen and ask some students to perform the actions.)e.g. T: What are you doing?S: I am doing homework. (Help him/her to answer)T: What is he /she doing?Ss: He /she is doing homework. Teach: watching TV, cleaning, reading a book, eating dinner, talking on the phone.as the same way. 5. Work on 1

15、a. Ss read the activities and look at the pictures. Then match the activities with pictures. 6. Check the answers with the Ss. Step3. Guessing game.1. T: Now lets play a game. Whats she/he doing? Let students do some actions,like cleaning, reading a newspaper and so on. Let Ss guess whats he/she is

16、doing?2. Ss watch and guess the actions. 3. Ask and answer.Whats he/she doing?Hes/Shes Step4. Listening 1. T: What are Jenny, John, Dave and Mary doing? Now lets listen to the tape, find out the right activities from 1a. 52. Play the recording for the Ss twice. Ss listen to the recording and write t

17、he numbers from 1a.3. Check the answers.Step5. Pair work 1. Ask the Ss to read the conversations in 1c with a partner. Then look at the pictures in 1a. Then make conversations about other person in the picture.2. Ss make conversations by themselves and practice the conversations. 3. Act out.Step6. H

18、omework.Remember the words and expressions in 1a.Section A Period 2 (2a-2d)Step1. Warming-up and Review. 1. Guessing Game: (1). T: Lets play a game. Whats she/he doing? You must watch the big screen carefully. (Show some pictures on the big screen quickly) Let Ss guess whats he/she is doing?(2). Ss

19、watch and guess the actions. (3). Ask and answer about the pictures.Whats he/she doing?Hes/Shes 2. Have a dictation: Check the homework yesterday.Step2. Listening 1. Work on 2a; Jack and Steve are talking on the phone. What are they doing now? Listen and match the answers with the questions. Check t

20、he answers. 2. Work on 2b.Let Ss read the conversation in 2b first. Then play the recording for the Ss twice.The first time Ss listen and write down the words in the blanks. Then play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers. (If necessary, press the Pause button to help.) Step3. Pair wor

21、k 61. Practice the conversation with your partners.2. Let some pairs to act out the conversation in front of the class. Step4. Role-play 1. Ask Ss to read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions below. Are Jenny and Laura talking on the phone?(Yes, they are.) Whats Laura doing now?(Shes wash

22、ing her clothes.) Whats Jenny doing?(Shes watching TV.)Where and when do they meet?(At Jennys home and at half past six.)2. Ss read the conversation and answer the questions above.3. Check the answers with the Ss. 4. Let Ss work in pairs and role-play the conversation. Step5. Language points.(详见 PPT

23、 或新课备课素材语法突破建议)Step6. Homework: 1. Understand the knowledge about the present progressive tense. 2. Make five sentences on what are you doing now.Section A Period 3 (Grammar Focus-3c)Step1. Warming- up and revisionLet some pairs role-play the conversation in 2b or 2d. Step2. Grammar focus.1. Read Gr

24、ammar Focus and understand the meanings of the sentences.2. Reading tasks: 学生们合作学习讨论并总结现在进行时的用法、句子结构、常用时间状语。The teacher explain these points clearly. (见 PPT)3. Give eight or more minutes for the Ss to remember the sentences.Step3. Practice Work on 3a. 1. Now lets write sentences following the exampl

25、es.7指导:3a 考查现在时行时态与一般现在时态的区别用法:首先,应明确一般现在时态的句子结构,和现在进行时态的句子结构。然后,看提示词中的时间状语,确定是用什么时态。然后,写出正确恰当的句子。2. Ss write the sentences with the words and expressions in 3a.3. Check the answers with the Ss. Work on 3b. 1. Number the sentences in order to make a telephone conversation. Then practice it with a pa

26、rtner. 2. Ss read all the sentences and number the conversation.3. Practice the conversation with a partner. Step4. Game 1. Now lets play a game. Work in groups. One student makes an activity. The other students in the groups guess what the activity is. Then take turns make activities and guess.2. S

27、s play the game in a group. 3. Teacher can walk around the classroom and give any help students need.Step5. Exercises If time is enough, do more exercises on the big screen. Step6. Homework Read the sentences in Grammar focus. Section B 新课备课素材 素材一 新课导入方式参考导入一复习导入: 1.创设场景,学生分角色表演,强化巩固现在进行时的句型。 2.Chec

28、k the homework.导入二 图片导入:1. Show some pictures,and lead to the new words ; Then lead to the new lesson. (见 PPT)2. Show some photos of the school trip. And ask: What is Wei Hua doing?导入三 Talking:1. 通过呈现世界各地不同的时间的钟表,引出时差话题,引入新课,调动课堂气氛,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。2.Talk about the Dragon Boat Festival: What do you and y

29、our family usually do on Dragon Boat Festival? 素材二 新课活动设计参考采用新教案 P117 活动设计 素材三 听说强化训练资料8采用 P117 听说训练。 素材四 阅读突破建议突破一任务教学 2a Read the TV report and answer the questions.1. Why are Zhu Huis family watching boat races and making zongzi?Because today is the Dragon Boat Festival.2. Does Zhu Hui like his h

30、ost family?Yes, he does.3. What does he think about his home in China?He misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi.突破二任务教学 2bMatch the verbs in column A with the words in column B. Then use the phrases to write sentences according to the TV report.突破三任务教学 【拓展】Read the article ag

31、ain then fill in the blanks below.Places ShenzhenTime Zhu Huis dad and uncle Zhu Huis mom and aunt Places New York Time the mother the father Zhuhui 素材五 语法突破建议: (一)【观察】so its like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family. 【探究】1) any other + 名词单数形式 意为“(除了某个以外)其他的任何一个”。e.g. Jack is like any oth

32、er boy of his age. 杰克看上去像其他和他同龄的孩子一样。2) any 意为“任何的;任一的”。e.g. You can take any book. 你可以拿走任意一本书。 (二)【观察】 The mother is reading a story to her young children.【探究】read sth. to sb. 意为“读/朗读给某人听”【辨析】read, watch, see and look (详见 PPT)(三) 【观察】 Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious

33、zongzi.【探究】wish v. 意为“希望”常用结构:wish to do sth. 或 wish sb. to do sth. e.g. He wishes me to play sports every day.9Section B Period 1 (1a-1e) Step1. Warming- up and revisionReview the knowledge on the present progressive tense. Step2. Presentation 1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Present some n

34、ew words and expressions. (pool, shop, supermarket, ) 2. Read the new words and expressions after the teacher, and then give Ss some time to read and remember. Step3. WritingWork on 1a1. Look at the pictures below. Where are they? What are they doing? Please look at the pictures and fill in the blan

35、ks. 2. Ss work in groups. Discuss the pictures about the places and the activities they are doing. Then fill in the blanks. 3. Let some Ss read their answers to the class and check the answers. Step4. Pair workWork on 1b.1. Look at the pictures and ask and answer questions. Give Ss a model:A: Is the

36、 man swimming in a river? B: No, he isnt. Hes swimming in a pool. 2. Ss work with their partners. Ask and answer about the pictures.3. Let some pairs ask and answer about the pictures. Step5. ListeningWork on 1c:1. Listen. This time Ss write the places you hear in the chart. 2. Ss listen and write t

37、he places. 3. Play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers. Work on 1d: 1. This time, please listen to the recording and write the activities you hear in the chart.2. Play recording and stop the tape if necessary. 3. Play the whole recording and have students write the words they hear in

38、 the chart. 104. Check the answers. Step6. Pair work 1. Now lets make a conversation using the information in the chart. Ask some Ss to give a model: S1: Is Alice playing basketball?S2: No, she isnt. Shes 2. Ss work with their partners and make their conversations.3. Let some Ss act out their conver

39、sation. Step7. Homework.Remember the new words and phrases.Section B Period 2 (2a-2c) Step1. Warming- up and revision1. Have a dictation.(Check the homework.)2. Present the different time around the world, and lead to the topic of time difference. ( Work on 2a)Setp2. Presentation 1. Show some photos

40、 about Dragon Boat Day and zongzi. Let some Ss tell something they know about the customs of this festival. 2. Present some new words and expressions in the article. Step3. Reading 1. Fast Reading Read the article and answer the two questions. Why are Zhu Huis family watching boat race and making zo

41、ngzi? Does Zhu Hui like his host family? What about his home in China? Ss read the article quickly and find the answers to the two questions. Check the answers with the class. 2. Work on 2c Now lets look at the chart in 2c. You should match the verbs in column A with the words in column B. Then use

42、the phrase to write sentences according to the TV report. Make sure Ss know what to do. 113. Careful ReadingRead the article again. What are these people doing now? Then fill in the chart below.Places ShenzhenTimehis dad and uncle his mom and aunt Places New York Timethe motherthe fatherZhuhuiSs rea

43、d the article and fill in the blanks. Then check the answers with the class. Step4. Language points. (详见 PPT)Step5. Homework 1. Ask Ss retell the article after class. 2. Use the following words to make sentences on your notebooks.1.live with 2. any other 3. talk on the phone 4. miss 5. wish to do st

44、h. Section B Period 3 (3a-Self Check) Step1. Warming- up and revision1. Have a dictation of the new words and expressions. 2. Check the homework and let some Ss retell the article in the 2b. Step2. Presentation1. Show a photo of the classs school trip. T: Look! This is a photo of our school trip . W

45、hat is Wei Hua doing? 2. Ask some Ss ask and answer about the photo. 12S1: Whats Wei Hua doing? S2: Shes reading a book. Step3. Practice 1. T: OK. Yesterday, I asked you to take a photo of your family to school? Have you got it?(Ss take out their photos.) 2. Now work with your partners. Ask and answ

46、er about the pictures. 3. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer about the pictures as S1 and S2 did. 4. Let some pairs ask and answer their photos. Step4. Writing Work on 3a.1. Lets look at Jims family photo and read his letter to Bob. Try to fill in the blanks. 2. Writing Guidance:first,read the letter.

47、 Read each sentence carefully and know who it is talking about;Then,Look at the picture, and find out what he/she is doing.3. Ss complete the letter.4. Exchange your letters and check each other. Read your letters to other Ss.Step5. Self check 1 1.Look at the chart and ask a student to explain it.2.

48、 Add more words in the chart. Then write at least five sentences using the words.3. Ss read their sentences to other Ss.Step6. Self check 2 1. Ss A and B are talking about what they are doing now. Read the conversation and write questions with the help of the words in the bracket. 2. Ss read the conversation and try to make questions with the help of the words in the bracket.3. Check the answers with the class. 4. Have Ss role-play the conversation. Step7. Homework 总结动词现在分词的变化规则,并整理在笔记,做强化记忆。 13

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