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1、1河北安平中学实验部高一年级英语学科寒假作业2019 年 2 月 14 日 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AFor the last couple of weeks, I had been stuck in front of my computer working on a project that was very important to me. My every waking hour was consumed by t

2、he project and although I imagined that I would feel happy after completing parts of the project, I was confused to find that instead, I was feeling rather depressed. I tried a range of methods to help cheer myself up. I had a relaxing bath, cooked a delicious meal to enjoy with my family and even w

3、atched a lighthearted movie, but to_no_avail. It was only when I turned to meditation (沉思) for a solution that the answer came to me: turn to nature!The very next day, I grabbed my camera and a bottle of water and set off to spend a few hours walking in a nature reserve, even though it was pouring w

4、ith rain. Within a couple of minutes I felt alive again. To be honest, I felt like a young school girl again and had to stop myself from hopping along thepath singing Im singing in the rain, a song I used to sing when I was a child. I think as adults we often try too hard to control our inner childr

5、en and as a result we restrain our own spirits, which only leads to depression and stress.Interestingly, it has been shown that people who spend 40 minutes walking in a nature reserve have a drop in their blood pressure levels, but this does not happen when they spend a similar amount of time walkin

6、g in a busy city centre.If you feel a little low in spirits and know that you have spent too much 2time indoors, relax completely, remove your shoes and let your inner child come out and play.21The author felt depressed because she _.Acouldnt consume her waking hoursBhad not seen a film for a long t

7、imeChad not finished her work on timeDhad worked on a hard job for too long22The author walked in a nature reserve in the rain in order to _.Atake photos Bfind a solution to the projectChop along the path Dcheer herself up23The underlined part“to no avail” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_”Aunsuccess

8、ful BunrelatedCuninteresting Dunexpected24In the authors opinion, _.Aa bath can make people relaxedBdepression is usually caused by hard workCwalking in a busy city centre harms peoples healthDits good for adults to wake up their inner children when they are in low spirits25The last paragraph mainly

9、 serves as a(n) _.Aexplanation BsuggestionCintroduction DreminderBWelcome to Pocono WhitewaterTheres something fun here at Pocono Whitewater for every level of adventurer! We have mild to wild whitewater rafting (漂流), family trips, and birdwatching boating . Choose one adventure now . Its up to you!

10、 We have trips available daily. Give us a call today!Dam Release Whitewater Rafting3Experience the best whitewater on the Lehigh River! Surrounded by forests and mountains, you will enjoy 12 miles and 5 hours of Class whitewater rafting and outstanding scenery. This is a fun and thrilling trip that

11、everyone from aged 12 and up can do! While paddling (桨划) in the Swift water, youll shout and laugh.Dam Release Whitewater Rates:Individual (aged 12 within two years she had 5won the BRIT Awards Critics Choice prize and been tipped by the BBC as the “Sound of 2008”. In 2009 she got the best new artis

12、t Grammy Award, and went on a world tour in support of the album 19 with a sold-out show in Los Angeles. According to Adele herself, much of the inspiration of her music comes from one single breakup. Thats probably what has made the singers success-that emotional certitude(确信), according to Dickins

13、. “The key to great singers is believing every single word they sing, ” he said. “And I think you believe every word that comes out of Adeles mouth. You can feel her life force through her voice. ”29. The underlined word“released”can be best replaced by _. A. recorded B. came outC. sold D. written30

14、. In Adeles opinion, where does her inspiration of music mainly come from? A. Emotional certitude. B. One single breakup. C. A three-song demo. D. A world tour. 31. What can we infer from the passage? A. Adele went smooth in her career. B. 21 was the most moving album of the year. C. Her DVD topped

15、the pre-order list of Amazon. com for only a month. D. She went on a world tour in support of the album 21. DIn a moment of personal crisis, how much help can you expect from a New York taxi driver? I began studying this question and found the answers interesting. One morning I got into three differ

16、ent taxis and announced: “Well, its my first day back in New York in seven years. Ive been in prison. ” Not a single driver replied, so I tried again. “Yeah, I shot a man in Reno, ” I 6explained, hoping the driver would ask me why, but nobody asked. The only response came from a Ghanaian driver: “Re

17、no? That is in Nevada? ”Taxi drivers were uniformly sympathetic when I said Id just been fired. “This is America, ” a Haitian driver said. “One door is closed. Another is open. ” He argued against my plan to burn down my bosss house: “If you do something silly and they put you away, you cannot look

18、for another job. ” A Pakistani driver even turned down a chance to profit from my loss of hope: he refused to take me to the middle of the George Washington Bridge, a $20 trip. “Why do you want to go there? Go home and relax. Dont worry. Take a new job. ”One very hot weekday in July, while wearing a

19、 red ski mask and holding a stuffed pillowcase with the word “BANK” on it, I tried hailing a taxi five times outside different banks. The driver picked me up every time. My ride with a Haitian driver was typical of the superb assistance I received. “Is anyone following us? ”“No, ” said the driver, l

20、ooking in his rearview mirror at traffic and me. “Lets go across the park, ” I said. “I just robbed the bank there. I got $25, 000. ”“$25, 000? ” he asked. “Yeah, you think it was wrong to take it? ”“No, man, I work 8 hours and I dont make almost $70. If I can do that, I do it too. ”As we approached

21、 86th and Lexington, I pointed to the Chemical Bank. “Hey, theres another bank, ” I said, “Could you wait here a minute while I go inside? ”“No, I cant wait. Pay me now. ” His reluctance may have had something to do with money taxi drivers think the rate for waiting time is too low but I think he wa

22、nted me to learn that even a bank robber cant expect unconditional support. 32. From the Ghanaian drivers response, we can infer that _. 7A. he showed no concern to the killingB. he was afraid of the authorC. he looked down upon the authorD. he thought the author was crazy33. Why did the Pakistani d

23、river refuse to take the author to the middle of the George Washington Bridge?A. Because he didnt want to help the author get over his career crisis. B. Because he wanted to go home and relax. C. Because it was far away from his home. D. Because he suspected that the author was going to commit suici

24、de(自杀). 34. Which of the following statements is TRUE about New York taxi drivers?A. They are ready to help you do whatever you want to. B. They refuse to pick up those who would kill themselves. C. They are sympathetic with those who are out of work. D. They work only for money. 35. What does the p

25、assage mainly discuss?A. How to make taxi riders comfortable. B. How to deal with taxi riders. C. The attitudes of taxi drivers towards the taxi riders having personal trouble. D. The attitudes of taxi drivers towards troublesome taxi riders. 第 二 节 ( 共 5 小 题 ; 每 小 题 2 分 , 满 分 10 分 ) 根 据 短 文 内 容 , 从

26、短 文 后 的 选 项 中 选 出 能 填 入 空 白 处 的 最 佳 选 项 。 选 项 中 有 两 项 为多 余 选 项 。How to Create a Mind MapMost of us think visually but we write textually. 36 It also makes the information we list more difficult to process, remember, and share.37 It combines the brains visual nature with our tendency to write down wo

27、rds. We end up with a diagram that combines logic and order in a less 8structured manner. This promotes clearer thinking and better comprehension. 38 So, how do you create a mind map? The most basic method is to just use a pen and paper, or a marker and whiteboard. It begins with a central topic or

28、idea, then flows outward. 39 The next level of topics is represented by branches extending from it.There arent really any rules for creating mind maps. While most flow outwardly from the central topic, some users prefer to build mind maps in one direction. 40 This can make groups of ideas easier to

29、identify and remember. It also makes a mind map more enjoyable to create and use.Mind maps are extremely effective for taking notes, planning a project, brainstorming an idea, presenting information to others, and many other uses. Take out your pen and have a try.A. They help to clarify thinking.B.

30、This goes against how our minds actually work.C. They help us save time by focusing on key issues.D. A mind map is the perfect answer to this dilemma.E. Think of it as a tree, where the central point is the trunk.F. Its also a lot more enjoyable than simply writing down lists.G. Others like to add c

31、olors, pictures, or symbols in their mind maps.第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 45 分)第一节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D )中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My mom has been and will always be my biggest inspiration.She is a single parent of eight children, and I have no idea how she 41 .Throughout th

32、e years, my mom has overcome many hardships which could easily 42 someone with little faith.Even 43 doctors questioned if my little sister Jessica would live to see the age of 1, my mom never lost 44 .After countless visits to multiple doctors, my mom 45 to bring her home and make the best of my sis

33、ters life 946 receiving the same results from different hospitals.Jessicas numerous hospital visits definitely 47 her, but my mom never showed signs of 48 .Her strength helped Jessica through every 49 time.No matter how confused Jessica was, my mom always made her feel as if there was absolutely not

34、hing to 50 , which enabled Jessica to live the life of a 51 child.She attended a public school, went to parties to dance around excitedly.We actually 52 that she was even sick.53 , things began to take a turn for the worse.Around her 6th birthday, Jessica lost sight, which 54 the loss of sensation i

35、n her left arm at the age of 5.However, that was it and doctors had no 55 .The whole family were heartbroken and 56 , at a point of no return.Once again, my mom found a way to 57 us all.She made it her job to let us know that she had a strong support system.She decided to 58 her job and attend to he

36、r every need.With my mom sleeping by her side every single night, I noticed their 59 grow stronger than anything.Now Jessica is 20 years old and is enjoying her college life.My mom gets us to realize that no matter how 60 our trials may appear, we have a support system.We are a family that will alwa

37、ys be there for one another.41A.failed BsurvivedCgraduated Ddeveloped42A.guide BpushCrefresh Ddiscourage43A.until BwhenCunless Dsince44A.hope BcontrolCinterest Dpatience45A.refused BthreatenedCdecided Dhesitated46A.far from Bregardless ofCapart from Dinstead of47A.upset BdestroyedCsatisfied Drelieve

38、d48A.wisdom Bcuriosity10Cweakness Dsympathy49A.ripe BtoughClonely Dprecious50A.worry about Brely onClearn from Dshow off51A.difficult BsuperCgifted Dregular52A.forgot BdeclaredCdiscovered Dsensed53A.Hopefully BSuddenlyCGratefully DSeriously54A.reduced BcausedCfollowed Dremoved55A.answer BdoubtCreaso

39、n Dmercy56A.guilty BannoyedCconfused Dinnocent57A.blame BscreenCrespect Dfavor58A.offer BfinishCcontinue Dquit59A.faith BwillCbond Dconflict60A.complete BTemporaryCunfair Dunbearable第二节(共 10 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 (2018石家庄质量检测)When it comes to eating habits, China

40、 is a country we must mention.Unlike in the West, 61 everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes 62 (place) on the table and everybody shares.If youre being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food.During eating, the host serves food with public chopsticks to guests 63

41、(show) his or her politeness.The appropriate thing to do is to eat the food and say how delicious it is.If you dont like it, you can just say a polite 11“thank you”, with the food 64 (leave) there.But dont stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl.If so, its very impolite 65 the host and senior

42、s who are present at the table.At dinner, if half of the fish is eaten up, a guest shouldnt turn the fish over by saying “fan”, which is 66 Chinese word for “turn over”, which is considered bad luck for 67 (fisherman) and their boats.The 68 (separate) of the fish bone from the lower half of the fles

43、h is usually done by the host or hostess.This is especially true in southern China.These tips above will be 69 (extreme) useful when you visit China, an 70 (east) country with a long history. 第三节 单句语法填空71. Many difficulties _ (出现) in the course of their experiment,which was beyond our expectations.

44、72. There is another kind of beauty that has nothing to do with _ (外貌),but comes from the heart. 73. It was just her childhood experiences that affected her _ (性格) and later life. 74. Please _ (打字) this letter for me. 75. Let us _ (探索)the possibilities for improvement. 76. They achieved their _ (目标)

45、 of increasing sales by five percent. 77. It is such a hard problem that it is impossible for me to _ (解决). 78. She _ (简化)the instructions so that the children could understand them. 79. The ability to give good advice at the right time involves a great deal of _(智力). 80. Her speech was a _ (信号) tha

46、t her views had changed. 第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下短文。短文中共有 10 处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单间的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号() ,并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。12修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。I am the shared bike. Id

47、 like to be on the street to serve for people. They can ride me just via a mobile app. But horrible things happen a few days ago. Several people stole some of us with paying their bills on the app but treated us badly. They broke my saddle and even threw my friends everywhere. We felt angry for whic

48、h those bad guys had done. Thanks to some kindly people, we received careful “treatment”. Now, you help as well as the whole societys attention is what we need most. We are designed to help people who are stuck the heavy traffic. We are neither toy nor private vehicles. Please obey the basic rules.第二节:书面表达(满分 25 分)假定你是李华,你的英国朋友 Peter 来信向你倾诉他近来对网络社交媒体上瘾。这已严重影响了他的生活和学习。请你给他回一封电子邮件,内容包括:1表示安慰2提出建议(关掉手机;发展新爱好;多和家人朋友待在一起)。注意:(1)词数 100 左右;(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。要求:以习字的标准把范文抄写一遍。【参考范文】Dear Peter,13Im sorry to hear that you are addicted to social media and spend too much ti

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