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1、1Unit 1 Asia第一课时 Comic strip 梯级chopsticks n.复筷子重点短语take a rest 休息had better (not) do sth 最好(不)做某事keep doing sth 继续做某事go on 继续wake sb up 叫醒某人on ones way back 在某人回来的路上plan to do sth 计划做某事travel around the world 周游世界重点句型1.The Great Wall is amazing,isnt it?长城真壮观啊,不是吗?2.Its tiring to climb the steps,and

2、my feet hurt.爬台阶真累人,我的脚都磨疼了。3.Wed better keep moving.我们最好继续往前走。4.Since youre in Beijing now,why dont you start from here?既然你现在在北京,为什么不从这里开始呢?教学重点1.让学生掌握基本的四会单词、短语及句型。2.让学生了解有中国特色的事物。3.让学生了解中国的一些风景名胜。教学难点1.谈论中国及亚洲的其他国家。2.谈论旅行计划,并给出建议。教学过程预习指导一、方法指导1.预习 Page 6 的图片,提前了解小故事的内容。2.预习本课时的重点单词、短语及句型,并自主背默。二

3、、预习检测.汉译英1.休息 take a rest 2.最好(不要)做某事 had better (not) do sth 3.继续做某事 keep doing sth 4.继续 go on 5.叫醒某人 wake up sb/wake sb up 6.在某人回来的路上 on ones way back 7.周游世界 travel around the world .阅读 Page 6 中的对话,回答下列问题21.Does Eddie think the Great Wall is amazing?No,he doesnt. 2.Why does Eddie think the Great W

4、all is not amazing?Because its tiring to climb the steps. 3.What happened to Eddies feet?His feet hurt. 4.What did Hobo advise Eddie to do?Hobo advised Eddie to keep moving. 5.What was Eddies decision?To wake him up on Hobos way back. 课堂教学Step 1 情景导入1.Show the students a map of the world and invite

5、several students to point out the positions of each continent and ocean according to their knowledge of geography.2.Ask students which famous places of interest they have been to.Step 2 完成教材 Comic strip 的任务1.认真听录音,回答问题。Where are Eddie and Hobo?On the Great Wall. 2.观察 Page 6 的图片,回答下列问题。(1)What does H

6、obo think of the Great Wall?He thinks it is amazing. (2)Does Eddie like visiting the Great Wall?No,he doesnt. (3)Do you think Eddie will continue to the end?No,I dont think so. 3.再次听录音,注意语音和语调,跟读并熟读漫画中对话的内容。两人一组进行角色扮演。4.请几组学生上台表演对话。限时训练根据对话内容,完成下面的空格3One day,Hobo and Eddie were on the Great wall.Hob

7、o thought it was amazing to climb the Great Wall,but Eddie felt very tired .Hobo encouraged Eddie to continue to the end ,but Eddie decided to take/have a rest. Step 3 完成教材 Welcome to the unit 的任务1.展示 Part A 中有中国特色的事物的图片。2.鼓励学生讨论这些图片。3.鼓励学生用语言描述更多有中国特色的事物。4.让学生讨论一些著名的中国事物。5.完成 Part A 的填空,并核对答案。6.认真听

8、 Part B 的录音,回答下列问题。(1)Where will Kevin visit first?Beijing. (2)What places does Millie advise Kevin to go to?Tiananmen Square,the Palace Museum and the Great Wall. (3)What things can Kevin see in Beijing?Beijng opera. 7.再次听录音并跟读 Part B 的对话,两人一组练习对话。8.老师引导学生用新学的句式进行角色训练。请几组学生上台进行展示。限时训练.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词

9、1.How much do you know about Asia (亚洲)? 2.Many foreigners can use chopsticks (筷子) freely. 3. Though/Although (尽管) he is young,he has won many awards. 4.We can enjoy Beijing opera (戏剧) in Beijing. 5.Have you ever seen Chinese paper-cutting (剪纸)?Its very beautiful. .根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.两个小时的工作之后,我们最好休息一下

10、。After two hours work,wed better take/have a rest . 2.当他醒来时,他发现他的狗死了。When he woke up ,he found his dog dead . 3.你看过舞龙吗?Have you ever seen dragon dancing ? 4.还有很长一段路要走。Theres still a long way to go . 5.为何不从这里先开始呢?Why dont you start from here ? 板书设计1.反义疑问句是由陈述句和附在其后的附加疑问句组成。例如:4The Great Wall is amazi

11、ng,isnt it?长城真壮观啊,不是吗?(1)反义疑问句前后两部分应是:肯定陈述+否定疑问或否定陈述+肯定疑问。(2)简略问句如果是否定式:not 应与 be,do,will 等系动词、助动词、情态动词缩写。(3)简略问句的主语不用名词,应用人称代词。(4)陈述部分含“too.to.”时,是否定句。(5)含有 seldom,hardly,little,few 等的句子是否定句。2.had better (not) do sth 意为“最好(不)做某事”。例如:Id better finish my homework before mum gets home.我最好在妈妈到家前完成家庭作业。

12、3.keep doing sth 意为“坚持做某事,一直做某事”。例如:He kept talking until the meeting was over.他一直说到会议结束。4.since 即可作介词,又可作连词。作连词时,可以引导时间状语从句和原因状语从句。本课时中since 意为“既然;因为”,引导原因状语从句。教学反思本课时的教学,以学生积极参与为主、老师引导为辅。同时在讲解对话部分,除了让学生读对话,理解对话,还让学生重点掌握对话中的短语结构。讨论环节鼓励学生发散思维,积极开动脑筋,敢于开口表达自己的想法。课堂教学中,还采用了分组讨论、播放多媒体幻灯片等方式,让学生真正参与到课堂学习中,让学生自己介绍中国特色文化,既拓宽了学生的知识面,又活跃了课堂气氛,有利于调动学生的学习积极性和主动性。通过该课时的教学,不但拓展了学生的思维,丰富了其原有的知识,而且培养了学生的口语表达能力以及与人合作交流的能力。


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