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1、1Unit 1 Asia第六课时 Task目标导航类别 课时要点重点单词population n.人口technology n.技术fair n.集市;庙会;展览会Indian adj.印度(人)的重点短语South Asia 南亚the capital city 首都城市communicate with sb与某人交流be famous for 以而出名重点句型1.I think India is a great country to visit.我认为印度是一个值得去参观的国家。2.People in India mainly speak Hindi,but their second la

2、nguage is English.在印度,人们主要讲印地语,但他们的第二语言是英语。教学重点1.让学生掌握基本的四会单词、短语及句型。2.让学生借助笔记完成一篇旅行指南。教学难点1.让学生选择一个亚洲国家,搜集相关资料并做笔记。2.让学生独立写一篇关于亚洲某个国家的旅游指南。教学过程预习指导一、方法指导1.搜集关于旅游指南方面的常用词汇和句子。2.预习 Page 18的笔记,理解笔记的大意。3.试填写 Page 18中 Part B的短文。二、预习检测汉译英1.在南亚 in South Asia 2.首都城市 the capital city 3.与某人交流 communicate with

3、 sb 4.以而出名 be famous for 5.第二大人口 the second largest population 6.庞大的钢铁业 a large iron and steel industry 7.印度妇女的传统服装 traditional clothes for Indian women 8.值得参观一下 be worth a visit/visiting 9.主要农作物 main crops 10.一年中的每一天 every day of the year 课堂教学Step 1 情景导入2小组合作,谈论世界各地的名胜。参考示例A:Which Asian country wou

4、ld you like to visit?B:Id like to visit.A:Where is.?B:Its in.Step 2 完成教材 Part A和 Part B的任务1.解释 Part A的语境。2.看 Millie的笔记,拼读生词或短语。3.根据 Part A的笔记,完成 Part B的短文。4.小组合作,检查答案。全班核对答案。限时训练根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.印度拥有世界上第二大人口。India has the second largest population in the world. 2.对于我们来说,用英语和当地人交流是容易的。Its easy for us

5、 to communicate with the local people . 3.你曾经在印度电影中看到过莎丽吗?Have you ever seen saris in Indian films? 4.印度有一些著名的令人向往的地方。例如,泰姬陵,很值得一游。There are some famous attractions in India.For example,the Tai Mahal is worth visiting . 5.长城是世界奇迹之一。The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world . Step 3 完成教材 Part

6、 C的任务1.学习 Page 19中 Part C后面的一些有用的表达。2.结合 Part A的笔记、Part B 的短文以及 Part C的常见表达,模仿 Part B写一篇文章介绍自己最喜爱的亚洲国家。3.老师请几位学生上台展示自己的文章,并评选出最优秀的作文。限时训练书面表达根据下面的表格提示,以“My favourite Asian countryThailand”为题写一篇文章。词数80100。Country:ThailandLocation:in South Asia,next to Malaysia,Laos,CambodiaCapital city:BangkokLanguag

7、es:Thai and EnglishPopulation:about 68,000,000Crops:riceMain industries:farming and tourism3Customs:The kingdom of BuddhismAttractions:Grand Palace in Bangkok,Pattaya,Phuket Island【参考范文】My favourite Asian countryThailand My favourite country is Thailand.It lies in South Asia next to Malaysia,Laos an

8、d Cambodia.Its capital city is Bangkok. People in Thailand mainly speak Thai,but their second language is English,so it is not too difficult to communicate with the local people.There are about 68,000,000 people there.Rice is their main crop.Thailand has farming and tourism industries.Thailand is th

9、e kingdom of Buddhism.There are some famous attractions in Thailand,such as Grand Palace in Bangkok,Pattaya and Phuket Island. 板书设计1.population意为“人口”,其用法如下:(1)population在句中作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。(2)当 population与分数或百分数连用,在句中作主语时,谓语动词多用复数形式。(3)表示某国、某城市有多少人口时,可用“某国/某城市+has a population of+人口数”或者“The population

10、 of+某国/某城市+is+人口数”。(4)应用 large和 small来表示人口的“多”和“少”。(5)对人口的数量进行提问时应使用 what/how large。2.(1)Indian作形容词,意为“印度的”;作名词,意为“印度人”。例如:I want to know something about Indian culture.我想了解一些印度文化。There are two Indians in the room.房间里有两位印度人。(2)India名词,意为“印度”。This singer comes from India.这位歌手来自印度。教学反思本课时是写作课,旨在引导学生学习如何写一篇有关一个亚洲国家的介绍,并让学生了解一些相关的有用的表达。本节课的学习让学生学会在总结中进一步巩固所学知识,充分调动了学生的积极性。有所欠缺的是,学生在课堂上写作训练时间太少,所以学生课后要多加练习。4


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